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Registered Phenomena Code: 981
Item Type: ENTITY
Lethality Rating: RED
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: |
Aggression |
Ballistic |
Climatological |
Geological |
Grouped |
Invisibility |
Psychotronic |
Sapient |
Sentient |
Transmutation |
Bio-Hazard |
Contact |
Corrosive |
Electromagnetic Force |
Explosive |
Extreme Temperature |
Radiation |
Toxic |
Destabilization |
Extra-Dimensional |
Gravitational |
Teleportation |
Temporal |
Auditory |
Emotional |
Ideological |
Info-Hazard |
Memory Alteration |
Mind-Control |
Mind-Regression |
Sensory |
Visual |
Animated |
Aquatic |
Ecological |
Extra-Terrestrial |
Immeasurable |
Incorporeal |
Mechanical |
Microscopic |
Organic |
Regenerative |
Titanic |
Tychokinetic |
Replicating |
Newtonian |
Ontological |
Divine |
Hallucinogen |
High Velocity |
Proto-Mechanical |
Proto-Newtonian |
Proto-Sapient |
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: |
Aggression |
Ballistic |
Climatological |
Geological |
Grouped |
Invisibility |
Psychotronic |
Sapient |
Sentient |
Transmutation |
Bio-Hazard |
Contact |
Corrosive |
Electromagnetic Force |
Explosive |
Extreme Temperature |
Radiation |
Toxic |
Destabilization |
Extra-Dimensional |
Gravitational |
Teleportation |
Temporal |
Auditory |
Emotional |
Ideological |
Info-Hazard |
Memory Alteration |
Mind-Control |
Mind-Regression |
Sensory |
Visual |
Animated |
Aquatic |
Ecological |
Extra-Terrestrial |
Immeasurable |
Incorporeal |
Mechanical |
Microscopic |
Organic |
Regenerative |
Titanic |
Tychokinetic |
Replicating |
Newtonian |
Ontological |
Divine |
Hallucinogen |
High Velocity |
Proto-Mechanical |
Proto-Newtonian |
Proto-Sapient |
Abstract: RPC-981 is a humanoid entity formerly known as [REDACTED]. When RPC-981 comes into contact with any surface, biological or otherwise, it secretes an organic growth from its skin that will spread across the surface. If at all possible, this growth will enter the structure of said surface and begin to grow inside, effectively colonizing the object or being. It is believed that RPC-981 does this involuntarily but to its ecological advantage, as RPC-981 has been observed to be more comfortable in the modified environment. RPC-981 is immediately hostile to human subjects that come into contact with it. RPC-981 has been observed to be especially agitated when in contact with female subjects. Due to the aggressive nature of RPC-981, all experimentation shall be carried out through CSD personnel, as well as cleaning protocols.
Safe Handling and Usage: RPC-981 is held in a standard Authority containment chamber equipped with two surveillance cameras at Site-002. All interactions with RPC-981 are to be approved by project lead and are to be carried out by no less than 2 CSD personnel equipped with Bio-safety Level 3 (BSL-3) protective gear, one extendable electric prod, and any equipment necessary for experimentation.
Any BSL-3 protective equipment that makes physical contact with RPC-981-1 is to be removed from the containment chamber immiediately and destroyed. If contamination breaches protective equipment and makes contact with personnel, terminate.
Description: RPC-981 is a humanoid entity measuring at a height of 1.9 meters. RPC-981 exhibits an absence of skin pigmentation as well as contusions ranging in diameter with a coat of perspiration across its body. RPC-981 is functionally blind due to crystalline glass objects that have been grafted through the eyes and into its orbits. In lieu of eyesight, RPC-981 utilizes sound as its primary method of navigation. Analysis of RPC-981's body has shown a lack of internal organs requiring any form of nutrition; what organs have been found appear to be sacs of bile and glands that produce RPC-981-1. While ambulatory, RPC-981 is unable to walk due to its Achilles tendon having been severed prior to containment, as well as having its knee joints dislocated. Attempts to repair the damage have failed due to the anomalous regression of its injuries.
When RPC-981 comes into contact with any surface, it secretes an invasive ecological growth which slowly progresses outward, designated RPC-981-1. Should this growth find any form to enter the structure of the surface, it will invade and continue to grow inside. It is believed that RPC-981 involuntarily does this, however it benefits from the ecological changes as it becomes more docile and appears to be content with the changes. Should a human subject become infected with RPC-981-1, they are to be designated an RPC-981-2 instance and terminated.
Further analysis of RPC-981 reveals severe bodily tampering via unknown means. It has been determined that RPC-981 was once a non-anomalous human named [REDACTED], determined through identification found on its person upon retrieval. Further investigation on this matter is to be carried out by Authority Central Intelligence.
Experimental Logs: Detailed below are the annotated records of experiments carried out on RPC-981 by CSD personel.
TEST 981.01 // ██-██-████
Items used: CSD-8966 // MALE // BLACK // HEIGH 1.8 M // 90.4 KG // AGE 34
Summary: Subject was ordered to enter RPC-981 enclosure. RPC-981 was alerted to a change in its environment due to sound generated by containment chamber door opening and closing. RPC-981 emitted a vocalization measured at 110 dB, of which sounded akin to a human male screaming in pain, and begin to crawl towards the subject. Subject, having recovered from the initial shock caused by RPC-981's vocalization, turned to run. Containment chamber at this point was locked, making it impossible for subject to escape.
Several minutes passed as subject attempts to avoid RPC-981 before Dr. ██████ ordered it to allow RPC-981 to make physical contact. After initial protest, subject was reminded that its full cooperation was necessary and was then threatened with termination. Subject allowed RPC-981 to make contact with it which then secreted an instance of RPC-981-1, then designating it as an RPC-981-2 instance.
RPC-981-2 emitted a vocalization indicating severe pain and lost consciousness. ASF personnel were sent in to retrieve the unconscious specimen and transferred it to Examination Room 09 for observation and vivisection.
Results: RPC-981-2 was observed to convulse during initial infection by RPC-981-1. RPC-981-2's muscles were visibly contracting as RPC-981-1 continued to grow and colonize the inside of the body. Further analysis of the body showed a rapid growth of RPC-981-1 reaching up to the oropharynx and nasopharynx, effectively blocking the airway. Upon vivisection of RPC-981-2 it was found that RPC-981-1 had grown to encompass the liver, pancreas, stomach, and heart.
Veins leading to and from each organ had been injected fully with RPC-981-1 and were, prior to expiration, working at full capacity. RPC-981-1 was also observed to have completely replaced the bone marrow and spinal fluid of RPC-981-2, effectively acting as a substitute. Samples of RPC-981-1 were collected and placed in cryo-storage for further analysis on its chemical make up.
Analysis: RPC-981 secretes a growth that was designated as RPC-981-1, which is used to colonize any surface, object, or being that RPC-981 comes into contact with. When RPC-981-1 invades an organic subject, the growth replaces several of the bodily functions and keeps the organism alive, though any form of recognizable sapience is stripped. During vivisection, though RPC-981-2 was deceased, RPC-981-1 was observed to convulse and pulsate when any contact was made by surgical team. It is not believed that RPC-981-1 is sapient, rather these are involuntary reactions to foreign object contact.
TEST 981.07 // ██-██-████
Items used: CSD-6399 // FEMALE // WHITE // HEIGHT 1.6 M // 55.2 KG // AGE 21
Summary: Subject was directed to enter RPC-981 enclosure. Prior to entering containment chamber, subject expressed anxiety upon visualizing RPC-981. After further encouragement from research staff, subject entered the enclosure and the door was closed behind it. RPC-981, having been alerted by the sound of the chamber door opening and closing, emits a vocalization measuring at 150 dB and began to crawl towards subject. Subject expressed heightened anxiety and began to shake violently. It was observed that subject was unable to move from its position in the enclosure. RPC-981 continued to advance towards subject; it was noted that RPC-981 was more agitated placed in front of a female subject.
Subject emitted a vocalization and took several steps backwards until it reached a corner of the enclosure. RPC-981 continued to advance in an attempt to make contact with subject. Upon realization that subject was having a panic attack, ASF personnel were ordered to retrieve it safely and to subdue RPC-981. When questioned about why it was unable to conduct the experiment, subject reported feeling fear and anxiety overwhelm it.
Results: CSD-6399 was unable to complete the experiment due to suffering from a panic attack. Though the initial goal was to observe the effects of RPC-981-1 on a female subject, the experiment was halted due to the unusual behavior of CSD-6399. Dr. ██████ ordered a psychiatric evaluation and designated RPC-981 as an emotional hazard.
Analysis: RPC-981 appears to have the anomalous effect of causing severe emotional distress in female subjects. Further testing was ordered to confirm this hypothesis. Due to RPC-981's behavior when faced with a female subject, as well as the reciprocating effects it had on CSD-6399, cleaning protocols for the enclosure are to be carried out by male CSD personnel only.
TEST 981.08 // ██-██-████
Items used: CSD-7653 // FEMALE // WHITE // HEIGHT 1.8 M // 66.9 KG // AGE 19
Summary: Subject was ordered to enter the enclosure. Upon gaining access, subject was visibly shaken and vocalized that an anxiety episode was occurring. Subject was ordered to continue the experiment, however it stated that it was unable to do so. Dr. ██████ ordered subject to continue the experiment once again, this time under threat of termination. Upon hearing this, subject attempted to continue the experiment but was unable to do so as a panic attack ensued. ASF personnel were ordered to remain on stand by to collect the subject after having come in contact with RPC-981-1.
RPC-981 emitted a vocalization measured at 180 dB and began to crawl towards subject. It was noted that RPC-981 was once again severely agitated by the sex of the subject, even more so that it appeared to be that it was even younger. RPC-981 made contact with subject and secreted RPC-981-1 onto it. Notably, subject, now designated an RPC-981-2 instance, did not emit a vocalization as all prior male subjects had, but instead ceased its panic attack and fell into a catatonic state. RPC-981 continued to crawl onto RPC-981-2 and proceeded to [DATA EXPUNGED]. ASF personnel were ordered to retrieve the specimen and subdue RPC-981, after which RPC-981-2 was brought to Examination Room 09 for observation and vivisection.
Results: RPC-981-2 was observed to become catatonic upon initial contact with RPC-981. Analysis of RPC-981-2's brain at that time showed now signs of lost brain function. It was concluded that this was the result of a PTSD episode as RPC-981-2 was diagnosed with post traumatic stress prior to experimentation. RPC-981-2's mental state remained static upon infection of RPC-981-1 until expiration, having showed no signs of distress or discomfort during the process.
Upon vivisection, it was observed that RPC-981-2's infection was consistent with prior iterations, as RPC-981-1 had acted almost entirely identical to previous experimentation. The only aberration observed was the muscular contractions in the █████ and dopamine releases linked to [REDACTED] in the body. Upon physical contact, RPC-981-1 once again convulsed and pulsated upon physical contact, however this time more violently, causing the deceased RPC-981-2 to shake on the examination table.
Analysis: RPC-981-1 acted somewhat differently in a female subject from a male subject. The muscular contractions in the █████ suggest a [REDACTED] nature to RPC-981. RPC-981-1 had specifically targeted these areas, suggesting a predisposition for the female body.
TEST 981.18 // ██-██-████
Items used: CSD-████ // FEMALE // WHITE // HEIGHT ███ M // ███ KG // AGE █
Results: CSD-████ was lost during experimentation. An investigation from the Office of Ethics and Review yielded a new directive restricting the usage of CSD personnel under the age of ██. RPC-981 was docile for a total of 72 hours following this experiment.
Analysis: Following the incident with CSD-████ during experimentation, RPC-981 was seen to produce higher dopamine levels and had curled up in the fetal position on the floor. Secretion of RPC-981-1 had increased tremendously and the entire chamber was covered, including surveillance cameras, leaving this time period completely unobserved.
Addendum 981.01: Detailed below is the annotated record of post-experiment interview between CSD-6399 and Dr. ██████.
Interviewed: CSD-6399
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
<Dr. ██████ enters the room. CSD-6399 is observed to be visibly shaken by the encounter with RPC-981. Thirty seconds pass as Dr. ██████ pulls out patient records for CSD-6399 and a notepad.>
Dr. ██████: Six three nine nine.
CSD-6399: Y-Yes… sir!
Dr. ██████: Would you like to tell me what's going on, six three nine nine?
CSD-6399: I- uh… I'm not…
Dr. ██████: Six three nine nine… you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm here to help you. You're not in trouble.
<Ten minutes and fifty two seconds pass in silence as CSD-6399 appears incapable of speaking. Dr. ██████ notes in his report he allowed this silence to continue to allow patient to be comfortable with the conversation by starting it itself.>
CSD-6399: That thing… when I saw it, I- I felt… like something was wrong.
Dr. ██████: Wrong how?
CSD-6399: I don't know! I just… my heart started racing, and I felt like my whole body was being touched and groped. I panicked!
Dr. ██████: I see… so you were experiencing these sensations when you laid eyes on the object?
CSD-6399: Yeah. The moment I saw it, I freaked. I'm sorry, doctor! Next thing I knew my vision tunneled and I started to black out. I couldn't catch my breath, I thought I was gonna die!
Dr. ██████: You were experiencing a panic attack, six three nine nine. It appears that when you saw the object, you began experiencing signs of anxiety and extreme fear. It's peculiar since you've never reported having had these issues before. Have you been completely honest with me?
CSD-6399: Yes sir! I've never had anxiety like that in my life! I've never had a panic- whatever that was! I'm normal!
Dr. ██████: Okay six three nine nine, tell me what else you experienced. Please.
CSD-6399: I think I could hear screaming… but it was like it was inside my own head. It didn't sound totally human though… or maybe it was.
Dr. ██████: Yes?
CSD-6399: And… it's like… it felt like something was… oh god…
<CSD-6399 begins to vomit on the table. Dr. ██████ stands up and gathers his records, ending the interview.>
Closing Statement: CSD-6399 experienced great emotional stress upon visual contact with RPC-981, therefore leading to the failure in the experiment. However, this event has lead to the discovery that RPC-981 may be an emotional hazard. CSD-6399 is no longer to participate in RPC-981 testing and is scheduled for psychiatric evaluation and one month mental health sabbatical. - Dr. ██████, Lead Psychiatric Expert
Research Staff: Dr. ██████ - Head Researcher
Dr. ██████ - Assistant Head Researcher
Dr. ████████ - Lead Biological Researcher
Dr. ███ - Lead Ecological Researcher
Dr. ██████ - Lead Psychiatric Expert
Brian ███████ - Research Assistant // Biological
Martha ██████████ - Research Assistant // Biological
Terry ████████ - Research Assistant // Ecological
Chris █████ - Research Assistant // Ecological
Yukiko ███████ - Research Assistant // Psychiatric
Tyrell █████████ - Research Assistant // Psychiatric