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RPC-770 in containment at Site-002.
Registered Phenomena Code: 770
Object Class:
Alpha - Yellow
Hazard Types:
Contact Hazard
Radiation Hazard
Transmutation Hazard
Containment Protocols:
RPC-770 is currently stored within a 12m³ subterranean vault at Research Site-002. The vault's external walls are comprised of a 3m layer of concrete with an adjacent 1m steel frame. All interior surface areas of the vault, including floor and ceiling, are plated in a 2.5cm layer of 24 karat gold. Plated areas have also been painted with a 1.5cm layer of transparent polymer film for added reinforcement. All personnel entering the vault are required to wear specialized hazmat suits that have been reinforced with a similar layer of gold mesh. The interior of the vault is to be inspected on a bi-weekly basis to ensure that any visible defects are promptly addressed.
Due to the potential impact that a containment breach could have on the worldwide economy, the entrance to RPC-770's vault is to remain under a strict 24-hour watch. This includes a team of no less than eight (8) security personnel, including two (2) snipers and six (6) infantry units. Additionally, the interior of RPC-770's vault is to be monitored by a live CCTV feed. In the event that an external party succeeds in breaching the vault, Protocol-770-T ("Watery Grave") is to be immediately executed.
RPC-770 is an ellipsoidal chunk of metal standing at approximately 2.2m in height and 1.2m in width. Further research into the composition of RPC-770 has revealed that it is extremely dense, with a recorded weight of 146kg. Additional analysis of mineral samples taken from RPC-770 has also revealed that the majority of its mass appears to be comprised of pyrite along with a secondary unidentifiable metal.
RPC-770's anomalous properties manifest when it comes into contact with certain types of biological matter, primarily that of metazoan specimens. When such matter enters within a range of 11.5m from RPC-770's stationary location, RPC-770 will gradually begin to alter the matter's physical state until the specimen's entire composition has been converted into gold. This phenomenon appears to affect all forms of organic matter, including dermal tissue, hair fibers, blood, internal organs, and bone.
Initial symptoms manifest at approximately five (5) hours after exposure, with the process appearing to occur more rapidly at closer ranges. Symptoms include:
- A notable increase in body temperature, to a point where the subject experiences severe diaphoresis.
- Nausea with an accompanying feeling of vertigo.
- Skin discoloration in the form of a "golden" rash, which appears to spread rapidly in a manner similar to gangrene. During this stage, subjects will begin to lose their sense of touch.
- Paralysis. This occurs after the rash has metastasized at least 80% of the subject's body.
- Respiratory failure. This appears to be the final symptom which subsequently leads to the subject's expiration.
RPC-770's transmutation process appears to be irreversible once initiated. Affected subjects will continue to experience symptoms even after being removed from RPC-770's range of influence. Once a subject has been completely transmuted, all traces of biological matter cease to exist. Despite the potency of these effects, mineral samples taken from RPC-770 do not appear to retain any anomalous properties.
RPC-770's anomalous effects operate in a manner similar to radiation poisoning, with energy emissions capable of penetrating through most solid forms of matter. To date, the only known material capable of obstructing RPC-770's anomalous effects is gold with a purity of 99.9%.
RPC-770 first came to the Authority's attention in the summer of 2008 after an individual known as ████ ███, a popular travel blogger, uploaded several videos to his website which showcased a collection of "solid gold fish" that had washed up on the shores of Bridgetown, Barbados. ████ ███ also claimed that he had spotted what appeared to be a "huge ass whale made of gold" while snorkeling and intended to return at a later date with a professional crew in order to retrieve it.
This prompted Authority assets to launch a preliminary investigation which would ultimately lead to the discovery of RPC-770 several miles off the coast of Barbados. ████ ███ was subsequently taken into Authority custody for questioning before being treated with Class-A-2 Amnestics and released. Following his interrogation, ████ ███ was relieved of all the gold he had acquired during his time in Barbados and all known video recordings of the event were subsequently scrubbed from his website. Authority agents were successful in implementing a slander campaign which alleged that ████ ███ had uploaded the videos as part of an elaborate hoax to help raise tourist interest in Barbados.
MST-Alpha-2 ("Maritime Praesidio Subvehi") was then tasked with the retrieval of RPC-770. MST-Alpha-2 experienced approximately ██ casualties during initial retrieval efforts, with the extraction of RPC-770 finally completed through the use of unmanned submersible drones. During the extraction process, MST-Alpha-2 was also able to retrieve the remains of over ████ transmuted specimens. The most prominent of these include:
- Seventy-three (73) starfish of various species
- Two-hundred-ninety-five (295) small fish of various species
- Twenty-one (21) great white sharks
- Eleven (11) dolphins
- Sixteen (16) sea turtles
- Twenty-two (22) octopuses
- One (1) sperm whale
- Three (3) unidentified human males
A Sony brand voice recorder was discovered alongside one of the human specimens. Analysis of the device found a series of (8) MP3 files recorded onto its internal memory.
See Addendum-770-1 for transcripts of each recording.
Foreword: The following is an unabridged transcript of the (8) audio recordings discovered alongside RPC-770. These audio files follow a consistent journal-like format and appear to have been recorded by the same individual, a man who refers to himself as "Isidro Ponzo."
<Media ID: M-770-1>
<File name: 8271.mp3>
[00:00] Background noise — rustling
Isidro Ponzo: [00:21] Mission log: 1546 AD, Day 1.
Isidro Ponzo: [00:35] We've finally arrived.
Got very queasy on the way here. Barfed a few times. Seems to be common for first-time travelers. Boss says my body will adapt to the turbulence. [Laughs] Either way, the nausea was worth it. I'm speechless. By God, we found it! History said it was lost. Those damn experts declared it a myth! But my eyes told me otherwise. It was right there in front of us! Looming like a mirage with its chiseled stone architecture and golden idols.
There was no doubt in my mind, this has to be it. El Dorado. The fabled city of gold! It was real. It's always been real. A dream come true. An entire citadel cradled into the bosom of a verdant mountain. [Sighs] My— My heart is racing! Neither the bloodthirsty mosquitoes nor the humidity plaguing the air can dampen our excitement.
If we pull this off, it'll be the score of a lifetime!
[01:36] Background noise — birds chirping
Isidro Ponzo: [01:42] Isidro Ponzo, signing off.
<End Audio Playback>
<Media ID: M-770-2>
<File name: 8272.mp3>
Isidro Ponzo: [00:02] Mission log: 1546 AD, Day 2.
We finally got into the heart of the city! Thank God for plastic explosives.
Akiba was the first to rush through the rubble. He shouted some obscenity at the top of his lungs and began to laugh like a madman, laughing so hard that Boss had to smack him upside his bald head. That Akiba is an idiot! Boss scolded him too, told him to keep his voice down. He told all three of us to be on our guard. El Dorado exists but there's probably a reason why nobody has ransacked the place yet.
[00:43] Background noise — static
Isidro Ponzo: [00:55] The thing that stood out most to me though, was the fact that we had yet to see any natives. Even after we got past the imposing limestone gateway that led into the inner sanctum, there appeared to be no signs of activity. We used an entire block of C4 to get past that damn gate. The detonation alone should've definitely turned some heads. Where is everybody?
I'll continue to record our findings. [Sighs] I wish Boss would let me take pictures.
Isidro Ponzo, signing off.
<End Audio Playback>
<Media ID: M-770-3>
<File name: 8273.mp3>
[00:00] Background noise — thunder rumbling
Isidro Ponzo: [00:18] Mission log: 1546 AD, Day 3.
Isidro Ponzo: [00:28] This is all wrong.
The 16th century was the peak of the Conquistador era. Natives were skeptical of outsiders. We should've been greeted with spears, macuahuitls, and arrows. But this entire city is empty!
[00:45] Background noise — static
Isidro Ponzo: [00:53] Reminds me of Pompeii.
[01:12] Background noise — thunder rumbling
Isidro Ponzo: [01:18] There's nothing here but abandoned buildings and statues. Gold statues. So many damn statues. Did we mess up the coordinates? It makes me uneasy.
[01:30] Background noise - static
Isidro Ponzo: [01:29] I wanted to ask Boss about it… but I can't. [Sighs] I'm the rookie. My job isn't to ask questions. I'm just a chickenshit historian. God damn it! [Unintelligible] I feel so out of place. Akiba… he used to do wet work for the mob. And Mendez— Mendez is a former military engineer. Tough bastards. Tougher than me. I… I don't belong here. I don't think I'm cut out to be a thief.
I think I'll put in my two weeks notice after this job is done.
Isidro Ponzo, signing off.
<End Audio Playback>
<Media ID: M-770-4>
<File name: 8274.mp3>
Isidro Ponzo: [00:02] Mission log: 1546 AD, Day 4.
Isidro Ponzo: [00:11] So… I finally worked up the courage to speak to Boss about my doubts. He was surprisingly understanding.
We went back to the rig and checked the temporal coordinates. They're accurate. We're exactly where we're supposed to be. [Laughs] I'm still not entirely sure how that contraption of his works. He says it's a prototype. Something he stole from his previous employer. Severance pay, he calls it.
I've also noticed that Boss has this tiny book that he carries around in his pocket. It's in French. A wilderness survival guide, maybe?
Still, Boss doesn't seem too concerned about the fact that El Dorado is missing its native population. In fact, he considers it a favorable coincidence. He says that without salvajes getting in the way, we can explore the city at our leisure. Boss says he's looking for something very specific, but he won't tell me what. [Groans] I'm not sure what exactly he's hoping to find. The legends claimed that El Dorado had streets paved with gold but… that was most definitely a lie.
[01:49] Background noise — birds chirping
Isidro Ponzo: [02:08] As far as I can tell, the only gold around here is in the form of statues and there's no way he can transport so many of them. Not without making multiple trips. Mendez told me that Boss never hits the same spot twice. Once we leave, we aren't coming back. Whatever we take back with us, it better be good.
I hope they find something soon so we can get the hell out of here. [Sighs] The more I stare at the statues, the more lifelike they seem.
Isidro Ponzo signing off.
<End Audio Playback>
<Media ID: M-770-5>
<File name: 8275.mp3>
[00:01] Background noise — several voices mumbling
Isidro Ponzo: [00:15] Mission log: 1546 AD, Day 5.
Isidro Ponzo: [00:31] Boss found something! [Laughs]
Underneath the temple… it's like a— a hidden shrine. Completely sealed off. Boss had us blast it open. Inside was all gold. The walls and ceiling and floors— all gold! A total jackpot!
[01:46] Background noise — buzzing machinery
Isidro Ponzo: [01:59] Boss found what he was looking for too, it was sitting inside the shrine. It's like a boulder made of solid gold just resting on an altar. Reminds me of a meteorite. It's got all these dimples and holes. [Laughs] This is it. This is our score!
[02:04] Background noise — buzzing stops, several voices heard mumbling
Isidro Ponzo: [02:31] I had my doubts about Boss, I was starting to think that he was just a greedy old fool but he proved me wrong. I'm starting to understand now. I understand why he's been so successful with these heists. The man is a master of his craft! That big chunk is worth much more than anything else in this damn city! The only hurdle now is finding a way to load it onto the rig. Mendez is already working out a solution. If all goes well, We'll be back home before Valentine's day.
Just in time too! I'm starting to miss the 21st century.
Isidro Ponzo, optimistically signing off!
<End Audio Playback>
<Media ID: M-770-6>
<File name: 8276.mp3>
Isidro Ponzo: [00:02] Mission log: 1546 AD, this is my second entry for Day 5.
Isidro Ponzo: [00:10] We're finally ready to depart. The rig is loaded.
I'm starting to feel sick again. [Groans] At first I thought it was just motion sickness, now I'm not so sure. Akiba and Mendez said they feel sick too. Same symptoms as me. Everything feels hot. We're all sweating. It's unbearable! We took off our clothes. Being cramped up in this damn hotbox isn't helping either. I— I swear I can feel heat radiating off that chunk of gold. Boss is currently in the cockpit. He said the rig takes an hour to start up and then another hour to transport us back to our original point in time.
Isidro Ponzo signing off, again.
<End Audio Playback>
<Media ID: M-770-7>
<File name: 8277.mp3>
Isidro Ponzo: [00:11] Mission log: 2005 AD, finally! Third entry for Day 5— technically.
Boss spoke to us through the radio. He says we made it back. Rig's currently flying over the Caribbean. On our way to Tampa. Feeling dizzy. Gonna try to sleep it off.
This is Isidro Ponzo, signing off.
<End Audio Playback>
<Media ID: M-770-8>
<File name: 8278.mp3>
[00:00] Background noise — heavy breathing and mumbling
Isidro Ponzo: [00:15] Mission log: Still feel like shit.
I think it's the damn rock. It has to be cursed or something. The three of us have this rash suddenly spreading on our bodies. It's making our skin all shiny and metallic. Reminds me of brass. Or gold? Feels numb to the touch. [Laughs] It's freaking me out! I spoke to Boss on the radio.
[00:39] Background noise — engine rumbling
Isidro Ponzo: [01:02] I asked Boss how he's feeling. Seems to be doing fine. No symptoms. I'm starting to suspect that he knows something we don't. He stopped responding when I told him about the rash.
<End Audio Playback>
Approval to use RPC-770's anomalous properties as a means to fund future Authority ventures remains pending. Currently awaiting decision from Global Director body.
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