
Fire In The Hole!




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Registered Phenomena Code: 724

Object Class: Beta-Red

Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Grouped Hazard, Toxic Hazard, Sensory Hazard, Hallucinogenic Hazard1

Containment Protocols: Due to its remote location, OL-Site-724 has been established under the guise of a military installation and is to be monitored and restricted from public access. Onsite security patrolling the exterior perimeter of the containment area must be provided with Royal Military Police (RMP) attires to detain and remove any unauthorized person or persons accessing the area, and to prevent local suspicion around the area.

OL-Site-724 is currently jointly operated by Monarch Security as part of research and day-to-day security activities within the Kielder National Forest.

The perimeter of the containment area is to be surrounded by large electrical fences that measure 1.7 meters in height, and must be inspected on a bi-weekly basis. Any unusual or suspicious activity observed within the containment area is to be reported to onsite security.

In the event that an RPC-724-2 instance attempts to cause a containment breach, onsite security is authorized to terminate the RPC-724-2 instance and Protocol Oxford is to be initiated.

Additionally, any requests to explore into the containment zone must be approved by the OL-Site's Head Researcher, and must at least be accompanied by no more than four armed personnel. Due to an incident, any requests to explore the containment area will be automatically rejected. (See Incident 724.01)

Description: RPC-724 refers to two anomalous instances that are contained within Kielder National Park, Northumberland.

RPC-724-1 is an unusually shaped, woody perennial plant that resembles a tree of indeterminate species. While not appearing to exhibit any forms of anomalous property, RPC-724-1 has been observed to have many burrows around it, approximately 20-30 burrows, each measuring roughly 17.2 cm in diameter.

When subjects attempt to interact, or come within a 5 meter radius of RPC-724-1, RPC-724-1 will then produce and release a thick cloud of fog that has been analyzed to contain hallucinogenic chemicals. These chemicals, upon inhalation, will cause subjects to experience auditory hallucinations which mainly consist of footsteps and whispers around their environment. If subjects have been exposed to RPC-724-1's hallucinogenic chemicals for more than a two hour period, affected subjects will begin to experience the following:

  • Nausea and headaches.
  • Increase production of red blood cells.
  • Bleeding through the tear duct, mouth, nose, and ears.
  • Increase body temperature and perspiration.

While the hallucinogenic chemicals released by RPC-724-1 do not pose any threat to the subject inhaling the chemicals, subjects will experience symptoms of pulmonary edema, which can lead to the fluid blocking the lungs, and subsequently will lead to a cardiogenic shock if not medically treated as soon as possible. (See Addendum 724.03)

RPC-724-2 refers to multiple predatory-nocturnal pack organisms that measure 1.06 meters in height and weigh 200 kilograms. While appearing to have a tail, RPC-724-2 instances have sharp rigid quills around its anatomy, two limbs that are used for both movement and clutching its prey, and four eyes that RPC-724-2 uses to detect heat signature.

It's been documented that RPC-724-2 produces instances asexually via fragmentation. It is, however, unclear where RPC-724-2 was originally formed, but it's been assessed that the bio-molecules of an RPC-724-1 instance may be genetically similar to that of an RPC-724-2 instance, meaning that RPC-724-1 and RPC-724-2 may have mutated from a fungi-based organism.

Discovery: Initial reports of missing persons, among those was a member of parliament, from local authorities within the Northumbria Police have prompted the involvement of British Security Service ("MI5"), and later Monarch Security after discovering that the MP was a member of the Defence Anomalies and Security Committee.2

Seven days following a joint-investigation ensued by MI5 and Monarch Security, case officers that were dispatched to investigate the Kielder National Forest failed to report back within a 96 hour period. Subsequently, Monarch Security dispatched a Quick Reaction Force to investigate the Kielder National Forest for the missing agents.

Prior to the operation commencing, the Authority had dispatched MST Foxtrot-04 ("Prey") as per request by Monarch Security hierarchy for assistance and consultation. MST Foxtrot-04 and the AQRF Team arrived at the Kielder National Forest at 03:04 AM GMT, and later reported to have contact with RPC-724 around the A.O. (See Addendum 724.03)

The Kielder National Forest was closed off by the British Government in the following day with the British Army deploying its troops to guard the area, and assisting the Authority in the construction of OL-Site-724. By [REDACTED], the area has since been jointly-secured by the British Government and the Authority.

Addendum 724.01: Incident Report

On March 8th, [REDACTED]. Dr. Sullivan, along with a research team and a security detail, had been given authorization to explore the containment area of RPC-724. At 13:04 PM,
Dr. Sullivan's exploration team had failed to report back following their deployment into the containment area at 09:54 AM.

A search and rescue team was assembled to search for Dr. Sullivan's exploration team, however, the search and rescue team was called off after a researcher was recovered from the containment area and reported that she the only survivor.

In the aftermath of the recovery of Researcher Veronica, Dr. ███████ supervised and interviewed Research Veronica.

Addendum 724.02: Observation Report

Since the establishment of the containment area, along with the completion of OL-Site-724, RPC-724 has been continuously monitored by onsite security and surveillance cameras to observe the activities of RPC-724-2 instances. These observations has been focused on the ecosystem and environmental behavior of RPC-724-2 instances towards their surroundings.

The following are observational reports of recorded occurrences within the containment area.

Observation Report No. 01

Subject: RPC-724-2
Detailed Note(s): An RPC-724-2 instance was documented via video surveillance with another RPC-724-2 instance of what appeared to be a physical confrontation. Both instances then began to forcefully scratch each other with their claws, which resulted in heavy infliction to each other. However, the soft tissues that had been torn off began to grow at an extremely accelerated rate.
The soft tissues appear to transform into some form of larva, which then reached sexual maturity with similar anatomical features to that of an adult RPC-724-2 instance. Other soft tissues appeared to follow a similar structural process.

Observation Report No. 02

Subject: RPC-724-2
Detailed Note(s): In the evening of March 4th, a security team was conducting their routine patrol until they noticed two RPC-724-2 instances at a tree within the containment area. The squad leader of the patrol team noted that they were observing the area outside of containment. Due to concerns, the security team awaited at the location until the RPC-724-2 instances have fled the area to prevent any attempts of containment breach.

Addendum 724.03: Discovery Report

On August 17th, [REDACTED], QRF Unit-021 and MST Foxtrot-04 was sent to investigate and conduct reconnaissance around the national forest to determine the status of the area as an anomaly. Secondly, their objective was also to investigate and recover the missing case officers 96 hours prior to their disappearance.

The following is a video log taken from members of MST Foxtrot-04, during the operation.

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