
Site-062 was established as an RPC containment and research facility. Due to its location and size, it has become the primary facility of the African continent. Site-062 has been fitted with runways to allow rapid transport of resources and personnel.




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Containment & Research Facility



A view of Site-062s surrounding desert through a patrol drone.

Established: July 25th, 2003

Front Cover: Military Installation

Location: Sahara Desert, Chad

Codename: "Lonely Isle"

Hex-code: [3E]

Site Occupation: Administrative, Containment, Research, Training.

Division Jurisdiction: Containment

Total Area: 781.41 km²
Facility: 486.19 km²
Surrounding land: 295.22 km²

Background Information: Site-062 was established as an RPC containment and research facility. Due to its location and size, it has become the primary facility of the African continent.

Site-062 has been fitted with runways to allow rapid transport of resources and personnel. Due to its location, Site-062 uses air as the main method for transport. The perimeter of the site is lined with electric fencing to deter any trespassers from entering. There are to be daily drone patrols around the perimeter of the site, any civilians found in the area are to be vacated and told they are trespassing on government property. The surrounding area of Site-062 is flat and clear of obstructions to allow easy capture of any escaped anomalies during a containment breach.

A large security force of 876 personnel has been stationed at Site-062 due to it's nature as the primary facility of the African continent1.

Site-062 includes large storage facilities and water reservoirs due to the shortage of supplies in the surrounding desert.


  • CSD Containment Facility - A fortified and structure used to contain CSD personnel with a capacity of holding 250 personnel. All cells are designed to maximize usage of space. The facility must be manned by ██ security personnel at all times.
  • On-site Personnel Facility - A large facility used to house personnel. Includes a recreational area and two dining areas.
  • Security Barracks Facility - A series of military barracks capable of holding 900 security personnel. All on-site armaments are stored in this facility.
  • Storage Facility - An area focused entirely on the storage of resources. Includes a large water reservoir. The facility is capable of holding enough resources to maintain the site for two years.
  • Research Level - The research level resides below the surface of Site-062. The level is equipped for experimentation of any risk level.
  • Containment Level - A subterranean facility capable of holding gamma class anomalies. The maximum size of contained anomalies must not exceed 10 meters due to transport restrictions. The Site is currently capable of containing ██ anomalies.

Site Administration

Administrative Officials:

  • Site Director: Dr. Andrew Menas
  • Assistant Site Director: Dr. Omatola Yafet
  • Dir. of Site Security: Col. Joseph Finnlayson
  • Dir. of Human Resources: Eyoel Asrat
  • Dir. of Anomalous Containment: Dr. Matthew Wright
  • Dir. of Anomalous Research: Dr. Dhruv Rajput

On-site Personnel:

  • Administrative Heads: 6
  • Administrative Assistants: 24
  • Total Security personnel: 876
  • Total Research Personnel: 613
  • Total Maintenance Personnel: 125
  • Total CSD Personnel: 341
  • Total On-site MST: 208

Total On-site Personnel: 2193

Garrisoned Mobile Security Teams

Anomalies Contained


Incident Logs

Date: 04/10/2018
Transgressor: RPC-291
Outcome: RPC-291 was able to destroy the current standard humanoid cell it was in and create a crystal bridge, it was re-contained by physical contact of Dr. Yufitri.

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