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Registered Phenomena Code: 997
Object Class: Gamma-Red
Hazards: Organic Hazard, Replicating Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Explosive Hazard, Aggression Hazard, Grouped Hazard.
Containment Protocols: Two groups of up to 7 RPC-997 instances are to be stored in separate Class-2 Insectoid Biological Containers1 Class-4 Biological Containers, both stored in separate 16m2 blast-proof containment chambers.
Should Authority telemetry indicate that the number of instances in either container exceeds 7, ASF Personnel with a Level-3 or higher clearance are authorized to remotely open the latch on the exceeding container(s). This is done to allow restricted access to a 20-meter long corridor, which opens up to a separately accessible chamber in which live bait2 is to be placed at its end. The latch will be open for enough time for 4 instances of RPC-997 to crawl through and detonate on the designated bait. After successful detonation the latch is to be closed, on-duty personnel are to confirm that no live instances of RPC-997 remain in both the bait-chamber and the corridor, and bait is to be replaced.
Every 4 days an on-site blast technician is to assess the structural integrity of the blast-proof walls and is authorized to order replacement/repairment by their discretion.

Close up of an instance of RPC-997.
Description: RPC-997 is the designation for a group of insects that are most genetically similar to Musca domestica.3
RPC-997 possesses no distinguishable features from that of typical house flies, save for an absence of the proboscis, instead possessing mandibles that protrude from under their heads, and appear to retract from view when not in use. As such, RPC-997 becomes indistinguishable from a non-anomalous fly to the untrained eye when not feeding.
RPC-997's eating patterns differ radically from non-anomalous house flies, having a mostly carnivorous diet, with a preference for burnt/charred meat over other available alternatives. When landing on a piece of perceived food, RPC-997 will extend its mandibles and begin masticating. Oftentimes, it will tunnel in a straight vector to the opposite side of the food source, repeating this process back and forth until sated. Instead of engaging in typical behaviour RPC-997 specimens have been observed to eat live subjects, confusing the subject for dead matter.
RPC-997's anomalous properties manifest in the ability to spontaneously detonate with a magnitude approximately equivalent to the force of 5 kilograms of trinitrotoluene (TNT). The method through which RPC-997 produces this explosive reaction is not fully understood, as instances detonate upon death, making autopsy impossible. Through careful observation, including analysis of high-speed footage and radiological instrumentation, its biology and behaviours have been documented as such:
All RPC-997 instances display aggression towards any live fauna. Upon exposure to such life, RPC-997 will rapidly approach the target, and land on a proximate area. In cases where the subject is moving, RPC-997 will land on the subject's body. After a suitable location has been reached, RPC-997 will engage in a motion with its forelegs typically employed by non-anomalous flies to groom themselves, rubbing their forelegs together.
In RPC-997 instances, however, this "rubbing" procedure serves as the catalyst for an explosive reaction. RPC-997 is capable of synthesizing a form of TNT manifesting as fine crystal shards. This synthesis is theorized and widely accepted by the Department of Biology, to be the result of an internal organ through which nutrients pass through and are anomalously synthesized into trinitrotoluene.
This substance is stored in an undetermined part of RPC-997's body, which is then fed through and secreted out of RPC-997's foreleg pulvilli.4 At the point where RPC-997 is rubbing its forelegs while in proximity to a live subject, this reactive substance is secreted, the friction of which sets off an explosive reaction killing the instance, the subject, and immensely damaging the surrounding area.
It should be noted that the amount of trinitrotoluene that RPC-997 should be capable of storing does not equal the blast force which occurs upon detonation. As it currently stands, RPC-997 either synthesizes an as-of-yet not understood, more explosive form of said substance, or the organ that RPC-997 uses to store this trinitrotoluene is capable of engaging in extra-dimensional spacial manipulation in order to fit more substance in a smaller area.
Discovery: RPC-997 was discovered on 29/11/1963, one week following the assassination of former United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. On 18/11/1963, Kennedy received a letter collected by the White House Office of Presidential Correspondence. Such letter read:
Mr. Kennedy. You've turned your back on us one too many times. You seem to have forgotten where your gratitude lies. Betrayal of such magnitude begets some level of reciprocity—we're sure a man of your stature can agree. Something like this warrants an explosive reaction.
Insects are cold-blooded creatures. You're not going to want to turn your back on one of those, now, will you? Enjoy the motorcade.

Unredacted photo of Presidential Motorcade, moments before detonation.
According to present members of the Presidential Cabinet, Kennedy folded up the paper and placed it in his pocket, quickly changing the subject of conversation once Secretary of State Dean Rusk questioned what the content of the mail consisted of.
During a routine post-assassination investigation of archived White House datasets performed by the Research Division,5 the Authority discovered documents of Kennedy's association with a political terrorist organization identifying as "The Gavel of God." Such documents revealed, among other things, that John F. Kennedy colluded with this organization to guarantee his success during the Presidential election, utilizing anomalous means. This collusion was agreed upon to take place as part of a transaction, in which the organization was to manipulate polling numbers, implant ideological memetic agents into political ads, and most notably ██████ ██ ██ ████████. This was to be done in exchange for the U.S. government to route funding towards the organization's efforts to weaponize anomalies for use in religious propagation within 22 countries. At this time, no available documents make clear which religion(s) they seek to propagate, beyond vague statements of messianic prophecy and establishing "holy order."
Upon observation of footage of the assassination, including embedded Authority and bystander testimonies, it was discovered that a prototype iteration of RPC-997 was released into the motorcade, which detonated while in proximity to Kennedy. This instance of RPC-997 shared notable differences to the currently contained instances: Having a much smaller damage size and cone of effect, this form of RPC-997 is indistinguishable from a bullet. Such an instance was trained to target John F. Kennedy by injecting samples of his tissue into food sources fed to the instance, such that it can identify the designated target in a group of people by the usage of scent. This was confirmed during an interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald, the individual tasked by The Gavel of God to release the fly at the designated time.
Local population was led to believe a cover-up story such that Oswald employed non-anomalous methods to assassinate then-President Kennedy. MST Sierra-06 "War Criminals" was dispatched to the location obtained from documents during the investigation, a secure holdings facility for the aforementioned political terrorist organization, located in ████████, United States. Among other anomalies, sedated instances of RPC-997 were acquired and brought back to Authority Site-073, which are in containment at this time.