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Photograph taken by unmanned drone during exploration mission 02.

Registered Phenomena Code: 901
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow
Hazard Types Extraterrestrial, Emotional, Ideological, Radiation, Anti-Physical, Teleportation
Containment Protocols: RPC-901 is to be contained at the location of discovery in █████, Illinois. Personnel within a thirty-meter radius of RPC-901 shall be rotated daily due to RPC-091’s anomalous properties.
CSD Personnel entering RPC-901 shall wear an Authority issued EMU (Extravehicular Mobility Unit). Personnel completely affected by RPC-901 are to be banned from entering RPC-901’s containment area. Exploration missions must be approved by Level 4 security personnel.
Description: RPC-901 is a standard closet inside a space-themed child's room (designated RPC-901-2). Located in ████, Illinois. RPC-901 manifests a portal to a random location in the universe in its interior; this has in the past included locations within the Milky Way Galaxy or other observable galaxies, but also locations beyond the edge of the observable universe.
RPC-901-2 shows signs of a proximity hazard. Personnel within thirty meters begin to exhibit obsessive behavior towards astronomy-related topics, including a desire to enter RPC-901. Test 2-A shows that the effects of RPC-901-2 will increase exponentially the longer the subject is in range.
The interior of RPC-901 is described by CSD personnel as swirling or twisting with the other side being seen as warped; direct observation of RPC-901 during its active stage is currently not possible as camera feed is frozen during this time. Reasons for this phenomenon is currently unknown. Subjects entering RPC-901 fades from view, entering a wormhole which appears to be stable, possibly extraterrestrial in origin. The subject will be transported to a random location in the universe; subjects entering RPC-901 without an EMU will be exposed to gamma radiation, thought to be originating from the wormhole. RPC-901 is able to maintain a subject's consciousness if the subject were to die for various reasons; the body would be unable to decompose and the subject would be able to see his or her's surroundings.
Addendum 01: Discovery: RPC-901 was reported to the RPC Authority on December 6th, 1987 after a missing-child case in which six local police officers disappeared after entering RPC-901-2. The house was expropriated by the Authority shortly after, the family was relocated and put under constant watch by the Authority.
Addendum 02: The Journal: Two days after the initial loss of contact with CSD-1414, a small journal exited RPC-901; which was quickly taken in for examination. The object showed the name of the missing child, further examination revealed the child's obsession with space; the journal mentions an extraterrestrial being visiting the child and offering a simple way into space, this is stated two days before the missing-child case. "Captain log 14: Some weird green thing visited me last night, it told me that It can let me explore space easily and that I can go tomorrow night!"