Mind Ward
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Registered Phenomena Code: 925
Object Class: Alpha-White
Hazard Types: Bio-Hazard, Memory Alteration Hazard, Sensory Hazard, Ideological Hazard, Emotional Hazard
Containment Protocols: As there are no naturally occurring instances of RPC-925, all existing versions are currently being supplied to all personnel assigned to Cognito-hazardous RPCs for combative use/as a deterrent. All MST operatives are required to have an inhaler stored on their person during any operations. If supplies are low, personnel are encouraged to notify their Head Researcher for resupplying.
Addendum-1: All Experiments must be done in qualified testing facilities and under the observation of a head researcher following Experiment-76.
Description: The original RPC-925 was a form of bacteria that can affect the host's synapses and thought processes, making the victim act completely contradictory with their actions, statements, and mindsets. The origins of this bacteria can be traced to RPC-███ and these effects usually lasted for a day.
On behalf of the Authority, Nucorp Industries genetically re-engineered RPC-9251 colonies into gaseous vapours that induce a cognitive state that renders the host immune to almost all mind-affecting anomalies. RPC-925 comes contained in an oral Inhaler with 2 uses available with effects lasting for 1 hour. Nucorp Industries included an excerpt of Ingredients used to make the mixture:
- Ar (Argon)
- Tetrahydrocannabinol (found in Cannabis)
- As (Arsenic)
- CH4 (Methane)
- Sucrose (Sugar)
- Ca (Calcium)
- C (Carbon)
- Acesulfame Potassium (Artificial Sweetener)
- ████ (RPC-925)
- Acrylic Polymers (used in Paint)
- Polyisoprene (Rubber)
- and another 154 results
Subjects affected by RPC-925 expresses all 5 basic senses being heightened and an overall feeling of alertness, however prolonged use in a short time span (2/3 or 4 uses in a day) will result in an assortment of negative side effects. Some of the documented effects are listed below:
- Temporary memory loss
- Mood swings
- Periods of Confusion
- Early onset Dementia (occurred in 5 overusing cases for researchers over 40)
- Periods of Paranoia
- Lack of cognitive awareness, specifically in surroundings
- Long bouts of sensory overload
Overdosing (5+ uses a day) on 925 will result in more severe side effects, such as:
- Temporary memory loss may become permanent, similar to untreated dementia.
- Mood swings elevate into a Bipolar disorder
- Periods of Paranoia can become severe panic attacks, and users could injure nearby personnel on "suspicions"
- Cognitive unawareness elevates to a Permanent inability to function without support (symptom seems to bear a similarity to untreated Huntington's disease)
- Sensory bouts can either become permanent but minimal or in bouts but stronger than usual.
Overall long-term use with RPC-925 results in sharply diminishing results, with the body immunising itself. Researchers have found that after using RPC-925 safely for a span of 4 weeks, it would become usable again after approximately a year.
Head Researcher's note: To all new staff and Security Personnel, please follow the instructions provided and DO NOT attempt to acquire more than one inhaler for emergency use. As RPC-925 is bacterial in origin, your body will eventually build a resistance to it and it will no longer become effective. This resistance takes a long time to break down, as in months up to a year long.
If your an ASF or MST member, this is integral: never use your 2 doses at once, no matter how scary the monster is. Your one required dose will be suitable. And only use dosage in emergency situations, your tolerance to RPC-925 could mean the death of everyone around you including yourself.
For Researchers: We don't need extra casualties in Containment breaches because you think one dose will not be enough or you became tolerant. One dose will be enough, guaranteed. No need to overuse RPC-925 and starts forgetting breach procedures, or even worse be affected by the RPC to further assist in the breach.