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RPC-689. Photographed by Agent Stringer after the retrieval of a subject.


Registered Phenomena Code: 689

Object Class: Omega-Orange

Hazard Types: Extra-dimensional Hazard, Grouped Hazard, (unverified) Sapient Hazard

Containment Protocols: Due to the relative rarity of RPC-689, containment efforts are to be focused on ensuring the confidentiality of RPC-689. Research efforts into RPC-689 are also not advised, due to the high amount of resources required in order for consistent testing to be remotely feasible.

In the event that an RPC-689 case has been confirmed, Romeo-7 (Suited Gentlemen) is to be notified to retrieve the affected individual to Site-038. Interviews are to be conducted if possible. The affected individual is to be administered a Class-B amnestic afterward and released.

Authority agents have been embedded in the MTR Corporation Ltd. since January 2010 in order to facilitate the removal of RPC-689 from the trains of the aforementioned public transport network or, failing that, the purchase of new trains of different models.(Revised 30/08/2014)

Any discovery of anomalous effects similar to RPC-689 outside of Hong Kong is to be immediately notified to the current Director of Site-038 (Currently Director Yeung).

Description: RPC-689 is a standard Priority Seat1 on any standard train of the MTR Corporation Limited, regardless of model. Other than the potential manifestation of RPC-689, the trains have no anomalous effects. Trains of the same model employed by other metro service providers possess no anomalous effects.

RPC-689's anomalous effect may occur when an individual in their late teens to early 30s sits on RPC-6892, hereby referred to as "the subject". RPC-689's anomalous effect occurs after 10 seconds of the subject sitting, manifesting once the subject has blinked. The subjects described themselves as having been transported to a giant stage, facing a crowd of large size in subsequent interviews. They are then submitted to a “struggle session”3, hereby designated RPC-689-1.

PoI 689-1138, as depicted in the recovered video camera.

RPC-689-1 lasts between 32 hours to 253 days, the factors of which affect the amount of time are unknown. However, it is hypothesized that the struggle session may potentially last for an indefinite amount of time, assuming that the subject does not comply while in RPC-689-1.

RPC-689-1 has been noted to end abruptly in all cases, and the subject is transported back to the train. CCTV footage shows no change in the subject’s location. All physical wounds sustained by the subject within RPC-689 are not healed. As a result, Authority operatives are advised to observe for sudden injuries for individuals sitting on RPC-689.

As of this writing, there have been ████ documented instances since documentation began on 19/12/2009, or about 1 in ██’ ███ passengers. However, as Authority personnel have only been able to reliably monitor 9.3% of the 275’000’000 passengers per year, it is estimated that there may have been upwards of █████ actual instances.

RPC-689's anomalous effect was discovered on 22/09/2009 when Authority webcrawlers detected a mention of a "criticism seat" on the website forum.████████.com, where an individual described his experience of RPC-689. Mobile Security Team November-12 (Dumpster Divers)7 was sent to investigate, which coincided with the 26th recorded case of RPC-689. X-Ray-6 (Annullifiers) was later sent to apprehend all individuals with experiences of RPC-689, and all individuals were apprehended within 8 days.

Addendum 689.1

While no conclusive pattern has been drawn from RPC-689's criteria for activation8, due to the extremely small sample size, individuals with certain characteristics have a disproportionally higher probability of activating RPC-689's anomalous effects.

Characteristics include:

  • One or more recovering injuries that are not visible, but directly affects the individual’s ability to stand for extended periods of time.
  • Pregnancy between 1 to 4 months. Note that all individuals were aware of their pregnancy at the time.
  • Menstrual Cramps
  • Lack of sleep
  • Exhaustion

As much as I would like to properly test this out, we don't have the resources or time to test it. Whether 689 truly is a sentient entity that has an odd definition of "people in need" and jumps to conclusions way too quickly may remain a mystery.
-Dr. Cheng

Addendum 689.2

On ██/██/17, the 2354th subject(designated PoI 689-2354) was retrieved with a flyer, which was thrown towards her by the crowd within RPC-689-1. PoI 689-2354 was 3 months pregnant at the time and was suffering from arthritis, a disease that affects joint movement.

POI 689-2354 was subsequently amnestied without incident. The flyer was determined to be non-anomalous after testing and was placed in Locker FJ30135 of Site-038.

Addendum 689.3

The following addendum was declassified 30/08/14.

On 08/07/14, Dr. Reynolds9, while on vacation in Hong Kong, experienced the effects of RPC-689. Dr. Reynolds proceeded to head to Site-038 and reported the incident to the Authority.

It should be noted that Dr. Reynolds was in her early 60s and requires crutches for medicinal purposes. Dr. Reynolds is the first person to be outside of the age limit, as well as part of a rare group of people who have been exposed to RPC-689 while having visible disabilities.
-Dr. Cheng

Below is the interview log between Dr. Cheng and Dr. Reynolds on 09/07/14.

Due to the potentially intentional nature of this particular RPC-689 event, this incident is not to be considered as a conventional event and is to be separately accounted for. Details about RPC-689 provided by Dr. Reynolds is not to cause any change in RPC-689's file description.

This Addendum was declassified 30/08/14 after a vote from all then-available Global Directors11, as well as Site Director Dr. Stannum Yeung and Lead Researcher Dr. Erasmus Cheng was passed 8-6-1. Containment Procedures were revised following this incident in order to prevent further incidents.

Following the change in Containment Procedures, the number of RPC-689 incidents has reduced by 16%. However, the number of requests for project transfers from RPC-689 have increased by 47%.

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