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A photo taken within the Authority-maintained entrance to RPC-665.
Registered Phenomena Code: 665
Object Class: Beta Gamma-Red1
Hazard Types: Sapient Hazard, Aggression Hazard, Grouped Hazard, Organic Hazard
Containment Protocols: The volatile situation within RPC-665 appears to ensure an ارتفاع القتلى-Class "Rising Dead" Scenario is inevitable at some point in the future. In preparation, the man-made cave containing the entrance to RPC-665 has been sealed off by concrete and is to remain secured by the on-site Listening Post-665. Mobile Specialized Team Echo-665 ("Hellbashers") has been formed and is undergoing training with the intent to protect normalcy via the constant destruction of errant RPC-665-A instances into perpetuity.
The cave containing RPC-665 is to be secured inside of a militarized research zone no less than 2 km2 in area. Any and all non-authorized personnel suspected to be part of known Groups of Interest, or any splinter-sect thereof, who have trespassed the zone with the intent to interact with RPC-665 are to be detained and taken in for indefinite detention.
Description: RPC-665 is a massive geographical cavity located approximately 14 km underneath Hell, Michigan. Detailed inspection of RPC-665 is infeasible due to its average temperature of ~900° Celsius, and unusual geological conditions preventing the use of ground penetrating radar.
RPC-665's anomalous properties manifest when any human on Earth expires via any means. Following said subject's expiration, a corresponding entity composing only of a humanoid skeletal structure (deemed RPC-665-A) with identical physical characteristics to the deceased subject will manifest at one of two points within RPC-665, either directly at the entrance or at a currently unknown location deeper within RPC-665.
RPC-665-A instances display complex sapience and an apparent intent to forcefully transport human subjects within RPC-665 further into the cavern against their will. Upon said subject's abduction by an instance of RPC-665-A, multiple anomalous properties manifest corresponding to their progression into the depths of the cave, notably the inability to be killed by the internal conditions of RPC-665.
Upon apprehension by RPC-665-A, the subject is deemed an instance of RPC-665-B. At any submergence point ranging from 50 m to 1 km, blisters and second-degree burns will begin to manifest on the RPC-665-B instance's skin. The affected instance displays no abnormal behavior and will react to these effects with anguish until the next submergence point has been reached.
Upon reaching 2 km to 3 km, the RPC-665-B instance's skin, muscle, and vital organs will begin to melt while their skeletal structure will begin to expand and harden. This effect continues until the subject reaches a submergence point of 7 km.
Upon reaching 7 km in depth, any and all organic tissue other than bone will have melted completely into liquid. This stage continues until the RPC-665-B instance has entered RPC-665. RPC-665-B instances who have reached this stage are then to be considered instances of RPC-665-A. Following full conversion, a second identical RPC-665-A instance will manifest within RPC-665, signifying the “death” of the RPC-665-B instance.
History: RPC-665 was discovered during an American mining expedition within Hell, Michigan to exploit a presumed coal seam. During the expedition, the personnel working with the mining organization attempted to collect a core sample. Upon the bore reaching 14 km in depth, they stumbled across a massive cavity with geological properties impossible to reconcile with the surrounding strata. Authority recovery personnel arrived at the scene and quickly secured the perimeter.
Following the Authority's arrival, a heat-resistant microphone was lowered into RPC-665. The following was recorded.
[The sounds of distorted screaming can be heard as the microphone descends, seemingly originating from multiple subjects.]
Numerous unknown voices chanting in disharmony: கடவுள் இறந்துவிட்டார். போர் தொடர்கிறது.
[The distorted screaming continues for approximately 15 minutes, accompanied by the clattering of metal striking against metal, until the microphone breaches the bore hole and enters the cavern. The screaming suddenly stops, and is replaced by the sound of fire crackling.]
Numerous unknown voices, all at once: அவர்கள் வருகிறார்கள்.
[The sound of fire continues for several minutes until the temperature renders the microphone non-functional.]
Incident 665-1: Following the death of an assigned researcher, ████ Baker from an unrelated illness, a corresponding instance of RPC-665-A manifested at the entrance of RPC-665 and, in a unique deviation, was observed to return to the cave mouth approximately one week later, attempting to gain the attention of on-site personnel. Despite several other instances of RPC-665-A observed attempting to discourage this, the continued attempt to interact with personnel resulted in the decision to conduct an interview, detailed below.