
7 instances of RPC-725, including two instances of RPC-725-B.
Registered Phenomena Code: 725
Object Class: Alpha-White
Hazard Types: Sentient Hazard, Grouped Hazard
Additional Properties: Animated
Containment Protocols: Any instances of RPC-725 found in circulation are to be retrieved by MST Romeo-7 (“Suited Gentleman”) and to be taken to Site-030 for disposal, with the recovered RPC-725-1 instances being placed in a large, spacious room containing toys and other structures designed for domesticated cats. This room is to be cleaned and maintained biweekly, with food consisting of regular cat feed being given thrice per day. As of writing, there are currently 37 36 instances of RPC-725 in containment. (10 instances of 725-A, 5 instances of 725-B, 7 6 instances of 725-C, 2 instances of 725-D, 4 instances of 725-E, and 9 instances of 725-F.)
Any requests for testing with instances of RPC-725 are to be reviewed by Dr. Horton.
Description: RPC-725 refers to a collection of commercially sold anomalies, usually contained in large, beige-colored boxes with the tagline “Ceramic Cats” emblazoned on the front side of these boxes. The top sides of RPC-725 containers depict various examples of cats (Felis catus), and the message “The purr-fect pet for your kids!”, indicating that RPC-725 is intended for children. RPC-725 is manufactured by PetGalaxy, although no such records of any company or corporation by the name of PetGalaxy exist anywhere. These boxes have been found in several retail businesses in North America, Europe and Australia. Said boxes containing instances of RPC-725 are not anomalous.
RPC-725 are a previously-unknown, possibly man-made species of inorganic, felid-like creatures that are found in numbers of three, contained inside the boxes mentioned above. RPC-725 instances are ovoid, and are flat at the base of their bodies. RPC-725 instances lack any visible limbs and have a visible tail, although it is built on the ”belly” of RPC-725 instances, rendering it vestigial. RPC-725 instances weigh 200 grams and measure 32 centimeters in length, and have been recorded in 6 fur patterns designated A to F (See Addendum 1). The surface of RPC-725 instances are covered in acrylic paint, and appear to imitate the fur coats of various cat breeds. The material composing RPC-725 instances resembles ceramic, but has been shown to be unusually resistant to external damage.
RPC-725 instances are animate and appear sentient to some degree, locomoting by “sliding” on flat surfaces. RPC-725 instances are also able to travel up and down slopes, although they do with some degree of difficulty. RPC-725 exhibit behavior akin to that of common house cats, although RPC-725 instances have been observed to be significantly more friendly and playful towards human beings and other, non-anomalous house cats (See Addendum 2). RPC-725 instances have never shown any signs of aggression.
RPC-725 instances appear to experience or mimic hunger and will consume food edible to felines by way of the painted mouth, the anomaly's only moving part. Despite this, RPC-725 instances do not excrete waste, reproduce, or require water. RPC-725 instances do not require rest and display nocturnal behaviors. X-rays have shown that the insides of RPC-725 are hollow, and that the food consumed simply “vanishes” as soon as it reaches the inside of RPC-725. It is currently unknown where food consumed by RPC-725 is displaced.
It is unknown how RPC-725 instances are created.
Addendum 1: The following is the list of current fur patterns seen on instances of RPC-725;
- Pattern A; RPC-725 instances of pattern A display a coating identical to that of Calico cats, with splotches of orange and black on their backside and an off-white fur coat on the front. Instances have yellow eyes.
- Pattern B; RPC-725 instances of pattern B display an all-gray coating, resembling that of British Shorthairs. Instances have green eyes.
- Pattern C; RPC-725 instances of pattern C display an all-white coating with blue eyes, resembling cats displaying congenital sensorineural deafness. Despite this, all contained instances do not display signs of deafness.
- Pattern D; RPC-725 instances of pattern D are bicolor, white fur coating the front side, with black fur coating the backside. Instances have yellow eyes.
- Pattern E; RPC-725 instances of pattern E display a bright orange coating, with dark, horizontal stripes on the back of instances resembling those of tabby cats. Instances have orange eyes.
- Pattern F; RPC-725 instances of pattern F are nearly identical to instances displaying pattern E, but are gray in color. Instances have green eyes.
Addendum 2:
Addendum 3: The following text is printed on the back of the boxes in which RPC-725 instances are packaged:
Have you ever wanted a cat of your very own, but couldn’t ever afford one? Well, you can stop asking mom and dad for one, because for the price of ███1, you can finally make your dream come true with Ceramic Cats!™ These lovable little guys come in three, and are just like your normal feline friends, but are easier to take care of and more huggable! You’ll be petting them left and right without hesitation, and we mean it!
This product was made for you by PetGalaxy, providing the populace with amazing pet products since 1950, and from the same makers of Plantimals™ and Musical Budgies™.
Addendum 4: Dr. Horton has requested a possible utility purpose of RPC-725’s anomalous eating property of waste disposal. Request currently pending approval.