



Registered Phenomena Code: 769

Containment Rating: Beta

Lethality Rating: Orange
h-aggression.png Aggression h-grouped.png Grouped h-sapient.png Sapient h-biohazard.png Bio-Hazard h-ideological.png Ideological h-mind-control.png Mind-Control h-animated.png Animated h-organic.png Organic

Containment Protocols: A 5-kilometre exclusion zone is to be established around RPC-769. ASF Guards are to patrol the perimeter taking 3 hour turns and stand at their assigned guard posts through 5 hours intervals every 24 hours. At no point should personnel be exposed to Viderics without permission from the Head Security Officer.

RPC-769-A instances are to be terminated upon detection unless otherwise specified1 on scheduled sweeps by Containment Personnel utilising Mark IV Personal Reality Stabilisation Devices.


Containment Specialists during a scheduled sweep of RPC-769-A instances.

Any and all sightings of RPC-769-B by any member of personnel on the field must be reported with the utmost urgency to the Chief Researcher; personnel are authorised to devise a course of action to either observe, study, communicate, apprehend, or terminate the anomaly.

Any operation dedicated to interacting with the population of RPC-769-1 instances must include no less than 8 units, with at least 5 armed ASF guards tasked with protecting the exploration team and maintaining contact with the higher command.

Description: RPC-769 is a memetic inter-plane aperture located within the Șoimoș Fortress in Arad, Romania. It can only be rationalised into the basic-reality spectrum through the consumption of RPC-769-A or High-Class Viderics.


The Șoimoș Fortress as it appears today, outside of the anomaly.

RPC-769-A are insectoid creatures similar to worker ants covered in fungal spores concealed as specimen of Glycine max2 indistinguishable from those commonly found in nature, which solely reproduce in the vicinities of the RPC-769 fracture. When a subject consumes an instance of RPC-769-A, they are transmuted into an instance of RPC-769-1. This process is, as of now, irreversible.

RPC-769-1 entities are members of any Animalia species that have consumed RPC-769-A. These instances have organised themselves in a cult, worshipping the entity designated as RPC-769-B through communal and/or orgiastic rituals. As of now, all observed instances have been limited to former humans and dogs. RPC-769-1 instances share various traits:

  • Severe swelling of the thyroidal glands.
  • Varying cases of obesity.3
  • Hair loss, scars, dehydration,4 various types of skin diseases/tumours.
  • Tattoos and/or engravings on the skin, alongside other marks, some depicting RPC-769-B.
  • Limited or absent recollection of past experiences.

As of today, the cult is comprised of 33 RPC-769-1 instances.

RPC-769-B is the creator of all RPC-769-A specimens. Most, if not all, of the information available on RPC-769-B results from conflicting historical documentation and information gathered from the cult itself. Superficial depictions of it represent a male human with bat wings, long hair, with seeds in one hand and a staff in the other, usually accompanied by wolves and snakes feasting upon doves and sheep. RPC-769-B has only been observed once in history.5

Documentation and Discovery: Documentation of RPC-769 may date back to Antiquity: in Ancient Greece, the story of a group of people called Lotus6 Eaters or Lotophagi is found in book IX of Homer’s Odyssey. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the Lotus-Eaters resided on the coasts of Libya.

The first confirmed contact with RPC-769 occurred in 1458, where the anomaly currently resides. Auctoritas Imperata agents, while investigating the cause of various disappearances around the Arad region at the hands of what the locals considered to be a group of creatures popular in Balkan Folklore called Ala that had come from Bulgaria, they were deemed missing after not reporting back to the Vatican for more than two weeks. After requesting support from the Christian Order of the Dracul,7 Wallachian Voivode Vlad III “Tepęs” Hagyak8 organised an expedition.

Auctoritas agents were found rogue in the proximities of the Șoimoș Fortress and were promptly impaled as they proclaimed themselves servants of the “Prince of Darkness”. Furthermore, a small contingency accessed the castle after inadvertently consuming RPC-769-A instances.9 Only one survivor, Officer Adam Dragomir, was capable of escaping after two days of captivity. He was later able to write a report that was then sent to the Vatican.10

Addendum 769.1: The following is a major excerpt of Officer Dragomir’s report:

Addendum 769.2: On April 14th 2017, Containment Specialist Agent James Sanderson, during a scheduled search and destroy sweep of RPC-769-A instances, experienced the only documented encounter with RPC-769-B. He was found unconscious by his team and in need of psychological support.


Containment Specialist Agent James Sanderson, approximately 33 minutes before the encounter with RPC-769-B.

The following is a psychological evaluation of James Sanderson following the incident.

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