Registered Phenomenon Code: DADDY
Object Class: Come-Back
Hazard Types: Ideological Hazard1
Containment Protocols: RPC-DAD-J is uncontained, as he's been gone for 8 years. Search for RPC-DAD-J via MST Papa-3 ("The Family Dog") is ongoing across the neighborhood.
Description: RPC-DAD-J may have had some financial troubles, but he's a hard-working man and I will always love him. Whenever the power turned off and we were feeling cold in bed, he would bundle us up in soft blankets and bring us warm milk. RPC-MOM-J2 yelled at him a lot, but we always gave him big hugs to make him smile.
History: On the night of July 17th, 2003, RPC-DAD-J breached containment. He tried sneaking out of the room but I wasn't asleep and I caught him before he went outside. He told me he was going to get some groceries so I let him go, but he lied. He never came back, even for my 10th birthday.
Addendum: I never thought he would lie to me like that. I want my dad back. I miss him so much.
Note: I'm sorry… - dad
Begin Log
Me: Look dad, I made an interview format! Are you proud of me?
Me: i showed you my interview please respond
Dad: son i've been dead for 13 years. you need to let go
Me: no, you're lying! you're still alive, i just know it!
Dad: the crash wasn't your fault jimmy
Me: dad noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Dad: please, go back to your wife and kids, they miss you
Dad: i will always love you my boy.
*RPC-DAD-J ascends into dad heaven*
Me: there's one more way. i will be with you soon, daddy…
*clenches revolver*
MST Papa-3: bark bark
*doggo eats gun*