






Registered Phenomena Code: 990

Object Class: Gamma-Red

Hazard Types: Biological Hazard

Containment Protocols

RPC-990-1 is to be restrained in a high-threat biohazard containment chamber at Site-008. Personnel entering RPC-990's containment chamber are to wear Level 7 biological hazard suits and maintain a distance of at least one meter from RPC-990 with aid from provided electroshock weapons if necessary. Entry into the containment chamber of RPC-990 is to be done under cover of darkness, the participants aided by night-vision optoelectronic spectacles for visualization. This is done to reduce the likelihood of RPC-990 predation. Any person who comes into physical contact with RPC-990 is considered a part of RPC-990 and is thus considered lost. The lost individual is not considered medically or legally to be of sound mind, and their wishes are to be carried out as described in prior submitted paperwork. All personnel assigned to RPC-990 are required to submit an advanced directive detailing the course of action — including medical treatment, communications relays, or mode of euthanasia — to be taken in the event they are lost to RPC-990.

RPC-990 samples are to be collected via an automated drone and contained in a reinforced laboratory Petri dish, which is then to be stored in a biohazard container maintained at 2°C. All instances of RPC-990-2 are to be separated from RPC-990 to promote expiration. If collected, specimens are to be contained in a standard incubation cell until hatched. When hatched, RPC-990-2 instances are to be frozen per cryogenic protocols.

Due to the distressing nature of RPC-990, any personnel who wishes to receive amnestics after working with RPC-990 may submit a request to Site-008 administration.


RPC-990 is the designation given to a tandem of anomalous biological phenomena, designated RPC-990-1 and RPC-990-2.

RPC-990-1 is a single-colony, autopoietic,1 hermaphroditic organism composed of 33 342 353 364 355 human beings which have been fused at a cellular level. This organism's morphology resembles a 7m tall humanoid female and contains active internal organs, functioning male and female genitalia, and generative biological processes, such as the growing of arachnid-like hair follicles covering the body and the ongoing creation of novel anatomical features. Individuals within RPC-990-1 have no need for sustenance. Attempts at surgically removing any member of RPC-990-1 from the collective organism results in the death of the individual moments later due to blood loss.

RPC-990-1 is effectively immortal. Attempts at terminating RPC-990-1 in its entirety have resulted in the affected areas regenerating and in some cases displaying budding, growing multiples of the lost anatomical feature. This is done by RPC-990-1 absorbing organic material from its constituent victims. The onset of this process occurs quickly after damage, and is indicated by strained vocalizations, suggestive of extreme pain. From DNA samples, it is theorized that at least 8 members of RPC-990-1 have been completely dissolved into RPC-990-1 by this process, their only remnants being free-floating DNA particulate matter in the interstitium of the collective biomass.

RPC-990-1 shows a level of autonomy expected from a typical sentient humanoid, including the active seeking of sustentative materials. RPC-990-1 will invariably target any individual within its sight, and will attempt to incorporate them either by phagocytizing them with its pseudopodia6 or by falling onto and engulfing them. RPC-990-1 is otherwise carnivorous, and will eat other available organic matter, such as insects. If sustenance is not available, RPC-990-1 will impregnate itself once every 6-8 months. An instance of RPC-990-2 is produced in this time. During these pregnancy cycles, RPC-990-1 will begin to bloat and excrete blood and bile from the navel. Often, RPC-990-1 will attempt to gather as much of the lost blood and bile with its hands or other peripheral pseudo-limbs and consume it. The purpose of this is unknown.


A histological image taken from RPC-990’s nipple-like structures. Note the pocket vesicles of milk production and associated glands.

RPC-990-2 are vermiform entities that are the result of RPC-990-1's self-insemination and pregnancy. At full-term, an egg is produced by RPC-990-1 that will hatch unless in extreme environmental conditions, such as near-freezing temperatures. When hatched, numerous RPC-990-2 are released. RPC-990-2 instances attempt to return to RPC-990-1 by entering through the mouth. The mechanism by which RPC-990-2 instances seek out this particular orifice (one among many, and not always the most proximal upon the body of RPC-990-1) and in such an immediate manner is unknown. RPC-990-1 will consume RPC-990-2 instances until its mouth is overcrowded and the addition of new instances is impossible. If unable to enter through the mouth, instances of RPC-990-2 will eventually enter through other orifices in the body, including other, partially mature RPC-990-2 instances or captured prey. If an RPC-990-2 instance cannot re-enter RPC-990-1, it will desiccate and die within 1-2 hours. Immature instances of RPC-990-2 feature no human DNA or molecular material.

Chemical tagging has revealed that RPC-990-2 instances that successfully enter RPC-990-1 are converted into fully-formed humanoids.7 Partially mature RPC-990-2 instances are then deposited on the exterior of RPC-990-1, becoming part of RPC-990-1's observable anatomy. With enough exposure to the same individual, faces of the matured RPC-990-2 instances morph to resemble persons known to that individual, and can include those living or deceased.

Partially mature RPC-990-2 appear to have the bodies of full adults but tend to behave in an infant-like manner, often cooing and mewling, as if competing for attention from RPC-990-1. On occasion, RPC-990-2 instances — which display capabilities of sight in their larval and developmental stages, but are apparently blind at maturation — will successfully latch onto nipple-like structures that cover the body of RPC-990-1 and otherwise resemble oversized acne vulgaris.8 Rarely, an instance will attempt to locate a nipple with such vigor that it will snap its cervical spine, killing it instantly. These instances can be identified upon the body of RPC-990-1 as darkened and atrophied humanoids whose heads bob limply. These instances desiccate and are treated as damaged tissue and will undergo regeneration into more mundane tissues, the material recruited from captured prey or other RPC-990-2 instances.

If not satiated soon after crying, premature RPC-990-2 instances will become irate and scream until either exhausted or a nipple-like structure is found. The "milk" discharged from the nipple-like structures is a thick, pseudo-adhesive, and pus-like drainage which exits in triplicate streams and foams at the nipple's secretory ducts. The discharge has an odor resembling organic decay. RPC-990-2 instances commonly over-engorge on this substance and vomit, coating themselves and RPC-990-1's body. Such stains often become the foundation of a biofilm and attract a multitude of organisms, including bacteria, fungi, and various small insects (which are often consumed by RPC-990-1).

When an instance of RPC-990-2 is allowed to reach full maturity, it will slough off of the body of RPC-990. Fully matured instances aid RPC-990 in predation or will become sustenance themselves in time. These fully mature RPC-990-2 instances permanently retain any face they had mimicked previously, and develop mutations deviant to expected human anatomy. In addition, they become extremely hostile, both to personnel and to one another.

Addendum 990-1: 990-2 Instance Log

The following is a manifest of all instances of RPC-990-2 that were allowed to reach full maturity.

Designation Description
RPC-990-2A Heavy bone plating developed around the contiguous9 parts of the body.
RPC-990-2B A jaw twice the size of the average human's jaw, most of the teeth are canines.
RPC-990-2C An extra pair of arms. The positioning of said arms lead to a "locking" effect that prevented the arms from being practical.
RPC-990-2D [DATA EXPUNGED] Subject moved to Site-009.
RPC-990-2E A jaw split vertically, with an extra pair of eyes on either side.
RPC-990-2F A torso approximately 3m in length, instance also grew an extra pair of arms, and two extra pairs of legs to assist with movement.

Addendum 990-2: Initial Interview Log

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