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Registered Phenomena Code: 860
Object Class: Omega-Red
Hazard Types: Pending Review
Containment Protocols: Due to its extra-dimensional properties, RPC-860 has been determined to be uncontainable. Initial reports of missing persons between the ages 10-16 years, having been psychologically diagnosed with depression and anxiety, are to be investigated for possible patterns that directly links to RPC-860.
Information pertaining to these investigations are to not be distributed to the media. In the event that the RPC-860-2 instance has not been recovered within a seventy-two hour period, field agents are to immediately cease their investigations and amnesticise all relatives related or known to RPC-860-2. In addition, government records pertaining to the instance are to be destroyed.
Field agents who discover the gateway to RPC-860's pocket dimension are to immediately report the exact whereabouts to Mobile Specialized Team Juliett-9 ("Aperture's Subjects"). Under in no circumstances should field agents attempt to approach nor enter the gateway.
In the event that an RPC-860-2 instance has been found alive, Authority field agents are to take RPC-860-2 to an undisclosed location until further notice.
Containment Update ██/██/1896: References to Project Abel are to be restricted to Level 5 access. An original copy is to be archived while any duplicates are to be incinerated at the orders of the Directorate.
- Global Director No. 4
Description: RPC-860 refers to a Class IV extradimensional entity. Accounts of the subject's appearance have been reportedly varied, though the subject has been described as a woman appearing identical to that of an RPC-860-2's mother. While appearing identical, RPC-860's behavior has been noted to be in a charismatic and loving manner, speaking in an eloquent tone while maintaining a traditional family through a loving discipline.
RPC-860-2 is the collective designation for adolescents, between the ages of 10-16, after coming into contact with RPC-860, or have entered RPC-860's pocket dimension.
RPC-860 is attentive and observant to the social issues of RPC-860-2 in our dimension, though it's been theorized that RPC-860 uses various methods to observe the activities of an RPC-860-2 instance. According to the surviving instance, Rose Abigail, the pocket dimension's interior appears to be similar to that of their home, albeit appearing to the preferences of RPC-860-2.
It's unclear whether the dimension's interior has cognitive hazard effects that compels on RPC-860-2 instances to remain in longer periods.
In previous investigations, in conjunction with the American and German Government between 1984 to 2003, most of the manifestation of RPC-860 have been widely reported within the American and European continents. There have been some cases reported outside, albeit unconfirmed, within countries such as Russia, South Korea, and Indonesia.
The exact nature of these manifestations is an ongoing matter, although it's speculated that RPC-860 is Germanic in origin. As such, RPC-860 chooses those who have European ancestry. Following the events outlined in Addendum 860.03, RPC-860 appears to operate globally.
After several visits, RPC-860 will offer RPC-860-2 to remain permanently within the dimension. If an RPC-860-2 instance chooses to stay, the dimension's gateway connected to ours will be discontinued for an unknown period of time. It's unclear what happens to the instances after the gateway closes, but it's speculated that RPC-860 will immediately terminate the subject through cannibalistic means.
In 1994, the Abigail sisters entered RPC-860's dimension several times until they were offered to stay. Rose Abigail chose to accept the offer, but her twin sister, Alice Abigail, refused to accept. According to Rose Abigail, RPC-860 became aggressive and insisted that Rose remain in the dimension with her sister, but continued to refuse which resulted in RPC-860 to immediately close the dimension.
For inexplicable reasons, Rose Abigail managed to escape from the pocket dimension and made contact with Mobile Specialized Team Sierra-8 ("Sundowners"), whom were already tasked to investigate the disappearance of the Abigail sisters around that time. (See Addendum 860.02)
However, following initial retrieval of Rose Abigail, both the Abigail's parents had reportedly disappeared despite being kept under Authority supervision. 2 hours after their disappearance, they were later discovered mutilated in their bedrooms.
It's speculated that if an RPC-860-2 instance successfully escapes from RPC-860, the parents will be brought to RPC-860's pocket dimension and disappear for an unspecified time to only surface as mangled corpses.
Rose Abigail to date is the only confirmed survivor to come out of RPC-860's dimension.
Addendum 860.01: Discovery
Some sections of this addenda has been edited by the Office of Information Records and Security. Information has either been removed or fabricated to maintain information security in accordance to Directorate access privilege.
- Assistant Director Hanako Kawamura, OIRS
Initial reports came direct from the Ukrainian Government following the disappearance of the Foreign Affairs Minister's daughter, Kateryna Malenkov, on March 2, 1992. Security Services of Ukraine (SBU) investigated the disappearance, but covered it up after the investigation was called off by the Prime Minister of Ukraine, following substantial evidence of anomalous manifestation taking place.
Public concerns grew after rumors spread that the Minister's daughter was kidnapped by far-left members of the Communist Party of Ukraine, leading to the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK), in the mid-1990s.
On March 18, 1992, American agents discovered the dimension's gateway at the basement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Building. Howbeit, American field agents made contact with Russian operatives, which resulted in an incident where both agencies began engaging each other. Following this incident, the Ukrainian Government covered it up the incident, and the area was locked down by the Ukrainian Army.
However, the gateway reportedly disappeared within 24 hours and a desecrated corpse was found. The corpse was later identified to be the Minister's daughter.
Following this incident, The Authority was called in at the behest of the Ukrainian Government, and a task force with Interpol was set up to investigate further disappearances that fit the modus operandi of RPC-860.
From: Harpocrates, Office of Information Records and Security
To: Dr. Amanda Page, (EaR); Dr. Matte Andrews, (DHDS)
Subject: Project Abel.
Apologies for the delay as I had to attend to other important matters.
The document you've inquired me about has apparently been labelled "missing" within our archives. A team within my department is investigating the matter, but I've been informed by the Directorate to cease my inquiries. They also told me that the document in question does not exist as it was a fabrication created by the 16th Directorate.
Why this fabrication was developed in the first place is beyond my scope of clearance. It should be the same to you that you are to cease your inquiries, otherwise you'll expect a visitation from a Directorate advisor.
Contact me if you have any questions.
- Harpocrates
Addendum 860.02: Post-Recovery Interview ██/██/1994
On ██/██/19██, Mobile Specialized Team Sierra-8 and Agent Philip Barrett were dispatched to Esbjerg, Denmark, after reports from the local Danish Government discovered the gateway to RPC-860's dimension.
Further investigations discovered that the parents reported both their twin-daughters went missing four hours prior. Following several hours of searching, Rose Abigail surfaced from the dimension and was retrieved by Authority agents.
The following is an audio transcript between Rose Abigail and Agent Philip Barrett.
Interviewer: Agent Philip Barrett, Authority Central Intelligence
Interviewee: Rose Abigail (12), formerly RPC-860-2
Agent Barrett: Listen, Rose. I'm sorry about everything, but I just need to ask you a few questions. Is that okay with you?
Rose Abigail: [Sniffles, nods] Okay.
Agent Barrett: Also, you don't have to answer everything I ask. We can just gladly skip some of the questions if it makes you uncomfortable-
Rose Abigail: [Wipes eyes] Ca-can we just .. go on? I really don't like being here.
Agent Barrett: Sorry. What was it like being there?
Rose Abigail: [Pauses, mummers] It was perfect.
Agent Barrett: Perfect how exactly?
Rose Abigail: It was just .. perfect. It felt like a dream come true for me. Mom was cooking my favorite food and I played my favorite games. I've never felt so happy in my life, and I just wanted to be there forever.
Agent Barrett: What was your mother like?
Rose Abigail: Which one?
Agent Barrett: Both, just for comparison.
Rose Abigail: My mom in the other world just respected me more. Gave me a lot of love and attention that I never really got since I was six years old. [Pauses] But, my real mom was busy, she didn't had time for me and I always wanted her love and attention. We argued a lot and I just wished she was gone.
[Rose Abigail is visibly seen tearing up and covering their face. Interviewer pauses the recorder until resuming five minutes later]
Agent Barrett: I used to be like you, Rose.
Rose Abigail: [Wipes eyes with tissue]
Agent Barrett: I really never got along with my dad and I left him when I was eighteen. In fact, I never really saw him until I was twenty. We sent each other postcards from time to time, but eventually we got together and developed a bond that I never really had the chance to do. Sure, we hate our parents, but inside- we love them for who they are.
[Agent Barrett clears his throat and adjusts his seat]
Agent Barrett: Sorry.
Rose Abigail: No, no. It's fine. I understand.
Agent Barrett: Do you want to answer one more question or do you want it to end here?
Rose Abigail: [Pauses] I think one more should be okay.
Agent Barrett: How did you get out of that place?
Rose Abigail: I was hiding from her. I tried to be quiet as I can, but she found me. I kept my dad's pocket knife with me when I was there and I used it to stab her chest. She was screaming in pain- and … I don't know. All I remember is being held by her, and next thing I know- I'm outside. I saw you and you were reaching out to my hand.
Agent Barrett: Thank you, Rose. You've been a big help.
Rose Abigail: What's gonna happen to me now?
Agent Barrett: We're sending you to one of your relatives for the time being, if we manage to contact them.
Rose Abigail: I-i don't have anyone that I know.
Agent Barrett: Oh. Grandparents?
Rose Abigail: They passed away a few years ago.
Agent Barrett: I se-see.
Agent Barrett pauses and stands up from the chair.
Agent Barrett: Listen, um. Wait here, we're done for now- but I just need to go talk to someone. Do you need anything, or … ?
Rose Abigail: I'm fine … Thanks.
Additional Note(s): We're in a bit of a dilemma here. I went to HR to see if they manage to contact the relatives of Abigail, but they came back empty handed. Protocol states that we have to amnesticise her, and put her in an orphanage home. Jesus Christ. We can't do this- we just can't. The kid went through a lot of things, but this is pushing it.
To hell with protocol, I'm going to contact Ethics and try to negotiate something for Abigail. She's just a little girl for god sake- she can't live like this.
- Agent Philip Barrett, Authority Central Intelligence
Statement provided by Agent Barrett has been retracted in accordance to post-statement policies.
- Office of Information Records and Security
Addendum 860.03: Incident ██/██/1996
Mobile Specialized Team Juliett-9 was dispatched to Paisley, Scotland, after Authority Central Intelligence (ACI) located RPC-860's dimension. The area was placed under lockdown with assistance from Monarch Security, and field procedures were established.
On [REDACTED], a hazardous materials team was tasked to analyze the coherency scale of the gateway, but in the process caused a researcher to be pulled into the gateway. Researcher was identified as Noritaka Yamamoto, and was declared missing in action for two days until his reappearance on [REDACTED]. He was reportedly traumatized as the gateway behind him disappeared.
Noritaka Yamamoto was medically evacuated to Site-007.
Addendum 860.04: Post-Incident Interview
The following is an video transcript between Noritaka Yamamoto and Dr. Nicholas Rieper.
Interviewer: Dr. Nicholas Rieper, Assistant Director
Interviewee: Noritaka Yamamoto, Researcher
Researcher Yamamoto: [Stutters] I-i wasn't expecting to see you doc-doctor. I mean, sir.
Dr. Rieper: [Sits down] I decided to take over the interview. How are you feeling?
Researcher Yamamoto: It is, um, difficult to say. I'm sorry.
Dr. Rieper: No, no. It's fine. I am not here to punish you, I am simply here to get an understanding of what happened to you at the other side.
Researcher Yamamoto: [Nods] Yes, of course.
Dr. Rieper: Before you were pulled into the dimension, you were measuring the coherency scale?
Researcher Yamamoto: I was, yes. It was procedure to measure the ACS levels for the gateway. Site Management authorized us for AECR equipment, and they were around [REDACTED], to be exact.
Dr. Rieper: [REDACTED]? That's unusually low.
Researcher Yamamoto: [Clears throat] Yeah, it probably wasn't accurate.
Dr. Rieper: Right. How did you get pulled in?
Researcher Yamamoto: [Shrugs] I don't know. I felt a force trying to pull me in, I tried to move back as much as I can, but it just got me. It felt like I was knocked out or something when I stood up.
Dr. Rieper: By any chance you visited the family's house before you headed out to the gateway?
Researcher Yamamoto: Yeah. I was there to look around the young boy's room and the entire house. From top to bottom.
Dr. Rieper: Did it look similar?
Researcher Yamamoto: I'm sorry?
Dr. Rieper: The pocket dimension, did the world look similar to the house's interior?
Researcher Yamamoto: [Pauses, eyes widen]
Dr. Rieper: Noritaka?
Researcher Yamamoto: It- it wasn't.
Dr. Rieper: Explain.
Researcher Yamamoto: It was a bit dark. The floor and walls were covered in this unusual black texture, fungi maybe- I don't know. It was one way, narrow walls, and I just explored. There was no gateway behind me, so I continued to explore. There were these voices, sounded like children whispering around me. I started to get nervous until I stepped onto something that made .. made a crack sound.
Dr. Rieper: What was it?
Researcher Yamamoto: [Breathes heavily] A skull .. it- it was a child's skull. There was so many on the floor. I didn't know where they came from, bu-but they were there. I then heard a laugh, a woman's laugh, followed by children screaming and crying. I started pushing through. I was running for my life. But then I entered a wide room. I found the boy .. h-he was just- standing.
Dr. Rieper: Did you see eight-sixty anywhere in that room?
Researcher Yamamoto: She was there. In front of the boy, she was just smiling and there were these unusual lines attached to the kid.
Dr. Rieper: Attached to where exactly?
Researcher Yamamoto: Ev-everywhere! [Tears up] She started humming with this weird smile, and she just [DATA EXPUNGED] to the kid!
Dr. Rieper: [Writes notation]
Researcher Yamamoto: I just ran after seeing what happened. I don't remember how I got out, I just kept running. All I remember from that world when I got back was that taunting laugh. We lost the kid in part to me- I could've done something.
Dr. Rieper: Except there was nothing you could've done. It's just part of protocol-
Researcher Yamamoto: Protocol to let these young kids die?
Dr. Rieper: To put it lightly, yes.
Researcher Yamamoto: Why?
Dr. Rieper: [Pauses] Stability.
Addendum 860.05: Project Abel
I'm sure you understand that actions have consequences. I'll admit we made a few, but this one came with a bigger price than we had anticipated. We woke it from its slumber that the Auctoritas contained, and we blindly failed to realize what we've done.
The 16th Directorate did everything it could to smear our fault onto someone else, but they knew that their attempts to cover it up were going to be known by a handful of people. Even I wasn't aware of this until [DATA EXPUNGED] came forward about it.
I've added a copy of Project Abel below, but I do want to point out that the document may be missing a few sections.
- Global Director No. 4
APPROVED BY: ████████
DETAILS: Project Abel was an eleven-manned team lead by Lead Researcher Dr. Christopher Baker. Initially established in 1896, Dr. Baker was formerly part of previous other projects that alluded to the Authority's attempts to create gateways to other realities, albeit with minimal success.
Due to the project's support directly from the Directorate, outside consultants were processed and recruited into the project, one of whom was Nikola Tesla.
On ██/██/1896, Dr. Baker and his team acquired fragments of an anomalous object from an abandoned Auctoritas warehouse. These fragments were later detailed to be used as part of the project's initiative to develop the Direct-Compact Gateway (DCG), an early prototype of a gateway device.
Several testings with the DCG device caused minor setbacks, but on [REDACTED], a connection to an unknown pocket dimension was established.
On May 16, 1896, was shortly after shutdown as per orders of the Directorate. Personnel involved in the Project have been amnesticised to ensure plausible deniability, including the expungement of documents related to the project.
In the events outlined in Attachment 860.05.2, the status of Dr. Christopher has been determined to be KIA.
The following incident report was collected from numerous eyewitnesses during the incident.
Personnel Involved: Dr. Christopher Baker (OAS), Nikola Tesla (Consultant)
Date: ██/██/1869
16:08: The Direct-Compact Gateway (DCG) successfully established a gateway to an unknown pocket dimension. The device was located within the test chamber while the Project Abel Team, including a Directorate representative, watched the testings from a safe distance.
Anderson Coherency Scales within the room were measured at minimum levels, unconfirmed to be between 4.2 and 3.8.
16:18: The coherency levels gradually decreased and the DCG reportedly began to overheat. Dr. Baker ordered the shutdown of the DCG, but the device failed to deactivate and the gateway remained open.
An evacuation of the premise was initiated, but Dr. Baker and several others remained at their posts during this time. Several attempts were made to forcefully switch off the DCG's power source, howbeit concerns were raised that the DCG may combust and cause a large-scale explosion.
16:39: The coherency scales were observed to fall to 2.2 and a Site-wide evacuation was enacted. Shortly afterwords, an unidentified entity was observed entering from the pocket dimension. Several security personnel came in contact with the entity at the test chamber, but collapsed due to unknown reasons.
Nikola Tesla attempted to forcefully to shut the DCG device down with the assistance of an engineer, ignoring orders from Dr. Baker to not do so.
16:54: Dr. Baker was grabbed onto by the entity and hoisted onto the air. The entity reportedly communicated with Dr. Baker, though what was discussed is unknown.
Tesla short-circuited the DCG device which caused it to deactivate, but the gateway became unstable and began to produce a burst of static around it. Within a span of a few seconds, a secondary gateway was established by the entity, and Dr. Baker was brought along as the main gateway combusted behind them.
Structural integrity of the test chamber faltered and collapsed. Tesla reportedly survived the blast, but several others were placed into intensive care.
Post-Statement: We caused it. We created that wormhole, and we allowed it to enter to our world. It looked at me and Dr. Baker, it smiled at us. I don't know what, but it said something as it looked at us; it wanted to know where the young, suffering children were. They can't cover this up, we have to do something about it before it does something dangerous in the future.
I am sorry for Dr. Baker and his family, he was a good man. I hope he is still out there- somewhere, alive. God help him.
- Nikola Tesla, quoted from an post-incident interview dated 1896.