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Registered Phenomena Code: 970
Object Class: Alpha-White
Hazard Types: Animated Hazard, Aquatic Hazard, Climatological Hazard, Organic Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-970 is to be contained in a large aquatic containment chamber at Site-095, with no exposure to the surface. The ceiling of the chamber is to be located 10 meters above the surface of the water. An artificial kelp forest ecosystem is to be maintained within the enclosure. A day/night cycle should be simulated within the chamber to prevent any unforeseen consequences of deviating from the natural ecosystem. Weather within the chamber should be monitored.
Description: RPC-970 is the collective designation given to 17 kelp vines of the genus Macrocystis. These vines are identical to non-anomalous kelp vines in appearance, however RPC-970 instances are capable of movement. RPC-970 instances normally choose to replicate the natural movements of kelp plants, however can move in any manner that is necessary. In addition, RPC-970 is capable of uprooting itself and relocating. Relocation usually occurs when the environment becomes unsuitable for RPC-970, causing all instances of RPC-970 to relocate.
RPC-970's most bizarre quality is its weather manifestation properties. RPC-970 will occasionally release clusters of water vapor resembling small clouds at the water's surface. These clouds will rise until they reach a height of 10 meters above where they were released. These clouds will congregate until enough are present to begin a light rainstorm. Under ideal conditions, this storm is perpetual.
All of these qualities appear to serve the purpose of maintaining a perpetual ecosystem. RPC-970 instances will relocate themselves should their current location become unsuitable. Any organisms living in proximity to RPC-970 will usually relocate with them should they be able to, however this is thought to be due to the needs of the organisms and not as an additional anomalous property of RPC-970. This allows RPC-970 to essentially relocate its ecosystem. In addition, RPC-970 instances will react violently, though not lethally, to the presence of non-native species, keeping them out of the ecosystem. RPC-970 instances do not react violently to humans, however. Finally, the natural rain storms above RPC-970 serve the function filtering water and keeping it ideal, while the storms remain light enough so as not to block the sun.
Addendum-970-A: RPC-970 was originally discovered when a light rainstorm was spotted 10 meters above the surface of the water off the coast of California. Initially thought to be a minor anomalous weather phenomenon, investigation revealed two men on a wooden raft below the site. The men greeted Authority personnel and claimed to be members of the Group of Interest “The Descendants of Yggdrasil”. They explained that the storm was being caused by the kelp vines below their raft and that said vines had been recently released. Further investigation revealed this to be the case, as an isolated kelp forest ecosystem was found located below the raft, containing 17 instances of RPC-970.
The men claimed that they were there to release RPC-970 to aid in preservation of kelp forest ecosystems. They stated that no other instances of RPC-970 existed. Authority personnel proceeded to watch the site until the containment chamber had been constructed. When construction was completed, the RPC-970 instances were captured and moved to Site-095 where the chamber was located. The men expressed disappointment towards the RPC-970 instances being taken into Authority custody, however did not interfere with the transfer. The absence of further RPC-970 instances has not been confirmed, though considering the nature of The Sons of Yggdrasil, it is likely that the men were stating the truth.