
On Top of the Food Chain





Registered Phenomena Code: 739

Object Class: Alpha-Yellow Gamma-Red

Hazard Types: h-aggression.png Aggression Hazard h-organic.png Organic Hazard h-regenerative.png Regenerative Hazard h-transmutation.png Transmutation Hazard h-biohazard.png Bio-Hazard h-radiation.png Radioactive Hazard

Revised Containment Protocols: Following Operation Strikethrough, RPC-739 is to be contained in OL-Site-739 in the northern province of Nunavut, Canada. OL-Site-739 is be to affixed with a permanent research facility, and is to be secured by a massive overhead dome. Temperatures within the premises of the facility are to be permanently adjusted around -15°C to -24°C degrees. Personnel within the premises of OL-Site-739 are to be equipped with a cold-resistant Level B hazardous material (HAZMAT), and are not to approach RPC-739's radiological perimeter.

In the event of a containment breach, and the activation of Protocol White-Wash, tactical response teams are to be diverted to current containment operations towards RPC-739. Onsite security are to be equipped with a modified M2 Flamethrower that releases liquid nitrogen, and are not to use lethal force. 2-6 RAH-66A Comanches equipped with experimental AF4C weaponry1 are to be deployed in response to a containment breach. After successfully placing RPC-739 back in containment, Authority Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBRN) detachments are to be deployed to cleanup the radioactive isotopes and wastes released by RPC-739.


'Sand Castle' observing RPC-739 during Operation Strikethrough.

Description: RPC-739 is a reptilian creature that measures 6.1 meters tall, and closely resembles the extinct species of the Phelsuma gigas. RPC-739, in its current form, appears to have four large tusks hanging on the side of the jaw, six reptilian tails with sharp spines, and sharp spiny scales. Samples of these scales are capable of resisting intermediate rounds, though armor piercing and explosives can crack or destroy these scales.

Having been mutated as a result of Site-014's nuclear incident, RPC-739 can increase its size to a maximum height of approx. 180 meters when RPC-739 is inflicted with severe injuries. However, RPC-739 decreases its size when exposed to low-temperatures, estimated to be around -30°C degrees, and will enter a dormant state. In addition, RPC-739 has been observed to be attracted to radioactive isotopes. RPC-739 will attack sources of radiation up to and including nuclear-powered facilities to acquire energy to regenerate and heal its injuries.

Research analysis on residual radioactive material from RPC-739's radiological perimeter revealed that these dust particles contain a radioactive material that can survive in harsh environmental conditions. When subjects are exposed to RPC-739's residual radioactive material, subjects will begin to develop an increase of red blood cells, which will leak leak through the eyes, nose, and mouth. 48 hours after exposure, the subject's central cavity will begin to expand, and subsequently combust. (See Addendum 739.02)

Addendum 739.01: Discovery

In 1982, following an incident that resulted in the death of an off-duty Authority Agent in the Island of Grand Comore, the Authority launched an investigation that subsequently led to the discovery of RPC-739. Contained and temporarily held at Site-159, RPC-739 was approved for permanent containment until its transfer to Site-014 following the shutdown of Site-159, in 1990.

In the aftermath of the fail-safe protocols at Site-014, that resulted in the destruction and obliteration of the facility and Authority assets, first responders on-location reported of an unidentified creature at a distant approximately thirteen miles from the blast zone. Tactical response teams allocated a containment team to investigate the unidentified creature. Initial arrival, reported by Captain Noah, resulted in hostile contact and engagement of the creature. The creature was later identified as RPC-739.

Responders on-location lost contact with RPC-739 after an unsuccessful containment attempt. Eight hours after Site-014's destruction, RPC-739's position was eventually detected by a Short Wave Infrared Imagery (SWIR) satellite, operated by MST X-Ray-6 ("Annulifiers"), and battalion forces were subsequently dispatched to its location. Upon arrival, RPC-739 was already in an aggressive stage and began attacking on the ground forces. Colonel Bayford ordered in air support while multiple battalions provided suppressive support and engaged RPC-739.

One hour later, RPC-739 was documented to be approx. 180 meters tall at this point, and several casualties were reported as a result of attacks made by RPC-739. Colonel Bayford was ordered from his superior to call in a full-retreat, but MST X-Ray-6 were to continue monitoring RPC-739's movement.

As a result of the second unsuccessful attempt of containment, and the high casualties from battalion forces, the Global Directorate unanimously authorized Operation Strikethrough, a tactical missile strike through the use of the experimental AF4C missile. On June 14, 0330 hours AM, seven RAH-66A Comanches equipped with the AF4C missiles and ground forces were deployed to RPC-739's location, and engaged RPC-739. Within 40 minutes, RPC-739 was successfully subdued was reportedly to decrease its size and back to its original form. (See Attachment 739.01.1)

Addendum 739.02: Site-002, Incident ██/██/██

Forty-eight hours after Operation Strikethrough, personnel involved in the operation, mainly armed security personnel, were reported ill and transferred to Site-002's Medical Wing. An hour later, four personnel reported to the Medical Wing later combusted and subsequently expired. Site-002 immediately went under quarantine protocols as a result.

The following is a series of footage and logs during the incident of Site-002.

Addendum 739.03: Post Incident Interview

The Site-002 containment incident lasted for four days until Site Management determined the incident was contained. Administrative Director, Dr. Amanda Page, scheduled an interview with Assistant Site Director Dr. Daniel Morris in the events that lead up to the incident.

The following is an interview with Dr. Morris and Dr. Amanda Page.

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