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Photo of RPC-898-01 instance in Jerusalem.
Registered Phenomena Code: 898
Object Class: Gamma-Red
Hazard Types:
Aggression Hazard
Grouped Hazard
Sapient Hazard
Primary Containment Protocols: Citizens with confirmed ethnic backgrounds to a culture with prominent histories of war are to be checked by local Authority personnel. Local personnel are to propose business opportunities and encourage local businesses to engage in ancestor veneration events and holidays with their employees.
Unless applicable citizens have a blood-related family member practicing Protocol 898-01-1 and refuse to engage in activities involving ancestral veneration, denying encouragement from employers and local personnel, they are to be intercepted, detained, and educated on Protocol 898-01-1.
Upon an instance of RPC-898-01 materializing, local personnel are to locate a suitable subject for Protocol-898-01-2. Once a subject is located, they are to be immediately inducted into the Authority with Level 1 clearance and provided with short-term training and protocols to ensure maximum probability of containment of RPC-898-01 instances.
MST X-Ray-6 "Anullifiers," are to purge any evidence of RPC-898's existence by the media and implement the use of Type-I Memory Suppressants. If Protocol-898-01 fails, no opponent is presented before an RPC-898-01 instance, or the opponent of an RPC-898-01 instance is terminated by an RPC-898-01 instance, RPC-898 is to be reclassified as Object Class Gamma-Purple following the manifestation of an RPC-898-02 instance.
Emergency Protocol 898-01E is to immediately be enacted upon instances of RPC-898-02 materializing. RPC-898-02 instances are to immediately be intercepted by MST Uniform-013 "Historical Draft" and MST-Alpha-07 "Compellers" until Emergency Protocol-898-01E-02 is engaged. Available Emergency Suppressors are to be deployed for evacuation of population centers. A coverup story is to be implemented if mass destruction of population centers occur due to failure of reestablishment for the containment of RPC-898.
Emergency Protocol 898-01E is only to be engaged if an instance of RPC-898-02 manifests.
- Protocol 898-01E-1:
- Authority Agents trained to engage RPC-898-02 instances are to engage in combat with RPC-898-02 instance. If no agents assigned to RPC-898-02 instances remain, available agents with melee combat and/or archery experience are to engage in combat with RPC-898-02 instances if their skills match the parameters of ranged or melee combat of the assigned RPC-898-02 instance.
- MST Alpha-07 is to engage RPC-898-02 instances with whatever means at hand to distract and divert RPC-898-02 instances until agents trained to engage RPC-898-02 arrive on site.
- Protocol 898-01E-1:
- Authority Emergency Suppressor teams begin evacuating surrounding population centers, towns, and neighborhoods until given an All-clear signal from Authority officials.
- Protocol 898-01E-1:
- Agents assigned to assist MST X-Ray-6 at censoring media coverage and providing cover stories for any activities, items, or knowledge regarding RPC-898, and supply Type-I Memory Suppressants to the surrounding population.
Description: RPC-898-01 are transparent meta-physical humanoids obscured in a layer of unknown black residue. Their physical build is still visible, including facial complexion, making identification of descendants feasible. RPC-898-01's equipment is comprised of unknown transparent material, matching the physical characteristics of the humanoid anomaly itself.
RPC-898-01 instances manifest randomly, appearing at locations that share a historical connection to their culture, and phase in and out of existence until RPC-898-01 instances physically manifest into an intangible form 9 days subsequent to its first appearance.
RPC-898-01 will be idle and nonreactive to physical actions until met with an opponent that is a descendant of the RPC-898-01 instance. RPC-898-01 instances only engaging in combat in the combat styles and forms they were knowledgeable of before becoming an RPC-898-01 instance, and as such will only engage opponents that:
- Are knowledgeable in at least one form of the combat as the RPC-898-01 instance.
- Are in possession of the same or similar equipment of the culture RPC-898-01 originates from.
- Engage the RPC-898-01 instance in a duel.
RPC-898-01 instances cannot be harmed by weapons unrelated to their culture, and all encounters involving a single instance of RPC-898-01 have resulted in it being invulnerable to all forms of physical damage if there is more than one opponent in combat against it.
If containment is reestablished via defeat through combat, RPC-898-01 instances will dissipate and reappear 2 months after defeat in its original location.
RPC-898-02 instances possess the anomalous properties of RPC-898-01 instances, including drastic changes in appearance with additional anomalous properties.
It is unknown whether RPC-898-02 instances are independent from each other, a singular consciousness, or are singular entities with near-sapience. Communications with RPC-898 instances have been unsuccessful in obtaining a response. RPC-898-02 instances become fully tangible and are able to physically interact with any object or person within reach.
RPC-898-02 instances are covered by a white mist with residue similarly consistent with RPC-898-01 instances. RPC instances lack visible eyes, having a red glow where eyes would normally be. RPC-898-02 instances are also comparatively better equipped than their RPC-898-01 counterparts, increase in height up to 1.5 meters, and engage in combat in a more aggressive manner with noticeably enhanced speed and physical strength, capable of shattering multiple layers of reinforced steel with a singular strike.
If an opponent is to engage in combat in any form, regardless of ancestry, RPC-898-02 instances will accept the opponent. If this new opponent is slain, RPC-898-02 idles for a period of no more than 1 hour. Afterward, RPC-898-02 will begin mutilating the remains of a former opponent and placing an arm of the deceased opponent on the ground. RPC-898-02 will begin a region-wide assault on all populated centers by relocating itself at rapid speeds up to 214 km/h on horseback, or 90 km/h on foot to the nearest population center.
Due to RPC-898-02's inability to be physically damaged outside of combat against an opponent, only metaphysical, incorporeal, ethereal, and some forms of religious rituals have been able to delay RPC-898-02 instances. Instances of RPC-898-02 will not cease its assault until it has been unable to locate any signs of life for 2 days, and a subsequent regional search lasting 4 days. If RPC-898-02 is successful in terminating all life in its current region, or Emergency Protocol 898-01E-02 is executed successfully, the RPC-898-02 instance will dissipate and reappear two weeks after its first appearance. If containment is reestablished via defeat through combat, the RPC-898-02 instance will dissipate and reappear within 6 months of defeat, manifesting in its original location.
Notably active RPC-898-02 instances are to be catalogued with this Addendum to ensure proper identification. Instances are not chronologically ordered due to the vast number. Instances sharing similar or identical characteristics are not catalogued due to redundancy. Cataloging still ongoing.
Designation: RPC-898-02-AA
First Appearance: 14/8/16██
Latest Appearance: 14/9/20██
Notable Equipment: 15th-century heavy armor, equipment and weaponry common with elite Japanese Samurai and warriors familiar with Bushido. Lacks horse upon materialization. When roaming, horse materializes.
Casualties: ████
Primary Manifestation Locations: Nagano and Sekigahara, Japan.
Notes: "According to our records, this was among the first that we were able to successfully contain. The Authority had to seek out a lot of people for memory suppressors when this one came about. Wasn't until the manifestation had a large enough casualty count to fill three landfills that we finally contained it the ██ manifestation.
—Assistant Director Trots
Agent ██████ securing the perimeter of RPC-898-02-AB subsequent to idling period.
Designation: RPC-898-02-AB
First Appearance: 28/9/17██
Latest Appearance: 1/10/20██
Notable Equipment: Heavy armor, equipment, and weaponry common with the 11th and 12th-century European Crusaders. Lacks horse upon materialization. When roaming, horse materializes.
Casualties: █████
Primary Manifestation Locations: Jerusalem, Israel. Clermont, France.
Notes: "The meanest bastard of an instance we've come across so far. The first time we encountered the damnable thing my legs were sliced clean off before I was thrown like a ragdoll by the bastard. It went off, proceeded to outright [Data Censored] and then went on its merry way to burn every Mosque it could find. Seemed to prioritize anyone with Arabian decent. Some of the boys also saw this one… praying, prior to dissipating. Knelt down, sword in the ground and all that stereotypical "knightly" crap. Field agents even said they heard comprehensible words coming from it."
—Statement from Major Langlots of MST Alpha-07 "Compellers".
RPC-898-02-AC patrolling its manifestation area.
Designation: RPC-898-02-AC
First Appearance: 14/6/18██
Latest Appearance: 21/12/20██
Notable Equipment: Equipment and weaponry common with the Native American Comanche tribe that allow increased maneuverability. Mounted on horseback.
Casualties: █████
Primary Manifestation Locations: Texas, United States of America. Northern areas of Texas related to trading routes from 19th century America.
Notes: RPC-898-02-AC instance appear in areas that were early American trading routes. Possibly died due to a failed raid on a caravan. Prioritizes killing of Caucasian men while those with Native American heritage are low-priority. Noticeable feminine features.
Designation: RPC-898-02-AD
First Appearance: 28/10/17██
Latest Appearance: 28/10/20██
Notable Equipment: Equipment and weaponry common with 5th-century Roman Centurions. Lacking horse.
Casualties: █████
Primary Manifestation Locations: Milvio Bridge, Italy. Razgrad, Bulgaria.
Notes: RPC-898-02-AD instance is among the only instances to appear on a specific date consistently. RPC-898-02-AD instance the only recorded instance to be confirmed having multiple RPC-898-01 instances among its ranks with equipment common to 5th-century Roman Legionnaires. RPC-898-01 instances among RPC-898-02-AD instance's ranks do not re-manifest as RPC-898-02 instances if undefeated in combat. Reasons for this not occurring is unknown.
Designation: RPC-898-02-AE
First Appearance: 20/6/17██
Latest Appearance: 25/12/20██
Notable Equipment: Equipment and weaponry common with 5th-century Hun raiding parties. Mounted on horseback.
Casualties: ███
Primary Manifestation Locations: Champagne-Ardenne, France. Eastern Serbia. Don River, Russia.
Notes: RPC-898-02-AE instance usually appears with at least five other instances. Among the only RPC-898-02 instances that will engage in combat in groups. Notably less physical strength and speed compared to alternate RPC-898-02 instances.
Designation: RPC-898-02-AF
First Appearance: 20/6/20██
Latest Appearance: 25/12/20██
Notable Equipment: Diverse armor and melee weaponry matching that of 16th-century Norse-Gaelic mercenaries. Inconsistent manifestations of horse-mounted instances.
Casualties: ███
Primary Manifestation Locations: Numerous locations in Ireland and Scotland. No consistent location.
Notes: RPC-898-02-AF instance are among the most diverse RPC-898-02 instances. Multiple field agents and MST members have confirmed that RPC-898-02-AF instances rarely share similar weaponry and armor between manifestations. Agents have reported faint scents of alcohol when in combat against RPC-898-02-AF instances.
Designation: RPC-898-02-AG
First Appearance: 20/9/18██
Latest Appearance: 27/12/20██
Notable Equipment: Heavy armor used by Anglo-Saxon elites, consistently uses a shortsword and a variety of shields. Notably equipped with a Sutton Hoo helmet.
Casualties: ███
Primary Manifestation Locations: South Yorkshire, England.
Notes: N/A
Video surveillance following the failure of reestablishing containment of three RPC-898-02 simultaneous instances and enactment of Emergency Protocol 898-01E has revealed separate occasions of vandalism by RPC-898-02 instances on flat surfaces prior to RPC-898-02 instances dissipating. The vandalism is a visible dialect of languages belonging to the culture the RPC-898-02 instance is related to. Below is a rough translation of the dialect taken from the vandalized areas:
Lack of honor, lack of remembrance. It brings endless pain, a refusal to feign; A relentless assault, in which you are at fault. You fail to remember the forgotten, you ceased to honor the begotten.
That which is full of rage cannot age. That which is betrayed by time will not be delayed by life in its conditions so sublime.
We will not have silence, we will not cease.
An Age of Violence in an Age of Peace.