Site-099 is one of the Authority's oldest extra-planetary sites, established by lead astronomer Richard Khan in 1958. Site-099 is mainly used to house RPCs that need to be contained in a vacuum, or possible anomalies with their origins on the moon.
Declassification Date: 01/07/2010
Security Clearance Required: Level 1

Overview (Note: information and format are outdated)

Supplies en route to Site-099
Established: 7th, May, 1958.
Front Cover: NA
Location: Area 099, Copernicus Crater, Luna
Codename: "Moonbase Alpha"
Hex-code: [63]
Site Occupation: Containment, Research, Photography of spatial anomalies
Division Jurisdiction: Research
Total Area: 200 meters
Background Information: Site-099 is one of the Authority's oldest extra-planetary sites, established by lead astronomer Richard Khan in 1958. Site-099 is mainly used to house RPCs that need to be contained in a vacuum, or possible anomalies with their origins on the moon. Though Site-099 lacks the size needed to house a large number of RPCs, it is mainly used for research and observation purposes for cosmic-based anomalous phenomena or reference images. Personnel and supplies are to be transported to Site-099 via the Hades-class interplanetary rocket. This is a modified version of NASA's Saturn V rocket, equipped with more seating capacity and cargo space.
Site-099 is to be maintained via three on-site controlled drones, as well as manual spacewalks if necessary. Site-099 is powered by five solar panel arrays stationed on top of the site, along with backup generators. Due to its nature, defense of Site-099 is relatively impossible, although a single missile has been placed on-site in case of containment breach.
As of 1976, the United Nations Anomalous Activities Committee shall be granted a single research office on the premises of Site-099, in order to keep relations between them and the Authority in a more positive light. They are not to be allowed access to any anomalies contained at the site, with the possible exception of RPC-196.
Offices & Wings Section
- Administrative and Office Level - Features main office for Dr. Khan, as well as four secondary offices for on-site research staff.
- Medical Level - Relatively low, with only 3 on-site medical kits.
- Research and Laboratories Level - Features 4 research offices, and a telescope.
- Security Level - Used to store several cosmic-based RPC objects.
- CSD Personnel Level - N/A.
- Containment Level - The four offices are split into two sections, each section containing two offices. There is the Alpha section for more higher priority research, and Beta for lower priority.
Site Administration
Administrative Officials:
- Site Director: Dr. Khan
- Assistant Site Director: N/A
- Dir. of Anomaly Containment: Dr. Tyson
- Dir. of Site Security: N/A
- Dir. of Research & Development: Dr. Dent
- Dir. of Personnel & Management: Dr. Leemoy
On-Site Personnel:
- Department Heads: 2
- Administrative Assistants: 0
- Medical Personnel: 2
- Research Personnel: 4
- Security Personnel: 0
- Maintenance Personnel: 4
- CSD Personnel: 0
Total: 12
Anomalies Contained
RPC-866 (Temporarily)