
Some Pretty Long Furbies




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Registered Phenomena Code: 910

Object Class: Beta-White

Hazard Types: h-sentient.png Sentient Hazard h-emotional.png Emotional Hazard h-transmutation.png Transmutation Hazard h-mechanical.png Mechanical Hazard h-regenerative.png Regenerative Hazard

The first recorded instance of RPC-910.

Revised Containment Protocols: RPC-910 instances are currently to be contained in a 15x15x10 meter containment chamber on Site-002. Three on-site ASF guards are to be stationed outside of RPC-910's containment chamber entrance at all times. RPC-910 can be accessed with Level 1 or above clearance. No instances of RPC-910 are to be taken out of containment unless authorised by personnel of Level 3 or above clearance. Any unauthorised personnel caught handling RPC-910 instances, outside of containment, are to be apprehended and questioned.

Once the capacity of RPC-910's containment unit has exceeded its limit, Level 2 clearance ASF personnel equipped with hazmat suits are authorised to decapitate RPC-910 instances. Once decapitated, the heads of RPC-910 instances are to be returned to their containment chamber. Personnel assigned to this task are to recycle the metal components for Authority use and deposit the fur coat to services that are in need of them.

Media sightings of RPC-910 are to be suppressed and republished as part of a craft project or contribution to the "long Furbies" online community1. Online stores such as eBay, Amazon, Kajiji, and TaoBao are to be monitored for anonymous sellers of Furbies. In addition, any accidental discoveries of RPC-910 instances are to be directly reported to Head Researcher Harold R. Ames.

Description: RPC-910 is a series of mechanical dolls retaining similar physical properties to 'Furby', an electronic toy marketed towards children advertised as a pet. Instances of RPC-910 can be purchased from online bidding stores such as eBay and are marketed as newly manufactured versions of the toy. All buyers of RPC-910 instances are individuals whose social life is lacking or individuals who have a feeling of isolation. RPC-910 instances are commonly available in black, white or grey, allowing easier identification. Efforts to track the sellers' identities have yielded no results. There are currently a total of 646 discovered instances of RPC-910, 500 contained by the Authority, with about 400 instances being slightly irradiated (See Incident Log-910-3).

RPC-910 instances have the ability to grow their bodies in substantial lengths, their average speed of growth being 50mm/h. RPC-910 instances will often arrive at buyers from European, North or South American countries before the instance would breach their packaging box. However, if an instance is being shipped to a buyer from Asia or Oceana countries, RPC-910 instances will often-times break out of their packaging due to their overgrown length. They will then begin moving in a worm-like manner on their own to arrive at their buyer, their estimated speed of movement about 20km/h. This has caused cases of RPC-910 instances being discovered during shipping time.

Owners of RPC-910 will have the compulsive desire to groom and take care of RPC-910 instances, often treating them as a close companion. RPC-910 instances will continuously call for their owner's name during 'feeding times', despite no need of any in order to survive. RPC-910 instances will grow at a slower rate when within the custody of their buyers, with their average growth speed slowed down to 10mm/h. When taken from the possession of the buyer, RPC-910 instances will begin to grow at 300mm/h and squirm harmlessly while attempting to crawl back to their owner's current location. A dissection of RPC-910 has shown that RPC-910 instances have a bendable copper rod inside of them covered in cloth, this allows their body to move in a worm-like matter and keep their own bodies stable when standing.

A hollow copper sphere is attached to an oesophagus-like tube that connects to RPC-910 instances. The copper sphere acts as a stomach for RPC-910 instances, allowing them to consume material despite having no need for organic sustenance. Dissections of these 'stomachs' have revealed common pests, such as rodents and insects, being held within the body. Buyers have explained that RPC-910 instances aid in pest control in their property.

Amputation of RPC-910 instances is possible and can temporarily shorten their length. However, the instance will begin to grow from their head but at their original speed of 100mm/h. The regrowing process of RPC-910 instances will allow it to grow over the amputation mark and grow any limbs and fur lost during the procedure. The amputated body of RPC-910 instances will become inanimate once severed from their head. Although instances can be severed, RPC-910 instances will still continue to grow from their head. RPC-910 instances' mechanical components are resistant to water and electricity surges. RPC-910 instances are able to be damaged by any means with an exception of their head which is immune to all effects. RPC-910 instances are observed to be capable of having basic survival instincts, often fleeing from individuals who pose a threat to them.

Addendum 910.01: Discovery

Addendum 910.02: Interview Log

Addendum 910.03: Incident Log

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