Experiment: RPC-808-01
Researcher: Dr. ██████
Subject: CSD-1357
Fluid: Water
Results: N/A
Additional Researcher's Notes: It would appear that drinking water from RPC-808 holds no anomalous effects.
Experiment: RPC-808-02
Researcher: Dr. ██████
Subject: CSD-1357
Fluid: ████ Brand 100% Grape Juice
Results: CSD-1357 experienced extreme pain and proceeded to undergo a form of mitosis in which two exact clones of CSD-1357 resulted. These clones were in critical condition as physical examination reveals all of their body fat and upwards of ninety percent of their muscles mass was lost in the process. CSD-1357-01 and CSD-1357-02 were in critical condition but made full recoveries within two months of medical care and rehabilitation.
Additional Researcher's Notes: It would appear to force a complete mitosis of the subject. However it achieved this is unknown at the amount of mass lost in CSD-1357 was not enough to facilitate the creation of CSD-1357-01 and -02. Both subjects appear to be perfect copies of the first apart from the severe malnutrition and muscular atrophy.
Further examination and psychological testing of both subjects is underway.
Experiment: RPC-808-03
Researcher: Dr. ██████
Subject: CSD-2643
Fluid: █████ Brand Powdered Grape Juice mixed with purified water and amount of sugar listed on the package.
Results: Exact duplication of test log RPC-808-02. CSD-2643 underwent rapid, total mitosis and the outcome matched expected results.
Additional Researcher's Notes: This seems to indicate that the type of fluid does not matter so much as the concept of it. In this case fluid similar to that found in purple grapes causes subjects to duplicate themselves. For this test we selected a much heavier subject and testing was much more successful. CSD-2643-01 and CSD-2643-02 still lost one hundred percent of body fat, but post-test physically showed them to have only lost ██% of their muscle mass. I am reporting this to higher-ups as a possible method for the retention of important personnel. Stuff a few hundred cheeseburgers down their throat and then make them wash it down with some grape juice and thus. Easy cloning.
Experiment: RPC-808-04
Researcher: Director of Anomalous Research, Dr. Frederick McGantly
Subject: CSD-2111
Fluid: Pasteurized Cow Milk, 1% Fat.
Results: CSD-2111 dropped RPC-808 and proceeded to scream in pain for two solid minutes despite a complete lack of breath in their body. During this screaming, CSD-2111 grew in both height and mass until they had gained approximately 22% in height and 58% in body mass. Subsequent physical showed weight gain to be almost exclusively bone and muscle mass. Psychological testing showed subject had mentally regressed to an age of ██. This regression has shown to have caused severe cognitive impairment and has been totally resistant to all psychological recovery techniques.
Additional Researcher's Notes: Good lord, when you boys told me this mug could clone people, I was shocked. When you said you were suggesting we test milk, I didn't know what to think. It turned this damn CSD into a brute. He's got to be at least ██ and a half meters tall and he looks like he could bench my car! Might turn him into an idiot, but it's physically impressive. Keep it up, see what else is possible. I'll see that you get an extra source of CSDs for testing.
Experiment: RPC-808-05
Researcher: Dr. ██████
Subject: CSD-8843
Fluid: Green Tea
Results: CSD-8843 underwent total molecular breakdown and conversion into an as-of-yet mysterious acid. This acid caused severe damage to the containment chamber and the only remaining sample of it was discovered in RPC-808. Designated RPC-808-05A, the acid was successfully contained in a container coated in RPC-███.
Additional Researcher's Notes: No tea. I'm warning all future Researchers this now. It almost melted a hole down to Research 3F. Not unless they want a massive mess to clean up.
Experiment: RPC-808-06
Researcher: Dr. ██████
Subject: CSD-629
Fluid: Gasoline
Results: Once CSD-629 finished drinking the contents of RPC-808, CSD-629 screamed violently and light could be seen shining from within CSD-629's body. Smoke issued from CSD-629's every orifice and thermal imaging showed an internal temperature of greater than 375 °C. CSD-629 collapsed. Post experiment autopsy showed CSD-629's entire vascular system combusted and burned until consumed.
Additional Researcher's Notes: Sudden combustion of the entire vascular system has very little continued use. A surprise to nobody, we probably shouldn't be drinking gasoline. Nevertheless, it is interesting that RPC-808 forces the subject to consume the cup and even makes them eager to do so even if the contents are something you wouldn't normally drink.
Experiment: RPC-808-07
Researcher: Dr. ██████
Subject: CSD-4449
Fluid: Human Blood of CSD-1333
Results: Upon consumption by CSD-4449, CSD-1333 immediately died of cardiac arrest. CSD-4449 started to shrink in size. This continued until CSD-4449 was reduced to the size of a child. Physical examinations showed CSD-4449 to be a child of ██ years old. Subject retained all memories of life, but psychologically had regressed to an appropriate mental age. After examination of the medical records of CSD-1333 and CSD-4449, it would appear that CSD-4449 regressed in age equal to how old CSD-1333 was.
Additional Researcher's Notes: Under the order of GD-█, all future testing with human blood is suspended. Any personnel found to be doing so will be immediately terminated.
Experiment: RPC-808-08
Researcher: Dr. ██████
Subject: CSD-19571
Fluid: Pasteurized Cow Milk, 1% Fat.
Results: Test repeated test RPC-808-04 exactly, with the exception that CSD-19571 was not told what fluid was in the cup, is incapable of taste and was blindfolded during the test to prevent any attempt to discern what was being drunk. The results mirrored that of test RPC-808-01 instead of the expected -04. Subject experienced no anomalous effects.
Additional Researcher's Notes: It would appear that the subject's own perception of what they are drinking affects the anomalous effects of RPC-808. Testing upon this hypothesis continued in test RPC-808-09.
Experiment: RPC-808-09
Researcher: Dr. ██████
Subject: CSD-19571
Fluid: Pasteurized Cow Milk, 1% Fat.
Results: Test repeated test RPC-808-08 exactly, with the exception that CSD-19571 was told what fluid was in the cup, and was allowed to see during the test. The results now mirrored that of test RPC-808-04. Subject gained approximately 29% height, 68% body mass, and was mentally impaired in line with expectations from previous tests. Subject terminated following escape attempts during return to containment.
Additional Researcher's Notes: When the subject was allowed to perceive what they were drinking, despite being unable to taste it, they were affected as expected. Final test in this hypothesis recorded in log RPC-808-10.
Experiment: RPC-808-10
Researcher: Dr. ██████
Subject: CSD-6633
Fluid: Pasteurized Cow Milk, 1% Fat.
Results: Test continued in line with RPC-808-08 and -09 with the exception that CSD-6633 was able to taste but was also blindfolded and not told the fluid they were drinking. The results now mirrored that of test RPC-808-04. Subject gained approximately 23% height, 61% body mass, and was mentally impaired as all previous results predicted.
Additional Researcher's Notes: With perception being purely based on taste, the results followed the trend set by the first test with milk. It would appear that both psychological and physical perceptions of the fluid determine the effects of RPC-808. When only one or both are present, test proceeds as expected but when both perceptions are impaired, RPC-808 is rendered harmless. In other words, someone blind, deaf, and tasteless would be able to use it with almost complete immunity. We know how the effects are connected to the fluids and the subject. Now we must find out if any other fluids hold useful effects for the Authority's cause. I am advising open testing to Director McGantly immediately. Any CSDs up for termination should have a last drink, ya know?
Experiment: RPC-808-11
Researcher: Dr. Sigma
Subject: CSD-5171
Fluid: ██████-brand Bleach.
Results: Subject had attempted an escape and was apprehended shortly. The subject on his way back to the testing chamber was kicking and screaming "NO! QUIT TELLING ME TO DRINK BLEACH!! JUST STOP! DRINK IT YOURSELF!".
Additional Researcher's Notes: Can someone please get him drinking at gunpoint? Seems like he know he's gonna drink it. Did someone say something to him about these tests?
Experiment: RPC-808-12
Researcher: Dr. Sigma
Subject: CSD-5171
Fluid: ██████-brand Bleach.
Results: Subject reluctantly poured, and then readily drank the bleach due to RPC-808's anomalous effect. Everyone within approximately a 20m radius turned completely bald. Some lost their skin color and turned bleach white, while others have their uniforms bleached. A few seconds later, subject suffers all three effects simultaneously to a greater degree. Subject appears to lose all pigment in body, as well as their CSDs jumpsuit was bleached completely colorless. The subject starts rolling on the floor, screaming in agony for 9 minutes and 17 seconds. Subject subsequently perished due to multiple organ failure.
Additional Researcher's Notes: Serves him right. The bugger started bragging when everyone around him turned bald. Thankfully for me, I'm already bald.
Experiment: RPC-808-13
Researcher: Dr. Kodler
Subject: CSD-103123
Fluid: ██████-brand Bleach.
Results: Exact duplication of test log RPC-808-12. Subject poured the bleach without reluctance and drank it. Dr. Kodler was not affected despite being within 20-meter radius of the subject, and reluctantly admitted his hair was artificial.
Additional Researcher's Notes: Seems like it doesn't effect artificial beard- err…hair, and distance does matter, I was 19 meters away from subject during the experiment. I'm not bleached, and neither are my clothes.
Experiment: RPC-808-14
Researcher: Dr. Bells
Subject: CSD-121092
Fluid: ████-███ brand lemon drink prepared with the exact amount of water and sugar specified on package.
Results: Upon consumption, subject exhibited marked mydriasis, sialorrhea and an increase in heart rate. When questioned subject remained silent. Upon being told to put RPC-808 back on the table, subject complied instantly. Chemical burns were observed to progressively develop around subject's oral cavity, when questioned about these burns subject denied feeling any pain from them. Analysis of saliva samples reveal an altered composition, demonstrating the presence of [REDACTED] acid, an increase of lipase and amylase in saliva, and a marked increase in cortisol in saliva.
Additional Researcher's Notes: Subject was treated for oral burns. After consuming the contents of RPC-808 subject exhibited unquestioning compliance to orders from staff. It should be noted CSD-121092 was a difficult and resistant individual. Subject was terminated 2 hours later due to extensive chemical burns on oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus.
Experiment: RPC-808-15
Researcher: Dr. J████
Subject: CSD-59433
Fluid: Cockroach haemolymph and liquefied remains
Results: After pouring the liquid, CSD-593433 drank without problems. One hour after drinking the mixture, the subject began coughing intensely. After 2 minutes of uninterrupted coughing, subject died of asphyxia. 41 seconds after loss of life, cockroach specimens started to spawn from the body, using the mouth, ears, skin pores (larvas), and eyes (after pushing them out of the subject's skull). The body became a food supply for all specimens. A total of 73 cockroaches were counted.
Additional Researcher's Notes: Do not attempt to test in an open environment, as the cockroaches appear to be able to digest any type of meat, and will work in conjunction against larger targets. We had to burn the chamber.
Experiment: RPC-808-16
Researcher: Dr. Mingxuan
Subject: CSD-89941
Fluid: White tea, made from ██████-██████ brand loose tea leaves, held in a cloth paper bag.
Results: CSD-89941 drinks tea without significant incident. Notes that they do not enjoy the taste of white tea and that the liquid was slightly too hot and had "burned [their] tongue a little." Three seconds after the subject returned the empty cup to the test stand, personnel within a 3-kilometer radius began to suffer from symptoms of severe opioid overdose, accompanied by a strong smell of opium. Incident resulted in the deaths of ██ personnel, including Dr. Mingxuan. CSD-89941 demonstrated no unusual symptoms and was returned to CSDs holding area.
Additional Researcher's Notes: Subsequent research into result showed all casualties were at least 75% Han Chinese by ethnicity. CSDs subject was European-American.
Dr. Mingxuan was planning a series of several tests involving drinks composed of powders dissolved in water, including coffee and a variety of juices. Guess that's getting put on hold, poor bastard. -Junior Researcher Caerfax
Experiment: RPC-808-17
Researcher: Dr. Khan
Subject: CSD-9876
Fluid: Liquid Butter
Results: Upon drinking, CSD-9876 gained approximately 805 kilograms, despite showing no outward physical changes. The subject appeared to be able to move and act without any hindrance despite the immense weight gain, suggesting a comparable increase in strength. Further testing was halted due to CSD-9876 attempting to breach containment. Subject showed ability to barrel through walls and kill with punches due to simple inertia alone. Termination required extensive force from ASF personnel, as bullets were only slightly effective against subject. Termination achieved with conjunctive fire from nine personnel with heavy assault weapons after ██ causalities across Site-007.
Additional Researcher's Notes: Further testing in this direction is hereby denied. No more fucking butter super-soldiers unless we get clearance to fit them with explosive collars for quick termination. -Dr. Khan
As appealing as it might be to use this to make some superpowered MST, physical examination of CSD-9876's body shows microfractures in every single bone and tears in every single muscle in their body. If ASF hadn't bought them down, they would've torn themselves to pieces in minutes. Clearly, it doesn't give the body what it needs to survive such increased weight and strength. ~Dr. McGantly.