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Registered Phenomena Code: 978
Object Class: Beta-Red
Hazard Types: Biological Hazard, Corrosive Hazard, Toxic Hazard, Radiation Hazard, Microscopic Hazard
Containment Protocols:
At all times is the book to be stored in a containment cell with a temperature of 27 degrees Celsius.1 Certain CSD are ordered to read the book to study the rate of evolution for the species that grow within their bodies. If infected with the manifested pathogens, they are to be quarantined in sterile cells and rooms. Tissue samples are to be taken from infected individuals who have read the book for further research and studying of the creatures that infect the bodies of individuals. In order to ensure the safest possible conditions for researchers studying the anomaly, several organic mini-structures, called "Host-Cities," which contain sentient life are to be periodically terminated via incineration, based on a cities hostility towards researchers.
RPC-978 is a large, leather-bound book titled, "Death to Intelligentsia", exact date of print is uncertain, though records indicate that it appears to have been written and/or published between 1979 and 1984. The author of the book is stated as a man by the name of Arthur Blackwell. Mr. Blackwell, here after referred to as POI-978, appears to be a resident of Discovery, Massachusetts, though the town itself does not appear to exist, RPC-978 details that the book was published in the author's birthplace.
The plot of Death To Intelligentsia centers around a collection of species that use bio-mechanical and or bio-organic technology to fulfill tasks that would be otherwise be accomplished by current industrial mechanical tools, vehicles, and hardware. Within the book, it describes a group of highly deceitful entities known as the Guiding Kings, who have been purposefully amassing knowledge that would be otherwise beneficial to their citizens.
Any individual that reads a page from RPC-978 will be infected by unknown means by a biological "super-organism" that will begin to break down the body on a molecular and genetic level. Common symptoms from after reading RPC-978 includes headaches, vomiting, joint stiffness, vertigo, and the development of massive organic tumors on the skin of any affected individual. Affected subjects will report feeling a substantial amount of pain and discomfort before being mutated and broken down into materials needed for the host species.
Observations have shown that the mutated individual will begin to be transformed into a number of flora, organic architecture, and even fauna. The organic mass will slowly begin to slowly replicate through a process of cellular division that acts under different principles than what is commonly found in nature. More inexplicable is the creation of highly intelligent microscopic species that inhabit these organic structures and bioengineered environments.2
These species are known to variegate in terms of taxonomy, but the most common types are arthropods, numerous types of gastropods, mollusks, tardigrades, and arachnids. The intelligent organisms count as extremophiles given their proclivity towards surviving in extreme temperatures and atmospheric conditions, but they are not entirely immune to any conventional forms of eliminating them such as the use of incendiary weapons, conventional ballistics, explosives, and kinetic implementations.
Another meticulously studied trait is the ability to somehow grow larger through the consumption of any form of biological matter. The matter consumed contributes to increased musculature growth, significant cerebral growth that allows for greater cognitive abilities and the ability to create more complex forms of bio-mechanical or bio-organic technology, but at the cost of needing to consume larger forms of organic matter for proper energy and nutrition in take. This correlates with a form of bio-energy that has been given the designation of "Nucleoessence" that acts some form of biological energy. Some equate to some form of biological fission energy despite any instance of RPC-978 not demonstrating any low or high levels of radiation from using the energy in their activities. Current properties of this bio-energy are being studied from surviving species kept contained in Site-125's vivisection wing.
Reported as Incident 978-1. An individual claiming to be the son of the author of RPC-978 would somehow find the site that contained the RPC. The son, named Roger Blackwell, attempted to violently enter Site-125 in an effort to find RPC-978. Unbeknownst to the individual making such claims, he was followed by a small platoon of Church of Malthus insurgents belonging to the "Cerebrum Cell". A skirmish escalated between on-site ASF soldiers and the Malthusian insurgents ending in the Malthus insurgents being eliminated, but Roger Blackwell somehow disappeared from the interrogation room as the skirmish ensued.
The following is an interview with one of the hive city leaders who communicated successfully after a group of linguists were able to study the language of one of this particular hive city that has been contained without effort in a massive glass display cabinet. Communication was done via electronic paper and translations between the two's respective was done successfully.
Interviewer: Dr. Alexandria ███████
Interviewed: Hive Administrator Skitrix
<Begin Log>
Dr. Alexandria: Welcome, Skitrix. How have you enjoyed the current resources given to your hive? It's also nice talking to you again.
Hive Administrator Skitrix: Very well, and I thank you for your efforts at saving us from near extinction from the Burrow-Hornet Kingdom.
Dr. Alexandria: RPC-978-3 if I am correct. It's glad to know your city is still standing.
Hive Administrator Skitrix: Indeed. The Burrow-Hornet's were well on their way to discovering the power of the atom and they would possibly pose a greater threat outside of this really massive building you've made. Also, I have had this question, but is it rude for me to assume that there is a greater world outside of these walls?
Dr. Alexandria: Quite the world.
Hive Administrator Skitrix: According to some skin-scrolls. Our earliest ancestors told of stars, planets, and celestial bodies made of flesh? Is this true?
Dr. Alexandria: Well most we know of aren't exactly made of flesh, but with all the anomalous objects and phenomenon I've had to study and encounter, I wouldn't be surprised if there was such in the universe.
Hive Administrator Skitrix: I see. What are they made up of if I am allowed to ask these questions?
Dr. Alexandria: For the most part. The non-anomalous planets we have observed to exist tend to be made up of solid rock or gases. Stars are made up of energy are known to provide a source of light, energy, or even fuel for some of the alien species we've encountered. Galaxies are made up of dust, particles, stars, and interstellar gases containing all stars and planets.
Hive Administrator Skitrix: Very intriguing. Has your species explored any other planets?
Dr. Alexandria: Us humans have landed on the moon 60 years ago and sent various unmanned robots and drones to other planets in our solar system. As for settling and fully exploring them? Not yet. There are plans for establishing colonies on some of the more terrestrial planets and settling them in the future, but hopefully, we'll be able to colonize the solar system and potentially the whole galaxy.
Hive Administrator Skitrix: I always wondered if my city would be able to send our own into space. We are very close to perfecting a form of propulsion that does not require on nuclear power.
Dr. Alexandria: You've been doing what?
Hive Administrator Skitrix: For the past 4 years, we've been experimenting with a number of particles that will allow our organisms to achieve speeds capable of escaping this planet's gravity and atmosphere.
Dr. Alexandria begins to look slightly concerned. Dr. Alexandria: I apologize Skitrix, but you must know that any unauthorized testing of particle manipulation technology can't be done in this facility.
Hive Administrator Skitrix: Why not?
Dr. Alexandria: There was an incident where a biological nuclear weapon was detonated in one of the cells. It took out a substantial amount of the 2nd floor containing the cells and killed 55 personnel in its wake.
Hive Administrator Skitrix: I'm curious to see the fate of the universe we all live in.
Dr. Alexandria: As far as we know with our current predictions and trends for humanity. We may never know. The universe is constantly expanding and we barely even understand some of the anomalies we have in our containment.
Hive Administrator Skitrix: I see. Would you mind if we helped in the containment of some of these anomalies?
Dr. Alexandria: I'm sorry, Skitrix, but we don't know the full extent of your abilities and cross-testing anomalies with other ones is known to be a very precarious and often fatal task to carry out. It's best that we continue to study your race, technology, and society.
Hive Administrator Skitrix: It is fine my giant compatriot. I will ask the rest of the hive to tell them to scale down the projects of our bio-particle acceleration program. Hopefully in the future we will be able to explore outside the Earth.
Dr. Alexandria: I am glad that we are in agreement, Skitrix. Now we will just have to study some of the more anomalous aspects of your races biotechnology. Maybe it'll teach us a bit about how those Malthus individuals operate their own bizarre organic technology.
Hive Administrator Skitrix: Who is Malthus? Is it a group, a person, a creature?
Dr. Alexandria: Another time, Skitrix. It's kind of a tense topic and I prefer not to get my emotions in the way of elaborating on the subject matter of this in particular group of interest.
<End Log>
On December 19th, 2019, an RPC-978 instance occupied entirely of intelligent wasp-like entities underwent a significant physical mutation that greatly increased their density, exoskeletal strength, sharpness of stingers, and blade-like protrusions across their bodies. They also somehow were able to mutate the ability to spread fungus within the brains of their target. By luring in a high level scientist responsible for the containment and study of this particular instance after somehow possessing the bodies of CSD and demanding that they maybe released as they have completed their tasks. With the containment door open, the wasps bursts from the bodies of the CSD and began attacking all personnel and other rival cities. The wasps were dealt with by a mobilization of on-site ASF members with flame throwers and smoke weapons that dealt with the sudden containment breach. From security camera footage, the wasps would smear blood in strange untranslatable letters that are still being decoded by Authority paralinguists. So far no memetic or info-hazards were present within the messages that were being decoded by paralinguists before being cleaned from surfaces.
The following is a journal entry written by Dr. Abraham ██████ who has done a study on the culture of RPC-978-1 through 13. There are currently 13 RPC-978 instances with RPC-978-13 being the current instance that has been formed from the body of CSD-4532. The journal details the sociology and culture of all RPC-978 instances.
I knew we should've tried and saved RPC-978-1 from destruction. In all honesty, they aren't too dangerous if you don't put them near any form of biological matter or waste. The time frame for their evolution and technological pace goes from years to weeks or even days if they have a whole farm of animals and biological waste to process over. Trying violent criminals is the only way we at the Authority can do, but every time we do, it produces some of the most murderous civilizations that could possible sprout from that book. However, for a refresher, this instance was a bit more docile despite the fact that it came from CSD-6743; a known violent offender and pulled off many successful bank heists in his career as a professional criminal.
RPC-978-1 was a fairly large and industrial city ran by a species of microscopic bio-mechanical crustaceans. After spending weeks of examining their behavior, they possessed some violent tendencies. The concept of selflessness was somewhat alien to them, but they would only help others of their kind if it meant there was some reward for the other in the process. In a few years, they astronomically grew in size and technological capacity. Their society was one centered around reward and profit, caring very little about ideas about philanthropy and altruism for those words do not exist in their vocabulary. Not the most egregious of all the other civilizations, but their attempts at aggression and trying to pillage other cities did not go unnoticed. The inhabitants were known to consume an excess amount of food and water to satiate their fast acting metabolism.
When the civilization eventually fell to a resource crisis. A civil war broke out between differing factions and political groups that would see the species of RPC-978-1 be rendered extinct in the span of 10 days. The remains of the city and species were cleaned from the biological containment cell and a new line of CSD were eventually selected to read the book. It was honestly quite sad in my opinion at least. I have heard about Authority scientists witnessing the deaths of extraterrestrial civilizations from deep space scanners and telescopes, but there were a few good individuals who looked like they could've changed the course of this species rather gruesome and corpulent history.
This was how can I put this? Quite a repulsive civilization sight to behold. At around 11: 30 PM on March 5th, 2018 after CSD-3230 read the book as instructed and the transformation process began. I thought it would be easy to imagine the kind of species that would form from the genetic structure of that utterly contemptible individual, but it was so much worse.
On June 3rd, 2018. Three months after the transformation of CSD-3230 into another instance of RPC-978. I was ordered to research and observe the society of this new instance of RPC-978. Thus a long string of sleepless nights began in the 60 minutes of meticulous study and research.
The species to form from RPC-978-2 would be slightly resemble tardigrades would evolve sentience in the span of the 3 months that it has been since their first formation. The exceptional difference between them and the natural tardigrades out in wild would be the evolution of a heavy thicker carapace and a genome that allows them to share what seemed to be memories towards their offspring through a form of genetic encoding through sperm cells. Like non-anomalous tardigrades, they could reproduce either asexually or sexual reproduction, but the primary method of reproduction seemed to be sexual reproduction as they appear to gain a higher amount of chemical release from doing such acts.
The part that would cause me to lose entire hours of sleep would be how they treated the females of their own species. We as species have progressed in terms of societal relationships with the opposite sexes, but the way how this race treats the opposite sex is certainly lacking in some areas and when I mean lacking, very lacking in many ways.
RPC-978-2's species for a lack of a better time, treats the female members of their society as little more than breeding cattle. The males are raised to fulfill military, administrative, and scientific positions, while the females at a young age are prepared to serve as breeders for this society. I will shed no tear over the destruction of this race, but perhaps there is a lesson that could be learned.
By November 13th, 2018. The entire civilization was wiped out by the accidental activation of the containment cells incinerators as the site AI mistakenly recognized a containment breach ongoing. The entire civilization was wiped out by automated flamethrowers that put millions of this species to death. There were no recoverable tissue samples of the organic infrastructure they built, but I was forced to move on with the list of test subjects that were waiting for testing.
Unlike the past CSD I used in testing. This one is slightly more tame in the number of offenses she has committed. I thought because CSD-2102 only murdered her husband in an attempt to win his retirement money and making it appear as an accident. It was certainly more tame than using a CSD who participated in the production and distribution of child pornography. This one, however, would be a more interesting case than the past two.
March 10th, 2019: CSD-2102 would read the book and undergo the symptoms of transformation. Assigned to Containment Cell B-213 on the second floor of Site-███. To prepare for the event of a catastrophic major containment failure, the engineering department members were able to create high resolution thermal imaging scanners to track the excess amount of fuel a civilization consumes.
This new civilization that formed from the body of CSD-2102 would be a more matriarchal society. Composed of a microscopic insectoid species with a yellow carapace along with wings and ability to send out pheromones to warn of incoming danger. This instance of RPC-978 would flourish and evolve for some time until a group of malefactors would come about in this society. This civilization would be ruled by a group of "Matriarchs" who would be the decision and policy makers of the civilization. Ranging from societal, military, economic, scientific, religion, and other aspects of this civilization. Male members of the species, although their bodies were more suited to more physically demanding labor, were given equal rights and from what looked like the ability to own property.
Sadly, as with all good things, it must come to an end unfortunately. RPC-978-3 was expending more energy than they could consume and the biomass we were giving them just wasn't enough. The malefactors as I call them would be more inclined towards using direct force and more jingoistic means to acquire new areas of land and would go about to declare war on those that would not side with them. Using every available weapon they had at their disposal; from weaponized sentient viral organisms, strange beasts that emitted micro scale gamma ray bursts, and tesla powered "beetle-bombs". The civilization came to an end on June 17th, 2019 after 3 months of continuous civil war. We tried to save one of the species, but it ended up disintegrating due to this one being infected with a molecular eating pathogen created by the rival race.
It amazes me how much of a short time frame these species we test end up gaining such knowledge on physics, chemistry, and biology. They could somehow know how to fashion organic materials to act as replicas or even superior variants to machines we use today. It's terrifying to some degree how many of the tools they use are still alive and possess some form of sentience, but their ability to recognize and repair cellular damage on a molecular damage could revolutionize the medical industry and propel us into newer fields.
But as I look back, I realized that my own optimism is what led me to my disillusionment with the greater Authority. The date was November 15th, 2019. CSD-1115 was perhaps one of the least egregious in terms of all the L3 CSD, but committing arson on his ex's home combined with the fact it killed both her and her family is still high. I watched from the observation room to see CSD-1115's gradual transformation process to get myself ready for analysis and observation. During his third stage, a group of ASF soldiers dressed in hazmat gear moved to massive cancerous lump to the other testing room.
I donned my hazmat suit and went into the testing chamber to look at the rapid multiplication of cells and the eventual evolution of sentient microscopic animals. This was an interesting case as these creatures were able to distribute an enormous amount of thermal heat and energy. Obviously incinerators aren't going to work given how it doesn't seem like to be a good idea to give microscopic bugs that eat and live off of thermal energy a douse of heat. Especially napalm.
These micro pyro-ants preferred temperatures of anywhere between 56-70 degrees Celsius. They started off quite peaceful and were known for applying heat based organic technology that thrived off of extreme temperatures. It's virtually useless trying to start a fire on any of their structures. As their society continued to progress, the micro pyro-ants began to develop a fiercely independent form of confederate styled government. They made huge leaps and strides in areas of technology through organic processes that we as a species couldn't figure.
Unfortunately, the micro pyro-ants would not last forever as some unknown and presumably extra-dimensional pathogen struck all of the population centers of RPC-978-4. We tried every conceivable means of counteracting the virus and contacted Nucorp for assistance, but not even their astonishing technology could help stop the tide of this deadly pathogen that wiped out the entirety of RPC-978-4. The pathogen seemed to cause a number of defective mutations that would result in a slow, but painful death for 978-4 member species. Once the entire species was wiped out, there was no sign of the virus as if it were never there.
Now this was an interesting case. A very interesting case as a matter of fact as any idea about microbiology and evolutionary biology were questioned and just were not obeyed. These creatures would take the appearance of microscopic scorpion like creatures with the ability to manipulate the consciousnesses of their prey through the use of neurotoxins on their stingers. Even more anomalous is their ability to somehow pass on information upon their deaths. The creatures of RPC-978 would have the innate ability to gain knowledge and skills by eating their own, but this is looked down and discouraged by their societal rules despite the potential it could bring.
RPC-978-5 was formed from the body of CSD-8910 who was a former Marine that was dishonored from his service after getting in an argument with his commanding officer and purposefully killing him as a result. The transformation process for CSD-8910 also seem to have taken much more longer than usual and showed signs of repelling the pathogen before fully succumbing.
The culture of RPC-978-5 species would be in particularly very martial and oriented towards the process of combat. Various rituals involved some form of combat as a method of being elevated in society and being deemed "worthy" of whatever position they hold. The species would come to develop a manner of highly advanced personalized personal armor and weapons to fight off against local invasive flora and fauna. Their leaders would be elected through combat and rigorous physical and intellectual trials to prove their ability to administer and direct.
As interesting as they were, the species was wiped out because of the creation of a new class of warriors through "years" in their view, but just months in our human perception of time. We are still having trouble trying to translate the languages of these microscopic species, but the closest Jackson got was "Harbingers" and they were made to be superiors in every single way.
A war soon broke out between RPC-978-5 and RPC-978-5B instances that took a significant toll on RPC-978-5 as they were being beaten back by the relatively augmented RPC-978-5B instances that were created by them. Eventually, the war resulted in RPC-978-5B instances exterminating the entire population of RPC-978-5 and RPC-978-5B instances eventually suffering from a major population decline due to their reproductive processes not being as matured or developed. This soon resulted in the extinction of RPC-978-5B instances.
The famous "Bullet Wasps" that we were forced to incinerate to death. Despite their violent containment breach attempt, they started out as a rather quaint species and we have no idea about how they evolved into their more belligerent form. They were one of the most intelligent species that have come into existence as they created vast labyrinthine maze like cities that only they could navigate through with their own senses.
The species itself came into existence from the body of CSD-9210 after he had entered a longer than normal gestation process. Once the first cities were being built, the intelligence and cunning of the species began to surface as they would continue to grow in both size, intelligence, and sophistication.
Their society was more unified and autocratic, but this did not seem to hamper any of their creativity or evolution in any way shape or form. Ruled by a pair known as the Guiding Brood; which were a group of highly intelligent Bullet Wasps that have grown significantly powerful in both strength, speed, and intelligence, they would organize many containment breaches in an effort to escape from the site.
In an unprecedented event however, the Bullet Wasps would grow exponentially in size and would grow to be around 0.188 mm in length and the size of their chitin constructed cities would cover the entirety of the containment cell. The Bullet Wasps were able to penetrate through thick layers of steel and had some form of neural toxin in their stingers to let them control other organisms.
Ultimately, the Bullet Wasps were exterminated as we used incendiary weapons were sufficient in dealing with them even though they inflicted an egregious amount of damage on the facility and costed the lives of 33 personnel. I was forced to eventually deploy a high yield incendiary agent within the containment cell of RPC-978-6 to burn out any of the remaining population as their massive population growth is becoming more and more of a risk to the facility.
I would soon begin to comprehend the severity of this new species that developed from the body of CSD-9012. CSD-9012 was already a peculiar case as he was a serial killer that claimed the lives of 10 individuals before being apprehended. One that would nearly cost my life in the process too when I tried to enter the containment cell that held them within. I fancy myself as being resilient, but there was never a time I would be close to death when I had a close and very dangerous encounter with RPC-978-7. Microscopic flea like organisms with distinctive crimson crystal protrusions that appear to manifest throughout their body. Testing began on August 16th, 2021 and it would end in the termination of RPC-978-7 on September 3rd, 2021.
The Bloodmites are a very deceptive species that feigned being weak and unable to do anything that would damage the site. Their buildings seem to appear to be made out of pure solidified blood to the point where it was almost crystal like. We would later learn the hard way that beyond using advanced cellular and molecular level biological manipulation technology, they had somehow began to understand thaumaturgy. I do not know the inner workings of such a force as that's more of a duty assigned to the Kabbalistic Department, but me and 10 other scientists fell ill to a strange and bizarre disease that took us out of work for four days. Doctors reported that some form of crystallization began to take place in our bloodstreams that caused extensive tissue and organ damage. 4 of us died from the disease, but through the use of borrowed Nucorp medical technology many of were able to survive.
Before I was infected with the disease, I would notice that the Bloodmites began building large structures akin to that of religious temples. There were often 6 statues raised of various entities that may be their patron gods, or something else entirely that I'm better off not knowing. Routine ritual sacrificing of cattle, their young, and those deemed too weak to live were fairly common throughout their blood crystal cities.
Sooner or later, I ordered the termination of RPC-978-7 due to their potential to manifest this blood crystal disease because of its unknown and indeterminate range. They were only a month old, but I feel like I made the right decision this time to prevent the deaths of other personnel and maybe even civilians. I gathered what information I recorded about this civilization and kept it stored within my hard-drive for further analyzation one day.
Kind of a departure from the usual insects we've seen evolve, but CSD-4399 would somehow spawn an entire race of microscopic hybrids of between insects and some amount of reptilian DNA. These strange hybrids had very odd social customs that would defy even my own understanding to this very day, but there is one thing that is for certain, and that is they have this odd ability to switch their consciousnesses with other members of their species.
I do not know the biological mechanisms behind this ability of "mind-exchange" between the species of RPC-978-8, but it played an extreme and significant role in their society. They treasured knowledge and the ability to experience environmental stimuli. The architecture of this species was a mixture of skin and chitinous like material that bonded together to create incredibly dense structures. Their society was ruled by a group known as the High Minds who were made up of the consciousnesses of hundreds of RPC-978-8 instances.
It was interesting to see how this species would play out until the unexpected manifestation of an "info-virus" that struck the civilization. In the span of a few weeks, I started to see the downfall of this species as this info-virus was virtually impossible to be treated or removed. Yet to this species, their decay and degeneration would take what felt like decades to them as this "mind-plague" began to tearing away their minds.
Ultimately, the species would be rendered extinct on September 21st, 2021 and the decontamination of the cell would begin. Strange enough was that any sign of this info-plague would vanish without a trace and we were unable to comprehend its nature. There were many theories and hypothesis's about the nature of this plague, but it would be rendered meaningless as there was nothing left for us to observe any more.
After picking up some coffee from the mess hall, I was called into the observation room to begin testing. This time it was CSD-7282 who from what I heard was quite the handful to deal with. His gruesome transformation into the host-cities that would spawn the species of RPC-978-9 would cause an electrical short-circuit throughout the entire facility and we were forced to resort to a back up power generator.
What spawned forth would be something that both frightened and bewilder me to this very day. The host-cities had somehow developed the ability to siphon off electricity from other power sources and more weirdly, the air itself to draw power and sustenance from it. Their buildings glowed a luminous blue as they extracted electricity from the local environment, but we did managed to devise a way to keep the species from doing more damage to our power supply. By using insulators, we were able to stop RPC-978-9 from drawing forth any more electrical energy and prevent the site from experiencing major power shortages and overloads.
Like RPC-978-6, they would steadily grow in size, but they did not share the same belligerent proclivities as them and only fought when they sensed their life was in imminent peril. This was demonstrated when we used captured RPC-████ instances into the environment of RPC-978-6. Though I haven't realized observed any militaristic formations within the society of RPC-978-9, they were quick in mobilizing defensive patterns and figured out rather quickly on how to use their latent electrokinetic powers to terminate all RPC-████ instances.
It is unknown as to who exactly had any major leadership position within RPC-978-9 society, but I have seen them construct some form of temples devoted to certain deities they deemed to be their creators. It was hard to make out their language, but they had a religious order now dedicated to both war and even scientific thought called "The Thunder-Carapace Order". Though the RPC-978-9 society underwent a major revolt against the more wealthier members of their society as they were resorting to a form of slave labor, the species was able to remove the controller-entities from power.
RPC-978-9 instances would not face extinction like most of the other species that had evolved. Their society would begin to secularize and would attempt to communicate with the Site Director and even Global Director's on petition them to leave the site and explore the rest of the wider world. This is still ongoing as many aren't too willing to let a race of beetles who can siphon off of electricity and potentially cause major black outs across the world to be let loose throughout the world. Yet I and Dr. Simon have talked about building a bio-dome habitat in the Florida Everglades if they ever get the chance. They were moved to another containment cell as per the request of the site-director.
Matching more closely with the events described within the book. RPC-978-10 would be a race of microscopic bioluminescent armored slugs that developed the ability to produce an excess amount of light to blind their prey. Formed from CSD-6664, we were able to find bizarre bioluminescent matter within the CSD as the transformation process continued. Despite their slow movement speed, they are capable of some minor form of "teleportation" that they consciously use through unknown means. They have developed tentacled multi-digited appendages to further manipulate their surroundings in addition allowing them to use tools. "Hopper Slugs" were the name that was given to them.
The RPC-978-10 instances grew and expanded their host cities at around November 15th, 2021 and would come to encompass all of Containment Cell B-25. Although they appeared to be a more passive species, the society of RPC-978-10 would grow to obey the harsh and rigid rules set out by the "Guiding Kings" of this society. The Guiding Kings enforced a heavy regimented rule set forbidding any attempts by RPC-978-10 individuals from contacting Authority personnel, referring to us humans as "Titan Demons" that feed upon them. The Guiding Kings would form a secret police styled organization that would hunt down anyone deemed a dissident.
Soon, a rebellion would form within one of the Host Cities that to them, thus starting a long war that would result in much of the population of RPC-978-9 being reduced considerably. The Guiding Kings would cull a great deal of the rebels, but one single rebel in a form of bio-mechanical armor would confront the Guiding Kings. The ruling class of RPC-978-10 would somehow develop "psychic" abilities over the duration of the war.
This so called Last Insurgent which was as close of a translation our linguists could translate from his name. Would be able to terminate all six of the Guiding Kings in spite of the fact sustaining severe wounds from going through and eliminating large garrisons of loyalists that were able to wound him. There wasn't a substantial number of RPC-978-10 species left as it was estimated that there were only 10,000 of them left by the time the Last Insurgent dealt with the Guiding Kings. The remaining were transported to a lab for containment and protection purposes.
To rectify any potential genetic bottlenecking from occurring within the species as their current population level is not sufficient enough for further population growth. I have reluctantly authorized the use of a few RPC's to allow for a possible population reconstruction so they can regrow to more stable levels, but I will have to see and wait for the progress of this operation and in an appropriate secured environment to see the anomalies work.
Extremophile microscopic arthropods that have developed the ability to adapt to extreme atmospheric pressures and temperatures. They have developed high strength claws to crush or lift objects and have been able to manipulate some form of "bio-plasma" that is within their bodies. This bio-plasma allows them to project some form of energy outwards and can be used as some form of fuel for their bio-technological constructs.
They really didn't have much of an organized society until January 15th, 2022 where they develop a civilization based off the guidance of a single "king" who claimed to have some form of divine connection with some of the information we have about their mythology. These "Grunt-Crabs" would have an independent and stark territorial mindset. They would attempt to attack one of the CSD trying to clean up their containment cell, but we stopped them from flaying apart the man by releasing a low pitched sonic wave that knocked most of them out.
Later on in the week, I would receive word of a small anomalous hot spring that formed in the containment cell. RPC-978-11 instances would split into different civilizations that had their own interpretations on how to worship the "First King" that united their race into a single kingdom regardless of their differing "regions" that they spawned from.
It eventually culminated in the destruction and extinction of the entire species when the different kingdoms developed bio-plasma weapons of mass destruction in a war of ideologies. All there is of the species really is just a glowing green hot spring that has some form of microscopic bacteria, but some have detected what seemed like to some amount of small concentration of anomalous "super-cells" developing.
Microscopic moth/arachnid like entities with the ability to have some form of 360 degree vision of their surrounding environments along with the ability to shoot out high velocity needles from their abdomen when in danger. Their reflexes also appear to be entirely automatic and the capacity of understanding this is limited. RPC-978-12 at a young age are taught by their elder parents on how to use these automatic senses without needing to tire themselves.
Forming from CSD-1115, all RPC-978-12 instances would come to form a mass of web like structures that are harder than even standard steel. They too seem to possess an ability to access a present "bio-plasma" that lets them able to use as fuel for their biotechnological constructs that can they use.
The society of RPC-978-12 revolved around some form of a primitive "democracy" as simply as I could put it. They would have their civilization elect various "Adjuncts" that oversee and administer over certain regions of the Host-Cities to ensure that they remain functional and safe for RPC-978-12 entities to live in as well as maintaining a degree of fairness and equality for them. All RPC-978-12 entities would soon enough begin to grow in size until they reached a certain issue with their species. They weren't particularly aggressive, but they did have an incredibly martial culture.
What would be even more inexplicable is their sudden disappearance from their containment cell. Site security did everything they could to monitor who or what could've made these species disappear without a trace. Security footage would be deleted and did not record the moment when RPC-978-12 instances, their cities, and essentially their whole civilization would be disappeared. But there was a single dead instance of RPC-978-12 lying in the middle of the floor that was detected.
I suppose this is my final journal entry after all. I'm just tired of seeing civilizations just self-destruct and collapse for the sake of scientific research. I don't need to give out a long lengthy heroic speech about doing the right thing in order to ensure that others live and prosper in your actions. I have 15 ASF soldiers with tranquilizer guns ready to come bust down the door by sawing through it. Maybe it's time for a change of subjects and some self-experimentation is required I say.
It is noted that after the RPC-978-13 entry. The scientist once in charge of research for all RPC-978 instances would become the current 978-13. All related structures and species of 978-13 would be moved to a more secure containment cell.