
The Engineer and the AEDFS Lupin










ch1Proto-Mechanical ch3 Proto-Sapient h-extra-terrestrial.pngExtra-Terrestrial h-gravitational.pngGravitational divine-hazardDivine h-infohazard.pngInformational h-ideological.pngIdeological

Recorded loop of RPC-654 from the AEDF Observer satellite.

Registered Phenomena Code: 654

Object Class: Omega-Red

Hazard Types: Proto-Mechanical, Proto-Sapient, Extra-terrestrial, Gravitational, Divine, Informational, Ideological

Containment Protocols: All space and land based telescopes capable of visually identifying RPC-654 are to be placed under Authority control by any means. Any and all investigation into the space in which RPC-654 occupies by these telescopes is forbidden.

Additionally, the AEDF Observer satellite has been placed into orbit of RPC-654 and is to relay an uninterrupted video feed of RPC-654's surface at all times. Personnel with advanced cognitive hazard resistance training are to observe this footage for review, and document their findings.

Description: RPC-654 is the designation of an object currently 18 AU from the edge of Neptune's orbital path in the solar system. RPC-654 is composed of sixteen (16) gears that range in diameter from 420,000-870,000km. These gears are made out of complex lattices of smaller gears, cogs, driveshafts and other mechanical parts. The Anderson Coherency1 around RPC-654 increases as one approaches its center, with an ACS value of 4.97 on its outer sections and a theorized ASC value of 6 at its center. If this is true, then that would mean that RPC-654 breaks the Law of Conservation of Chaos.

When an object gets within 3 AU of RPC-654 it will begin to experience the gravitational effects of RPC-654. This has allowed Authority astronomers to determine that RPC-654 has a mass that is notably greater than that of the sun, but exact measurements have proven impossible.

RPC-654-1 is the designation of an entity that occasionally appears in the dreams of individuals aware of RPC-654. RPC-654-1 is a normally depicted as a robotic entity with a shape similar to that of a human female. RPC-654-1 operates via a dream-logic, and has the ability to freely manipulate the dreamer's environment. In addition to this, individuals that have had dreams with RPC-654-1 in them report that the dreams feel "more real than [their] other dreams" the exact reason for this is unknown.

Subjects that make visual contact with RPC-654-1 will undergo a massive change in their ideologies and beliefs over an indeterminate amount of time. After this time the subject views RPC-654-1 as their god, and begin to worship and pray to it. If the subject was previously religious, they will carry out their previous religious actions/ceremonies in the name of RPC-654-1. Over time subjects will become heavily interested in cybernetics; often viewing cybernetics as a higher form of worship.

RPC-654 is the home of a race of robotic entities, designated as RPC-654-2, that have varying amounts of limbs, ranging from 4-24. RPC-654-2 society is built around the maintenance of RPC-654, which they refer to as "The Sixteen Gears" or simply as "The Machine". RPC-654-2 have been observed to worship various depictions of RPC-654-1, which they refer to as "Machina the bringer of order", as their god.

Artistic recreations of RPC-654-1 have proven to be extremely similar to depictions of an entity referred to in Children of Nihil religious texts as The Engineer. In most Children of Nihil religious texts, the Engineer is known as the entity that banished the 9 suns and created the laws of reality. Additionally, the Engineer is also referred to in certain Nihil texts as, "the traitor sun" the implications of this alternate name is currently unknown.

Addendum.1: Discovery

RPC-654 was first detected by an AEDF observation satellite that was dispatched to detect anomalous occurrences near the edge of the solar system. The following is a transcript of the transmission sent by the satellite to the AEDFS Lupin, which was in Neptune's orbit at the time.

Following this transmission, the AEDFS Lupin moved to the satellite's last recorded location and made visual contact with the gravitational abnormality.

Addendum.2: Recovered files from the AEDFS Lupin

Addendum.3: Administrative Clearance Required.

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