The Engineer and the AEDFS Lupin
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Registered Phenomena Code: 654
Object Class: Omega-Red
Hazard Types: Proto-Mechanical, Proto-Sapient, Extra-terrestrial, Gravitational, Divine, Informational, Ideological
Containment Protocols: All space and land based telescopes capable of visually identifying RPC-654 are to be placed under Authority control by any means. Any and all investigation into the space in which RPC-654 occupies by these telescopes is forbidden.
Additionally, the AEDF Observer satellite has been placed into orbit of RPC-654 and is to relay an uninterrupted video feed of RPC-654's surface at all times. Personnel with advanced cognitive hazard resistance training are to observe this footage for review, and document their findings.
Description: RPC-654 is the designation of an object currently 18 AU from the edge of Neptune's orbital path in the solar system. RPC-654 is composed of sixteen (16) gears that range in diameter from 420,000-870,000km. These gears are made out of complex lattices of smaller gears, cogs, driveshafts and other mechanical parts. The Anderson Coherency around RPC-654 increases as one approaches its center, with an ACS value of 4.97 on its outer sections and a theorized ASC value of 6 at its center. If this is true, then that would mean that RPC-654 breaks the Law of Conservation of Chaos.
When an object gets within 3 AU of RPC-654 it will begin to experience the gravitational effects of RPC-654. This has allowed Authority astronomers to determine that RPC-654 has a mass that is notably greater than that of the sun, but exact measurements have proven impossible.
RPC-654-1 is the designation of an entity that occasionally appears in the dreams of individuals aware of RPC-654. RPC-654-1 is a normally depicted as a robotic entity with a shape similar to that of a human female. RPC-654-1 operates via a dream-logic, and has the ability to freely manipulate the dreamer's environment. In addition to this, individuals that have had dreams with RPC-654-1 in them report that the dreams feel "more real than [their] other dreams" the exact reason for this is unknown.
Subjects that make visual contact with RPC-654-1 will undergo a massive change in their ideologies and beliefs over an indeterminate amount of time. After this time the subject views RPC-654-1 as their god, and begin to worship and pray to it. If the subject was previously religious, they will carry out their previous religious actions/ceremonies in the name of RPC-654-1. Over time subjects will become heavily interested in cybernetics; often viewing cybernetics as a higher form of worship.
RPC-654 is the home of a race of robotic entities, designated as RPC-654-2, that have varying amounts of limbs, ranging from 4-24. RPC-654-2 society is built around the maintenance of RPC-654, which they refer to as "The Sixteen Gears" or simply as "The Machine". RPC-654-2 have been observed to worship various depictions of RPC-654-1, which they refer to as "Machina the bringer of order", as their god.
Artistic recreations of RPC-654-1 have proven to be extremely similar to depictions of an entity referred to in Children of Nihil religious texts as The Engineer. In most Children of Nihil religious texts, the Engineer is known as the entity that banished the 9 suns and created the laws of reality. Additionally, the Engineer is also referred to in certain Nihil texts as, "the traitor sun" the implications of this alternate name is currently unknown.
Addendum.1: Discovery
RPC-654 was first detected by an AEDF observation satellite that was dispatched to detect anomalous occurrences near the edge of the solar system. The following is a transcript of the transmission sent by the satellite to the AEDFS Lupin, which was in Neptune's orbit at the time.
gravitational abnormality detected
course of action: approach for further scanning
commencing action…
approach successful
commencing scan…
— critical error —
collision course with abnormality detected
engaging emergency thrusters
commencing action..
action failed
collision eminent
Following this transmission, the AEDFS Lupin moved to the satellite's last recorded location and made visual contact with the gravitational abnormality.
» Authority Extraterrestrial Defense Force «
— Observation Report —
On ██/██/1998 the AEDFS Lupin went to investigate the last location of an AEDF Observation satellite that had ceased transmitting after encountering a gravitational anomaly. The AEDFS Lupin then encountered an extremely large extra-terrestrial construct resembling 16 gears. This object was then designated as UFO-1998-9.
The AEDFS Lupin then proceeded to conduct simple experiments on UFO-1998-9 for the following 72 hours, before deciding to launch an observation satellite into orbit around it. Afterwards the AEDFS Lupin tried to return to Earth.
When the AEDFS Lupin was near Jupiter's orbital path the SOS signal was activated. Due to outside circumstances AEDF forces were unable to respond until the AEFDS Lupin was near the Martian orbital path. No survivors were found on the AEDFS Lupin when AEDF rescue vessels arrived, and the observation deck window was found to have been completely shattered. Investigations into what occurred on the AEDFS Lupin are ongoing.
Addendum.2: Recovered files from the AEDFS Lupin
LOG: UFO-1998-9/1
Today we arrived at where the satellite went missing, and we instantly saw it. A massive mechanical construct, made of 16 gears.
We are going to stay here for a couple of days to conduct some simple experiments. I am going to inform command of this thing, and its location. Because there is no way that this can stay hidden if we do not forcibly avert telescopes from it.
LOG: UFO-1998-9/2
We are going to be making our way back to Earth due to the recent developments regarding the ship's automated systems. I have attached a report on the current state of the ship below.
Engineering Report: AEDFS Lupin
Attending Engineer: Jerry Connors
Written Report: While doing maintenance on the observation deck I discovered that the emergency isolation system is non-functional. Which means if a structural failure occurs in the observation deck which would lead to decompression, then the whole ship will be affected until someone manually activates the isolation system in that section.
I don't have the parts on hand that would be required to fix this. So I suggest that we avoid debris filled areas.
But before we leave I am ordering that we deploy an observer satellite to orbit UFO-1998-9.
Also, from what I have been hearing, the men have been having some strange dreams. This may sound like an odd detail to record, and I don't quite get why I am doing it. But it's what I was trained to do, so there must be a reason for it.
LOG: UFO-1998-9/3
After some further interviews with the men, I have determined that they are having similar dreams. Under normal circumstances, I would disregard that as coincidence. But they, no, we have been dreaming of 16 gears, like that anomaly we saw.
LOG: UFO-1998-9/4
One of the security officers went mad, started raving about "Machina and the Sixteen Gears" Before he collapsed and entered a coma. I have attached the medical report here.
Medical Report: AEDFS Lupin
Patient: Agent John Smith
Attending Doctor: Dr. Samantha Crow (Authority Medical and Health Care)
Written Report: The patient entered a schizophrenic state and began rambling about an entity he referred to as "Machina and the Sixteen Gears" and was determined to be in a comatose state. He was brought to the medical bay with mild dehydration.
Current Treatment: Patient will receive an IV, due to the anti-gravity of space we are having to use the "IV pump" to keep it entering his blood stream.
I see why I have been told not to believe in coincidence now. Poor bastard was under the effect of this thing and now he has paid the price.
LOG: UFO-1998-9/5
After going through John's belongings we have found his journal. I have decided to attach all relevant entries below.
Today I saw my first anomaly, it was an enormous machine made from 16 gears… A bit underwhelming to be honest. I hear all of this talk of all these amazing things that introduced people to what anomalies are. But I get stuck with 16 boring gears as my first anomaly.
I mean… they are mesmerizing to look at from the observation deck. But that's about it. It doesn't do anything, it just stays there always turning.
I am not even that new to the Authority… I guess there aren't that many anomalies in space.
I had an odd dream last night. Let me write down what I remembered happened.
First it was like I woke up, on the observation deck. I was looking at those 16 gears. I was pulled towards them by something, and I was consumed by them. Only to have them chaotically shift and twirl around me. I could see that the 16 gears were made from many smaller mechanical parts. Finally, I saw two black eyes illuminated by their white pupils appear before me, with one eye above the other eye.
Then I woke up, and that was the end of that. I normally don't record my dreams… but dreaming about the anomaly I just discovered is a pretty large coincidence.
I had another dream last night, only this one felt… more "real" than when I was awake. I can't really think of another way to describe it.
When I fell asleep I found myself in a different land. I looked around, and all I saw was a landscape covered with clockwork. Over the sea of clockworks I saw catwalks upon catwalks. All overlapping in an esoteric, yet beautifully understandable way.
I looked up to see infinite darkness only broken up by 15 enormous gears, that are part of the same enormous mechanism. Which probably meant that I was also on a very large gear. I walked around this place for what felt like an eternity of tranquility. Eventually I made my way to a domed room, in the center I saw a mechanical woman sat on top of a mechanical throne.
And then I woke up.
[Further Attachments Redacted]
LOG: UFO-1998-9/6
Many of the crew members have become obsessed with cybernetics over the last couple of days. So much so that they have been deconstructing the ship to create them. Even the doctor appears to be affected, as she has been willingly amputating people's limbs so they can be replaced by cybernetics. Because of this I have locked the bridge down, no one in or out.
In all of my years of service for the Authority, I have never actually had to deal with an emergency before. One would think that operating a nuclear submarine during the Cuban missile crisis would have had some interesting moments. But it didn't.
The only reason that I haven't been affected must be my high cognitive hazard resistance… well… I am probably not immune, but it will take longer to affect me the way it has done with the others.
LOG: UFO-1998-9/7
So I have been receiving medical reports for the people getting cybernetics. And it appears that the majority of them are unwilling. I have taken the liberty of attaching the reports below.
Medical Report: AEDFS Lupin
Patient: Engineer Jerry Connors
Attending Doctor: Dr. Samantha Crow (Authority Medical and Health Care)
Written Report: Patient is unable to see the glorious light of our Engineer, and must be upgraded to allow for such. Additionally, he must have the corrupted flesh of his left leg replaced by her blessed metal.
Current Treatment: The patient was restrained and his broken eyeballs were removed. Then we replaced them with functional eyes made from Machina's holy metal. I then proceeded to saw off the patient's left leg, and replace it with one made of metal. Now the patient is able to see the light of our magnificent goddess, and pray upon her.
Medical Report: AEDFS Lupin
Patient: Agent Marshall Booth
Attending Doctor: Dr. Samantha Crow (Authority Medical and Health Care)
Written Report: Patient presented with symptoms of deviation from our goddess's grand plan. This will need to be treated swiftly if they are to remain on course.
Current Treatment: The patient was restrained and their corrupted heart was replaced by a pure one made of divine steel and copper. Unfortunately the patient was unable to survive the procedure. But their spirit had been purified as a result of this operation.
Medical Report: AEDFS Lupin
Patient: Agent Zachary Ellis
Attending Doctor: Dr. Samantha Crow (Authority Medical and Health Care)
Written Report: Patient presented a case of heresy, and needed to be cured of their belief in other gods.
Current Treatment: The patient was restrained and their mind was reformatted using metal and divine light. This resulted in the patient finishing the operation in a far better state then before it had started.
Medical Report: AEDFS Lupin
Patient: Captain Maxwell Stewart
Attending Doctor: Dr. Samantha Crow (Authority Medical and Health Care)
Written Report: Patient has an extreme case of hesitation in embracing our newfound goddess. This must be rectified by showing him what it means to worship Machina and the Sixteen Gears.
Current Treatment: [N/A]
That last one indicates that they know I am holding out in the bridge. Fortunately for me there is enough food here for me to survive until we would be rescued. But I would need to activate the SOS signal first. I can do that from the bridge, so it won't be too much trouble.
LOG: UFO-1998-9/8
After giving it some more thought, I have come to the conclusion that the rescue crew sent to us will also be infected by whatever is causing the crew act this way. The only way that I can think of to prevent this would be to kill the whole crew. This is far from an ideal solution, but I must prevent this from spreading.
Normally if the glass was broken, an automatic system would seal off that section of the ship. But that system shorted out while we were near the Sixteen Gears. So breaking the glass would depressurize the entire ship. This would likely kill everyone on board.
I should also label my logs and the feed from the observation satellite as an information hazard, that would restrict the amount of people that could be infected by whatever is causing this.
I say that like this would be an easy task. Considering that the window is a good foot of the best bullet proof glass money can buy, it really won't be easy….
-Captain Maxwell Stewart
Addendum.3: Administrative Clearance Required.
The following file requires administrative to access. Unauthorized access will result in penalties ranging from pay cuts, to summary execution.
If you accessed this file by accident, please close this file and report to your facility manager immediately; if you do so you will not be punished.
Foreword: The following is an audio recording made by Agent John Smith and was redacted from Captain's log UFO-1998-9/5.
Transcript: "…I saw her again in my dreams. The mechanical woman on top of the mechanical throne descended towards me, "Lift your head up" she instructed me. I looked in the eyes, and I just felt… lesser, as if my body knew that this was a superior being. "I need to show you something" she spoke as her hands grasped my forehead.
It was only then that I got a good look at her. White plastic filaments emerged from her scalp in like long white hair. She had an infinite amount of arms, but I could only see one of them. Her eyes had white pupils with the rest being black, located in the center of her face with one eye above the other. She had no mouth, but could still speak.
The room appeared to disintegrate, and it was just me and her in an endless void. I was pulled out to space, I saw the whole of the Earth. She spoke "this is your Earth, is it not?" it began to spin faster and faster. She spoke again, "then you may want to look to the future." I was pulled forward, I saw our sun consume our world. The little blue marble, gone in an instant
She pulled me even further forward, and I watched as all the stars went out, one by one the light vanished until there was only the void. The Goddess pulled me to a world built around a black hole. "Life is very resilient" she said to me, just as the lights went out, "but everything dies eventually."
"But it doesn't have to be this way" she spoke again, "I can show you an alternative."
I was pulled back to before our world was consumed by our star. And I saw something beautiful. Sixteen gears, much larger than any planet, sprouted from the blue marble. Their clockwork began to spread across the cosmos, every driveshaft, cog, and lever perfectly arranged working in unison. I was pulled further forward, and the clockwork followed, bringing order absolute. The symphony of copper, brass, iron, and nickel spinning together completely filled the void that once was; bringing work ever after.
Every gear was completely unique, yet utterly the same. Working together to fulfill an unknown purpose that we all knew. The clockwork spoke to me telling me things wonderful, horrible, beautiful, disgusting things. There was nothing out of place, yet everything was different. There were things that made perfect sense yet completely incomprehensible. "Do you like what you see?" the Goddess asked me as we witnessed entropy never more.
But there are those that would oppose the conventions that she has created. When she created the rules, there was one that would always have to be true. Everything can be named, and it was from this rule that the rest of reality sprouted.
Even the 9 suns have to obey this rule of hers. But there is one that doesn't follow this rule. It's nothing and everything, a completely Faceless God, the final flood that will cleanse it all. We must help the Engineer, keep her functioning, prevent the final flood and bring order absolute.