
Me make picture of RPC-✋-J on cave wall.
Name thing: ✋-J
What Thing: Me no like. Me like. Bad thing dead.
Danger Thing: Big, Mad
Look Like: RPC-✋-J big hairy thing with long nose that make loud noise. RPC-✋-J really fat but RPC-✋-J stronger than chief.1 RPC-✋-J have two big tusk and like to smash huts with tusk. Not even strongest club or bow can hurt RPC-✋-J. Shaman say RPC-✋-J was made by forest god to punish village for stealing nuts from forest. That why RPC-✋-J kill village virgins in forest. RPC-✋-J make virgin into forest god servants.
page revision: 9, last edited: 15 Sep 2024 13:50