Der Mechanisiert Übermensch
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Registered Phenomena Code: 940
Object Class: Beta-Orange
Secondary Class: Utility
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: |
Aggression |
Ballistic |
Climatological |
Geological |
Grouped |
Invisibility |
Psychotronic |
Sapient |
Sentient |
Transmutation |
Bio-Hazard |
Contact |
Corrosive |
Electromagnetic Force |
Explosive |
Extreme Temperature |
Radiation |
Toxic |
Destabilization |
Extra-Dimensional |
Gravitational |
Teleportation |
Temporal |
Auditory |
Emotional |
Ideological |
Info-Hazard |
Memory Alteration |
Mind-Control |
Mind-Regression |
Sensory |
Visual |
Animated |
Aquatic |
Ecological |
Extra-Terrestrial |
Immeasurable |
Incorporeal |
Mechanical |
Microscopic |
Organic |
Regenerative |
Titanic |
Tychokinetic |
Replicating |
Newtonian |
Ontological |
Divine |
Hallucinogen |
High Velocity |
Proto-Mechanical |
Proto-Newtonian |
Proto-Sapient |
Fig. 1.0: RPC-940 prior to being transferred into its current body.
Containment Protocols: RPC-940 is to be contained in a reinforced humanoid containment cell at Site-074. RPC-940's bio-gel and internal battery water cells are to be replaced and refilled on a weekly basis. Additionally, an industrial 120V outlet connected to a diesel generator with the express purpose of charging RPC-940 is to be provided. All personnel who wish to interview or visit RPC-940 must have said visitation approved by at least two personnel with level 3 clearance or higher. Any request made by RPC-940 is to be reviewed by at least one member of RPC-940 Containment staff with 4C clearance.
RPC-940's various armaments are to be modified in such a way that they are unable to fire. A remote mechanism is to be attached to RPC-940's internal brain compartment with the sole purpose of sedating the entity via the injection of 1mg of Midazolam into the compartment's bio-gel.
In light of Incident 940-43, RPC-940 is now considered to be a limited member of the protection division and given Class-0 affiliation clearance. As such, it is to be allowed limited access to other parts of Site-074, provided such access is related to security matters and is supervised by at least 3 ASF personnel equipped with EMP weaponry.
Description: RPC-940 is a 3.1-meter tall cybernetic entity developed by the GARD during the later years of World War II. The entity is of a humanoid build, with a large, multi-lens reinforced camera serving as its head. Despite being similar to an image orthicon camera, the design lacks an electron gun. Instead, a single braided cable leading all the way to RPC-940's cerebrum can be found. RPC-940 has claimed that it can see in low-light and can even utilize thermal imaging. The method of which it achieves this is not currently understood. The rest of the entity's head is protected by what appears to be an enlarged M1940 Stahlhelm. The object's chassis is adorned with a variety of NSDAP and GARD iconography. The most notable of these is the Reichsadler above RPC-940's believed designation code, DF-Rommel-03 on the upper right side of the frame.
The surgically altered and reanimated brain of German general Erwin Rommel is stored within the center of RPC-940 and serves as the main control center for the entity. Rommel's personality, memories, and beliefs have mainly been kept intact. However, certain areas of the brain have been modified in order to integrate the mind more thoroughly into RPC-940. The brain is enclosed in an elaborate wire harness. The harness acts as both housing for the various wires, cables, and mechanisms in the brain, but also helps deliver the oxygenated bio-gel to the organ. Sections of Broca's area have been removed and attached to a heavily modified Voder device. Large portions of the thalamus and hypothalamus have been removed, and bio-gel pumps have added in their place. The wire that is attached to RPC-940's camera runs through several portions of the visual cortex. Tissue samples taken from the brain have shown that a bio-organic compound comprised of carbon and [REDACTED] are present throughout the organ. The substance appears to act as a preservative and is believed to attribute the organ's longevity. Details regarding the creation of RPC-940 can be found in Addendum 940-2.
RPC-940 is equipped with several firearms, including one (1) heavily modified Flammenwerfer 35, two (2) mounted MG42s, one (1) grenade launcher, four (4) fixed defensive grenade arrays, and even one (1) 75mm howitzer. RPC-940's power center, bio-gel filtration system, and water cells, as well as most of its ammunition, is located on the back of the entity. The primary components of the entity are protected by steel plating of various thicknesses 0.5cm on none vital sections and up to 12cm on the back and front. Alongside the steel plating, the vital areas are protected by a series of Faraday cages. Due to the thickness of RPC-940's steel plating and its vast armament, the entity weighs approximately 11 tonnes. Despite its weight, the entity is still able to move at speeds up to 50km/h.
It appears that RPC-940 has retained much of its military talents it had in its former life, and as such, is an extremely efficient combatant. The only reliable way found to disable the entity are high-voltage EMP grenades, which temporarily stun the entity for a short period of time. RPC-940 is capable of operating when entirely depleted of energy. However, this appears to cause RPC-940 great pain and eventually results in violent and rapid mood swings.
Despite the high threat level RPC-940 poses, the entity does not appear to be hostile to Authority personnel. RPC-940 is capable of speech via its Voder device and has been extremely cooperative and benevolent to date. It is evident that RPC-940 was not on good terms with GARD, and is willing to work with the Authority given its current situation.
Addendum 940-1 Discovery and Acquisition: Operation Rattrap, Tolhuin, Argentina 19██.
Fig. 2.0: Storage Depot used as a front by GARD forces. Photo taken by MST reconnaissance teams.
RPC-940 was discovered during a joint operation between the Authority and the FOA. An uncovered GARD storage depot in Tolhuin, Argentina was raided by both MST Delta-42 (Jungle Rats), Sierra-06 (War Criminals), and FOA VOSK02 forces. GARD security held their defensive positions, and both the FOA VOSK02 and MST forces sustained heavy casualties. However, the GARD forces were defeated after several hours, and the depot was successfully captured.
Inside the depot, the joint teams found several anomalies and SS officials unaccounted-for by the UNAAC commission. Among the anomalies found was RPC-940. It had remained motionless throughout the raid, refusing to assist the GARD security forces. After a brief discussion between FOA representatives and the Global Directors, they agreed the anomaly fell under the RAVAAF agreement, and RPC-940 was relocated to Site-074. Under the RAVAAF (RPC Authority Volunteer Army for the Allied Forces) agreement all anomalous assets belonging to the NSDAP and GARD following the conclusion of the Second World War are the responsibility of the RPCA.
Interviewed: Agent Hans
Interviewer: Dr. Isaac
Foreword: The following is the recorded discussion between Dr. Isaac and Agent Hans of the FOA regarding the custody of RPC-940.
<Begin Log, 09:21 July 12th, 19██>
Dr. Isaac: Good morning, agent. I trust you are well?
Agent Hans: Spare me the pleasantries, doctor. We have made the recovery of a lifetime, and I do not wish to waste any valuable time.
Dr. Isaac sighs
Dr. Isaac: Very well then, let's get right to business then. Now, unlike the tank we recovered, this entity will only belong to one party. You already know the Authority's stance regarding this and the RAVAAF agreement.
Agent Hans: Of course. Your organization is ever eager to expand its "collection." But you must understand, on this matter we insist that custody be handed over to us. This object holds great value to the GARD; otherwise, they would not have kept it here. The FOA must know why. The secrets this highly complex robot holds could be vital. It spoke to us during the operation and said, "Don't shoot. I'm not with them." God, it practically sounded human.
Dr. Isaac: It's a cyborg, actually. Our scans have detected an organic substance inside the machine, as well as brain activity. Tell me, does the FOA have the capacity to maintain such an object as this?
Agent Hans: A cyborg? That's even more advanced than we thought, and of course we can, that shall be no issue.
Dr. Isaac: Are you certain? I recently heard the FOA was receiving budget cuts.
Dr. Isaac stares at Agent Hans for several seconds.
Agent Hans: Where did you get such information?
Dr. Isaac: It may surprise you, agent, but, contrary to popular belief, the Authority is actually capable of keeping a secret.
Agent Hans pauses
Agent Hans: Duly noted. Yes, I won't deny it, Germany is currently dealing with…other issues at the moment, and we have seen a temporary cut in our funding. I can assure you, however, that when we return with this object, that will surely change.
Dr. Isaac: Agent, I understand your position, I do. However, I simply cannot, in good conscience, allow you to take this entity when you cannot guarantee that its integrity will be secured. The most I can offer you is a research agreement. The cyborg will be kept at the site closest to Germany, and Authority shall work with the FOA in researching this entity. In addition, any findings regarding this subject, and only this subject will be shared with the FOA. Can you agree to these terms?
Agent Hans: Allow us to interview this entity as well, and the FOA finds these terms acceptable.
Dr. Isaac: That can be arranged. Thank you, Agent.
Agent Hans: You as well, Doctor. Gott Mit Uns.
<End Log, 09:43 July 12th, 19██>
Closing Statement: The agreement made with the FOA went into effect immediately following this discussion. The FOA has played a vital role in the research into RPC-940. As compensation, multiple FOA representatives have interviewed and conversed with RPC-940. These interviews, while supervised by Authority personnel, are recorded in FOA documents, as opposed to Authority documents.
Interviewed: RPC-940
Interviewer: Dr. Isaac
Foreword: The following interview occurred three days after RPC-940's containment. This interview is intended to gather information regarding RPC-940, and why it was so amenable during initial contact with MST and FOA forces.
<Begin Log, 13:16 July 12th, 19██>
Dr. Isaac: Good afternoon, 940. How are you doing?
RPC-940: I am doing well; thank you.
Dr. Isaac: How do you find your new containment cell?
RPC-940: It is acceptable, a little bare, I'll admit, but otherwise fine.
Dr. Isaac: That's good. Now then, 940, can you tell me-
RPC-940: Please, Herr Doctor. Call me Rommel.
Dr. Isaac remains silent for several minutes.
Dr. Isaac: I'm…sorry. Did you say your name was Rommel?
RPC-940: Yes.
Dr. Isaac: ….as in, Erwin Rommel?
RPC-940: Yes, that is me.
Dr. Isaac: …Well, that certainly answers a few questions, and yet raises so many more. Alright, let's start with the obvious: What are you doing here? Records say you were forced to commit suicide via cyanide after you betrayed Hitler in 1944.
RPC-940: Ha. Is that what they went with? No, I was given a far worse punishment for my crime: to serve the regime I have come to despise eternally.
Dr. Isaac: Given how you refused to help GARD forces during the raid in Argentina, I assume that your servitude didn't go as they planned?
RPC-940: Yes. They initially intended to make a mindless automaton, but later decided they didn't want to lose my talent for warfare. This meant they couldn't alter my mind too much since they were so concerned about causing damage. They were working on a way to make me more….agreeable to them, but they couldn't by the time the war ended.
Dr. Isaac: Why didn't they keep you out of this machine if your mind wasn't properly modified?
RPC-940: Brains do not last long outside of the body, and the only means they had to keep me alive for any period of time was this machine. They really didn't have much of a choice. Achtung, they barely had enough time to make the appropriate modifications to me so that I could fit inside this thing to begin with.
Dr. Isaac: I see. Alright, let's move on to a different question. How have you found being inside this machine?
RPC-940: It's a lot better than it used to be. At first, I was just a perfectly intact brain in a jar. I still felt like I needed to eat, sleep, and drink. Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it to constantly have the urge to do something that is no longer possible?
Dr. Isaac: I imagine it's similar to having an itch you can never reach.
RPC-940: Something like that, except everything is like an itch, Herr Doctor. It was a nightmarish hell. I couldn't have been happier than when they tampered with my ability to feel. Though I will admit, I'd prefer having the itch if it meant not having these other "improvements." I can only speak in an edited form of German, and if I try to mention the filthy Jews. My text to speech device automatically filters my speakers in real time to say the filthy Jews instead of me trying to say the filthy Jews. Scheiße, that's annoying!
Dr. Isaac: I'll see if I can't get some engineers to fix that for you.
RPC-940: I would greatly appreciate that, Herr Doctor.
Dr. Isaac: Is there anything else that bothers you about being in this machine?
RPC-940: It was a trade-off, Herr Doctor. Having my urges tear my mind apart slowly, or now, being an empty husk of a man. I can not feel the feelings I once had. They tampered with the lower sections of my brain. Gradually, they pulled apart the neural pathways that produced my hormones. It was like a lobotomy paired with chemical castration. So I'm an empty shell inside, still at times my nonexistent stomach pangs of hunger, and the text to speech hiccups, I would say I would instead prefer to not be in this situation. My time in life ended a long time ago, and I would like nothing more than to rest, but as long as the GARD remains, I can not cease.
Dr. Isaac: Dear God…
Dr. Isaac again remains silent for several minutes.
RPC-940: Oh, and being covered in this graffiti is less than enjoyable as well.
RPC-940 motions to the various Nazi and GARD symbols on itself.
Dr. Isaac: …I'll see if we can't wash that off you. Well, Mr. Rommel, I believe that's all I have for you. Thank you for your time.
RPC-940: No, thank you, Herr Doctor. For everything.
<End Log, 13:35 July 12th, 19██>
Closing Statement: Engineers were sent to fix RPC-940's text to speech device and to power wash the NSDAP/GARD iconography off its chassis. RPC-940 seemed very grateful for the work done by said engineers.
Addendum 940-02 Recovered GOI-011 Files: FOA forces recovered several documents pertaining to RPC-940 alongside its discovery. Most of the records about the entity had been destroyed by the remaining GARD researchers during the raid. The surviving documents were turned over to the Authority alongside RPC-940. The following files have been translated from German. Proper titles have been left in their German form.
German Anomalous Research Division
Date: 1st February 1945, Report #3977
Head Researcher: Dr. Stuhr, Ahnenerbe Division
Written Anomaly Report: Der Mechanisiert Übermensch project is barely even off the ground, and they come to me with this. Herr Rommel himself, the Desert Fox, the Generalfeldmarschall, is to be turned into our first eternal mechanical man. All in the attempt to save his accomplished and brilliant mind. The Fuhrer himself has demanded that he be able to speak with Herr Rommel within a month. However, we will be lucky to see any brain activity at all, given these time constraints.
The machine itself is the greatest obstacle we currently face. While preliminary tests have shown how the reanimated brain is able to function inside of it, the mechanism is nothing but a glorified iron lung. The last test subject placed inside only survived for a week. It repeatedly asked the observation teams "Where is my skin?" and "Why can I still feel my heart beat?" in rapid succession before the life support systems eventually failed. Alongside this, all of our efforts to devise an engine capable of powering both the primary life support functions and the mechanical aspects of the object have fallen remarkably short. The weight of the structure and chassis have also proven to be quite problematic as well. The weight problems are even present without the armament the object is required to support. How will our machines ever be able to combat Soviet T-34s or MH-013 instances with our current limitations?
Current Objective: Given all of our constraints, and the limited resources currently at our disposal, this project has been a failure. We received a shipment of Specimen V-76 alongside the body from the Fabrik der Toten. V-76 should be able to reanimate the inert brain enough to merge it with the machine. Once this has been completed, we must focus on making our Mechanisiert Übermensch combat operational at all costs. For me and my fellow scientists' sake, we can not fail.
Several pages of schematics detailing the early designs of RPC-940 were found attached to the document. The prototype bears a strong resemblance to German tank designs. Researchers currently believe that this is due to the scarcity of parts at the time.
German Anomalous Research Division
Date: 6th July 1979, Report #6602
Head Researcher: Dr. Schoff, Ahnenerbe Division
Written Anomaly Report: Finally, a breakthrough! After thirty years of failure, and several "reassigned" project heads, we have a completely operational prototype. Der DF-Rommel-03 is both psychologically and mechanically stable. We were able to reduce the weight of the automaton by swapping out a majority of the non-integral components with carbon fiber and aluminum replacements. Now, even with a 76-millimeter main canon, the gross weight is under 4 tonnes. That's not even accounting for the increased armament capabilities added by the design teams and the addition of a Faraday cage around the critical systems. On paper, we couldn't be happier with DF-Rommel-03.
Unfortunately, even with success on the robotics side, we have encountered a problem with the "human element" of the device. It refuses to obey orders. It has devolved into a pathetic apathetic shell of the man inside. Does he not realize how he is about to be part of the Reichs' glorious Wehrmacht once more? We've dissected and removed several portions of the lower brain responsible for the production of hormones that are no longer necessary. Performing the operations while the mind was active allowed us to measure its emotional responses in real time. While baseline reactions of an emotional nature were slower, they were still present. Most notably, when we exposed it to pictures of its wife and children.
Kommandant Fleischmann will be inspecting our facility soon, and I fear he will not be pleased with DF-Rommel-03's progress. He wants results, and the Kommandant is tired of waiting for a higher functioning cyborg. We believe he will order us to perform more invasive vivisections until we have complete control over the brain's higher functions. We think we can manually manipulate a rage induced state as a simplified form of control. Either way, without Kommandant Fleischmann's approval, we will not be able to move to Laboratory #09.
Operation Rattrap was completed just two days after the final report was written. Despite cutting off the storage facility's communications prior to the raid, surveillance teams left behind to watch the site never encountered any additional GARD forces or Kommandant Fleischmann.
Incident 940-43: On June 14, 20██, GARD forces raided Site-074. Protection division heads currently believe the attack was carried out in an attempt to reacquire RPC-███, RPC-███, and RPC-940. To achieve this, GARD agents unleashed several Beta and Gamma class entities from their containment. GARD forces then released RPC-940 and attempted to escape. RPC-940 proceeded to quickly rearm itself and attacked the invading GARD forces, which seemed to startle the GARD forces considerably. In addition, RPC-940 actively coordinated with ASF personnel in an effort to fight off the GARD raid. RPC-940 played a crucial role in the defense of Site-074, as well as the re-containment of several gamma level anomalies that would have otherwise cost ASF personnel significant time and manpower to re-contain. With the use of both its significant firepower and tactical knowledge, RPC-940 was successfully able to hold back GARD forces until MST reinforcements could arrive. The Authority suffered approximately ██ casualties due to the raid, but was able to push the GARD forces back and hold the facility. This was due in no small part to the efforts of RPC-940.
It should be noted that RPC-940 displayed behavior extremely uncommon for it. Throughout the raid, RPC-940 could be best described as "energetic." It appeared extremely active during the attack, exhibiting high levels of emotional output.
Interviewed: RPC-940
Interviewer: Dr. Isaac
Foreword: The following interview occurred after Incident 940-43. The purpose of this interview was to establish why RPC-940 assisted ASF personnel in their defense and re-containment efforts.
<Begin Log, 19:16 June 14th, 20██>
Dr. Isaac: Hello, 940.
RPC-940: Hello again, Herr Doctor.
Dr. Isaac: I wanted to discuss with you the eventful day we just had. Would you mind telling me what exactly happened?
RPC-940: If I am truly honest, Herr Doctor, I do not know myself. When I saw those GARD soldiers in their uniforms, something came over me. All the feelings and emotions I thought I had lost suddenly came back like a flood. I have never felt anything like it before.
Dr. Isaac: Interesting. Have you been in combat since you have been transferred into this body?
RPC-940: Only training exercises and weapons tests. I haven't been in a real combat situation since the RAF strafed my staff car in 1944.
Dr. Isaac: I see. Can you describe what it felt like to me?
RPC-940: Have you ever felt the heat of battle, Herr Doctor? It was an adrenaline rush, but it was multiplied by a factor of ten. I felt anger, rage, sadness, and joy, all at once. But what I felt most of all at that moment, when I saw the GARD, was hatred. It was overwhelming, frankly.
Dr. Isaac: Did you feel that same hatred of the ASF and MST agents?
RPC-940: No, I only felt that unyielding hatred when I looked at my ex-captors and torturers. It was not directed to anyone else — especially not your brave men here.
Dr. Isaac: Good to know. Do you still feel the emotions as strongly as when it first happened? Or has the emotional output increased at all due to the incident?
RPC-940: No, I am back to what I felt before the incident. It appears to only occur in combat situations.
Dr. Isaac: I see. Last question: why did you help the Authority re-contain the other entities? Why help us at all?
Loud whirring can be heard as RPC-940 leans in.
RPC-940: *Speaking softly* Because, Doctor, I like it here. I like having a purpose, I like the Authority, and I want to help it. It is the least I can do for freeing me from GARD's custody. I helped you at that moment because I did not want to be re-captured by GARD, and I wanted to prove my use to the Authority. I wanted to show you that I am not your enemy. Most importantly, I want to help you destroy the GARD. It is my personal mission to put an end to those monsters.
Dr. Isaac: …That is quite interesting, 940. I will be certain to make a note of that.
RPC-940: If I could be so bold, Herr Doctor. I overheard that there is a classification for helpful entities. Utility, I believe it is called. Is there any way for me to apply for such a designation? What must I do to achieve it?
Dr. Isaac: You have to be seen as an asset to the Authority. I think you could achieve it at some point. However, it will require a lot more than helping us deal with a single incident in order to get it.
RPC-940: I understand doctor. Please, allow me further opportunities to prove myself.
Dr. Isaac: I think that can be arranged. I'll begin the paperwork.
RPC-940: Thank you, Herr Doctor.
Dr. Isaac: And thank you, 940. That's all I have for you today. These men will escort you to your containment chamber.
RPC-940: Please, Herr Doctor, call me Rommel.
<End Log, 16:35 June 14th, 20██>
Closing Statement: RPC-940 has since aided ASF personnel in multiple other instances and has proven itself to be of significant use to the Authority. Since this interview has taken place, Utility classification has been approved for RPC-940.
The following is an excerpt of a recording taken via an ASF body cam. The recording is somewhat difficult to comprehend due to the gunfire in the background, but RPC-940 can clearly be heard. This recording is of particular interest to the Authority, as it shows that the more de-vitalized sections or RPC-940's brain can be re-vitalized during a combat situation.