




Utility.png Secondary Class:

Registered Phenomena Code: 714

Item Type: Other (Diseases)

Lethality Rating: Orange/Utility

Overseeing Personnel: Dr. Emil Kaufmann

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-ballistic.png Ballistic h-transmutation.png Transmutation h-mind-regression.png Mind-Regression h-microscopic.png Microscopic h-organic.png Organic h-regenerative.png Regenerative


RPC-714, otherwise known as Carcinmetalloplasia,1 is a cancerous disease characterized by the ability of subjects to transform their bones into fully functional weapons. This condition results from years of study by the Church of Malthus to create a series of "Weapon-Vampires."

Safe Handling and Usage:

RPC-714 stem cells are preserved in dedicated storage units with an internal temperature of -80°C. Biology department staff assess the stem cells for genetic stability weekly. Candidates for RPC-714-1 must conduct comprehensive physical and mental health to ensure the subjects' suitability to handle RPC-714 injection.

RPC-714-1 subjects are confined in standard humanoid containment chambers equipped with sedative morphine implants for the safety of the subject and on-site personnel. The subject must follow a strict dietary protocol and regular medical and psychological evaluations.


fig. 1.1: Carcinmetalloplastic Osteoid under an electron microscope


fig. 1.2: X-ray of a Longsword-variant RPC-714-1 instance mid-transformation.


RPC-714 is a modified cell infection that morphs a human subject’s bones through the synthesis of metallic compounds on the bone matrix. This process results in the formation of a dense and compact structure called the Carcinmetalloplastic Osteoid (fig. 1.1). This transformation condenses the subject’s skeletal and muscular mass, heightening their body’s ability to rapidly regenerate through the temperament of malignant cell proliferation.

RPC-714 is caused by an injection of osteoprogenitor cells2 carrying RPC-714 RNA templates into the subject's spinal cord. Depending on which bone RPC-714 targets, full systemization may take from 2 weeks to 6 months. Completely synthesized subjects are designated as RPC-714-1.

In the event that RPC-714-1 reaches a certain threshold of pain, the subject activates the trigger-phase. The trigger-phase is a transformational phase where the subject’s bones expand, fracture, and transform into a variety of sharp, pointed, or blunt objects that replicate the appearance of existing weapons (fig. 1.2). Once the trigger-phase is over, RPC-714 will morph back to its original form, suffering severe hypovolemia3 in the process.

The trigger phase shifts the structure of the brain. This brain deformation heightens RPC-714-1’s aggression and contorts their hypothalamus and pituitary gland, resulting in involuntarily laughing and/or crying.

The trigger-phase necessitates a substantial amount of biomass.4 As a consequence of its increased hunger, a significant portion of RPC-714-1 instances are innately driven by an insatiable craving for human flesh and blood.5

Addendum 714.1: Biological Analysis

Addendum 714.2: Test Log

Addendum 714.3: History Log

RPC-714 was initially created in Austro-Hungary in 1914, with the creation of Version 1-2 templates by Dr. ███ Kaufmann, who aimed to engineer super-soldiers for the Great War. These early attempts proved unsuccessful, resulting in the death and permanent disfigurement of subjects injected with the variant.

Advancements in RPC-714 continued, leading to the emergence of Version 3 in 1942. This was the first stable variant and gained widespread distribution by anonymous sects of the Church of Malthus in Eastern Europe. In 1946, Version 4 was developed and quickly became the most commonly used iteration of RPC-714, as transformation is no longer permanent and subjects can retract their weapons back.

Research Staff:

Dr. Emil Kaufmann - Head Researcher
Dr. Thomas Christen - Senior Researcher
Dr. William Woodsworth - Assistant Head Researcher
Dr. Samuel Shelley - Lead Biological Researcher
Dr. Ferenc Bachmann - Lead Psychiatric Expert
Dr. Attila Kosztolányi - Assistant Psychiatric Expert
██████████ - Lead Research Investigator

Peter Jacobsen - Research Assistant // Biological
Mary Heine - Research Assistant // Biological
Dr. Attila Kosztolányi - Research Assistant // Psychiatric
Herta Kafka - Research Assistant // Psychiatric
████████████ - Research Assistant // Investigative

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