The Altered Beast
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Registered Phenomena Code: 730
Object Class: Beta-Red
Hazard types: Aggression, Organic, Sentient, Transmutation, Bio-Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-730 is to be contained in a 50x50x50cm reinforced habitat within a 5x5x5m room in Site-279 (Located in Lake MacKay, Australia.) RPC-730 is to be fed 100g of pig's blood daily and monitored for any added aggressiveness. Any damage recorded to the habitat is to be immediately repaired and the walls of the habitat must be connected to a Kinetic Vibrations Machine to minimise the potential of a Containment breach. Any personnel entering the room are required to wear titanium helmets and carry miniature flamethrowers to ensure extra protection.
Any experiment must be cleared by at least 2 Researchers and RPC-730 must be transported to a special testing range equipped with 2m thick chromium walls and at least 10 cubic metres of soil. All CSD (regardless if living or dead) are to be fitted with explosive charges and detonated after the conclusion of testing or a containment breach attempt. If a containment breach does occur, MST-Golf-11 "The Survivalists” must be contacted to re-secure RPC-730.
Any RPC-730-2 instances discovered after a Breach attempt must be removed for disposal. No 730-2 instances must be left unattended and if any eggs hatch, the young must be terminated immediately.
Description: RPC-730 is a large mutated Endoxyla leucomochla1, measuring 4cm long with an augmented mouth, arachnid-like appendages. These appendages allow it to have incredible mobility, with the ability to hang onto still walls/ceilings for a short time and the ability to leap approx. 4 metres. Its overall reaction time and speed is similar to an arachnid of the Infraorder Mygalomorphae2.
The mouth of RPC-730 has fangs capable of exerting a force approximated to 68.9 Bar (equates to 1000 psi). RPC-730 uses this force to burrow through bone and similarly dense materials to enter a human skull, with the burrowing of a hole almost always killing the host. Once inside it starts secreting an anomalous substance that immediately starts altering the host, now designated as 730-1.This substance also appears to allow RPC-730 to control the host, and prevent the brain from shutting down for another 1-2 weeks.
The alterations that occur to an 730-1 instance are listed below:
Time (Min:Sec) | Alteration |
00:05 | The host’s skin will take on a sickly green hue and will begin to grow a thick amount of hair all over their body |
00:30 | The skin will finish turning green and the hide of the host will thicken, becoming overall impervious to nearly all physical damage. |
00:40 | The host’s hide stops thickening. Hide measured at 12 cm deep. |
01:00 | The host’s muscle mass and fat is rapidly increased to give them an average weight of 400kg leading the host to become quadrupedal. It is estimated that the fluids of the host starts altering here. |
01:20 | Rapid muscle and fat increase stops. It is estimated here that the host’s bodily fluids have turned black and carry acidic and poisonous properties. |
01:30 | The Host will lose their facial structure and may be further altered to accompany up to 9 orifices, all placed along the host’s body and with teeth similar to RPC-730. The hands of the host will also morph into 3 pronged burrowing claws. |
02:20 | The host may grow an extra pair of arms. (in <40% of cases) |
The substance RPC-730 uses to create these alterations is currently under study. How this substance creates these alterations in the first place along with how it controls the subject is still unknown.
730-1 Instances appear to retain the host’s intelligence, with nearly all instances being able to pass basic intelligence tests and being able to identify reoccurring patterns. 730-1 Instances have various ways of attacking, with its claws being the most obvious and primary means of attack. This is only made further hazardous with the growth of multiple arms, also speeding up how fast the 730-1 Instance can burrow. The force of an 730-1 Instance's slash has been recorded to cut through solid rocks and walls. The jaws of an 730-1 Instance exert the same force as RPC-730, but due to their formation on an 730-1 instance, these jaws can’t be used to burrow and been seen instead to cut off limbs for consumption. As the host begins to convert their bodily fluids into an acidic and poisonous substance, so too will the mammary glands on a 730-1 instance begin producing copious amounts. In ongoing experimentation, 730-1 instances appear to be immune to the fluid’s properties, and use it for offensive and defensive purposes, such as coating their hide to dissuade any attackers, and coating their claws for fatal attacks. The overtaking of a host appears to be for procreation reasons, with RPC-730 in its normal form unable to create or lay eggs.
RPC-730-2 is the eggs and infant instances of RPC-730. The young appear to have the same capabilities as RPC-730 but somewhat weakened or reduced in some aspects. Any hosts to an RPC-730-2 instance appear to have all alterations minimised and their overall mobility and dexterity is reduced. The eggs of RPC-730 are laid by the RPC itself and have the same acidic and poisonous properties of an RPC-730-1 instance’s blood. RPC-730-1 instances being able to lay eggs has lead to debate with researchers over if RPC-730 is an infant instance, and if so, what its mature phase would be like. (These ideas are being explored as merely a side project and not as an official part of research, if indeed RPC-730 attempts to enter a metamorphic stage. Therefore, we will not officially add it to the containment protocols- Morganson)
Addendum-01: With the limited and controlled testing of RPC-730, certain observations have been reached. To see the experiment log, please contact Head Researcher Charles ███.
- RPC-730 appears to favour insertion into the head via the eye socket, only attempting forced entry via burrowing if the subject is alive.
- When supplied with extra bodies, the RPC will choose to first overtake a body over laying eggs, and appears to prefer a female body over male. Researchers contribute this to the possibility of RPC-730 altering the female reproduction system to instead produce RPC-730-2 instances.
- Through the use of micro cameras, it has been found that the substance used to alter the host is injected through small tendrils hidden in RPC-730’s mouth, which it interjects into certain parts of the brain, allowing for control and the dispersal of unknown proteins that appear to trigger feeding to RPC-730 directly.
- Autopsies on 730-1 Instances have shown that the Instance’s metabolic system is also augmented. The stomach now produces a bile that dissolves all solids, leaving blood which is then absorbed back into the body and to RPC-730 for feeding. This appears tied to the release of ██████ proteins by RPC-730.
- Further Autopsies on the reproduction systems of 730-1 Instances show that both male and female genitalia alter into a new reproductive system similar to that of other insects. Alteration times between female and male genetalia however have a minute difference, with researchers now hypothesising that the female reproduction system is easier for RPC-730 to repurpose than a male reproduction system.
- The creation of extra arms appears to be tied to the corruption of the Host’s cells, leading to at first benign tumours, then rapid construction on top of the tumours that lead to extra arms, however these arms are more fragile at their bases and easier to rip off. Research into how to prevent these tumours is still ongoing.
- Outside of experiments, the altering substance has been found to include the compound [REDACTED] which overwrites the host’s DNA, leading to the alterations in the host. However the reason as to how this controls and even how it creates the components to alter the host is still unknown and research is ongoing as of 12/3/███.
- In <20% of cases, a living host has been seen rejecting the alterations, prolonging the alteration time from 2:20 to as long as 4:00.
- RPC-730 has a strong aversion to fire, and similarly heated substances. While in RPC-730-1 however, this aversion to extreme heat is lost. 730-2 instances also share this aversion to fire, with infant instances scattering and eggs aborting their foetuses.
- When given multiple objects to burrow through, RPC-730 had minimal trouble burrowing through organic and raw mineral materials such as wood or rock or bone, but found considerable trouble burrowing through manmade materials such as metals, plastics and reinforced glass. The stronger and denser the metal was, the longer it took to burrow through. Titanium, Chromium and Reinforced glass are the 3 materials that were chosen to create RPC-730’s current containment, due to having the highest time to breach containment combined (estimated at 7 mins if no feeding occurs). How it is possible for RPC-730 to chew through these materials to begin with, is still undetermined.
Discovery: RPC-730 appeared within an 730-1 instance on 4/02/███, in a metalworks factory in ████, Wollongong, Australia. It was witnessed by █ civilians and swiftly notified to the police. Witness testimonies claim the RPC appeared out of thin air, alongside an unknown female (now recognised as Remnant personnel Shirley Leah) on the top of the RPC-730-1 instance attacking it with a knife. The attacker was able to kill the 730-1 instance before law enforcement could reach the site, and RPC-730 was temporarily contained by encircling it with a molten metal flow. All remnant members were incarcerated with extreme force required to incapacitate Sergeant Leah.
Authority agents embedded in the Australian Police Force were tasked with investigating on the testimonies presented and to retrieve and contain RPC-730. The agents were able to identify these members as Remnant refugees by identifying the anomalous Portal technology (Now catalogued as RPC-[CLASSIFIED]) they were carrying and the mention of “The Alpha trigger". The Remnant refugees were swiftly sent to Site-279 for reassignment/interviewing. The agents were also able to successfully contain RPC-730 in its current habitat with the consultation of the Remnant Members. All civilians and law enforcement involved were administered amnesties and a cover story of a large rabid dog was implemented.