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{$translationblock} |
Secondary Class:
Utility |
Registered Phenomena Code: 886
Object Class: Beta-Yellow (Utility) |
Responsible Departments: |
Department of
Anthropology Department of
History Department of
Psychology |
Hazard Types:
Psychotronic Hazard (Prescience and Pyrokinesis)
Sapient Hazard
Transmutation Hazard (Shapeshifter)
Tychokinetic Hazard
RPC-886 dressing a patient's burns at Hiroshima Communications Hospital, August 1945.
Containment Protocols: RPC-886 is housed in a standard humanoid containment cell at Site-089. RPC-886 is permitted to refurbish its cell within reason at the discretion of supervising staff. The cell houses a traditional Shinto shrine for RPC-886 to maintain as well as to bind RPC-886 within a 3km radius of its location: Staff are free to interact with the shrine for beneficial anomalous effects, but requested effects beyond the purpose of protection will be granted at RPC-886's discretion. A record of visitors and requested effects is to be kept, including the acquisition of RPC-886-1 instances.
RPC-886 is not permitted to leave its containment cell despite the portrayals of a cooperative nature RPC-886 has been granted limited roaming privileges between its cell and Site-089's cafeteria during standard operational hours. It is granted Security Clearance Level 1 and permitted to work in the Site Cafeteria kitchen on condition of good behaviour. RPC-886 is to be accompanied at all times when it is moving between the cafeteria and its cell by either responsible personnel Dr. Kawada Ippei or an available ASF Personnel.
RPC-886 is to undergo monthly psychological evaluations. RPC-886 responds positively towards staff of Japanese descent; It is recommended that interviews and evaluations be performed by these staff. Conversely, RPC-886 responds poorly and demonstrates antisocial behaviours towards individuals of American descent.
Staff are reminded to not actively provoke or antagonize RPC-886. In particular, inflammatory comments promoting the nuclear bombings of Japan may cause RPC-886 to immediately assault the speaker via anomalous means.
RPC-886's positive attitude towards the Authority and its persisting phobia involving Project Blue Book have contributed to the ease of its containment. Given Blue Book's interest in terminating the entity, protection should also be maintained alongside containment to continue facilitation of RPC-886 as a Utility-class asset.
RPC-886 is to be observed regularly to ensure it does not attempt to impersonate a member of staff. Regions beyond permitted roaming areas are to be secured via clearance card systems. A thermal imaging scanner is installed in RPC-886's cell to ensure its presence outside of standard operational hours. Finally, Site-089's exterior is walled-in and houses a canine patrol unit, further mitigating the possibility of an innately cynophobic RPC-886 escaping during a containment breach.
Description: RPC-886 is a polymorphic entity whose base form is that of a female Vulpes Vulpes Japonica. RPC-886 displays unusual physical properties such as pale-cream fur colouration and the base of its tail splitting to form 7 independent tails. It is also larger and heavier than ordinary Vulpes Vulpes Japonica: presently weighing 17kg, a shoulder height of 80cm, a base body length of 55cm supplemented with tail lengths of 90cm.
RPC-886 typically exerts its polymorphic effect to assume the guise of a Japanese woman. While in this guise it is indistinguishable from an ordinary human female. To assist in ease of identification RPC-886 projects its pale-cream fur colour onto its hair as well as retaining vulpine features. Injuries and conditions acquired in base form carry on to this form.
RPC-886’s polymorphic quality also allows it to mimic the appearance of existing individuals flawlessly, down to the detailed replication of clothing and small personal items. Despite this RPC-886 is a poor actor; tell-tale signs of mimicry include incorrect mannerisms and reacting awkwardly when queried on the mimicked individual’s memories and knowledge. Additionally, simulated personal items such as clearance key cards will not work. If startled sufficiently, RPC-886 may even manifest its vulpine ears/tails through its disguise.
RPC-886's primary anomalous trait involves the manipulation of probability; it is able to manipulate the frequency of positive/negative outcomes directed toward a target individual. RPC-886 is only able to manipulate probability fields in individuals who have interacted with the shrine it maintains in its holding cell. It is capable of aggressive probability manipulation without the use of the shrine, but only for the purposes of harming other individuals. RPC-886 may also apply beneficial probabilistic effects to small objects constructed of paper, wood or cloth (Hereby referred to as RPC-886-1). While anomalous effects granted by RPC-886-1 are weaker in comparison to a direct effect given by RPC-886, they can reliably persist beyond a 3km radius of RPC-886's shrine provided that RPC-886-1 is not physically altered or damaged. RPC-886 has also been observed to exhibit minor pyrokinetic abilities.
RPC-886 has requested to be addressed by its original name. It claims to have been born around the late Edo era in Japan's history, and prior to containment was allegedly wandering with no purpose.
RPC-886 displays a warm and amicable personality. Provided it is interacted with professionally and respectably RPC-886 responds in a cordial manner. RPC-886 is prone to occasional episodes of depression and melancholy due to chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, although counseling sessions have assisted in reducing the frequency and severity of symptoms.
Staff are encouraged to interact positively with RPC-886 to promote its sense of well-being and belonging within Site-089. RPC-886 is readily sociable and responds positively to both native personnel, and foreign personnel who display some knowledge and respect for traditional Japanese culture.
Addendum 886.1: With its extension into a Utility-class entity (formerly known as Theta), RPC-886's probabilistic effects are to be employed to benefit Site staff. RPC-886 is to grant protective effects to key site personnel and security staff. Upon detecting activation of said effects, RPC-886 is to promptly alert security of possible security breaches via first-line handheld transceiver or a panic button for severe emergency situations.
Personnel are encouraged to visit RPC-886's shrine while it is present in order to receive a protective effect, by following the prayer rites protocol commonly performed by visitors to Shinto shrines across Japan.
Acquisition Log: Whilst temporarily situated at Okayama prefecture in Japan en-route to [REDACTED], MST Romeo-7 (Suited Gentlemen) were dispatched upon intercepted communication channels to investigate and observe local Project Blue Book activity. Debriefings describe a Blue Book hunter-killer team chasing down a wounded and bleeding “pale fox” at the outskirts of Okayama city close to Yama Shrine, utilizing bloodhounds and burning pine leaves to harry RPC-886 and repel it from potential escape routes. Romeo-7 successfully captured and extracted an unconscious RPC-886 without alerting Blue Book operatives of their presence.
Sample Interview Logs (Complete log list available for Counselors in psychiatric profile)
(Unless stated otherwise, interviews are carried out in Japanese.)
Interviewed: RPC-886
Interviewer: Dr. Kawada Ippei
Foreword: Doctor Ippei performs a bow before seating beside RPC-886, laying in a patient bed. RPC-886 is in its humanoid form, heavily bandaged with a medicated IV drip running into the arm. Analgesic and antibiotic dosages are titrated based on RPC-886's vulpine species and body weight.
Dr. Ippei: Good evening. My name is Kawada Ippei. May I ask how you are feeling?
<RPC-886 averts its gaze and looks away silently.>
Dr. Ippei: Do you require food or drink or… do you wish for privacy?
<RPC-886 remains silent.>
Dr. Ippei: <Gets up, bows> I understand. I apologize. I shall take my leave.
RPC-886: <Low volume>…Why was I saved?
Dr. Ippei: Pardon me?
RPC-886: Why was I saved? I was going to die. I should have died. I have lived long enough. It is clear that I and my kind are no longer wanted nor needed.
Dr. Ippei: Forgive my disagreement, but you were observed to be fleeing from death. Those of us who were there to witness your desire to live made the swift decision to come to your rescue.
RPC-886: <Brief pause>…What are you going to do to me?
Dr. Ippei: We are not going to hurt you. Please understand. We are not the same as those who tried to hunt you. Please rest. We wish to talk and ask some questions of you, but for now please rest.
<End Log>
Interviewed: RPC-886
Interviewer: Dr. Yoshizawa Hinako
Foreword: Interview takes place in standard interview cell. RPC-886 is visibly improved in health, with minimal bandaging and improvement in weight.
Dr. Hinako: And how are you feeling now, 886?
RPC-886: I am well, thank you. May I ask you to refer to me as Shiomi?
Dr. Hinako: Of course. My apologies, Shiomi.
RPC-886: Do not worry about it. Now I wish to ask: For today's set of questions you wish to gauge my desire to leave. Am I correct?
Dr. Hinako: I-I meant to say, we-
RPC-886: Say what you may, I can see it in your eyes. I am not young. You may be a wise elder among your peers but I, I have lived many, many lives before the era of your great-great-great grandparents. <RPC-886 narrows her gaze toward Dr. Hinako and strokes its tails slowly for emphasis.>
Dr. Hinako: I… Yes. That is one of several things that we would like to know.
RPC-886: Thank you for your honesty. For that I shall tell you this in exchange: I have no intention to leave.
Dr. Hinako: You do not wish to leave? How can we be certain of this?
RPC-886: My life was saved at a time where I believed I had lost everything, at a moment that I should have for all accounts perished. For proving me wrong, I am in debt. And I am no fool. I can see this place for what it is, but to me it shall be home, not prison. I accept that the wandering days of my previous life are over, and I am grateful it did not end as a violent death. If this place is to become my home, you need but do one thing.
Dr. Hinako: What is it?
RPC-886: Create a small shrine within my abode. Consider its creation and presence a spiritual dwelling for my being that shall bind me to this location for as long as it persists.
Dr. Hinako: This is very forthright of you, Shiomi. Very well, I shall have it discussed.
RPC-886: Thank you. Additionally, while I await that, is there a more mundane task that I may participate in contributing toward this place?
Dr. Hinako: I will ask around and see what can be done.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: After a discussion concluding in a vote of 7 to 4 (2 abstaining), a small roofless Hokora of dimensions 1x1x1m has been installed in RPC-886's cell; this includes a small wooden platform assembled beneath to elevate it by 50cm. RPC-886 has been supplied with additional materials (paper, wood, hemp rope) to construct her own tools and decorate the shrine as she sees fit. RPC-886 has volunteered for a position in the site cafeteria, citing past experience and pleasure in cooking.
Interviewed: RPC-886
Interviewer: Researcher Tomatsu Yujiro
Rsc. Yujiro: You said you were previously wandering, correct?
RPC-886: <Nods head> Yes, from the warm beaches of Kagoshima to the frigid shores of Hokkaido. A beautiful journey… a fruitless search.
Rsc. Yujiro: May we know what you were seeking?
RPC-886: My kin.
Rsc. Yujiro: Kin. Do you mean direct family, or all of your kind or any Yōkai in general?
RPC-886: My kind. <RPC-886 pauses momentarily and bows her head in thought.> Once upon a time I was part of a large family. We lived right around the corner of the human world, barely out of sight. Zenko or Yako, aiding or tricking humans, we still loved and looked after one another. Dancing, singing and playing among Yōkai and humans alike. Happier times.
Rsc. Yujiro: What happened?
RPC-886: I… don't know. One day old fox Hakishi didn't come back. We thought he moved under a noble's manor for good, drinking and eating away with a Nūrihyon's impunity. Then another one of us never came back. Then another, and another until all was left was me and my sister. Mishio…
Rsc. Yujiro: She was the last to vanish.
RPC-886: You must understand. We were the only two remaining and were terrified of losing each other. We swore not to stray beyond each other's reach! Then one day I woke up from sleep and… she was gone. I was alone.
Rsc. Yujiro: This was when you began to wander?
RPC-886: It was either that or to stay bound to my old shrine. Lord [REDACTED] does not approve of such… absconding, but I hope he understood why I did it. He never answered my prayers, as if he too had vanished. It was not easy, it cost me dearly. But I became free, able to set foot beyond the land of my birth.
Rsc. Yujiro: You did not succeed in finding any other members of your kind at all?
RPC-886: Never. All the shrines I visited… empty, deserted.
Rsc. Yujiro: I am sorry to hear that. But I would like to know, in your journeys did you come across Yōkai of other kinds, and if so where?
RPC-886: I did. I met others who shared my predicament where many of their own also began to disappear. I can tell you who I've met and where. Before I do so, may I ask one question?
Rsc. Yujiro: Ask away.
RPC-886: Have your people… please tell, have you met any more of my kind? Any other foxes? Perhaps even a fleeting glimpse?
Rsc. Yujiro: I am sorry. We have not.
RPC-886: I… I see. I apologize for asking. Give me the map.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: RPC-886 attempted to retrace its steps across Japan, highlighting locations of assorted anomalous entities encountered across the journey. While these areas are to be investigated for anomalous activity, RPC-886's statements are to be treated as semi-reliable due to most encounters taking place approximately two centuries ago, in addition to RPC-886 emotionally breaking down mid-process. Due to this episode in which RPC-886 is observed to alternate between declaring itself the last of its kind and believing it had been abandoned by its kin, depression and grief counseling has been scheduled into its monthly psych evaluations.
<Full interview history and psychiatric profile - access limited to Counseling Department>
A picture of Hiroshima Communications Hospital which RPC-886 worked in, taken prior to the US Occupation of Japan.
A dilapidated Shinto Shrine discovered by Authority agents using leads provided by RPC-886, claimed to be its original shrine. Note the fox statuette to the right.
Instigating Staff: Cpl. Bridgette Sanders
Foreword: Incident takes place within site cafeteria. Cpl. Sanders is part of a protection team that is temporarily housed at Site-089 while Site-[REDACTED] is undergoing repairs and reinforcing renovations due to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Despite being seated at the opposite end of the serving area where RPC-886 was stationed, Cpl. Sanders' inflammatory dialogue was picked up by RPC-886. Additionally, Cpl. Sanders had been drinking contraband alcohol within standard operating hours, including within her temporary quarters prior to entering the cafeteria.
Cpl. Sanders: [EXPLETIVE] this island. Of all the places to temporarily move to why did it have to be the land of [EXPLETIVE] murder-rapists? This [EXPLETIVE] [EXPLETIVE]hole didn't get nuked enough, is what I think.
[ Sanders pauses to drink. CCTV Footage indicates RPC-886 turning rapidly to face Cpl. Sanders' table. ]
Cpl. Sanders: <Gasps, slams beercan on table> It'd be far a nicer place if it were a dead radioactive hellhole with no more living [ETHNIC SLUR]s.
[ CCTV Footage depicts RPC-886 pouncing over the counter in its fox form, sprinting toward the table then resuming humanoid form. ]
RPC-886: You make light of my charges' suffering.
Cpl. Sanders: <Ignoring requests by peers to deescalate> Yeah? The Japanese suffered an atrocity? That's real-[EXPLETIVE]-rich given what your own [ETHNIC SLUR] worshippers pulled off. Ever heard of Unit 731? Rape of Nanjing? Bataan Death March!? My grandfather barely survived that last one, by-the-[EXPLETIVE]-way. Got bayoneted and played dead while your [EXPLETIVE] [ETHNIC SLUR]s shot and bayoneted the rest of his friends dead, laughing all the God-damned way in [ETHNIC SLUR]-speak! God, going on about I'd never exist if he died and never shuts up about [ETHNIC SLUR] this and [ETHNIC SLUR] that and I wish every inch of your entire damn country got nuked flat!
RPC-886: Deriving enjoyment from the deaths of innocents not responsible for evils committed by others is not a very respectable decision. Take back your words, now.
Cpl. Sanders: Oh yeah? What are you going to do, pose at me with your desu-desu kawaii magic girl [EXPLETIVE]? You touch a single hair on my head, you weeaboo [EXPLETIVE] material, and Admin will whoop your [EXPLETIVE]-
RPC-886: I don't have to.
<End Log>
Description of following events: Despite wearing a metal-tipped combat boot Cpl. Sanders fractured the fifth proximal phalange of her right foot by stubbing it against a table leg. Cpl. Sanders reflexively assumes a combat position while retaining a beer can in her grip, flinging its contents into her eyes. Cpl. Sanders stumbles and trips on the dropped can, striking the seat of her chair with the back of her cranium. Cpl. Sanders lies prone on the floor, reportedly groaning as her hair anomalously ignites.
Actions taken: Cpl. Sanders is treated for a minor concussion, foot fracture and eye irritation. Cpl. Sanders' cohorts are questioned and investigated on possession of further contraband. Cpl. Sanders and associates are to be issued disciplinary measures for handling and storing contraband with additional offending materials confiscated. Cpl. Sanders receives additional poor conduct charges for inebriation during operational hours and workplace hostility, and is to undergo employee sensitivity training.
RPC-886 is confined to its quarters pending an interview and is temporarily suspended of site privileges.
Notes: This incident reveals that RPC-886 is capable of comprehending and conversing in English. Interviewing personnel admit collective assumption that RPC-886 was only capable of communicating in Japanese.
Instigating staff: CSD-5368
Foreword: CSD-5368's criminal file depicts a petty criminal history of DuI, vandalism and arson leading to death. In the events of Incident Log 886-2, it is revealed a clerical error exchanged CSD-5368's records with another CSD-class personnel's, and that CSD-5368 was in fact a former operative of the [CLASSIFIED ON BEHALF OF THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT] charged for breaching several Military laws including treason, sedition leading to mutiny, and military sexual trauma that escalated to murder of a commanding officer. Due to this error CSD-5368 was assigned under a lower security environment at Site-089, a fact he took advantage of after one week of residence and careful study of the Site's layout.
Timeline of events:
16:54pm: CSD-5368 is brought to his cell by Guards Tanaka and Matsuo and is instructed to enter. CSD-5368 does not comply. Tanaka commands CSD-5368 to enter. CSD-5368 remains stationary.
16:55pm-16:58pm: Tanaka trains his firearm on CSD-5368 in warning. CSD-5368 promptly disarms Tanaka and concusses his head on the floor with advanced CQC maneuvering. Matsuo raises her rifle to engage but is shot repeatedly by CSD-5368 via Tanaka's pistol. CSD-5368 takes Tanaka's kevlar vest, knife and pistol clip, and Matsuo's rifle. Silent alarm is activated before CSD-5368 shoots the camera.
16:59-17:00pm: CSD-5368 successfully escapes the CSD-class block by dragging Tanaka and Matsuo's bodies to the biometrics scanners. Silent broadcast of lockdown initiated for staff to evacuate to secure areas.
17:01-17:04pm: CSD-5368 makes his way across the facility, avoiding surveillance and patrols and destroying cameras where unavoidable. Trajectory indicates an intention to raid the CSD-class block's control towers to acquire additional armaments and ammunition, and possibly open CSD-class cells to cause additional havoc or start an insurrection.
17:05-17:06pm: CSD-5368 walks past Senior Researcher Junichiro exiting the mens' restroom. Junichiro hits the panic button adjacent to the restroom entry just as CSD-5368 becomes alerted toward his presence. CSD-5368 opens fire on Junichiro using Matsuo's rifle. Rounds anomalously veer away from Junichiro, forming an outline of Junichiro on the wall behind him.
17:06pm: CSD-5368 unsheathes Tanaka's knife and charges Junichiro, but stumbles and strikes the corridor wall mid-fall. The blade anomalously shatters, the largest shard embedding itself upon the ceiling.
17:07pm: CSD-5368 lunges for Junichiro and takes him hostage with Tanaka's pistol as security turns around the corner. CSD-5368 issues demands in Russian and English for money, weapons and a means of escape. To demonstrate a willingness to harm CSD-5368 points the pistol point-blank towards the Senior Researcher's arm and pulls the trigger. Pistol anomalously jams.
17:08pm: A visibly agitated CSD-5368 forcibly locks his arms around Junichiro's neck, threatening to snap it if his demands are not met. Security response reports D-5368's hair anomalously igniting. CSD-5368 only notices once Junichiro comments on detecting a burning smell. The small fire on top of CSD-5368's head erupts into a blaze and rapidly crawls down to engulf his upper head, eyes and ears included. CSD-5368 screams and lets go of Junichiro to put out the flames and is promptly terminated by security. RPC-886's tails sighted turning around the corner and out of sight by a member of security.
Notes: When queried later, 886 exclaimed that the fire was the only direct action taken on its part once it noticed one of its shrine effects being actively used. Reinvestigation of CSD-5368's background revealed the clerical error and has been updated accordingly. CSD-Class holding block security doors upgraded with voice recognition to be used in conjunction with biometric scanners.
Most of you are aware that I do not approve of what I view as the pampering of RPC-886; I care not for her sob stories, and I voted against the construction of her Hokora. We are a containment facility, not a luxury resort for the paranormal. I remain unconvinced by 886's shows of good faith, and I shall continue to believe she observes the facility's patterns carefully, in consideration of the possibility of the day she might wish to escape. To continue looking for her kin. I don't believe her saying she's given up on it, I simply don't. The bonds of family can be a very strong thing, especially in the unexplainably forced separation of it.
Most of you are also aware that I am a practitioner of Shinto. I could not visit my hometown's temple for Hatsumode so I paid respects at the next closest shrine. 886's shrine. I may deny 886, but I cannot deny my own traditional upbringing. As long as I have done my ritual and if it keeps 886 contained, I do whatever I have to. She looked genuinely happy that I followed the proper purification protocols prior to paying respects. I couldn't care less, whatever keeps her confined here. Now, with all that said…
I saw the bullets curve away from me. I saw the shield hanging over my fragile life, placed by 886. A feat at a distance this short should be only possible with the aid of extremely powerful electromagnets, instead accomplished with the clap of clean hands and the smile of a fox.
I still do not approve of RPC-886, but I would be a fool to deny gratitude where it is warranted.
Take this from a believing disbeliever: I recommend all staff, particularly security, to take advantage of this feature while it remains. There is no telling when 886 decides her time is done in this facility and proceeds to jinx her way out. Make use of it while she's here.
Senior Researcher Junichiro
Supplementary material:
Personnel |
Requested Effect |
Outcome |
Comments |
Rsc. Yujiro |
"Accuracy" |
Granted |
Term initially confuses RPC-886. Although granted, results remain inconclusive as Rsc. Yujiro wishes to continue with his work to see if the improved precision in results are either due to a placebo effect or 886's actions. |
RN Chihihiro |
"Fertility" |
Granted (as RPC-886-1) |
RN Chihihiro is seeking to start a family; RPC-886 was notably happy to grant this request. |
Lt. Kenta |
Promotion via █████████ |
Denied |
RPC-886 has politely requested to never see Lt. Kenta ever again. Lt. Kenta reassessed for fitness of duty and reassigned off-site. |
Dr. Yuuto |
"Protection" |
Granted |
Dr. Yuuto worded request as to either seek a long life, or if he is "going to die soon, to at least make it painless". RPC-886 grants standard protective effect while chiding Dr. Yuuto's pessimistic outlook. |
Cpl. McCormick |
"Protection" |
Granted |
Cpl. McCormick sent to gauge reaction while under counselor observation, greets RPC-886 with a salute. RPC-886's lower lip observed trembling upon noticing a 3x5cm US flag lapel but grants effect anyway. |
Rsc. Shouta |
"Fortune" |
Denied |
RPC-886 claimed to have sensed unscrupulous intent that influenced its decision to not grant the requested effect. Rsc. Shouta is known to have a gambling compulsion. |
Jr. Rsc. Kaito |
For ████████ to be real |
Denied |
RPC-886 declared in a deadpan tone that it "cannot make reality out of fantasy" and requested Jr. Rsc. Kaito to "ask for something more realistic". |
CSD-5658 |
"America" |
CSD-5658 was made to wear an Uncle Sam costume set including top hat, a shoulder-mounted plush Haliaeetus leucocephalus, covered head to toe in US flag lapels of various sizes while waving a handheld US flag. Participating Researchers interrogated interviewed post-study regarding nature of experiment, then fined for damages incurred, made to participate in clean up detail and write RPC-886 a letter of apology. Let's never do that again. |
Lt. Vasquez |
"Health" |
Granted (as RPC-886-1) |
When informed that effect is intended for Vasquez' mother's terminal-stage cancer, RPC-886 warns there is "only so much (RPC-886-1) is capable of" and that the mother's fate ultimately lies in her doctors' hands. Upon receiving the RPC-886-1, patient's cancer has halted progression and begun to recede under chemotherapy despite previous signs of resistance. |
- Human and dog hair brushes (Approved)
- The Book of Yōkai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore, Michael D. Foster (Approved, 886 points out incorrect entries and human misconceptions.)
- Traditional clothing to replace standard-issue jumpsuit (Approved, granted as several cotton Hakamas and Haoris with the RPC logo sewn into the fabric.)
- Request to exit site facility for "some sunlight and air" (Denied)
- Higher quality sewing kit, writing tools and materials to make better 886-1 articles (Initially denied, approved after Incident 2)
- A Handmade floating lantern to be sent down Hiroshima river at the anniversary of the bombing (Approved, handed to member of staff to perform)
- Construction of Torii gates within the corridor leading to its cell (Denied)
- Donation box added to shrine, proceeds go to local charities (Approved)
- Tatami flooring for its cell (Semi-approved, applied to habitation section of room)
- Abura-age supplemented occasionally into meals (Approved as reward for continued good behaviour)
- The Psychology of Genocide, Massacres, and Extreme Violence: Why "Normal" People Come to Commit Atrocities, Donald G. Dutton (Denied - any reading recommendations involving controversial topic matters should be cleared with RPC-886's counselors in private, not suggested to it during casual conversation.)
- Background documentation on MST Romeo-7 squad members responsible for its rescue (Approved after the appropriate redactions were made. RPC-886 proceeded to spend the following month creating a highly personalized set of RPC-886-1s for each of the members.)
- Construction of Torii gates leading to the entrance of Site-089 (Denied)
- The repair of a broken cafeteria bowl utilizing the Kintsugi repair method (Approved - the repaired bowl now resides in RPC-886's chamber. RPC-886 would later explain to a counsellor that it had felt a metaphorical similarity to itself with the shattering and repair of this bowl.)
- Construction of Torii g(DENIED WITH PREJUDICE - Junichiro)
<Research logs of anomalous effects- access limited to Research Department>
Addendum 886.2: It has been confirmed that an escapee of RPC-257 is RPC-886's biological sibling. Said sibling would attempt to seek out RPC-886, breaking into Site-089 in the process. This sudden and unplanned reunion with its biological sibling has caused RPC-886 a notable degree of distress, chiefly due to its uneasy acceptance of never seeing its kind again. Personnel are kindly reminded not to query/remind RPC-886 of its sibling's return until it has adjusted to this sudden change of events.
The sibling has been retroactively given the designation RPC-486.