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Registered Phenomena Code: 695
Object Class: Beta-Orange Beta-Purple
Hazard Types: Ballistic Hazard, Sapient Hazard, Transmutation Hazard, Corrosive Hazard, Toxic Hazard, Auditory Hazard, Emotional Hazard, Sensory Hazard.
Additional Properties: Organic, Titanic.
Containment Protocols:
RPC-695 is to be contained in a humanoid containment cell, modified with reinforced stainless steel walls and be monitored under 24-hour surveillance every day.1 MST-Delta 1 "The Keepers"2 is to observe RPC-695 for 4 hours every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. RPC-695’s sleep schedule and low-glucose dietary intake are to be closely monitored to ensure a full 8-9 hours of rest on all weekdays. Use of high dosage, sleep-inducing drugs is suggested. On weekends, RPC-695 will be fed a modified meal-plan of glucose-heavy foods to prevent health risks. During this, RPC-695 is to be closely examined for 5 hours, as high amounts of glucose consumption can lead the subject to become extremely energetic, and its anomalous effects may act to a dangerous extent. Any incidents involving episodes of post-traumatic stress, hyperactivity, or increased aggression are to be immediately reported to the following site staff:
- Reginald Plesk (Site Director)
- Bertold Dughir (Lead Researcher of RPC-695 inquiries)
- Miranda Thatcher (Professional Psychologist)
As of 28/03/201█, RPC-695 will be re-designated to a Beta-Purple classification and relocated to OL-Site-695. The entity is to be contained in a reinforced, humanoid cell. Access to RPC-695’s containment chamber is restricted to personnel with level 4 clearance or higher; all physical interactions between RPC-695 and Site-Staff are to be limited. By default, RPC-695 is fed a low-glucose diet which includes standard sustenance along with any pre-approved meal items requested by either RPC-695 or Lead Researcher Bertold Dughir.
MST Victor-2 "Devil Dogs" are to patrol the perimeter of OL-Site-695 on a weekly basis. The area will be secured by a distance of at least 2 meters from the original OL-Site-695. On the occasion of what is being designated "RPC-695-2 Activation"3, heavy weaponry will be permitted by MST and ASF personnel to subdue the anomaly.
As of 13/0█/201█, RPC-695 has been relocated to Site-002's West Wing and provided with affiliate-level clearance via the Project-1074 administration.
Following this relocation, Site-002 personnel will be tasked with providing all amenities and overseeing all previously present containment restrictions. Along with these changes, RPC-695 will now be permitted to receive weekly visits from personnel pre-selected by S.D. Reginald. These visitations are imperative to the subject's mental health and are to be conducted for research and social purposes. Any unauthorized visits will result in severe disciplinary action.

Picture taken by request of Dr. Bertold.
Description: RPC-695 is a Hispanic human male between 14-15 years of age.5 16 years of age. RPC-695 currently stands at 181cm and weighs 74 kg. RPC-695 possesses physical traits commonly associated with Mestizo6 ancestry, including a beige complexion, black hair, and brown eyes. It is to be noted that a minor cataract developed on the subject's left pupil.
RPC-695's most notable characteristics come in the form of an anomalous infection7, hereafter referred to as RPC-695-1, which has created alterations to various parts of the subject's body. Areas infected with this unidentified ailment exhibit discoloration in the form of orange skin pigmentation along with several open orifices which may secrete a mildly corrosive substance. RPC-695's general anatomy also displays several qualities which deviate greatly from the standard homo sapiens phenotype. The affected parts include the subject's mouth, toes, right arm, and left ear.
See Document 695-1 for a detailed log of RPC-695's physical anomalies.

Recently acquired picture of RPC-695-2.
Document 695-1: Affected Limbs
Foreword: The following log contains descriptions for each of RPC-695's anomalous attributes according to affected area of the body. It appears that each infected portion has an individual anomalous effect relating to it.RPC-695's Body
- The subject's general body composition displays amplified physical strength and durability, including an increase in muscle and bone density. Subject is capable of increasing its bone density to beyond its current limits at the cost of mobility and in some instances excruciating pain.
- RPC-695 is able to raise the endurance of its bone/cartilage through the spreading of the unknown liquid at the cost of limited movement in the area.
RPC-695's Right Arm
- RPC-695 is capable of producing a type of midly corrosive9 liquid through its orifices. The liquid, designated RPC-695-A, inflicts various psychological effects to the subject when inhaling or ingesting the liquid. Those may include: Paranoia, Temporary Schizophrenia, multiple types of Phobias, and in extreme cases may lead to mental instability and, as a result, harming the subject's sanity for extended periods of time. This however has been found to be temporary with all subjects that were affected in testing. The effect's intensity varies with quantity and how intensely the RPC-695 attempts to force the substance out of the orifices.
- A second mouth is present on the palm of RPC-695's right hand. Although no vocal chords and other such vital organs for verbal communication are present within it's arm, it is still able of fluent communication. RPC-695 uses this mouth for communication as its original mouth has been affected by RPC-695-1 to a degree that inhibits its use almost entirely.
RPC-695's Toes
- The subject's feet are capable of secreting a secondary toxin designated as RPC-695-B, capable of inflicting several physical ailments upon targets. This substance is not corrosive and will cause no harm when digested; this is due the liquid effects being neutralized when in contact with water. When in direct contact with the skin, however, it will provide negative physical reactions, such as paralysis, twitching, uncontrollable spasms, temporary loss of motoric functions, and in some extreme cases even epilepsy, asphyxiation, and internal hemorrhaging.
RPC-695's Left Ear
- When concentrating for at least 4-8 minutes, RPC-695 claims to be capable of exhibiting telempathy10
and finding the current location of a subject.
- While testing, RPC-695 also reported to the Research team that depending on its current mental state it can hear whispers/screaming near areas such as cemeteries, hospitals, and churches; it is unknown if these are hallucinations or an anomalous effect. This seems to only apply to areas made to "celebrate" and "honor" the dead. These effects are not present in areas where people have been killed in the past, nor in supposedly "haunted" locations.
RPC-695's Facial Mouth
- When attempting to talk with the facial mouth, it will be incapable of standard elocution. Instead, it will emit vocalizations comparable to warning sirens. Overexposure to these vocalizations causes extreme negative changes to one's emotional state, such cases leading to intense episodes of rage, depression, and/or extreme confusion. It is, however, capable of "communicating" with most sentient living beings on a rudimentary level through this method. If the being is unaffected by the siren-like vocalizations, RPC-695 can utilize the anomalous effect of its aforementioned left ear properties to communicate with most beings, sapient or sentient.

RPC-695 with its mother prior to the RPC-695-1 effects.
Discovery: RPC-695 was discovered on 30/07/2005 close to the wreckage of a forest fire near the small northwestern town of █████, Texas. Local residents called the Texas Rangers Division and a series of reports involving an unidentified creature described as a "Chupacabra" were intercepted by embedded Authority Personnel. The creature had been spotted amidst an active brush fire in the █████ forest.
Upon arrival, ASF members spotted a creature that resembled a humanoid (hereby classified as RPC-695-2) of 3.75 meters in height causing destruction to the local forest. Upon initial contact, RPC-695-2 exhibited signs of severe disorientation. The subject moved in an erratic fashion, constantly changing courses. Personnel in the area noted that each limb of its body was moving individually without coordination, and most of them appeared to show muscle spasms. This accordingly resulted in a constant loss of balance. This detriment facilitated its capture, and after a physical confrontation with ASF, RPC-695's more anomalous properties would begin to regress, causing the subject to revert back into a more human appearance.
Following its detainment, ASF conducted a collateral damage inspection which confirmed that RPC-695 was responsible for one11 casualty but three children were found with similar chemical burns from those tested in Addendum 1, some showing the effects of the substance. After the incident, RPC-695 was brought onto Site-02 and was put under the supervision of the designated Lead Researcher Bertold Dughir.
Date: 06th of April, 2005.
Subject: CSD-1375.
Experiment: RPC-695-A, was spread12 around the shoulder of CSD-1375 by Dr. Dughir to test the effects on non-anomalous entities.
Results: CSD-1375 reports initial symptoms of skin irritation and a burning sensation on the flesh on the area coated with RPC-695-A. After 8 seconds pass the subject displays signs of mental distress, later identified to be acute paranoia. CSD-1375 is then removed from the testing chamber and relocated to the medical wing to be disinfected. The subject would make a full recovery through the rest of the day.
Notes: The subject appears to be affected only when staying in proximity to the liquid which theoretically affects is confirmed to affect subjects when ingested or inhaled.
Date: 13th of April, 2005.
Subject: RPC-695, CSD-1375.
Experiment: A slight kick by RPC-695 on the left side of the stomach.
Results: After approximately 1.5 seconds of skin contact with a minute quantity of RPC-695-B, subject suffers immediate paralysis on the nerves of the area struck. Still standing up, but trembling, after 5 seconds, the subject falls down, suffering from what appears to be the effects of muscle spasm and signs of epilepsy. CSD-1375 reports difficulty breathing, and subject is immediately brought to the on-site medical ward.
Notes: Subject survived the encounter, but still had problems in the area affected for the following 17 days.
Date: October 16th, 2008.
Subject: RPC-695, Researcher Bertold, CSD-1375, ASF Member Khloe, S. D. Reginald.
Context: After the recent discovery of the usage of the left ear, the subject was discovered to be able to identify the mental state of an individual.
Experiment: Concentration on the usage of its left ear for an indefinite amount of time.
Results: After concentrating for approximately 6 minutes, RPC-695 is able to, with its eyes closed, point at a subject and describe their current mental state. The following are the results of its second activation:
- Dr. Bertold: Excitement/happiness (Partially Correct)
- CSD-1375: Fear/dread (Correct)
- ASF Member Khloe: Agitation/anxiety (Incorrect)
- Reginald Plesk: Focused/intrigued (Incorrect)
Notes: Mental state identification should improve with training.
Date: 21st of October 2008.
Subject: RPC-695, individuals inside Site-002 Authority Medical Ward.
Experiment: Test the number limit of the examination effect of the left ear.Results: RPC-695 sits down and concentrates for 8 minutes before providing an estimated number of people in the Site-002 Medical Ward. Estimate number is 19, real number noted to be 21. Few emotional states are described by RPC-695, and the few mentioned are all incorrect. One minute later RPC-695 complains about whispers; none of the researchers could confirm these sounds. At 11 minutes RPC-695 reports that these whispers are getting louder.13 At the 13 minute mark RPC-695 reports hearing screams and repeatedly requested to end the test. RPC-695 is taken back to his containment room to rest.
Notes: This might be is a newly discovered anomalous effect, confirmed to only be activated close to places where death occurs.
Date: 1st of January, 2009.
Subject: RPC-695.
Experiment: Weight lifting and strength limits.
Subject was given a barbell and various weights and instructed to lift them from the ground up to overhead while gripping with both hands, the weight increasing as the experiment progressed.
Results: RPC-695 lifts the object with ease.(25kg)
Results: RPC-695 starts to lose balance and appears to be focusing more on his right arm.(40kg)
Results: RPC-695 appears to be fully dependent on his right arm, using his left only to maintain the weight on his right side.(80kg)
Results: The subject appears to be at his limit, Researcher Bertold appears worried but RPC-695 confidently requests an additional weight increase.Note from L.R. Bertold: "Even when suggested to be stopped, subject was willing to continue, the trust was given to the anomaly for further approval of his potential. This might not have been the best choice, however I am not regretful of my decision."
Results: Subject appears to be on the verge of collapsing. Safety magnets that were placed are meant to be activated at this time, but an electrical malfunction prevents them from activating. The weight appears to fall to the floor, most likely as a result of RPC-695 collapsing due to exhaustion. By the time staff enter the room, RPC-695 is standing, and the metal bar holding the weights is torn in half. RPC-695 appeared to, for a limited time, surpass his current physical limits, albeit consequently enduring immense pain.It must be noted RPC-695-1's activity was extremely unstable during this experiment, and began spreading RPC-695-1 rapidly across the left side of his body. RPC-695 begins to tear up and collapses, ending the test.
Results: Further testings has been temporarily halted, this action was put in order to not further spread the infection of RPC-695-1.
Notes: From Lead Researcher Bertold: "I take full responsibility of the consequences for this experiment."
Extra: Audio logs were recorded during testing. The following recording is to be sent to Professional Psychologist Miranda Thatcher for future sessions for the purpose of mental evaluation and behavioral report logs in the future.
Interviewed: RPC-695
Interviewer: Dr. J. Krown
Foreword: Before entering the room, Dr. Bertold Dughir holds the door as he starts a small conversation with the interviewer Dr. J. Krown, explaining RPC-695's current situation, and the current instability of it's living conditions and behavior. Dr. Bertold elaborates on how he should not pry too deeply regarding sensitive topics. Besides being careful with the sensitive topics, he also explains RPC-695's shifting emotional state and he should be careful not to generate a panic attack. After the agreement with both parts, Dr. J. Krown and Dr. Bertold both enter.
<Begin Log>
Dr. Bertold enters, followed by Dr. J. Krown. Bertold introduces RPC-695.
Dr. Bertold: Timmy, I would like you to meet Dr. Krown, he'll be here to conduct your first interview.
RPC-695 is currently playing Sudoku.
Dr. Bertold: It'd be nice if you answer his questions honestly, is that ok?
RPC-695 nods and looks directly into Dr. J. with a serious expression.
Dr. J. Krown: Timmy, right? It's great to meet you, bud.
Dr. Krown extends his arm awaiting a fistbump. After a moment, he then changes his greeting to offer a handshake instead, RPC-695 offers no physical response. Dr. Krown backs up and sits down on his chair, giving up on the attempts.
Dr. J. Krown: Alright… Thank you, Bertold, you can leave for now.
After a small cough from Dr. Bertold clearing his throat, he gives the researcher a tap on the back and then leaves the room.
RPC-695: Are we starting?
Dr. J. Krown: Sure, sure. Let's start with the basics, can you tell me your full name?
RPC-695: Timothy █████ Arruda J███
Dr. J. Krown: Wait really? That's so weird!
RPC-695: What? My name? I mean my nickname is Timmy, what did you think Timmy is a nickname for? Timotheus?
Dr. J. Krown: Oh no, It's because my name is very similar, my mother gave me the name Jimothy and-
RPC-695: Jimothy?
Dr. J. Krown: Yes, with a J.
RPC-695: I don't…
Dr. J. Krown: So, we're both -mothy's, isn't that weird? Crazy right? I mean, what's the probability of that happening.
Dr. Krown appears to have a smile on his face while looking at him, as he expected RPC-695 to have the same reaction. However, when not responded to with a positive reaction, but instead a serious unmoving face, Dr. Krown becomes serious and stares at the table, thinking for a second while he takes a deep breath.
Dr. J. Krown: Ok, this is not working. Listen, I'm new at this job, and I've been trying to find new ways to do those interviews, and I really want this to work, so how about we try something new?
RPC-695: New?
Dr. J. Krown: Yeah, just don't tell the others: I might get into trouble, so I'm counting on you, alright?
RPC-695 appears to be excited, but with a concerned face. It looks directly to the table but after some thought, RPC-695 looks back and agrees with a nod. Dr. J. Krown looks at the camera, takes out a wrapped candy from his coat and gives it to RPC-695 with a wink.
Dr. J. Krown: Look, I know right now I am a complete stranger and I know how it must feel almost to be stuck, daily, in the same routine, in the same room. I know how it sucks and how you wish you could change it, but what I don't know is you, almost no one does, and I don't think Bertold knows you that well either.
RPC-695: I just, well, I don't know.
Dr. J. Krown: Just tell me a bit about yourself, like, what led you to this point? When was the moment you realized you were different?
RPC-695: I think I-I uh.
RPC-695 starts to become red, and looks down on the table as he faces a different direction from Dr. J. Krown.
Dr. J. Krown: Ok, I'm sorry, I was trying to make you say something, but.
RPC-695 appears extremely nervous at that question while also starting to get anxious as he looks to the portrait of its mother, Dr. J. Krown looks to the same portrait.
Dr. J. Krown: Well, so what If I told you something about myself first.
RPC-695 has an interested expression, looking at the ground curiously, he then closes his eyes and nods, facing Dr. Krown. Dr. J. Krown starts to hum as he puts his hand on his chin, thinking.
Dr. J. Krown: Hm, first off, when I was a kid, I would be bothered a lot, because of my name, and I wore glasses, had this weird thing on my neck, and the kids liked to poke me around, see my limits. Worst times of my life, but I was always by the side of my dad. Can you relate to any of it?
RPC-695: I guess? I never lived with any kids around, I lived far away from the small town, my home was in the woods, my friends were usually a bunch of frogs, with mom being the only actual person, I mean, "people" friend that I had some kids came to the forest once in a while, they came to laugh at me, call me names like FF or DT.
Dr. J. Krown: I'm sorry, could you explain what those mean?
RPC-695: Frog freak and Dumb as a Trunk.
Dr. J. Krown: Oh, right, because you lived in the woods. What a bunch of jerks.
RPC-695: I didn't care though, I had my mom and we would always come home at night, play some sudoku, sleep by the sofa…
Dr. J. Krown: You must miss those moments.
RPC-695: I miss them every day.
Dr. Krown smiles as he looks down to his papers, writing it down.
Dr. J. Krown: Did you live with your mom? Alone?
RPC-695: I think so. There was a lumberjack that always brought us food and sometimes presents.
Dr. J. Krown: Oh? Your own Jerry I see.
RPC-695: My own what?
Dr. J. Krown: Sorry, it's just that my dad had this friend and he would always come over on Fridays. He would always come watch TV, he sometimes brought gifts and,
RPC-695: Popcorn?
Dr. J. Krown: How did you know that?
RPC-695: You don't need to be a genius to guess popcorn on a Friday night.
Dr. J. Krown: So you also had movie nights?
RPC-695: Once every few weeks, wasn't a big fan of the screen, but my mom loved it.
Dr. J. Krown: That's a really interesting factor, can you elaborate on those nights?
RPC-695: Well, the lumberjack would bring these movies, like horror, action and drama.
Dr. J. Krown: Would you watch it together?
RPC-695: Sometimes, if he had time, the lumberjack was a busy man.
Dr. J. Krown: I see, well, at least you always had your mom to watch with you, right?
RPC-695: Yeah, maybe not always.
Dr. J. Krown: What? What do you mean by that?
RPC-695: Well, she's gone now.
Dr. J. Krown: Oh, could you tell me more about that?
RPC-695: It kinda hurt me to think about that, but basically, the night before that she told me we were going to the city, together. I've never been to the city, I couldn't even know the name of it, for some reason they always kept me far from it, which is why I hang out in the forest so much. So for my mother to bring me there was a suprise, I was excited, but…
Dr. J. Krown: Did anything happen?
RPC-695: Um, you know, one of those nights, me and mom, watching this old action black and white movie on our tiny screen. We were both laying on the couch, I heard the glass breaking, but my mom kept watching TV. So I went there to see what was going on, to find the kitchen windows broken. I got outside to find those three jerks, playing with fireworks, and when they saw me they immediately started mocking me, as they set the rockets on fire… I had enough of that crap.
Dr. J. Krown: So what did you do?
RPC-695: I snapped, I just remember going numb from my neck down, and then my neck up, my body started shaking in ways I didn't even know were possible, and when it stopped, I just remembered them all screaming, running. But maybe it wasn't from me because behind me there was this huge fire, from fireworks that got inside.
Dr. J. Krown: Oh my, But your mom?
RPC-695: She was a frail woman, she couldn't breathe inside that house, so I went to the door, running like crazy, it was locked. I started freaking out so I just started to bang on the door multiple times, until it broke down.
Dr. J. Krown: You broke the door?
RPC-695 starts to hyperventilate as he remembers the moments, tears are starting to appear on its eyes.
RPC-695: The house.
RPC-695 puts its left hand on the face as it starts to cry, Dr. Krown grabs the subject by the shoulder gently.
RPC-695: M-My mom always called me special… I just never knew what that meant, guess I do now, I hurt people, sometimes really bad, and I can't even control that, it just comes in and out as It wishes, I'm a special monster.
Dr. J. Krown: No, silly boy, when she called you special, she meant that something was waiting for you, something great in you, you just need to discover it yourself.
RPC-695: G-Great?
Dr. J. Krown: Yes, great, you are a great boy Timothy, and I know your mother would feel the same way.
RPC-695: She would… she would feel if it wasn't for me.
Dr. J. Krown: Timmy
RPC-695 puts both hands on its head pushing it down, and grabbing onto the head firmly while Dr. Krown gets up from his chair trying to grab both RPC-695 shoulders
RPC-695: She would smile.
Dr. J. Krown: Timothy please, the accident was not your fault, you can't blame yourself
RPC-695 looks with an anguished face directly to Dr. Krown, at the verge of tears.
RPC-695: If it wasn't for me, she would have lived.
Cameras stop working, as surrounding electricity starts to malfunction.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Following the events of the interview, the second RPC-695-2 transformation occurred. (Reported in Addendum 3.)
Event-Log: 008
Location: Site-002
Date of Occurrence: 28/03/201█
EOI Involved: Dr. J. Krown, Dr. Bertold Dughir.
Observed By: The majority of Site-002
Description: Following the interview with Dr. J. Krown, electronic devices started to malfunction, moments later, great tremors were felt all over the surrounding area of Site-002. When the tremors were over, seconds after the event, the sightings of a titanic creature being formed on the Southeast section of the site surface were reported immediately to the Site directors.
Breach: Upon second activation, RPC-695-2 was notably larger; Towering over Site-002 surface at an estimated height of 27m. Different from last activation, RPC-695-2 was able to keep balance. RPC-695-2 would attack several Authority buildings without hesitation, primarily a nearby construction outpost and an ATC tower. During the raid, however, the entity would stop all bodily motion 3 minutes after ASF reinforcements arrived. Leaning against the outpost, unphased by the heavy artillery, RPC-695-2 would remain rigid and stagnated, seemingly observing something still unidentified by Authority cameras. Three minutes later, RPC-695-2 would collapse as majority of its bio-mass was dissolved, turning back to its original humanoid form. DNA testing on remaining samples are still pending for review.
Time: The incident itself lasted 1 hour and 3 minutes.

Picture taken of the results of RPC-695-2 destruction on the outpost.
Foreward: Dr. Dughir and Dr. Thatcher had attempted to schedule multiple direct interactions with RPC-695 that were denied. Upon learning that, this morning, both subjects had entered the humanoid containment wing of Site-002 regardless, after being warned directly against. Site Director Plesk grabbed a small recorder and confronted them outside of RPC-695's containment cell.
[Start Log]
Dr. Bertold: Give me the keycard, Plesk! This is not up for discussion.
Miranda Thatcher: Reginald, you need to understand, the situation is only getting worse by the minute.
S.D. Plesk: Did you sign the papers I sent you? That would really help RPC-695's containment status.
Dr. Bertold: Oh yeah? Please tell me, tell me what could be better? On that tiny metal box with a hard rock bed, being fed through a hole in the wall. Are you going to transfer him to bigger metal cell with a softer metal bed? Yeah, I'm sure that will really help his containment!
S.D. Plesk: Dughir.
Dr. Bertold: No, Plesk! I've filled out every form, every request imaginable! I've jumped through every hoop in front of me. T-This is my last resource, and I won't stand to see that kid living under these conditions for another God damn day.
S.D. Plesk: That's not how things works around here, Bertold. You know that damn well. We can't allow any further interaction until-
Miranda Thatcher: Reginald listen, It's been almost 6 weeks already, isolation is the last thing we want for the mental state of this kid, I ask you to at least check with your superiors.
S.D. Plesk: I can try to contact them but I doubt my word will make much of a difference, maybe if you talked to-
Dr. Bertold: We've already tried every resource available, I filled every form provided just to have double the workload tossed at my office. This is clearly a stalling strategy while they decide what to do with him! I will not submit this any further. Unless… Unless I die by this day, that kid will still be under my jurisdiction. No amount of protocols or orders that will cut the bond I made with him through the years I worked here.
S.D. Plesk: Well that could be considered as a breach Bertold, besides-…
Dr. Bertold: No more excuses Plesk! This has gone on for far too long and I will not go another day without seeing that child. This is, again, nowhere close to a negotiation.
S.D. Plesk: This will bring us both great trouble if you do.
Dr. Bertold: I don't care anymore.
S.D. Plesk: Bertold, we can both lose our jobs, maybe even our lives?
The door appears to be tapped, presumed to be from Plesk signaling the threat.
Dr. Bertold: Then I shall accept my punishment after all of this is said and done, but I will not stand idly by while that kid wastes away in a cell. He is my responsibility and,
S.D. Plesk: We've known each other for years Bertold, you've never been this emotional.
A silence is heard from both sides, S.D. Plesk continues.
S.D. Plesk: In any case, I really REALLY advise you against what you are about to do.
Miranda Thatcher: He already made up his mind.
Dr. Bertold: The keycard.
A sound of metal is heard by the microphone.
S.D. Plesk: If that is indeed your last decision, take this as well. I won't let this go by like a soft breeze, I will need you to record the entire conversation.
Dr. Bertold: Fine, If you insist. But otherwise, I and only myself are to enter that room. Until I have left, no one will make a sudden move.
S.D. Plesk: I hope you know what you are doing.
Dr. Bertold: It's my last chance at redemption with that child, I've never been more sure.
Miranda Thatcher: I think you care about that child way more than you care for yourself… Good luck Dughir.
The sounds of heavy metal doors opening is picked up by the microphone. After a few seconds, the same doors are heard closing.
Dr. Bertold: Timothy? What you are doing on the groun-…
A bump is heard on the microphone, theorized to be the physical embrace of a hug.
RPC-695: Bertold?
RPC-695 appears to lose breath for a moment, gasping for air, almost tearing up.
RPC-695: B-Bertold, I thought I wasn't going to see you again.
Dr. Bertold: Don't be silly. I-I would never allow that! God, I'm glad you're okay buT, have you not been eating? You look malnourish-
RPC-695: Bertold, a-am I'm leaving? Is that why you are here?
Dr. Bertold: Well… It's a long story. Uhm, how about we just sit down for now?
The sound of the impact on the floor is heard, RPC-695 is heard with steady breathing, holding laughter.
RPC-695: S-So It's true right? I di-didn't do it, right?
Dr. Bertold: You mean the destruction?
RPC-695: It was a dream, a silly dream, right Bert? I didn't?
Dr. Bertold: You… You did.
A moment of silence for approximately 3.7 seconds, after that, a strong impact is heard through the microphone.
RPC-695: Shit, shit!
Dr. Bertold: Hey, let's calm down, It's not as bad as you think.
RPC-695: I did it. I really did it, I'm?
Dr. Bertold: For instance, I spoke to the director and he agreed it wasn't your direct fault and-
RPC-695: I'm a fucking monster!
RPC-695 starts to tear up as he hyperventilates, after that, another bump is heard.
Dr. Bertold: Shhh…It's ok. It's ok.
RPC-695: I-I killed them all, didn't I?
Dr. Bertold: No.
RPC-695: Miss Thatcher, Jimothy, Reginald, I killed them all, didn't I?
Dr. Bertold: What? No No, Of course not, I just spoke to Reginald on my way here and I was going to the hospital with Thatcher, they are just fine, but you know who I found on the hospital?
RPC-695 appears to calm down and stop tearing up, having stabilized its breathing once more.
RPC-695: No…?
The sound of wrapping paper is heard in contact with the jacket, and is theorized to be Bertold to grabbing something from his pocket, to give to RPC-695
RPC-695: Is that?
Dr. Bertold: Exactly, Jimmy is fine, and he told me to get you this.
RPC-695: Jimmy, I-I need to talk to him, where is he?
Dr. Bertold: Good thing you mentioned, he, well, he is being allowed to take a break on another Site tropical stuff, but really, he told me to say everything is ok, and told me he would bring candy when things calm down a little.
RPC-695: Wait, James was in the site, is he also in the hospital?
A moment of silence.
RPC-695: … No.
Dr. Bertold: You see, what happened was,
RPC-695: No, no.
Dr. Bertold: We were operating on the third floor, he was in the cafeteria,
RPC-695: Don't tell me that I did it.
Dr. Bertold: He was eating awfully close to the window… and due to the tremors, we weren't able to.
RPC-695: No, my god, my dear god. I can't believe that I.
Dr. Bertold: Don't.
A silence is heard on the recording. Followed by the start of the hyperventilation of subject RPC-695.
Dr. Bertold: Do not even try to blame yourself, whatever we did wouldn't stop what was about to come.
RPC-695: But I-I just.
Dr. Bertold: You couldn't have done anything.
RPC-695: Bertold, I can't take this anymore, I can't.
Dr. Bertold: You will forgive yourself one day, but know it's not your fault.
RPC-695: I'm tired… I'm so tired Bertold.
A last bump is heard on the microphone. The hyperventilating breathing stops
Dr. Bertold: Shhh… for now, all I can give you right now is the hope for a better tomorrow.
RPC-695: It hurts too much.
Dr. Bertold: It will go, but for now, just know that everything will be ok.
RPC-695: But what if it doesn't, what if things just get worse and worse.
Dr. Bertold: Hmmm, let me tell you something, when you first arrived, we weren't the best of friends, maybe the best of enemies for sure. You know what you called me?
RPC-695: I remember. Well, I used to called you Bertholomew because you had like that fancy-schmancy tie you would always wear to work, sometimes you even had that horrible perfume too. You reminded me of those three snobby rich kids, the ones who were always looking down on me.
Dr. Bertold: And I wasn't the only one you were rude to. When we first started you got that reputation, on the hall, the office, we always got those cute names to refer anomalies. But when I first met you I really hated how you would look at me with that angry face. Your face sometimes turned red just by my presence, I guess something non-human really pissed you off. So I reacted back, started calling you names. However I do think I was the first one.
RPC-695: Really? You never came off as evil to me. What type of insults could that dog head of yours make anyway?
Dr. Bertold: Swiss cheese.
RPC-695: Heh, yeah. Not a bad one for your first one, I still think I was better with the names.
Dr. Bertold: Tell me about it, Doggy, Dog-hir, Flappy ears, god, you made me really self-conscious about my ears.
RPC-695: I'm sorry, I never had any friends so I didn't know how to make you like me, so instead I did what the boys did back home; called you names until you reacted.
Dr. Bertold: Hm, I think my experience is quite different from yours. I didn't, couldn't, or rather, rarely used it at work - but I'd remember every day I would put a small piece of Swiss cheese in my sandwich to show myself I was better than this.
RPC-695: Wait… Didn't you give me one of those the night of my first test?
Dr. Bertold: I felt guilty about the name I gave you, talked to James about it and he told me the fair thing to do was giving you the sandwich.
RPC-695: But you gave me sandwiches almost every test.
Dr. Bertold: I was bitter for a long time, so I just kept adding more and more cheese.
RPC-695: Test 19 was literally just a grilled cheese sandwich. Makes sense.
Dr. Bertold: Well I felt like it wasn't a peace offering anymore as much as a tradition. There was no reason for me to hold grudges because, believe it or not, I myself wasn't very liked when I first joined The Authority. It took a long time for me to stop feeling like an outsider, then I realized that you felt the same way, you, me, Jimmy, everyone honestly. We all feel like outsiders until we find a kindred spirit on the inside.
RPC-695: I don't regret a thing though. If It wasn't for me pissing you off, you might have just done your experiment and left. I'm just happy you got to stick around.
Dr. Bertold: Yeah, I'm happy too, and I will stay no matter what… But what I'm trying to say is - things got better, and they will continue to get better.
RPC-695: Is that a promise?
Dr. Bertold: It is.
RPC-695: … Thank you.
[End Log]
Given the recently acquired addenda, the Authority concluded that maintaining the emotional bond between RPC-695 and Bertold is imperative for containment and as such containment protocols will work to maintain the emotional connection between RPC-695 and Dr. Bertold Dughir. RPC-695 is to be moved back to a temporary humanoid containment cell, further questions are to be directed to Level 3 and 4 personnel.
The following is a behavioral audiovisual report given by Dr. Bertold Dughir, authorized by Dr. Thatcher:
The year is 201█, 2 years after the incident, in this short period, Timothy also known as RPC-695 was capable of both physically and mentally growth, immense growth at that. The furthering of relations made it possible to stabilize his mental state to impressive degrees. Our friendship, although just a piece of his development, was fundamental when he most needed it, and I am proud to say I broke protocol for this. I might have suffered my counts of punishment given by the Authority, but I was also able to take this boy out of the hole he was found in. Now, even with his shell, he can already see the sunshine of a new future… That was a strange sentence, what I meant is: He's developing himself, and soon maybe the world will see the wonder that is Mr. Timothy, but until then, this is Dr. Bertold Dughir, signing off.
On 29/05/201█, the following message directed at RPC-695 was sent to Dr. Bertold's internal message box.