Secure Authority Facilities

Secure Authority Facilities

To support and sustain the Authority's operational security, the Authority maintains a worldwide network of facilities and infrastructures to contain and research anomalies known as RPCs.

While many facilities vary in terms of human resources, responsibility, and jurisdiction, the Authority employs personnel worldwide, ranging from hundreds to thousands of researchers and security forces.

Note: If you are looking for a list of Site facilities, redirect over here.

Primary Facilities


Site facilities are responsible for the containment and research of RPC anomalies. These facilities may include sectors, including research, maintenance, medical, and security.

Onsite operations and management are directly overseen by the Site Administration and headed by the Site Director themselves.

Site Directors report directly to Regional Directors.


Area facilities are specialized locations that perform various functions. These functions include: Observations & Data, Storage & Logistics, Research & Development, Garrisoned Operations Base, Proving Grounds, or Medical Center.

However, unlike Site facilities, they are strictly prohibited from housing any RPCs onsite.

Area Directors report directly to Regional Directors.


Regional facilities are administrative hubs for Sites, Areas, and OL-Sites within a specific geographic region. RPCs are strictly excluded from these facilities.

Regional Directors report directly to the Global Directors.

For more information about Regional Sites, click here.

Secondary Facilities

On-Location Site

On-Location Sites, or OL-Sites, are referred to as secondary facilities.
These locations are built to contain specific anomalies that can't be transported to a Site facility or are too unpredictable to be present with other RPCs or personnel onsite.

Furthermore, OL-Sites are supervised by its most proximate Site facility. In some situations, OL-Sites may facilitate as an independent location and report directly to the Regional Director.

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