

(a) Patent No.: P-341
(b) Date of Patent: 2 February, 2017
(c) Manufacturer: RPCA Industrial
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted in accordance with the Treaty of Ottawa and United Nations Res. 1980/0120 by ███ days.
(d) Appl No.: 9/394,495
(e) Filed: February 11th, 2017
This AAF document is issued by the authority of the Chief of Aerial Operations and under the direction of the Authority Air Systems Command in conjunction with the Air Training and Operating (ATO) program. Excerpts of the "AASC FLIGHT MANUAL AV-1D-15 OLUJA VTOL AIRCRAFT" among others are provided for context and illustratory purposes.
The Authority's line of VTOL-capable vehicles has been a staple of the operations of the Protection Division. While several versions exist, the AV-1D-15 "Oluja" (Oluja CGR.4) is the latest development of the Biomechanical Module with assistance from Nucorp Industries and is already utilized en masse by a wide variety of Authority assets.
14.22 Adaptability/Flexibility
Flexibility is the capacity of a pilot to alter their course of action based on information acquired as they adapt to changes to the aircraft and to the environment around them. The success of an operation depends upon the pilot's ability to alter their thought process as the circumstance demands it.
Early VTOL development began as early as February 1962, with the West German Air Force's collaboration with the Dornier Flugzeugwerke Company’s joint development of a support transport vehicle in conjunction with parallel VTOL aircraft. Having successfully tested several prototypes such as the Dornier DO-31-E Series by 1967, the program caught the attention of the Federal Occult Agency who would have involved itself sometime during this period.
As the German military withdrew from the program in 1970 due to the mounting cost, the FOA sought alternative partners for the continued development into VTOL, leading to a collaborative engineering project with NuCorp Industries.
This would culminate in the creation of the V-1A "Buzzard"1 (Oluja C.1)2 by 1975. Achieving amiable performances, the Buzzard garnered attention following its decisive role in the reinforcement of Authority facilities against rebel elements as part of the “1979 Rebellion” and the subsequent Great Breach that led to the demise of Central America Command.
Despite its success, the V-1A isn’t without its weaknesses, notably the engine deficiency and heat distribution (solved in later designs) and the cost per unit. The administration's attitude towards the aircraft changed favorably in the late 1980s with the development of the V-22 Osprey, developed by Boeing. The tilt-rotor design was relatively cheaper and more effective in comparison to the current VTOL Jet propulsion design, and the Authority would soon begin contracts with Nucorp and Boeing for the creation of an aircraft that would later become the Bell-Boeing V-30 Osprey, a staple aircraft among the Protectorate.
While the V-30 was adequate, a more advanced aircraft was developed in order for the Authority to remain competitive with certain American designs. The RV-1B "Tempest" (Oluja CR.2) was created, mainly improving the avionics system and expanding several of its fuel tanks resulting in a longer service range. This allowed the aircraft to perform reconnaissance duties, proving itself a worthy replacement for the increasingly outdated V-30.
The RV-1C "Monsoon" (Oluja CR.3) was largely unremarkable in comparison. While they are very sophisticated and advanced for their time, they remain costly, obviously non-civilian, and outrageously loud, a hallmark of many other Authority vehicles designed in the early 2000s. Their limited numbers meant they could only be stored in 3 sites worldwide, leading to situations where the crafts designed for rapid response could only be deployed from locations that would rarely be nearby.
Even when the chance of a violent anomaly or otherwise hostile activity that would warrant the usage of these aircraft appeared in proximity to bases, the process to authorize its usage is so extensive that a V-22 could be deployed to the location before the Tempest even left the hangar. As both were quite obviously not civilian in any capacity, they were generally limited solely to military operations, and only in covert or remote missions since witnesses could identify that the aircraft was unlike anything in use by contemporary militaries.
Not only that, the average Authority engineer was not informed on how to repair the vehicle beyond a superficial level, given that the designs were heavily classified and advanced beyond the reckoning of a non-specialist. Because of this, RV-1Cs are largely limited to elite MST units who are preemptively authorized to employ more esoteric equipment in their operations.
29.01 Operation Assessment/Criticism
Proper mission assessment after an operation, successful or not, is critical to improving future mission success and to further enhance the pilot's skill with the aircraft. Proper debriefs involve all members of a flight, and any other agencies, such as Engineering specialists, whose information could address problematic areas and help the crew exploit their strengths.
During his service at Site-007, GD-ARCH "Forge" drafted designs for onsite VTOLs, refining the shortcomings of previous versions. Following the recent Global Directorate election, GD-ARCH proposed the broader implementation of his configuration of VTOLs within the Authority’s airforce as a part of the cost-cutting measure, officialized as the AV-1D "Oluja."
The AV-1D was made to be flexible. Sections of the machine could be exchanged, removed, or built onto in order to better suit whichever environment it was stationed within. The aircraft was also given provisions to carry offensive ordinances, which allowed it to fulfill attack roles. This flexibility makes the AV-1D a staple aircraft at any site capable of hosting them, and given their compact design, many can.
Any pilot familiar with previous marks would be likewise familiar with the AV-1Ds controls. While more advanced editions exist, such as those that employ cybernetic interfaces, typical cockpits are strikingly reminiscent of the V-1A or the V-30's design.
The Oluja aircraft is designed for air support/defense and transport operations. It is equipped to carry and deliver an assortment of conventional stores (ammunition, infantry, medical personnel, etc.); infrared (IR), laser-guided, and beam-riding missiles; and a precision targeting pod from six wing stations and a centerline station. Standard operating weaponry includes an M240 machine gun along the rear loading bay with a 30 mm M230 nose gun. Gun systems may be attached to the lower fuselage among other positions at the discretion of the crew. Refer to AASC ATO-19/19 for additional information concerning armament deployment.
The AV-1D "Oluja" is a transonic, twin-engine, tilt-engine, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) light transport and ground attack aircraft. AV-1Ds are first and foremost quick-response vehicles. With trained pilots and operators, the "Oluja" can be airborne within 5 minutes of a scramble order, with a record time of 3 minutes and 12 seconds by pilot ████ "River Hawk" ████████ of Site-305.
The AV-1D can be built from the components and frames of V-1A to RV-1C aircraft. Previous versions could be, with sufficient machinery and skilled personnel, brought to the contemporary design, a feature that present budget cuts called for.
The approximate measurements, features, and capabilities of the aircraft are as follows:
General Characteristics (Oluja CGR.4)
- Crew: 2
- Capacity:
- 8 (seated), or 12 (floor loaded)
- 500 kg of internal cargo
- Length: 16.4 m
- Width: 17.42 m
- Wingspan: 15.2 m
- Height:
- 3.86 m over tail fins
- 5.24 m with nacelles vertical
- Wing Area: 15.7 m2
- Empty Weight: 5,141 kg
- Gross Weight: 6,573 kg
- Max Takeoff Weight: 8,573 kg
- Fuel Capacity: 1,800 L (1,432 kg) internal
- 2x 450 L (358 kg) drop tanks for combat
- 2x 1,500 L (1,183 kg) drop tanks for ferry
- Powerplant: 2× Nucorp V5-22A high-bypass turbofan engines, 41 kN thrust each, 45 kN with water injection
- Maximum Speed: Mach 0.9 (983 km/h) at 11,000 m
- Maximum Cruise Speed: Mach 0.63 (716 km/h) at 7,000 m
- Never Exceed Speed: 1,000 km/h IAS
- Range: 721 km
- Ferry Range: 2,452 km
- Service Ceiling: 15,910 m
- Rate of Climb: 210 m/s
- Wing Loading: 86 kg/m2
- Thrust/Weight: 1.03 at maximum take-off weight with water injection
- Guns: 1× 30 mm M230 Chain Gun in a nose-mounted flexible turret
- Hardpoints: 7 total: 2x under-wing AAM launch rails, 4x under-wing, 1x under-fuselage pylon stations with provisions to carry combinations of:
- Rockets:
- 24x LAU-61 rocket pods (each with 19x Hydra 70mm rockets), or
- 24x LAU-10 rocket pods (each with 4x Zuni 127mm rockets)
- Missiles:
- Air-to-air missiles
- 4x AIM-92 ATAS Block II Stinger
- 2x AIM-9X Sidewinder
- 2x IRIS-T
- Air-to-surface missiles
- 16x AGM-114K Hellfire II
- 12x Brimstone
- 4x AGM-65E Maverick
- Air-to-air missiles
- Bombs:
- 4x Mk 82 (dumb-fire and retarded variants)
- 4x GBU-54/B laser JDAM
- 8x GBU-39 Small-Diameter Bombs
- 4x GBU-22 Paveway III
- 4x Mk 20 Rockeye II
- 4x Mk 77 Mod 5
- Others:
- SUU-42A/A Flares/Infrared decoys and chaff dispenser pod
- AN/ALQ-184 ECM pods
- AN/ALE-50 towed decoy system pod
- AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening targeting pod
- 2x pintle mounts for
- 7.62mm M240B machine guns, or
- 12.7mm GAU-21 heavy machine guns, or
- 12.7mm GAU-19 rotary heavy machine guns
- Rockets:
- AN/APQ-168 Multifunction radar
- AN/AAR-47 Missile Approach Warning System
- AN/ALR-56M Radar Warning Receiver
- AN/ALQ-213 Electronic Warfare Suite
CAS 13-4 is a full authority digital engine control system based on a Machine Intelligence, providing engine control throughout the engine operating range in response to throttle position, altitude, airspeed, angle of attack (AoA), inlet air temperature, anomalous interference, and aircraft configuration. The CAS 13-4 automatically compensates for changes in fuel density, bleed air usage, and engine condition while maintaining engine performance. While the CAS is capable of full control over the aircraft, optimal conditions integrate control between the pilot and the network.
To take full advantage of developments in the field of aeronautics and bioengineering, the Human-Machine Aircraft Control System (HMACS) has been designed as a cybernetics-based control board that utilizes advanced integration technology to allow for the augmented operator to fully assimilate with the aircraft for more precise piloting.
HMACS technology remains in a prototype stage and currently is only equipped in specialized AV-1D aircraft stationed at Site-305 in Kucinoka, Florida. As of 2020, only 3 fully-integrated HMACS exist, with 2 still in development.
Human Element - Sulima IAS
Biomechanical engineers have designed and implanted the "Sulima" integrated augment set (IAS) to several of the Authority's most talented pilots. Currently Sulima sets can only be custom made and inserted through a complex series of human-machine interface ports and virtual reality implants, with which the user can be fully immersed in controlling and piloting their aircraft.
Machine Element - CAS 13-4
The "Cognitive Air System" is a complex algorithm-based networked intelligence centralized in the hardware of the AV-1D. Through machine learning simulations of ███,███ projected flights, the CAS 13-4 Machine Intelligence engages live communication with the pilot to perform intricate aeronautic maneuvers and employ specific tactics calculated in advance through unparalleled predictive capabilities.
The Sulima augmentee, CAS Intelligence, and Oluja all must be custom-made and assigned. The Machine Intelligence directs and adjusts functions not only within the aircraft, but within the augmentee's systems as well, allowing for the pilot to focus solely on their duties as an operator.
14.22 Adaptability/Flexibility (Cont)
While the Sulima can enhance their reaction time and the CAS Intelligence can improve their ability to understand them, it remains with the pilot to take responsibility for the decisions each mission demands with the proficiency their equipment and training may provide. The pilot must always remind themselves that no amount of augmentation can enhance nor replace willpower.
I hereby claim benefit under Treaty of Ottawa and United Nations Res. 1980/0120, patent application Ser. No. PATENT NUMBER filed DATE, The PATENT NUMBER application is currently pending. The PATENT NUMBER application is hereby incorporated by reference into this application.