Pine Virus
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Registered Phenomena Code: 805
Object Class: Gamma-Red
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Responsible Departments:

Containment Protocols: A fortified perimeter spanning 26 km² has been established around the ███████ Forest near ██████, Alaska. The perimeter is comprised of 6.7m tall concrete barriers topped with barbed wire. The site must be equipped with multiple incinerators for the termination and disposal of pine needles.
All personnel must refrain from coming into physical contact with RPC-805 and any instances of RPC-805-1. Wild instances of RPC-805-1 must be terminated.
Researchers entering the perimeter must wear a full-body hazmat suit to prevent infection through contact with RPC-805 or RPC-805-1 instances.
CSD personnel will be tasked with entering RPC-805's perimeter and collecting any pine needles that may have fallen from RPC-805 or RPC-805-1. These pine needles will be collected through the use of backpack-mounted vacuums. All pine needles collected during the daily cleaning process must be incinerated as soon as possible. In the event that any personnel comes into direct contact with pine needles, they are to be isolated and detained within the secured perimeter.
Description: RPC-805 refers to a group of pine trees1 located in the ███████ Forest near ██████, Alaska. The anomaly produces an infectious viral pathogen that is capable of altering the biological structure of infected human subjects, ultimately transforming their physiology through anomalous methods.
A human being may contract the virus through skin contact with needles shed by RPC-805. Infectees are designated RPC-805-1 once infected by RPC-8052. The disease can also be spread from human to human fluid contact. As of 201█, it is hypothesized that approximately 216 of the pine trees comprising the ███████ Forest are instances of RPC-805-1.
Instances of RPC-805-1 take around 35 minutes to fully develop from a regular human adult, undergoing the following five stages of the disease:
- Fever and severe hyperhidrosis3 manifest approximately 5 minutes after initial contraction.
- Symptoms of alopecia4 begins to manifest approximately 15 minutes after the initial infection and will last up to 10 minutes. The loss of body hair is immediately followed by the growth of pine needles and twigs from vacant hair follicles.
- Following the complete loss of all body hair, the infected individual will then proceed to exhibit signs of atopic dermatitis5, with dermal tissue peeling and hardening as it transforms into a compound similar to tree bark.
- At this stage, the infected individual will become nauseous and delirious. Infected individuals will claim to hear indiscernible whispers coming from RPC-805 and will begin to move towards it, attempting to get as close as possible before collapsing.
- Infected individuals will begin to sprout root-like appendages from their feet and their physiology changes vastly until they are indistinguishable from RPC-805, finally becoming a true instance of RPC-805-1. Furthermore, bone tissue is quickly dissolved and incorporated into its surrounding muscular and cartilage tissues. The resulting mass hardens and develops the coloring and texture of wood.
Supplementary research has revealed that instances of RPC-805-1 are not deceased and appear to retain their sense of touch. Neuroimaging of RPC-805-1 instances shows they are highly susceptible to pain. Unlike non-anomalous trees, instances of RPC-805-1 do not produce sap and instead produce a red-colored substance chemically similar to blood. Wounding an instance of RPC-805-1 will cause the instance to draw the substance and will begin to leak, this is assumed to be because each RPC-805-1 instance was originally human and the anatomy of RPC-805-1 allows it to spread throughout the instance as if it were blood.