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Registered Phenomena Code: 852 Containment Rating: Omega Lethality Rating: Purple |

Two RPC-852 instances bearing RPC-852-1 entities.
Containment Protocols: Any instance of RPC-852 that is spotted in its native habitat of Southeast Russia, primarily the Oblasts of Khabarovsk, Priorsky, and Sakhalin, (View the Containment Map for more information) is to be destroyed via a sodium hypochlorite solution, followed by complete fumigation of the surrounding area with the aforementioned solution by Site-115 personnel. Instances contained within Site-115 are to remain in a climate of 18.3º C (65º F), with a humidity of 40-60%. The chamber should contain a layer of soil approximately 5 meters in depth, as well as plants that are to be watered twice daily. The chamber should have an airtight, one-way entrance, and a separate room for personnel to quarantine themselves following exposure.
Any personnel who have interacted with RPC-852 are required to enter the quarantine area and isolate for a period of several hours under observation for symptoms of infection. In the event of a containment breach, personnel are to fumigate contaminated areas with sodium hypochlorite aerosol, and then rinsed with distilled water after 2-4 hours have passed. Access to contaminated areas is restricted to only cleaner teams equipped with sealed and disposable suits.
The buildup of RPC-852-1 instances must be prevented by manual retrieval. Personnel responsible for retrieving RPC-852-1 instances should be equipped with nitrile gloves and corrosion-resistant platinum tongs, and collected RPC-852-1 instances transported to a containment area via a chute in the quarantine chamber. RPC-852-1 instances should be stored in 0º C (-32º F) containment lockers. RPC-852 instances are not to be allowed to grow past the fifth stage of their life cycle and should be destroyed once they mature.
As of 7/30/2021, all jewelry made with pearls originating from the South China Sea is to be confiscated and analyzed for the presence of RPC-852. See Addendum 7.21.21.

Four harvested RPC-852-1 entities.
Description: RPC-852 is a species of fibrous, mold-like organisms that were initially discovered in isolated groups in the Khabarovsk Krai province of Eastern Russia, but have since been found to have proliferated throughout the province, and to have spread to other provinces in the region. RPC-852 instances latch onto organic material and will begin secreting a highly corrosive acid that digests the material after 30 minutes of attachment. This acid is chemically analogous to baseline Nitric acids (HNO3), but increases in strength once RPC-852 reaches the fifth stage of its life cycle. This acid is non-anomalous in nature and is believed to be secreted by complex organelles in the fibrous structure, the means of which remains unknown. RPC-852 instances are not solid, but maintain a stiff form, and will spread out if crushed before returning to their original shape.
RPC-852 is highly resistant to most acidic chemical solutions, however the anomaly is vulnerable to chemicals that are more basic, such as sodium hypochlorite (NaClO)1, which is effective in small amounts, but can cause collateral damage to the surrounding ecosystem if used too frequently.
When introduced to an ecosystem, RPC-852 will feed on the organic matter, utilizing the aforementioned acid. If no organic matter is present, RPC-852 will enter a dormant phase where production of acid and RPC-852-1 instances are halted until more organic matter is introduced for consumption. RPC-852 instances grow in the direction of which they are feeding, and will degenerate parts of their bodies furthest from the feeding site. This allows them a rudimentary form of movement over long periods of time.
Despite being very resistant to acidic chemicals and physical removal, RPC-852 is very vulnerable to prolonged changes in temperature and will enter its dormant phase in unfavorable conditions. The temperature and humidity range that RPC-852 will grow in has been observed to be 4-21º C (40-70º F), with at least 40% humidity. The environment of East Russia, with its coolness and moisture, is almost perfectly suited for the growth of RPC-852 instances in the period between April and October. RPC-852 will enter dormancy during the winter months due to dropping temperatures. RPC-852 is unable to grow in aquatic environments, and when submerged in fluid, RPC-852 instances will enter dormancy until all fluids are removed, and the instance has dried.
RPC-852 presents an extreme threat to the entirety of Earth's biosphere. Instances are easily able to adapt to different environments, do not require the presence of sunlight to grow, and can subsist in areas with only minuscule amounts of organic material, such as mold and bacteria colonies. The fibrous mycelium that RPC-852 is composed of is easily detached upon contact, and is also capable of being carried away by strong winds in a manner similar to Taraxacum officinale2.

RPC-852 instances growing in a rocky field.
RPC-852-1 instances are marble-sized spheres created by RPC-852 after a period of 3-4 weeks once they reach stage 3 of their life cycle (see below), but are able to mature once they reach stage 4. RPC-852-1 instances begin growth in a translucent, gelatinous state, and are full of a clear fluid composed of dissolved organic matter and acid. Over time these objects become more opaque, and once matured develop a rigid lattice that allows for an incredibly dense, yet brittle structure.

RPC-852-1 instances pre-maturity.
A single RPC-852-1 instance weighs in at approximately 70 grams and can withstand up to 250 gigapascals of pressure before shattering. The means by which RPC-852 produces RPC-852-1 are entirely unknown, as instances of RPC-852 will release large amounts of acid as a defense mechanism, thus making dissection incredibly difficult. The composition of RPC-852-1 is believed to be mostly carbon, due to the large amount of organic material that RPC-852 consumes. Proper analysis using techniques such as spectroscopy3 are unreliable to the complex lattice structure that RPC-852-1 instances are composed. Due to their extreme density, RPC-852-1 instances gradually recede down into the soil, presumably depositing at the bedrock layer.
Addendum 5.17.17: After the initial discovery of RPC-852 on 5/17/2017 within the Khabarovsk Krai, more instances were discovered over the course of the summer, forming a prominent boundary around the area of initial appearance.
The prevailing theory behind the appearance of RPC-852 is that RPC-852-1 instances are abundant deep within the topsoil of Eastern Russia, and were able to begin sprouting RPC-852 which then spread to the surface due to ideal climate conditions. This would explain how RPC-852 keeps returning in areas where it has been wiped out, and how RPC-852 is appearing in surrounding regions so suddenly. This has raised concerns that instances of RPC-852-1 could be located deep in topsoil in other regions of Earth, and that as climate conditions gradually change, it could provide opportunities for dormant instances of RPC-852-1 to sprout, and proliferate in new areas.

Jewelry from Manila which was made with an RPC-852-1 entity.
Addendum 7.21.21: A concerning development surrounding RPC-852 surfaced when instances were discovered near the banks of the Amur River on 7/21/2021. Subsequently, RPC-852-1 instances were discovered in the river and alarmingly, at the bottom of the Sea of Japan. From there, researchers were able to follow instances of RPC-852-1 carried by ocean currents to the South China Sea, a primary region for sourcing pearls used in jewelry.
Following this development, 30 jewelry samples from local sellers in Manila were purchased by the Authority. It was found that 24 out of 30 of these jewelry samples were made with RPC-852-1 instances. From this, it can be assumed that for as long as RPC-852 has been present near the Amur River and its tributaries, estimated 2-3 years, instances of RPC-852-1 have been present in the South China Sea and circulating around the world as faux pearl jewelry.
If the prevailing theory on the nature of RPC-852 is true, the worldwide spread of RPC-852-1 could result in ecological calamity, and multiple operations are underway to recover jewelry that contains instances of RPC-852-1. The spread of RPC-852-1 instances along the ocean floor is carefully monitored in case of an outbreak.