
Site-002 is the largest subterranean site in operation used to contain numerous Alpha, Beta and Gamma objects. The surface of Site-002 features a 3.6km long runway mostly utilized for transport of personnel housed in the nearby city of Las Vegas through the privately owned JANET airline, based in the Gold Coast Terminal of the McCarran International Airport.




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Primary Containment & Command Facility


Established: 27th May, 1914.

Front Cover: Homey Airport (KXTA)

Location: Area 10, Groom Lake, 160 kilometers north of Las Vegas, Nevada. (37°14′0″N 115°48′30″W)

Codename: "Groom Lake Cabin"

Hex-code: [02]

Site Occupation: Primary Containment, Research, Medical, CSD Personnel Holding and Experimental Weaponry Testing Range Facility.

Division Jurisdiction: Research, Protection and Containment

Total Area:

  • 1,000,000 m2 (Site)
  • 27,000,000 m2 (Surface Base and Airstrip)
  • 800,000,000 m2 (Airspace & Test Range)

Background Information: Site-002 is the largest subterranean site in operation used to contain numerous Alpha, Beta, and Gamma objects. The surface of Site-002 features a 3.6km long runway mostly utilized for the transport of personnel housed in the nearby city of Las Vegas through the privately owned JANET airline, based in the Gold Coast Terminal of the McCarran International Airport.


An Authority-owned Boeing 737-66N (Tail number N859WP), used to transport personnel living in Las Vegas.

Personnel assigned to Site-002 are housed in the Authority-owned apartment complex located just north of the McCarran International Airport (designated as Harmon Crossings Apartments), with the exception of ASF forces and MST personnel undergoing training, which will be stationed in the barracks within Site-002. High-ranking officials may be housed in the Oasis Apartments complex, directly west of the Gold Coast Terminal.

Due to rampant sentiments of anti-occultism within the United States Congress, in the 1920s, President Woodrow Wilson ordered the expansion of federal property into Authority installations. The Overman Committee passed many laws that pressured foreign installations, particularly Authority Sites, to be transferred to federal property. This resulted in The Authority to shutdown and merge many of its current facilities into larger ones, particularly Site-002, and Site-███. In 1928, however, the Overman Committee attempted to fully remove Authority presence within the United States, though the expansionist federal government into Authority facilities was futile.

By the late 1930s, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt kept in contact with The Authority and made several agreements to repeal many of its sentiment anti-occultist policies. In exchange, The Authority would support Allied operations against Nazi's occult operations throughout Europe. After 1945, President Truman continued his predecessor's occultism policies and signed Executive Order 9836 which authorized Authority presence throughout the United States.

Offices & Wings Section

  • Surface Level — The surface of Site-002 is built with a United States Experimental Aircraft Testing Site as its front cover. Several large dummy hangars are placed alongside the area of Site-002's inner section along with regular patrols around the perimeter to maintain the masquerade. The 3.6km long runway next to the hangars is used to accommodate various medium and large aircraft transporting supplies in and out of Site-002.
  • Command Level — This level is separated into two wings: The Administrative Wing and the Vestibule Wing. The Administrative Wing is used to manage the entire facility of Site-002 and is strictly off-limits except for personnel with Level 5 security clearance, Head Researchers, and/or admitted personnel.
  • General-Purpose Level — This level is divided into 2 main areas: The Storage Area and the Personnel Lounge Area. The Storage Area consists of an archive sector for various documents and a warehouse sector, mainly used to store damaged and/or obsolete equipment before being transported into a dumping ground. The Personnel Lounge Area features a large mess hall and recreational lounges for on-break personnel.
  • Research and Laboratories Level — Separated into three sectors which include: Anomaly Research Sector, Biological and Chemical Sector and Technological Advancements Sector. This level also houses several private office spaces for Head Researchers as well as on-site experimentation chambers.
  • Medical Level — Mainly used to store medical supplies for requesting sites. However, several advanced medical and surgical equipment along with a number of trained medical personnel are stationed around the clock in case of an emergency.
  • Security Level — Used to store numerous armaments and combat equipment and features several offices for unit commanders as well as briefing rooms. The Security Level also houses a large number of both garrisoned Mobile Specialized Team and the Authority Security Force personnel.
  • CSD Housing Level — Each CSD cell is 12 m2 in size to maximize personnel accommodation. It also features a mess hall and a recreational area, both of which are maintained by CSD personnel on a rotating daily shift.
  • Containment Level, Terran — Used exclusively to contain land-based, air-breathing, and hydrophobic anomalies. This level is separated into three sectors based on the objects' classifications: Alpha Sector, Beta Sector and Gamma Sector. Several modular containment chambers can be transported using the provided cranes.
  • Containment Level, Aquatic — Used exclusively to contain amphibious, maritime, and natatorial anomalies. Just like the Terran level, this level is also separated into three sectors based on the objects' classifications: Alpha Sector, Beta Sector, and Gamma Sector. The entirety of this level is equipped with several bulkheads and emergency pumps in the case of a containment breach.

Site Administration

Administrative Officials:

  • Site Director: Alan Walsh Sullivan
    • Assistant Site Director: Reine Bouchard
    • Secretary to the Site Director: Madeline Hyatt
  • Anomaly Containment Overseer: Dr. Wright McCaig
  • Commander of Site Security: Col. Jack Alexander Bartlett
  • Director of Research & Development: Dr. Andrew Rogers, D.M.S.
  • Dean of Medicine: Dr. Garret Kara Hewitt, M.D., Psy.D.
  • Personnel Accommodation Overseer: Thomas Lawrence
  • Site Treasurer: Corwin Tuff, CTP

On-Site Personnel:

  • Medical Personnel: 50
  • Security Personnel: 300
  • Maintenance Personnel: 150
  • CSD Personnel: 150

Harmon Crossings Apartment Complex:

  • Department Heads: 9
  • Administrative Assistants: 27
  • Medical Personnel: 50
  • Research Personnel: 350
  • Maintenance Personnel: 250

Total: 1,186

Anomalies Contained

RPC #                                        Additional Information                                        
RPC-005 In Site-002-A
RPC-016 -
RPC-040 -
RPC-049 -
RPC-050 -
RPC-056 -
RPC-071 -
RPC-076 -
RPC-077 -
RPC-085 -
RPC-092 -
RPC-105 -
RPC-117 -
RPC-121 -
RPC-127 -
RPC-129-A Temporarily
RPC-136 -
RPC-159 -
RPC-173 In Site-002-B
RPC-183 At Installation-002-3
RPC-186 -
RPC-220 -
RPC-228 -
RPC-230 -
RPC-235 -
RPC-239 Contained along with an instance of RPC-239-1 within Site-002.
RPC-247 -
RPC-283 -
RPC-290 -
RPC-322 -
RPC-378 -
RPC-394 Contained within standard containment chamber in the Terran Alpha sector of Site-002
RPC-465 -
RPC-484 -
RPC-507 Moved from Site-038.
RPC-513 -
RPC-595 -
RPC-625 Ten instances are currently contained within Site-002
RPC-650 -
RPC-804 -
RPC-910 -
RPC-915-α-03 Contained within a storage containment unit in Site-002.
RPC-926 -
RPC-945 -

Anomalies Previously Contained

RPC #                                        Additional Information                                        
RPC-103 Relocated to Site-187
RPC-610-1 Quarantined in Sector
RPC-695 The subject is no longer currently held in the direct vicinity.
RPC-760 To be transfered to Site-001 on ██/██/████

Incident Logs


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