Nuclear Fruit
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Registered Phenomena Code: 630 Object Class: Beta-Yellow |
Responsible Departments: | ![]() Biology ![]() Chemistry ![]() Physics |
Hazard Types:

RPC-630 50 minutes before causing event 630-E1.
Containment Protocols: 3 RPC-630 instances must be stored on Site-031-1 for research purposes and seeds are to be kept in cold storage on Sites worldwide in the event of sudden radioactive contamination.
For nourishment purposes, RPC-630 instances are to be planted near or above radiation sources derived from elements with a half-life of 10 years or less,1 water/dirt contaminated with radiation, toxic elements, etc.
In the case of an RPC-630 E-01 Event, the generated RPC-630-2 seeds are to be collected and sent to normal agricultural farms and the non-anomalous RPC-630 instances to be sent to normal greenhouses stores. Gel harvested from the remaining leaves can be safely sold to cosmetic and pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Personnel around the world are to keep constant vigilance in natural and/or artificial radioactive zones to check for RPC-630. Personal is strictly advised to avoid consuming the gel generate from RPC-630 and the water from RPC-630-EX in radioactive filled zones. Only after post extraction analysis can both items be consumed safely
On the event that members of the Descendants of Yggdrasil are observed planting RPC-630 instances in the aforementioned areas, they are to be immediately detained fand have their instances of RPC-630 confiscated. Planted RPC-630 instances are to be removed from the area.
Description: RPC-630 is the designation for a group of seeds functionally similar to those of a variety of succulent plants, most commonly Crassula ovata2, Aloe polyphylla,3 Aloe vera, and Astroloba tenax4.
When planted in normal conditions, RPC-630 will generate non-anomalous instances of the aforementioned plants. However, when RPC-630 is planted in zones with more than 5,000 millirems5 its germination cycle will be completed in a period of 3 hours. Depending on the levels of radiation in the area RPC-630's seedling may grow up to 150% larger than their typical size.
During its anomalous growth cycle, RPC-630 will start to radiosynthesize6 said radioactive materials as nutrients. Seedlings will extend their abnormally large root structures towards any nearby radiation-contaminated water source.7 The fertilization of the plant appears to depend on the amount of radiation absorbed, leading to the unnatural bearing of fruits designated RPC-630-2 at the tip of the leaves, and to a further 630-1 Event.
The seeds generated from RPC-630-2 are identical to those from the order eurosidae, more specifically the fabidae group, including apple, pear, banana and other mundane fruit trees. These seeds have no anomalous properties and show a lack of radioactive elements. Most RPC-630 entities are slightly larger than average fruit sampled from mundane non-anomalous instances.
After a period of time, if all the radiation of the area has been absorbed into RPC-630 or RPC-630 has grown to a more bloated size, event RPC-630-E1 will begin.