
Registered Phenomena Code: 722
Object Class: Beta-White
Hazard Types: Extra-Terrestrial Hazard, Ballistic Hazard, Mechanical Hazard, Extra-Dimensional Hazard, Info-Hazard, Sensory Hazard
Containment Protocols: The AEDFS Anklebiter and AEDFS Syrakousai are currently stationed in Lissajous orbit about the Earth-Moon L4 Lagrangian point where RPC-722 is located. Authority assets are to liaise with all global space programs to ensure that any spacecraft which pass close enough to L4 to detect RPC-722 have their mission data suitably altered or deleted. In order to minimize the risk of accidental detection of RPC-722 by previously-intercepted craft, the object's albedo plating is to be maintained in a deployed state except during transfer of personnel. Several re-purposed orbital monitoring satellites have been redeployed in orbit about RPC-722 to assist with mapping efforts.
For the purpose of exploring and studying RPC-722, the science teams of Anklebiter and Syrakousai have established a base camp within RPC-722’s outer hull. The crew of Anklebiter is charged with mapping the interior of RPC-722 and cataloging useful inscriptions, while Syrakousai teams undertake the analysis of recovered RPC-722 technologies.
While the RPC-722-1 effect is not considered to be contagious, any and all personnel leaving the immediate vicinity of RPC-722 or transferring to or from Anklebiter or Syrakousai are to be administered Class-C amnestics and standard counter-memes to minimize the risk of potential spread.
Description: RPC-722 is a partially-completed spacecraft currently in orbit about the L4 Lagrangian point. The vessel, in its current state, is 25.3km long and 6km across at its widest point, though due to its state of partial deconstruction its final dimensions are unclear. Most of RPC-722's outer hull is coated with a series of retractable graphene plates with an albedo of 0.03, apparently serving as an anti-detection measure. How RPC-722 regulates heat absorbed by this plating is currently not understood. The only prominent markings on the outer plating are a series of letters in 647-meter-tall block printing, using an unknown pictographic script, which RPC-722-1 (See below) generally translates to "Vessel Built by an Organization for Maintaining Normalcy: SOLIDARITY".
Buildup of cosmic dust on the object's outer surfaces indicates the vessel has been present at its current location for at least 150 million years; the means by which the stability of its orbit is maintained is unclear. The object does not appear to have undergone any major meteorite impacts or collisions, though there is limited evidence of micrometeorite impact damage on the bow plating.
RPC-722 appears to have been constructed and reconstructed by a wide variety of cultures and societal entities, giving its hull shape a distinctive 'patchwork' appearance. Many of the vessel's installed components appear to be designed to maximize modularity and ease of modification, and there is evidence that the vessel has been entirely disassembled and reassembled into wholly different configurations at least four times, and may at one point have been destroyed by cataclysmic internal explosions before being reconstructed.
Much of RPC-722's internal volume is contained in a series of modules connected to the vessel’s central keel. The keel structure appears to be designed in such a way as to aid the rapid removal and replacement of modules, in aid of dismantling or retrofitting. These modules include living spaces, weapons arrays, a diverse variety of power plants and propulsion systems, and range in volume from 2m3 to over 11km3. Currently, the primary hull of RPC-722 is known to be fitted with 36 distinct propulsion systems, ranging from simple solid-fueled rockets to highly advanced xenon thrust devices. The largest single propulsion system is a series of 8 heavily-reinforced dish-shaped armour plates mounted near the stern, apparently constituting the 'pusher-plate' component of a nuclear pulse propulsion drive.
RPC-722 is currently powered by 45 cataloged electrical power systems, most of them derivations of conventional nuclear fission or fusion concepts. How the vessel's power system remains stable and functional despite its great age is currently unknown. For further information on RPC-722 technologies and recovered artefacts, see RPC-722 Recovery Manifest.
RPC-722-1 is a memetic carrier effect which alters human perception of any piece of written material brought within a 27.8-km radius of RPC-722 or any original component thereof. RPC-722-1 alters the comprehension of written language; anyone exposed to RPC-722-1 gains a comprehension of the intent of any piece of writing they are exposed to. This effect extends only to the comprehension of meaning; test subjects exposed to simple messages in languages they did not know were able to accurately grasp the meaning of those messages with an average accuracy in excess of 95%, but were unable to demonstrate any understanding of the phonemes associated with their written characters. As comprehension via RPC-722-1 is inherently abstract, translation of writings using RPC-722-1 tend to vary on an individual basis.
RPC-722-1 has allowed for the interpretation of the significant amount of written material found within RPC-722, mainly in the form of graffiti or inscriptions on surfaces. Most messages appear to have been left during expeditions into RPC-722 by unknown parties, and generally take the form of technical commentaries, directions, or general advice on the nature and function of RPC-722 machinery. To date, inscriptions have been found in 351 distinct languages or scripts, with the total number believed to be significantly higher. It is unclear how the inscriptions have remained intact, given their great age.
Of particular note is a message written on a 50cm x 50cm brass plaque mounted in what appears to be RPC-722's primary bridge or control centre. This message, written in a language visually similar to late Sumerian cuneiform, claims to be from the previous overseers of RPC-722.
Document: RPC-722 Bridge Plaque.