Bad Influence
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RPC-772, aged 18.

Registered Phenomena Code: 772
Object Class: Neutralized
Hazard Types: Tychokinetic, Sapient
Containment Protocols: RPC-772 is to be kept in HCC-1101 within the Humanoid Containment Wing of Site-039, Sindo, South Korea.
Due to the nature of RPC-772's capabilities, it is to be strictly limited to three meals per day consisting solely of vegan-diet foods. At no time may RPC-772 be served meat of any kind; RPC-772 may derive its protein intake from meat alternatives.
RPC-772 is also to be forced to use its tychokinetic capabilities every week to "deplete" its fuel supply.
As of July 9, 2010, RPC-772 has been confirmed to be neutralized.
Description: RPC-772 was a 22-year-old male human reality-bender of Korean descent identified as Park Jong-hun. Born on July 3, 1988, in Suwon, South Korea, RPC-772 resided in its hometown up until it entered Authority custody on September 30, 2009. RPC-772's height was measured at 173 centimeters, with its mass at 57 kilograms.
Throughout its lifetime, RPC-772 exhibited highly effective tychokinetic properties capable of inducing alterations with wide-scale effects. Additionally, RPC-772 demonstrated the ability to manifest highly improbable events and make significant alterations that influenced important decisions or events, ex. influencing South Korean politics. The usage of its tychokinetic properties would also cause it to lose "fuel."
RPC-772's tychokinetic influence was solely fueled by the consumption of organic matter, though the amount of "fuel" given to RPC-772 was dependent on the type of organic matter and the amount consumed. Below is a ranking of organic matter according to the amount by which they fueled RPC-772's influence, from least to greatest.
i. Plant Produce
Fruits, vegetables, seeds. Provided RPC-772 with minimal amounts.ii. Animal Products
Animal products that are separate from animals themselves; eggs, milk, etc.iii. Animal Products cont.
Components of animals; muscle, fat, etc.
Societal norms regarding what is appropriate to consume were as well a factor in the amount of fuel given; organic matter that is considered to be "inappropriate" to consume by the South Korean population would provide RPC-772 with a considerable amount of fuel. This may include parts of animals that are considered taboo to consume.
Addendum 772-1 | October 3, 2009
While a psychological evaluation was being conducted for RPC-772 during its time in Authority custody, it began to discuss its former school life, prompting some investigation into its background. A forum website was stated by RPC-772 during the evaluation and was noted to be of interest to it.
Several items of interest were discovered during investigations.
On October 7, 2009, Authority personnel stationed in South Korea obtained a search warrant and investigated the residence of RPC-772, where the contents of its computer were examined.
At this stage, several pages belonging to a South Korean forum website, known as "", were found bookmarked on RPC-772's personal computer.
The screenshot was translated from Korean.

권위 한국 지점
Investigation 772-1 | October 29, 2009
The following document contains all details of the investigation that was launched regarding RPC-772 as well as other connected groups and individuals. The investigation began on October 29, 2009, and was conducted by the Authority Korean Branch.
Twenty-seven days after RPC-772's detainment, its former Suwon residence received an unusual letter that did not have a sender's address printed. The letter was threatening in nature and was believed to be targeted toward RPC-772.
CCTV footage obtained from street cameras along with witness testimonials were used to determine the time of delivery as well as the path the deliverer took toward the residence.
For context purposes, it should be noted that this letter was delivered after the detainment of RPC-772.
뭐야, 가족을 그냥 펑하고 떠나가는 사람이 어디있어? 우린 널 가족의 일원으로 여겼는데, 넌 우릴 배신하고 헤어지기로 했네. 진짜 미쳤다고 밖에.
당신은 정말 재능이 있었어요, 정말 부끄러운 일이야.
Seriously, who leaves their family like that? We considered you part of the family, and then you decide to betray us and break up with us. It's just crazy.
You were so talented too, really, shame on you.
The individual who delivered the letter parked a black Sedan approximately 0.7 km away from RPC-772's residence. Afterward, they traveled 27 kilometers to another residence. From this home, the individual was recorded leaving through the backyard, as shown by footage extracted from a security camera belonging to a neighboring house.
On October 30, 2009, further investigations into this individual led to the discovery of a residence housing 33 semi-automatic firearms2, 3 IEDs3, and 10 200 milliliter (approx. 7 ounces) canisters of sarin gas.
A police investigation was immediately launched, and it was quickly discovered that the residence belonged to an Oh Ha-joong4, who was promptly detained and convicted of conspiring to commit a terrorist act. CCTV footage was as well used to convict seven other suspects, though police stated that one other person found on CCTV footage could not be located.
One suspect, named Cho Sung-jae, was found in the residence during its investigation and was taken into police custody. While the other suspects continuously refused to provide substantial information, Cho Sung-jae proved to be compliant with police, and provided information regarding the arsenal discovered in the residence. At this point, the Authority was alerted.
Investigation 772-1, Section 2
Cho Sung-jae provided information regarding the suspect group that proved it to be highly similar to that of a Nihil-core organization, holding a set of minor beliefs, with its major belief being in the existence of the Nihil deity, the Moth-that-Was.5.
An interview with Cho Sung-jae was conducted by Agent Jeon Chung-hee to gain more information on the group. Cho was initially reluctant until it was agreed that he would be acquitted of his charges in exchange for information.
Interview was translated from Korean.
Interview "Cho Sung-jae" | November 1, 2009
Interviewer: Agent Jeon Chung-hee
Interviewee: Cho Sung-jae
<BEGIN LOG 00:00>
Jeon Chung-hee: So you agree to provide us with information on your group if we set you free?
Cho Sung-jae: Yeah, and you better keep your word!
Jeon Chung-hee: Alright. Start us off with the name of the group.
Cho Sung-jae: New Future Society, I think.
Jeon Chung-hee: Why that name?
Cho Sung-jae: Ask Oh Ha-joong.
Jeon Chung-hee: I'm asking you.
Cho Sung-jae: He wanted a better South Korea. He thought the one we have today is in desperate need of change and that he's the only one who can do it.
Jeon Chung-hee: Why does he think that?
Cho Sung-jae: He always talks about these two gods, the ones that we're supposed to worship. He always described one as a moth and the other as a red sun. Weird stuff, no clue where he got it from. I tried to look all over the internet for anything like the things he said about the gods but I couldn't find anything at all.
Jeon Chung-hee is seen writing information down.
Cho Sung-jae: Oh, and the guy absolutely hated the state of South Korea.
Jeon Chung-hee: Tell me more about this man.
Cho Sung-jae: I think he was a lobbyist, too. He kept trying over and over to become mayor of Suwon, but he could never get elected, but he never, ever got upset about it. I swear, it was creepy how he could never get angry.
Jeon Chung-hee: Tell me about the weapons in the house.
Cho Sung-jae: Yeah, he was crazy too. I mean, the whole "moth-god" and "red sun" thing should've made that clear.
Jeon Chung-hee: So you never believed him?
Cho Sung-jae: Oh, I did. I really believed him. He was really good at getting you to believe things, really good. That's how he got me.
Jeon Chung-hee: How did you find him?
Cho Sung-jae: I didn't. He found me. I first met him at my school when I was fifteen, maybe an hour after we got released for the day. I was just sitting for a while, in fact, I was waiting for a girl. Left a letter for her asking her to meet me, typical school rom-com crap. She never showed up, but he did.
Jeon Chung-hee: Oh Ha-joong?
Cho Sung-jae: Yeah. The guy was… really appealing. I should say that I don't have a father, just a mother, and that was probably one extra reason why I was attracted to him; he felt like the father I never had. Combed, gelled hair. Pretty tall. Clean, black suit. And a silver tongue. Plus a suitcase. He was also pretty good-looking, which probably made him more influential for the shy girls.
Normally, if some random person approached me like that, I'd be like "who the hell are you?" This guy had, like, an aura, or something.
Jeon Chung-hee: Is this him?
Jeon Chung-hee places a photograph on the table for Cho Sung-jae to see.
Cho Sung-jae: That's him.
Jeon Chung-hee: What did he talk about with you?
Cho Sung-jae: He started off with a simple "hello" and asked if I was a student at the school. I said "yeah", and he asked my name. I told him, and he said that he had heard a lot about me. I thought "no way", cause I really don't… socialize at school. Why would anyone talk about me?
Then he started saying stuff like "you seem very different from your peers" and all that, stuff to make any kid feel all special and unique. He said he heard I'm pretty introverted, and said that introverts are rare and that they're often intelligent, which I believed at the time. I mean, I'm not the most confident person, and he was telling me all these nice things about me.
Then he really struck a chord with me by inviting me to a club. That was probably the first time I ever came close to being included. He said it was some social group for "unique men."
Jeon Chung-hee: And you joined?
Cho Sung-jae: Yeah. He gave me a business card. Told me to show it to anyone who seemed lonely. Then I saw Park Jong-hun there.
Jeon Chung-hee: Park Jong-hun?
Cho Sung-jae: Yeah, he was alright. Really awkward, though. He was my age. He was also one hell of a lucky person. I actually once met the guy at school. The teachers liked him too. He was apparently a softhearted person, too. Really liked animals.
Jeon Chung-hee is seen writing further information down.
Cho Sung-jae: Did you ever find the other house?
Jeon Chung-hee: Other house?
Cho Sung-jae: The group had two houses. That was where Park Jong-hun was a lot. He visited that house more than any of us.
Jeon Chung-hee: Park Jong-hun? Wanna tell us about it?
Cho Sung-jae: Well… just know that I really had nothing to do with it. I mean, I knew, but I couldn't risk telling anyone. You don't know what they would've done to me. Just promise me you won't hold me accountable.
<END LOG 11:09>
Investigation 772-1, Section 3
Authority personnel were deployed to a second house located 7 kilometers from the first house in Suwon. Though inconspicuous, upon entry, personnel reported a faint, foul smell mixed with an air freshener. As personnel progressed toward the basement, it was noted that the foul scent became stronger, especially upon opening the basement door.
A shrine was found in the basement, which contained a large depiction of an Actias artemis6. Several containers were centered around the shrine. The containers were found to contain rotting substances. Several more containers were also found in a freezer chest.
Samples of the substances were sent to a lab for analysis. It was reported that the substances were of human flesh. It should also be noted that at the time of this, several of the body parts were DNA tested and found to be matched to the families of several missing persons.
A second interview with Cho Sung-jae was conducted by Agent Jeon Chung-hee regarding the findings.
Interview was translated from Korean.
Interview "Cho Sung-jae" 2 | November 7, 2009
Interviewer: Agent Jeon Chung-hee
Interviewee: Cho Sung-jae
<BEGIN LOG 00:00>
Jeon Chung-hee: So we took a look at the second house.
Cho Sung-jae is visibly anxious.
Jeon Chung-hee: A disturbing sight, yes.
Cho Sung-jae: I didn't do any of it.
Jeon Chung-hee: Of what?
Cho Sung-jae: Okay, okay… so… remember the Oh Ha-joong guy?
Jeon Chung-hee: Yes?
Cho Sung-jae: You know how he was pretty charming and persuasive? Well… he was, but…
Cho Sung-jae pauses, worried.
Cho Sung-jae: Okay, so… there was this girl who Oh found from another school nearby. She was the typical person he would prey on; introverted, lonely, no friends.
I was at the first house, the one with all the guns. Oh always brings the new people to the first house, probably cause he didn't want to risk them finding out about that smell in the second house. It was probably maybe, 6:00 PM? The sun was going down.
Jeon Chung-hee: Who was this girl?
Cho Sung-jae: Her name was Jang Seung-ah, I think. Yeah, that was it. He brought her in and introduced her to everyone. Oh didn't throw all of his weird moth-god beliefs at her right away, I mean, that would've just scared her off. Oh is smarter than that.
Cho Sung-jae: Anyways, after a couple of days, he eventually started talking about the whole "this country needs change" and how he's leading the change. After maybe a month or two, he had brainwashed her pretty well, but not well enough. He finally showed her the second house where we worshipped the moth-god.
Jeon Chung-hee: And what happened there?
Cho Sung-jae: We were preparing to pray to the moth-god, but we suddenly heard a scream from her. She apparently looked inside of the freezer chest and started crying and panting. Oh went over and started laughing, saying it was nothing to worry about and that it was just a prank that we sometimes pull on newcomers, to make us look like a cult and all.
Jeon Chung-hee: Did it work?
Cho Sung-jae: Not at all. She kept sobbing and ran up the stairs to get out of there while screaming the whole time. Oh caught up to her pretty fast, pulled her back, and put his hand around her mouth. That's where things got a little scary. Oh told her to calm down and not scream so much. Then he told me to go home, so I went outside the house.
Jeon Chung-hee: Do you know what happened to Jang Seung-ah?
Cho Sung-jae: Well… I stood outside for a while, but then I went back into the house and saw that no one was upstairs. I went down the basement stairs and…
Cho Sung-jae pauses and stares down at the table.
Jeon Chung-hee: Cho? Are you alright?
Cho Sung-jae: No.
Jeon Chung-hee: Do you need me to refer you to a psychologist?
Cho Sung-jae: Yeah, please. Thanks.
Jeon Chung-hee: I will speak with someone. Please tell me what happened.
Cho Sung-jae remains silent.
Cho Sung-jae: I slowly went down the stairs. I got to the basement floor and I hid behind the wall to peek at what was happening. The guys had… sharp tools. Knives and cleavers. I wanted to look away, but I just kept staring.
Cho Sung-jae begins to hold back tears at this point.
Cho Sung-jae: Some of the guys kept her pinned down while the rest stood around her. Oh was sitting on his knees at the shrine with his eyes closed and hands together. It looked like he was praying. Finally, he nodded with his eyes still closed. They started… they started…
Jeon Chung-hee: Take your time.
Cho Sung-jae: They cut her arm with the cleaver a bunch, and it came off. Oh my god, she was fucking screaming like hell, dude. They kept cutting and cutting, and I finally looked away with my hands over my ears.
Jeon Chung-hee: And she…?
Cho Sung-jae: Eventually, she stopped screaming, but I could still hear them chopping her. Then I looked back, and she… was just pieces. They took her parts to the shrine and laid them in front of it. Then the… her pieces started to rot right away. The whole time, Oh was praying. Then, Oh wiped up some of her blood with his fingers and painted over the red sun on the shrine. I don't know why he did that.
Jeon Chung-hee: Can you tell me anything about Park Jong-hun?
Cho Sung-jae: Just… give me a moment.
Cho Sung-jae takes three deep breaths.
Cho Sung-jae: Okay… well, awkward guy. I once said he was really lucky, right? Anyways, Oh was absolutely obsessed with him. Oh spent a lot of time talking to him and all. Whenever we would all eat dinner, he would always give Park "a special delicacy" as he would put it.
Cho Sung-jae: They'd also go on a lot of drives and walks at night, for some reason. Sometimes they'd bring someone else along too. I… I think there were some tapes in the basement, you found 'em, right?
Jeon Chung-hee: As a matter of fact, we did find a box of VHS tapes.
Cho Sung-jae: Yeah, Oh would film us a lot. Honestly, I don't even know why Park stayed with that cult. The guys in that cult are psychopaths… Park isn't. It doesn't make sense.
<END LOG 09:17>
Investigation 772-1, Section 4
Two VHS tapes of interest were found among 33 tapes in the basement of the second house. Transcripts of the tapes are provided below.
VHS Tape No. 7
Recorded: June 1, 2006 11:49 PM
Location: Unknown
<BEGIN LOG 00:00:00>
A street lit by streetlights is seen. Two individuals in silhouettes are seen walking in front of the individual that is recording. One appears to be dressed casually in a t-shirt and shorts (RPC-772), with the other wearing somewhat formal attire; a white dress shirt and black pants (Oh Ha-joong).
The individual titled "Cameraman" was recording the video.
Oh Ha-joong: This country is going downhill, you know? That's why I'm here. That's what the moth is for. Change.
Cameraman: What's wrong with it?
Oh Ha-joong: Everything. It looks alright on the outside, but it is not.
The group is silent for seven seconds.
Cameraman: So, what are we doing out here?
Oh Ha-joong: You will see. Patience. Keep silent and follow me.
The individuals remain silent while walking for eleven minutes.
Cameraman: Isn't this the house of that one guy who's running for office? ██ ██████?
Oh Ha-joong: Yes, this is him. You did your work, right, Park Jong-hun?
RPC-772: Yes. Everyone should be asleep. They will not wake up during this.
Oh Ha-joong: You are like an angel coming down to assist a prophet, Park Jong-hun.
The group laughs quietly.
Oh Ha-joong: Those streetlights, Park Jong-hun. Throw your dice.
After three seconds, several streetlights burst, leaving the area mostly unlit.
The group is seen entering the front yard of a house. They then proceed toward the backyard, where an entrance is seen. From here on out, the group begins whispering.
The group opens the back entrance, which was apparently unlocked.
Oh Ha-joong: Excellent work, Park Jong-hun.
RPC-772: Thank you, sir.
The group proceeds throughout the house until they reach an unlit room containing a two-person bed. Two individuals are seen sleeping, one man and one woman. Both appear middle-aged.
Oh Ha-joong: Sound asleep. Ready?
The cameraman gently sets the camera on a table to film the event. The cameraman joins RPC-772 and Oh Ha-joong, who are both standing over the individuals.
The video degrades to static.
<END LOG 07:13>
VHS Tape No. 9
Recorded: June 2, 2006 6:13 PM
Location: Oh Ha-joong's Second Residence
<BEGIN LOG 00:00:00>
RPC-772 is seen sitting at a dinner table. A plate is set in front of RPC-772. The plate appears to be holding a steak-like food.
Oh Ha-joong: Cheers! Eat!
RPC-772 begins consuming the food.
Oh Ha-joong: How is it?
RPC-772: Great. You know, I can feel it in my mind when I can't influence things, I just feel it, but when I eat enough, or… eat right, I feel my influence come back. I always feel so alive when it comes back. I could roll two dice and have it be just how I want.
Oh Ha-joong: What are the chances that that bastard ███ ████ will die tomorrow?
RPC-772: One-hundred percent.
Oh Ha-joong: You remember our agreement, right? The Moth and Sun are hungry, too.
RPC-772: Yes, I get twenty percent. One out of every five people.
Oh Ha-joong: And the chances you and I will get caught?
RPC-772: Zero. How about the chances that the camcorder will go out?
The video degrades to static.
<END LOG 01:37>
Person of Interest File #723071
PoI Designation: 723071
Location: Site-009, Lesser Anomalous Persons Containment Block
Status: Detained
Name: | Oh Ha-joong |
Date of Birth: | 1977/1/19 (January 19, 1977) |
Current Age: | 46 (as of 2023) |
Height: | 175 cm (5' 9") |
Weight: | 63 kg (139 lb) |
Blood Type: | O+ |
Nationality: | South Korean |
Descent: | Korean |

Oh Ha-joong at a New Future Society meeting, aged 27.
Oh Ha-joong is currently held in the Lesser Anomalous Persons Containment Block of Site-009, where he was transported to on November 7, 2009, after being detained in Seoul. Oh Ha-joong was the founder and leader of a Nihil cult based in Suwon, South Korea, known as the New Future Society.
Oh Ha-joong has been noted to possess minor cognitohazardous capabilities that allow him to influence individuals to obey his commands and suggestions, though this effect is able to be resisted.
However, individuals who frequently come in contact with Oh Ha-joong tend to have less resistance to his cognitohazardous abilities. Some individuals may be able to greatly resist these effects. These effects do not manifest with photographs of Oh Ha-joong. Individuals who remain out of contact with Oh Ha-joong for an extended period of time may be cleared of these effects.
Oh Ha-joong has been noted to have a penchant for collecting anomalous items; several anomalous subjects were found in his possession / control, including RPC-772. The majority of items in his possession were memetically, cognitohazardously and tychokinetically hazardous.

권위 한국 지점
Incident Log | April 3, 2010
On April 3, 2010, the power supply of Site-039 had been cut at 03:01:03 AM. Immediately, several high-risk RPC subjects escaped containment, including RPC-772. It was considered highly unusual that all other RPCs that escaped were stationed in areas that, if blocked, would cause difficulties for on-site personnel. It was also noted that the route through which RPC-772 escaped was not being patrolled, suggesting that RPC-772 had a major influence in the breach.
Post-incident investigations revealed that RPC-772 had stockpiled a large amount of its food supply and consumed all of it immediately after the last time it was forced to use its tychokinesis to deplete its fuel. It is believed that this allowed it to generate enough tychokinetic fuel to influence the chances of a containment breach.
Upon escaping the outer perimeter of Site-039, RPC-772 was allegedly seen waving at a ferry that happened to be nearby. The ferry then altered its course toward Site-039 and allowed RPC-772 to board.
RPC-772 remained at large for over three months, during which an increase in murders and home invasions was observed. In all cases of these murders, the remains of the victims could not be found.7
At this point, the South Korean government, with influence from the Authority Korean Branch, declared a state of emergency all across South Korea in an effort to re-contain RPC-772. Mobile Specialized Teams Tango-12 ("Eye From The Sky") and Romeo-7 ("Suited Gentlemen") were deployed.
On July 9, 2010, RPC-772 was found in Namwon, North Jeolla, South Korea. Upon being confronted by Romeo-7, RPC-772 threatened Romeo-7 personnel by causing several car crashes to occur directly nearby before shouting "you can't touch me."
After being commanded to let itself be detained, the engines of three helicopters failed. Despite the pilots being trained to deal with such cases, all three helicopters suffered fatal crashes. Romeo-7 was then ordered to shoot to incapacitate.
RPC-772 suffered one bullet wound in its right shin, causing it to collapse. RPC-772 then began to consume its own blood from the wound in an attempt to refuel its tychokinetic properties. Upon this, several rounds were fired by several individuals to RPC-772's left shin in an attempt to discourage it, despite the protocol being to have only one designated person fire. RPC-772 sustained seven bullet wounds in total.
During its transportation to the nearest site for medical care, RPC-772 died of profuse blood loss. The true cause of death was ruled as suicide via tychokinesis.
As a result of the incident, the founding of a Mobile Specialized Team dedicated to tychokinetic anomalies has been proposed.