Blood Creepin'
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{$translationblock} |
Registered Phenomena Code: 800
Object Class: Beta-Red
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: |
Aggression |
Ballistic |
Climatological |
Geological |
Grouped |
Invisibility |
Psychotronic |
Sapient |
Sentient |
Transmutation |
Bio-Hazard |
Contact |
Corrosive |
Electromagnetic Force |
Explosive |
Extreme Temperature |
Radiation |
Toxic |
Destabilization |
Extra-Dimensional |
Gravitational |
Teleportation |
Temporal |
Auditory |
Emotional |
Ideological |
Info-Hazard |
Memory Alteration |
Mind-Control |
Mind-Regression |
Sensory |
Visual |
Animated |
Aquatic |
Ecological |
Extra-Terrestrial |
Immeasurable |
Incorporeal |
Mechanical |
Microscopic |
Organic |
Regenerative |
Titanic |
Tychokinetic |
Replicating |
Newtonian |
Ontological |
Divine |
Hallucinogen |
High Velocity |
Proto-Mechanical |
Proto-Newtonian |
Proto-Sapient |
Containment Protocols: All RPC-800 objects are to be stored within the Indian National Defense Initiative for the Reclamation of Anomalies' (INDIRA) Structure 07. Testing with RPC-800-3-B is strictly forbidden. Entities relating to GoI-800's belief system are expected to be active within the Indian subcontinent and have been deemed a risk to the general population. Should the Authority or INDIRA encounter any of these entities or any individuals worshiping them they are to be detained until further notice.
Description: RPC-800 refers to several artifacts belonging to GoI-800 "Warriors of Red Kali"; an inactive Thuggee cult existing across the Indian subcontinent from an unknown period until 1967. GoI-800 had a belief system that combined traditional Hindu thought with the beliefs that match typical worship of the "Savage Redness" deity within Nihil-adjacent mythos.
RPC-800-1 is a Talwar made of an unknown metal alloy known to have trace amounts of iron and nickel. The object functions non-anomalously until the entirety of its blade is coated in blood, after which it is considered "active."
While in an active state, RPC-800-1 provides a number of combat advantages to its user:
- Human subjects cut with RPC-800-1 will experience excessive blood flow, causing more blood to be released than normal from a similar wound.
- When used in melee combat, RPC-800-1's user experiences increased combat capabilities and are statistically more likely to incapacitate their opponent, by a margin of 60%.
- RPC-800-1's blade becomes significantly harder, being able to deflect bullets and other projectiles. However, this property is known to weaken after around 5 projectile strikes, depending on the velocity and force the blade is struck with.
Texts relating to GoI-201 hint at the potential existence of other weapons with similar properties, but none have been identified by the Authority.
RPC-800-2 is a cognitohazardous agent resembling the "Kali Yantra", a religious Hindu symbol. However, its center triangle is replaced by an anomalous sigil, commonly associated with Children of Nihil followers of the "Savage Redness". This agent appears on various objects that were carried by members of GoI-800.
Visual exposure to RPC-800-2 induces nausea and dizziness for a few seconds, then causes the affected individual to immediately enter Stage 3 NREM sleep. However, during this state, affected individuals experience tachycardia flow and become more susceptible to irritation of the skin. This effect lasts for around 10 minutes, after which the subject regains conscience. The anomalous properties of RPC-800-2 can be avoided by wearing eye protection, glasses, or contacts
Members of GoI-800 were known to commonly employ RPC-800-2 as a method to immobilize and capture targets.
RPC-800-3-A is a modified sitar used by members of GoI-800. While it sometimes sees use as a regular instrument for GoI-800 members to play folk songs related to their beliefs its main purpose is materializing RPC-3-800-B, through playing the "███████ ███ ████████" hymn.
RPC-800-3-B is a partially-sentient spherical entity entirely comprised of blood, measuring 2 meters in diameter. According to texts recovered from GoI-800, it is able to answer affirmative/negative questions. However, independent attempts to interact with RPC-800-3-B conducted both by INDIRA and the Authority have failed to elicit any response. On occasion, objects both anomalous and non-anomalous manifest in RPC-800-3-B's proximity. RPC-800-3-B demanifests 30 minutes after being summoned.
Members of GoI-800 believe that RPC-800-3-B is a fragment of "Kali", and that one may appeal to her through bloodshed, eventually triggering a world-ending event. Striking similarities have been acknowledged between this event, frequently described as a "red flood", and beliefs held by Children of Nihil cults.
Addendum I: Documents on GoI-800 authored by the British Raj
The origins of GoI-800 have been difficult to establish. While the oldest text that mentions them is dated to 1231 A.D., said text mentions the cult existing for centuries prior to writing. Authority historians believe that the cult had several predecessors existing as far back as the late Bronze Age with a form closer to the modern definition of the group coming in to formation in the later period of the Middle Kingdoms era in India.
First hand accounts from members of the cult are difficult to come by due to the large majority of members being illiterate and unable to write. A large majority of often contradicting fables and history from GoI-800 are passed down from oral tradition and recorded in interviews that have been taken from British Raj officials and INDIRA researchers.
What follows are several documents authored by soldiers within the British Raj in India that relate to GoI-800. Upon collapse of the British Raj in India, these documents were handed off to the Authority by British Government officials.
The first set of documents attached are damaged, incomplete transcripts of interviews conducted by soldiers within the British Army taken place during early March of 1934.
… and what can this Kali lady do? In your beliefs, how long has she been around?
Mirza: Before your kings, before your lords, before your false prophets and rotten world! She gave us everything! She gave us this wonderful life! She bled for us, we bled for her. It was perfect!
Dowd: Bled? Was she hurt?
Mirza: No-no-no-no-no-no! You perceive blood as this evil when truly it is what drives us all. Without your blood you would be nothing, without my blood I would be nothing! Those who reject the blood is what has poisoned this world and we must work to clean them from this earth. You, me, all the followers of Kali must act to flood this world with blood!
Dowd: I reckon you mean killing people? A large number of people too. But why? Who are these people that "lack the blood"?
Mirza: Kali… she was betrayed by 3 gods. 3 gods! They were of Kali's own flesh and blood, she wanted children that would live for her and she gave the most of her blood to them. At first, they were loyal, giving blood back to their mother as they would create art, preserve nature and destroy evil. Imagine it: many many worlds beyond our own all linked together to form a beautiful portrait. Entire worlds of red, a red you have never seen and I cannot describe as it is all beyond words any tongue can use to describe beauty. Within this red are more, beautiful worlds that exist behind and beneath each other. All of this is possible only through
… again. How did they "reject the blood"?
Mirza: They had grown sick of it. "Enough!" they all said. Kali was defeated, her body destroyed and her blood drained.
Dowd: How do you kill a god? From what I know you can't do that. Not even other gods can do that
Mirza: Kali lives, Kali lives! Her heart can be started up again if we give enough blood. Her blood will begin to flow again if only we give her blood. We need it… you must give it. [Mirza begins to twitch as he sticks his arm towards Dowd] please…
Dowd: Oy! Relax, we do not want to knock you out again. Please do not try making sudden movements towards me again, thank you.
Mirza: [Mirza begins to chant an indecipherable phrase before continuing to speak in English. The language chanted does not match any known Indian language] Give it to us please. We need to flood the world to let Kali live. She needs her blood to flow again. Like the sun she shall rise and care for us all! [Mirza lunges at Dowd, clawing off some skin on his thigh]
Dowd: Bloody hell! [Dowd pulls out his pistol] Stand back! You need to cut the nonsense now! Come at me again and I'll be forced to shoot!
Mirza: [Mirza mumbles something indecipherable before releasing a short laugh] Do not be so alarmed. This is the natural flow of things. Like the rivers in the wilderness, and the roads between cities, and the blood in your veins, everything needs to be kept running. Kali never died, she lives still but in a state inferior to her original. Throughout the world you will see that she is showing herself to others in many ways. Every drop of blood that is shed is for her whether you realize it or not. It is a global movement that many do not realize they are a part of. Yet as they experience it, they become connected.
I must thank you Mister Dowd. You have given me what I needed!
[The ground begins to shake as the roof of the shack that the interview is occurring in begins to be torn off by a brilliant red light that is now hovering over Dowd and Mirza]
Dowd: What the-
Burnett: Can you hear me, Mirza?
Mirza(?): [YES]
Burnett: Before you entered your… "current state" you said that Kali would bless you with a "brilliant new form for your continuous and brave efforts at reviving her", Does this state correlate to that prediction you made
Mirza(?): [YES]
Burnett: Was this what you expected? To be trapped within this "new form"?
Mirza(?): [Indecipherable]
Burnett: May you do us a favor and repeat that? We could not hear you too well.
Mirza(?): [YES]
Burnett: That will do. Now finally, you said that Kali is going to return soon. It was along the lines of a "large series of battles that will last centuries". Is this true?
Mirza(?): [Mirza(?) lunges against the glass separating him from Burnett. He then begins to split in half]
Burnett: What in god's name is he- [Burnett is cut off as he is paralyzed in place. A thin red ray emerges from Mirza(?) and pierces the glass before reaching Burnett's chest. It retrieves his heart and returns it to Mirza(?) as he closes the crack. Despite this, Burnett is still alive and begins pacing around the room. 2 soldiers attempt to enter the room as Burnett
… red upon red upon red upon red! I tried to reach out and touch something that was in front of me. As I reached into it my veins began to glow a very sharp red. My face was all marked up in symbols that I cannot even recognize! These veins then began to separate from me and became their own person.
Jones: Separate? How the hell do veins separate from a body?
Burnett: They simply bugged off me like peeling a gauze. Next was my muscular system, it left my body too. Somehow, I could see from the view of each of them?
Jones: What? I do not comprehend.
Burnett: The muscular system and vein system began to walk with me. Up ahead we saw this 8 armed woman.
Jones: 8 arms? I reckon that must be the Kali those thugees speak of.
Burnett: She was sitting in that position we see those Hindus sit in. The lotus position. That is what it is known as. She had red glow around her that hurt to look at. Do you ever stare at the sun? Yes, it was like that. Very hard to look at for a long time. She began to look down upon us all. The muscular system leaped at her, trying to get in to a brawl I think. Kali stopped him in the air and before I knew it, he simply vanished. Nothing left of him but a red haze!
Jones: Those were your muscles, how are you
… Sod off with this hindu nonsense now, Burnett! You are not being hunted for "fighting Kali!"
Burnett: She comes.
Jones: What? You are experiencing delusions! You need to go to hospital now and be watched by doctors. You do not need to prepare for a war or anything!
Burnett: She will purge us all. The redness will cover all that you see. You need to save yourself. Please, give me your blood!
Jones: Mate, you need to stop now. I don't want to have to do this to you
Burnett: The time will approach. When the centuries pass the world will be nothing like we have seen! Kali has a special plan for all of us. All you need is some blood. Just give it to her!
Jones: You know what, this is not needed. I do not need to deal with someone who has lost the plot entirely. Something better can be-
Jones: Alright. This better be worth our time. Burnett, what do you have to say to Mirza?
Burnett: I am-
Mirza(?): [Indecipherable]
Burnett: Do you think we have to do this?
Mirza(?): [YES]
Burnett: No, I cannot let you do that.
Mirza(?): [Indecipherable]
Burnett: Stop! Kali would not approve of this, Mirza! Please do not make her return any more troublesome than it is already!
Mirza(?): [Indecipherable] End. [Mirza(?) assumes a taller form and creates an orifice. From this orifice, Captain Dowd is released. Mirza(?) returns to its original form]
Dowd: [Regurgitates and begins to stand up, obviously confused at the current situation] Where am I?
Burnett: No! [Burnett lunges at Mirza(?) as the two are slowly absorbed in to one. Jones attempts to pull Burnett away but to no avail.]
Jones: Damn it all! Burnett you bastard, what has happened to you?
Dowd: Christ, what is this all about? What are you doing here?
Mirza(?): This shall do. [Mirza(?) begins to shrink down
The following two files are documents from an unknown British soldier concerning an equine ritual he saw being undertaken by members of GoI-800. According to the British Government they were recorded "some time in 1937."
Horse Sacrifice
The thuggees[sic] began to place several bones around a pit of palm branches and coal. One of the bigger worshipers, who I assume to be their chief, took a cauldron and placed it in the pit, then he slashed his wrist with his knife and began to drip his blood in to the pot. It began to boil and release a red smoke. All the women around the pit began to strip nude and drop their clothing in to the pot. After they gave up their clothes, they all took turns spitting in to the pot. I noticed that their saliva was a variety of colors, a shorter one had purple spit while a chubby one had green spit.
They all gathered for one last spit, as they did so I heard the neigh of a horse that was not there as a large fire of many different colors shot up from the pot. When the fire calmed, the children of the thugs gathered and dropped the bones in. As they did so, blood began to splash outwards from the pot, getting everywhere all over the women, the men, and the rocks. After the children placed the bones in, the women were ordered to cover up their nudity and head behind a nearby bush. However, they ordered what seemed to be the most beautiful woman to stay outside.
It was time for the ritual to truly begin. The chief cut his wrist again and painted the beautiful one's[sic] nose with his blood before kissing her neck. She then began to walk into a cave that was north of where the ritual was taking place. She began to return with a stallion. It was a horrible creature! The skin was withered away to the point of being both green and grey. Its teeth were blacker than tar and when it opened its mouth, the tongue was a long organ that resembled more of a serpent as it thrashed about within its maw. The hair was a disgusting color resembling bile with lice dropping off of it as it walked.
The hideous creature released horrible wheezing rather than neighs as it began to approach the site of the ritual. When it finally arrived, the beautiful woman was given the knife by the chief. She then cut across her palm, releasing an absurd amount of blood from it before offering it to the horse to lick. As the horse was licking from her palm, the chief approached the right side of it and ordered the woman to go to its left. A loud scream was released by both as they touched the eyes of the horse.
When they did, both of the horses eyes began to swell and ghastly strands that were colored red began to be released from it. When the strands dissipated there were eyes and hearts hovering around the ritual site. I tried counting them: I reckon there were 45 of them but I am certain there was more.
One of the eyes approached me, so I pulled my gun and was ready to fire, but instead it got close to me and was almost nuzzling me. Its pupils dilated as the iris became green instead of its original brown, perhaps it became attached to me. Another one came near me and it somehow made a hissing noise. I was going to fire at it but the green eye hissed back at it. The other eye released one last hiss as it split in two before folding in on itself, releasing a flood of tears as it shrank out of the world.
Horse Sacrifice (Continued)
Eyes and Hearts were circling around the stallion as he began to release sounds of pain. He began to release what appeared to be orbs from his mouth that were covered in both blood and mucus. The eyes approached these orbs and took turns bouncing off them. Soon, the organs gathered in a triangle formation as the children from earlier picked up the orbs and through them in to the fire. The floating eyes all changed their irises to the color of red as they gazed upon the horse. The stallion released one last mighty cry before he was shoved in to the fire pit. That horse was of a greater size than that cauldron, and I cannot say I know how it was able to fit in to it.
Now that the horse was melted, the eyes and hearts departed from the formation they were in and began to descend in to the pot. The ground around us began to shake as the pot erupted like a volcano, shooting the concoction inside of it up to the stars. Men and children began to celebrate as a colossal, heart that emanated a brilliant red light slowly began to lower down to the Earth. The chief gazed upon the heart as he took out his knife, driving it deep in to his chest. Blood began to spill from the chief as he took the knife and slid it down his chest, releasing more blood. The heart grew a tendril from its arteries as it grabbed the dying chief. In one last motion, the chief dropped his knife and raised his hands in praise as the tendril tightened its grip around him, before drawing him in to the arteries of the massive heart. The chief was dead.
At this point I had seen more than enough! I fled along with the eye that grown accustomed to me. It has become apparent to me that these thug cults are still active despite the crowns efforts to suppress them last century. I am requesting that we deal with them and fast, especially with the revolutionary fervor that has begun to sweep through the natives.
Addendum II: Objects manifested by RPC-800-3-B
The following are several INDIRA reports on objects manifested by RPC-800-3-B when RPC-800 objects were only contained by the Indian Government.
Head of Research: Dr. Dhana Maurya
Object Recovery Log 317
Date: 07/07/1981
R-B-021 was summoned with its hymn today at midnight. As usual we attempted communication with it but to no avail. It seems to not respond to any dialect contemporary or ancient, meaning that it is likely that the "Warriors of Red Kali" used their own language to speak with R-B-021.
After the first 2 hours of failed communication attempts, R-B-021 created its first object, which was a skull that appears to belong to a chimpanzee. Of note, one of the security officers nearby stated that he was experiencing some dizziness around 3 minutes before the skull appeared.
When a prisoner was ordered to analyze the object, a large amount of blood was released from the eye sockets of the skull and temporarily blinded him, causing it to be dropped. The skull then began to create a pool of blood underneath to which it then lowered itself in to and disappearing.
The prisoner, upon regaining his sight, attempted to catch the skull and stuck his right arm within the pool, however it began to close in on itself, and removed his arm as a result. 30 seconds after the prisoner's arm was removed, a red smog began to form around where the right arm would be and eventually coalesced in to a new arm for him. This new arm was entirely red and cold to the touch and the prisoner stated that he felt that the new arm was "far stronger" than his original arm. A more detailed report on the prisoner's new arm is available from our medical sector.
As the prisoner was moved to the medical wing, a second prisoner was brought in to continue testing. Around 10 minutes after it was brought in, R-B-021 summoned a second object. This second object came in several fragments. The first were 2 arms and a leg. The second was a tongue along with a torso. Finally, the head was summoned. All parts of the body had a glowing green aura and were levitating around 2 meters off the ground. The gender of the remains that the body belong too have not been discovered as there is significant evidence of both male and female traits present.
Revision 11/07/1981: While the remains was being moved to the morgue, they began to levitate higher off the ground than usual. It is reported that the remains reconfigured themselves in to a Lotus position and began to fade away. Current location unknown.
Head of Research: Dr. Dhana Maurya
Object Recovery Log 318
Date: 15/07/1981
R-B-021 was summoned with its hymn at noon today. Before we could begin another communication attempt, several objects were immediately expelled from it. The first of which being a broken sword. When our prisoner interacted with it, nothing anomalous occurred. It has since been moved to a non-anomalous object storage sector.
The second object it summoned was a pot. On it was a symbol that have been identified to relate to Children of Nihil cults that worship the "Red Sun" deity within its pantheon. As our prisoner opened the pot, a red powder immediately raised itself out of the pot and began to form a Kali Yantra with the "Red Sun" symbol in the middle. The prisoner and almost all of our researchers and guards immediately lost consciousness. The only exception was Dr. Dhana Maurya and his assistant. It is suspected they were immune to the symbol's properties due to impaired vision that was remedied with glasses and contact lenses respectively. 10 minutes passed before those who were knocked unconscious woke up.
The third and final object it summoned today were several scrolls with artistic depictions of events on them that correlate with the mythos of Red Kali cultists. They appear to be damaged extensively and are missing sections
The events are as follows
First scroll: A red woman, presumably Kali, has Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma in 3 of her hands, and our world in the fourth.
Second scroll: Brahman creates many worlds and copies of Kali along with copies of himself in an attempt to fool Kali. Scroll shows arrows and swords but abruptly cuts off.
Third scroll: Shiva enters a long battle with Kali, destroying the worlds created by Brahma, before finally being defeated and suffering a similar fate to Brahma.
Fourth scroll: Vishnu, as his final avatar Kalki, falls before Kali and commits suicide by cutting himself over the Earth. As he does so, the Earth is covered in blood. When the world is fully covered in blood, Vishnu finally passes away.
Fifth scroll: Kali holds the new world of blood with two of her hands as new entities, possibly the reincarnations of the Trimurti, begin to form around her.
Estimated age of the scrolls sits around 350-400 years ago.
Head of Research: Dr. Dhana Maurya
Object Recovery Log 319
Date: 22/07/1981
R-B-021 was summoned with its hymn at 10 in the morning today. The communication attempt was skipped today, and 5 minutes after being summoned, R-B-021 began to manifest objects. The first item it summoned was a letter written by a member of the Red Kali cult, estimated to have be from the late 1890s. It is presumably addressed to British Officers who may have been within the area at the time. It is transcribed below.
Of note, the cult is known to be majorly illiterate and very few firsthand accounts from the cult have been written down
The second artifact summoned was a map dated to 1917, created by soldiers within the British Raj. It gives directions to an island north of Sri Lanka that was labeled as "Kali's Plateau" by the English. On the back was message scrawled out in English. It reads as follows:
"This is an island belonging to those Red Kali worshipers. We heard some men got lost there and their remains floated to the shores of French Pondicherry. A few navy men went their to investigate and only 2 made it back. All travel to it has been banned, however this is not the end of our problems. It has been reported that there has been supernatural activity from the island such as swords deflecting shots along with hymns inducing cluster headaches. Ban any knowledge of this island, throw this map away if you have to. We cannot risk any more men heading there when these thugs still exist in Delhi and elsewhere."
An expedition to the island has been planned for the following week.
Addendum III: Audio diary of an unknown INDIRA soldier
Following INDIRA's discovery of the GoI-800 temple on an island north of Sri Lanka, an expedition to the island was launched on 28/07/1981 to explore the island. For unknown reasons, the official recording transcript by INDIRA was lost. However, a soldier who has not yet been identified recorded his account of the mission in an audio diary upon his return from the island. Due to slight tape damage by poor storage conditions, the tape begins a few seconds in.
-empty. Devoid of life. Nothing there! So, our group, there was 20 of us, we split in to 4 different groups of 5. The temple was at the center of the island and my team was to go in. The other groups went to the north, south, west and so on. We go inside and there is… nothing. It's just an empty temple. We see a huge symbol that is like a circle with an arrow going through it and a curve above that circle. Had some lines on that curve too. Weird symbol and that was it. Nowhere to sit, nothing. It was just this huge, empty, stone temple with only a few dried-up drops of blood around. Then one of the guys, think it was Singh… Alex Singh… he found a smaller version of the weird symbol on a wall. He decided to touch it and then boom! The floor in the center collapses leading way to this massive hole! One of us had to go down there, of course that would be me and Alex.
We go down into the hole by rope, 2 guys at the top got something to hold it down with and we went in. When we got down there, we were in this hallway that had this very strong very powerful red glow emanating all around us. I walked ahead down the hall towards this golden curtain, I could see my reflection and see through it at the same time. On the other end was this set of steps that were going down… but also going up at the same time? I am sorry… I can't really describe it too well. Me and Alex tried going down… or up… walking on the steps and we just lost our balance and we just started tumbling. Remembering it now, there was a lot of blood coming from me and Alex. Not like a few drops but as if we were just dumping buckets of it with each step we hit. Then we got to the bottom of the steps, covered in blood, black and blue bruises, but thankfully no broken bones. Despite our injuries we continued with no difficulties towards the door. This door, it had that symbol the guys back at base warned us about. What's it.. the Red Stars or something? They had their symbol in the middle of the Kali Yantra and it was on the door. They said I'd be fine cause I had contacts, so I opened the door and let Alex through.
We began to hear these murmurs, couldn't make out where they were coming from. but we saw another glow up ahead, this time it was white. We started walking and the closer we got, we began to have… visions. That's what I 'd call them. We saw Kali, her skin was red with her eyes shut. We began to move closer and closer as more visions started to appear in my eyes. I saw cities being wiped out by blood overflowing the streets. Demons with 8 arms ripping buildings from their foundation. Beasts with 10 wings flying overhead releasing acid on to the streets below. People being hoisted by their nervous systems as these creatures carried them in to the sky. These horrible glimpses just kept flashing into our minds. Alex told me he saw a man have his chest punched out for a tiny, smiling demon to just emerge from it. He also said he saw this… I, shit, he can't describe it beyond saying it was "big". All he could say was that it was big! Over and over he kept telling me that it was this big thing, that's the only thing he would say… at least until he said one other word: "hideous". Then he blacked out. I didn't know whether or not to continue without him. I was going to try waking him up but then this man… or what I think was one… he descended from above us. Dropping down from a hole above our heads. Then 5 more dropped down with him. All carrying swords. These people, with their stinking grayish tan flesh, and thin oily strands of hair. I saw the pinky drop off one of them! I pointed my rifle at them, told them to back off and all they did was smile at me. Fired a couple of shots out of fear and they just swatted my bullets out of the air with their blades.
They grabbed Alex's body and took him down a passageway nearby. I chased them down it but then I felt my chest be pierced by a blade. One of those bastards from earlier… he sneaked up behind me and stabbed me. Then he pulled this cloth out and that's all I remember before blacking out.
When I came to, I was alive, stripped of all my gear. No guns, no radio, nothing. Alex was nowhere to be found. I could still feel the pain in my chest, but it was akin to heart burn rather than a stabbing. Next to me was this red disc, I have no idea what it was. But I felt like I had to carry it with me. Some troopers found me as they were doing one last swoop of the island. Turns out the temple had vanished. It didn't collapse, it didn't burn down, it just vanished entirely. I can only wonder, no, worry about what happened to Alex down there… my goodness. I will never know, will I? I think that might be for the better.
We all got packed on the boats and started to head back to mainland, and… maybe this was still those visions or whatever. But when we were leaving, I swear I could see this red cloud forming above the island… and there were these yellow eyes in them. Staring right at our boat. Maybe I finally lost it, but I know I saw that cloud. That island… absolutely hideous.
Addendum IV: Containment Incident
In the winter season of 2000-2001, the Authority was scheduled to conduct a series of joint exercises with INDIRA for the sake of improving relations. While the first of these exercises were successful, the exercise on 14/01/2001 that took place at INDIRA Remote Structure 07 was unsuccessful due to an anomalous incident that occurred due to a test with RPC-800 that was currently underway within the facility. What follows is a composite video transcript of several security cameras that were recording the incident.
RPC-800-3-B begins to manifest from the ground.
ASF soldiers point their weapons at it, but Major Birla of the Indian army asks them to hold their fire. Birla walks around the anomaly for a minute before the object begins spinning.
RPC-800-3-B approaches Agent Ringer as he starts to fire several shots towards it, all of which pass through the anomaly.
Agent Ringer's arm is absorbed by the anomaly. In a desperate attempt, he begins to take out his knife, assumingly to cut off his arm. By the time he breaks his skin, RPC-800-3-B has already expanded in size to begin to absorb his leg too. Agents Madison and Garcian attempted to help Agent Ringer escape, but RPC-800-3-B sprayed an unknown repellent substance at them.
After 2 minutes, Agent Ringer has been completely absorbed by RPC-800-3-B. All armed personnel nearby again attempt to fire at it with the same results as last time. RPC-800-3-B begins to travel upwards and spin rapidly.
After 30 seconds of spinning, five more instances of RPC-800-3-B begin to manifest and begin to charge towards personnel.
Remaining personnel begin to retreat inside Structure 07 to begin lockdown procedures as the RPC-800-3-B instances move closer to eachother.
RPC-800-3-B instances begin to form together and create a brilliant red light. As the light begins to fade after 20 seconds, a humanoid entity that resembles Agent Ringer begins to manifest and descend to the ground.
The new entity picks up Agent Ringer's knife and begins to slash his wrists. As the blood begins to spill out, 7 new instances of RPC-800-3-B manifest around him.
The entity collapses, presumably due to blood loss, with a total of 20 instances of RPC-800-3-B now circling Structure 07. Two instances descend and pick up the entity, taking it south east. The instances along with the entity have not been found as of now.
The remaining instances of RPC-800-3-B create a circle formation around Structure 07 and begin to chant the phrase "KALI BLEEDS AGAIN" in Hindi for 4 minutes before all of them explode, creating several pools of blood on the ground
These pools of blood begin to reorganize and resemble humans in various states of decay along with several missing body parts such as the head or arms. The humanoid figures begin thrashing about, releasing low pitched screams and growls before drying up and demanifesting