
Happy to Help





Registered Phenomena Code: 880

Object Class: Alpha-Yellow

Hazardous Properties: Sapient, Transmutation (Self)

Containment Protocols: Staff assigned to the subject and who regularly work in the areas it can traverse through are required to be briefed on the nature of the anomaly and its behavioral properties for avoiding possible incidents that may arise from the first impression of the anomaly. This applies to each member of staff, regardless of division or clearance level, as well as any possible guests that have arrived at the Site.

RPC-880 is to inhabit one of Site-168’s isolation rooms, with the necessary furnishing to accommodate a comfortable psychologically easing lifestyle. Although the anomalous nature of RPC-880 prevents or rather makes it so that most of the furnishings are unnecessary for the subject, they are still required to be kept within the room for morale purposes and increasing the sense of normalcy.

Interaction with RPC-880 is allowed as a rehabilitation technique and is actively encouraged. While the subject expresses slight distrust towards anyone presenting him or herself as a doctor,1 it is remarkably compliant with security protocols and programs intended to help. Due to this, it is allowed limited freedom throughout the site provided two ASF officers accompany it for its protection. RPC-880 is also allowed to participate in simple maintenance tasks with the appropriate personnel to encourage compliant behavior and assist staff in developing a more direct understanding of working with anomalies. Should the subject prove a hindrance to some activities, such as leaving behind small amounts of debris during floor cleaning, smudging vertical areas, or accidentally breaking objects, the staff is advised to gently redirect its attention to another point of interest without increasing its stress. As per protocol, Maintenance personnel is to be called for cleanup afterward.2

Biweekly sessions with a designated therapist will be conducted and recorded to Authority standards. Transcriptions of the same are to be attached to and available at all times within this folder.

Staff suspecting misdemeanor towards the subject are to report to the proper department as instructed in training.

Description: RPC-880 is the designation for Errika Renosdottir, a Swedish adolescent abducted by Kabushiki Kawaii and had her body modified through extreme means.

The only remaining body part the subject has left is the upper skull, which is noticeably modified with a chassis bound around it, serving as a method of protection and identification. The Kabushiki Kawaii logo is engraved on the surface of the left pterion chassis. The right pterion chassis holds the Kabushiki model number: ServiPro-SURAIMU-0612008375-0001.3


Recovered receipt

The main anomalous property regarding RPC-880 and, by extension, any other subject belonging to the same product series, is the anomalous artificial goo the subject is encased within. Surrounding the skull is approximately 270kg of an unknown, regenerative, slime-like substance that can change its shape, density, coloration and possess limited control over texture and temperature. Testing has not revealed any comparable material nor a means of reproducing the goo. Sampling has also proven difficult, as the substance will quickly evaporate after leaving the main body. This is presumed to be both a design choice for the anomaly and a method of preventing individuals outside of Kabushiki Kawaii from replicating or analyzing the substance. Regardless of a lack of chemical understanding, a grasp of the general properties of the substance has been noted.

The goo will change its properties in response to the brain it has been grafted upon. Serving as a replacement and an arguably specialized improvement, the goo will act as a method for movement within, observation of and interaction with the outside world.

Although capable of entirely changing its shape in a small window of time, it has been noted that the subject prefers to stay in a humanoid shape. Logic dictates the nature of the anomaly, and its reason for production would make it that creating and using legs would not be difficult. Nevertheless, it has been noted that the subject has shown, although never expressed, difficulty when walking, often wobbling and shifting too much of the weight on one limb. At times, it has been known for the subject to even fall or hit passing items – something that is extremely unlikely to harm the subject physically but did cause a sense of embarrassment. The reason behind this awkward movement has been theorized by staff that the product’s properties were not designed with the intention of comfortable locomotion but for a different purpose – one more suited for “aesthetic” use in a horizontal rather than a vertical position.

The next property is the yet inexplicable perception method of the outside world. The theory of common perception using ocular organs and machinery has been discarded in the initial analysis. RPC-880 lacks any kind of known method to perceive any kind of surroundings accurately. There are no eyes or similar tools of any kind present within either the goo or the skull,4 researchers have failed to identify any recognizable cells (such as chromatophores) that would help identify the coloration surrounding it. In short, there are no artificial or (para)natural means of recognition or at the very least one’s staff has been able to identify.

Regardless, the subject has shown no major difficulties interacting with its surroundings. RPC-880 is capable of, as mentioned above, shifting itself into a humanoid form with its height depending on the chosen density. It should be noted that the preferred height of the anomaly is mostly ~160cm – presumably to mimic the subject's height prior to the modification. The subject rarely changes its appearance for any reason.5 The humanoid form itself is described as featureless and “accented” – While lacking details such as individual strands of hair, intricate facial features or even developed fingers and muscles, the subject instead presents itself through either heavily simplified or outright leaving out these elements.

An example would be the way the face is shaped: the head is almost perfectly round, with a “hairstyle” resemblant of long wavy hair on top and finally, two large, black, orb-like “eyes” which make half of the face. These orbs serve no actual purpose, aside from an aesthetic one – RPC-880 can regularly see with any “part” of its body. It is presumed the subject merely prefers such a look as a way to preserve a sense of normalcy for itself or as a way to make any interlocutors more comfortable in interaction with it, something that was possibly taught by Kabushiki handlers as a method of easier interaction with owners.

Regarding social interaction, RPC-880 has been noted as an extremely collaborative and civil subject. Although lacking vocal cords, speech is possible through a vibration of the goo, allowing for an extensive and realistic vocal range. Despite the endured trauma, the subject has not shown any attempts or wishes to isolate itself or avoid human contact and interaction. The subject has accepted every request for physical testing by doctors from various Research Departments, has not asked for any pause in psychological screenings,6 assisted Protection staff with explanations of the inner security workings of Kabushiki laboratories, and always adhered to requests given by the Containment officers assigned for protection.


On 01.05.2011. during a scheduled therapy session, ASF officers assigned to RPC-880 were disturbed by panicked vocalization originating from within the therapy room. While assessing the situation through the door, fighting and RPC-880's cries for help could be heard. As the officers attempted to breach the room the struggle suddenly ended. Upon entering the therapy room, RPC-880 was found huddled in the corner with the body of Dr. Pesvogrin Leisskovitz lying next to his table. The subject was in a state of shock, initially not reacting to any questioning from the officers. Only when the body was removed did RPC-880 return to a more stable state of mind and began answering the ASF personnel.

According to the subject’s recounting of events, the session started regularly but soon regressed into an argument between the patient and doctor. The argument escalated, and finally climaxed into a short physical encounter between them which was resolved through Dr. Leisskovitz losing balance and breaking his neck against his table. Recovered session audio (available further down within this folder) only confirmed these claims and can be accessed within this folder.

Due to the incident, RPC-880 now lacked a trained therapist to continue the sessions, leading to regressions in the therapeutic progress should there be a larger pause between the sessions. Concerns arose even further as it was realized that Site-168 was in a deficit for sufficiently trained therapeutic personnel meaning a replacement was needed to be imported from another location and needed a temporary one until his arrival.

After careful consideration, it was decided that the most suitable replacement, albeit a temporary one, would be clinical psychologist Dr. Vanessa Milner. There are many disagreements regarding this choice, some coming from Doctor Milner herself. However, the Site Assignment Committee has decided that the doctor would be the optimal choice due to her experience in psychology and a high degree of loyalty to our organization. The subject’s insistence of not requiring any psychological assistance is acknowledged, but not heeded.

Therapy is to continue according to its regular weekly schedule, regardless of complaints or requests.


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