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Registered Phenomena Code: 887
Object Class: Omega-Purple
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: |
Aggression |
Ballistic |
Climatological |
Geological |
Grouped |
Invisibility |
Psychotronic |
Sapient |
Sentient |
Transmutation |
Bio-Hazard |
Contact |
Corrosive |
Electromagnetic Force |
Explosive |
Extreme Temperature |
Radiation |
Toxic |
Destabilization |
Extra-Dimensional |
Gravitational |
Teleportation |
Temporal |
Auditory |
Emotional |
Ideological |
Info-Hazard |
Memory Alteration |
Mind-Control |
Mind-Regression |
Sensory |
Visual |
Animated |
Aquatic |
Ecological |
Extra-Terrestrial |
Immeasurable |
Incorporeal |
Mechanical |
Microscopic |
Organic |
Regenerative |
Titanic |
Tychokinetic |
Replicating |
Newtonian |
Ontological |
Divine |
Hallucinogen |
High Velocity |
Proto-Mechanical |
Proto-Newtonian |
Proto-Sapient |
Containment Protocols: MST X-Ray-6 ("Annulifers") are to monitor, edit, censor or otherwise delete all information regarding wars fought inside Russian territory with the intent to diminish or remove mentions of the effect and casualties caused by winter in said conflicts. All media, both visual and written including RPC-887 is to be closely monitored to ensure existing entries are depicted as fictional and do not constitute actual sightings. In the event of a breach, witnesses responsible for documenting said sightings are to be tracked and administered amnestics.
Due to RPC-887's anomalous properties, containment is impossible, as doing so would trigger its effects. Current safety measures include political arrangements with world leaders to not initiate armed conflict in the north Asian region and the support for the development of weather control devices. In the event of an armed conflict breaking out between Russia and a foreign power, temperatures within Russia are to be monitored for any sudden changes. MST X-Ray-6 is to be immediately deployed with the purpose of evacuating civilians from the immediate area. Any civilian who reports seeing RPC-887 is to be administered amnestics.
Description: RPC-887 is a 3-meter tall metal statue of King Rurik located in ██████, Russia. While inert, RPC-887 does not exhibit any anomalous properties. It will only enter its active state when the state of Russia is invaded by a force of sufficient size and threat. The properties of said events are not altered by the political climate of Russia relative to the time of activation.
RPC-887 during its inactive state.
When active, RPC-887 will become animated, acquire an organic form and proceed to march to the conflict zone. RPC-887 does not proceed beyond the extent of Russia's sovereign territory, instead exclusively adopting a defensive strategy. While active, temperatures within a 1km radius of RPC-887 will decline drastically, with the lowest recorded temperature reaching lower than -60°C. Said decrease in temperature inflicts various complications for invading military forces, resulting in significant casualties. RPC-887 additionally engages in ambushes, preferring to attack isolated units.
RPC-887 exhibits significantly increased speed from that of a normal human, being able to traverse long distances in brief periods of time. RPC-887 is additionally encompassed by a concentration of inclement weather relative to its position. This property, along with RPC-887's speed, produces a highly evasive nature to tracking equipment attempting to discriminate RPC-887's current position.
RPC-887's effects do not appear to affect Russian military personnel. This preclusion additionally extends to RPC-887 refusing to attack said personnel, even if met with aggression. The extent of RPC-887's autonomy on its effects is currently under investigation.
Discovery: RPC-887 was first reported in 1707 during The Great Northern War between Sweden and Russia. Numerous accounts from Swedish soldiers report seeing a "Russian demon, covered in ice" that "laid waste to the army". However, these reports were unconfirmed due to the nature of RPC-887 and were ultimately dismissed as delusions brought on by shell shock and/or hunger.
The following is a translation of a letter sent from a Swedish soldier to his mother:
Hello mother.
It's me, Gus. I write this letter as I'm afraid the horrors of the war have begun to take a toll on my mind. I do not want to believe what I saw on the battlefield, yet my mind can't take away the memory of my dead friends, frozen, with their faces captured in an eternal expression of pain and horror. The man or thing that did this to them can only be described as a demon walking on earth, a manifestation of evil and cold, followed by blizzard everywhere it goes. The attack was fast and took us by surprise. I was only able to escape due to my cowardice, I fled the moment I saw it, leaving my comrades to die. I do not know what to do, the general hasn't said a word to me since he saw the corpses. I feel like I'm going crazy, I feel like it is following me. I'm cold, mother. I'm scared.
I love you, Mom. If I don't return, remember me for who I was, and not for what I became.
This letter was found in the anomalous national archives of █████, Sweden.
RPC-887 was reported again during the French Napoleonic invasion of Russia in 1812. Several French companies report seeing RPC-887 and claim that it was largely responsible for the deaths brought onto the French army. Again, due to the outlandish claims and the nature of RPC-887, the majority of these reports were dismissed and forgotten.
It was not until 1941, during the German invasion of Russia in World War 2, that the Authority received confirmation of RPC-887's existence. Several recovered documents from the GOI known as GARD detail their efforts to locate and counter RPC-887. While GARD was unable to find a way to counter or effectively contain RPC-887, they were able to gather irrefutable evidence of its existence. Said evidence was quickly gathered by Authority personnel, and any trace of it in public records was erased or censored.
German Anomalous Research Division
Anomalous Threat Report: Russian Super-Soldier
Categories: Enemy, Human
ID#: EH-014
Information: EH-014 is the designation given to an enemy anomaly currently participating in the Eastern-War, the anomaly seems to be capable of moving at high speeds, showing extreme endurance and possessing the ability to control the weather, capable of achieving temperatures as low as -50°C on the blizzard area on which it is constantly being surrounded. The origins of EH-014 are yet unknown but several researchers point to the possibility of it being a Russian developed anomalous Super-Soldier, created in an effort to gain a tactical advantage on the war.
Counter-Measures: Normal gunfire, artillery, and even tank ammunition seem to cause little to no harm to EH-014. If encountered the best defense tactic is to hide and wait for its departure, alongside the blizzard.
Discovery: Multiple reports of an anomalous individual have been received since the beginning of the Winter War by infiltrated forces, but was not able to be cataloged until recently when EH-014 attacked one of our battalions, killing half of the soldiers, one of which was a scientist who was able to record the whole event whilst in hiding.
Another recorded document by GARD of RPC-887 depicts a conflict between it and what has been confirmed to be RPC-074, said conflict occurred at the start of the Finish-Russian "Winter War".
Field Report: Foreign Anomalous Confrontation
On November 30th, 1939 we received reports of what appeared to be a conflict on anomalous nature occurring in the north of the Finish-Russian border.
The conflict appeared to be fought between a Finish sniper and a humanoid covered in a blizzard (now referred to as Unknown-Human #039). Early recon information gave to believe only the blizzard to be anomalous up until the finish soldier (now referred to as Unknown-Human #040) seemingly disappeared into the snow only to reaper 100 meters south.
This conflict continued for the entire duration of the war with UH-040 attempting to find shooting stops to hit UH-039, but being unable to due to the targets aggressive approach and anomalous speed, resulting in missing cheap shots. UH-039, on the other hand, attempted to get in melee range to attack UH-040 with what appeared to be a sword, only for the latter to vanish into the snow as soon as melee combat was initiated. At one point UH-039 attempted to attack at a long distance by means of ice shards, only for those to phase trough UH-40
The conflict lasted 3 months, after which a stalemate was reached as no entity was able to harm the other and both retreated back into their respective territory.
Further investigation on both anomalies for tactical advantage is to take.
While the exact origins of RPC-887 remain unknown to the Authority, ancient tablets and drawings have been found throughout Russia, depicting King Riúrik kneeling before an entity similar in appearance to the goddess Morana (often referred to as The Mistress of Winter) while surrounded by men carrying burning scarecrows, the following drawings are too damaged or worn out to make sense of them, although, all depictions share a similarity, that being of King Riúrik having turned into stone, with men and women praying around him.
On 6/7/201█ a rebel uprising on █████ orchestrated by the ██████ government triggered the requirements necessary for RPC-887 to be activated. The Authority was informed of this event by the Russian Authority ambassador ████ and quickly deployed MST personnel to prevent civilian casualties.
The following is a report from MST X-Ray-6
We arrived at the location at 0400 hours on 8/7/201█. The minute we got there the temperature dropped like a stone. We expected this, of course, but it was still a shock to actually feel it. Even with our winter gear, it was unfathomably cold, and all the while an eerie dread came across the entire team. We all knew it was there, just out of view in the snow, we just couldn't see it.
We got to work as quick as we could, rounding up the civilians and getting them out of harm's way. Most were all too eager to get out of the crossfire, but some of them were being uncooperative. We had to get a little rough with some of them and force them to move. That had to be the biggest mistake of our lives because shortly after we did, 887 was on us.
There was nothing we could do. We still hadn't figured out a way to hurt the thing, but we thought anti-thaumaturgic rounds would do something. Unfortunately, all they seemed to do was annoy it. We poured rounds into 887, but it was relentless. It took Johnson out in the blink of an eye and wounded Richard before any of us could even process Johnson's death. I should mention that Richard's wound was already freezing over by the time he looked at it. It wasn't until Alexander tried to escort as many civilians out of the way as possible that 887 hesitated for a minute.
Then it spoke to us. Frankly, its voice sent more chills down our spines than the cold did. It spoke Russian, but thankfully, so did Alexander. They had a short discussion and once Alexander explained what exactly we were doing, it seemed to calm down. After that, it just nodded and walked away, vanishing in the blizzard. We recovered Johnson's body and got Richard out of there as soon as we could. The civilians, the ones that saw what happened, anyway, were in absolute shock. Some of them thanked us profusely for protecting them from 887. The team liked the praise, it helped to know our efforts were appreciated. Shame they wouldn't remember any of it, because we administered amnestics and sent them to the rendezvous point. After that, the mission was complete.
The following interview is restricted to selected Level-4 personnel and higher, viewing of the file without authorization will result in demotion, termination or use of amnestics.
The following is a transcript between Russian representative █████ and GD-██
█████ and GD-██ walk into the interview room, recording commences
GD-██: Welcome to Site-███, it has been a long time since we saw each other, good to welcome you.
█████: Likewise, but let us get done with the formalities, we both know why I'm here, again.
GD-██: Ha, yes we do. We are here to talk about 887 again. When was the last time we did this? Sometime after World War 2 if I remember correctly? If it wasn't for GARD, we would have still thought "General Winter" was just a fancy name for the cruel Russian winter.
GD-██: And I'm here to remind you again, that purposefully maintaining an Omega-Purple anomaly un-contained for a military advantage is not really in accord with most laws agreed upon on in the UNAAC, is it? We may not be able to contain it due to us being a foreign force, but you are fully capable of doing it. But despite all of our diplomatic attempts, you refuse to. You leave the statue just hanging around, in the middle of a city, waiting for a fight to break out, much like the ████ rebellion.
█████: And once again my statement is the same, this 887 you are talking about is a national treasure, a "blessing" if you want, left to us by King Riúrik. A beacon of hope, a watcher to defend the motherland when we can't. While we may have allowed you to document and study it, it is still in our jurisdiction and we will do with it as we so, please. And don't you try to seek a moral high ground, we know you people also have some "dirty secrets", at least we are open about them.
GD-██: It is my fault, I should have denounced you to the UNAAC as soon as I saw what your intentions were after the victory on the Eastern-Front. But now it is too late, and the most I can do is try to approach this situation "diplomatically".
█████: What can I say? Russia is a peculiar place, and having him as our guardian shouldn't come off as much of a surprise, and what if we use it? The Authority has Theta's, isn't it similar?
GD-██: Theta class anomalies are not left unchecked, waiting for a chance to kill.
█████: Killing is a strong word, I would say its more like "self-defense" don't you think? But anyway, I have spent too much time here already, it was a pleasure, until we meet again.
RPC-886 | RPC-887 |
RPC-888 »