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{$translationblock} |
Registered Phenomena Code: 603
Object Class: Alpha-White
Hazard Types:
Organic Hazard
Regenerative Hazard
Grouped Hazard
Containment Protocols: Specimens of RPC-603 are housed under restricted access within Site-008's botanical facility. RPC-603 favours growth conditions similar to its non-anomalous relatives in the Solanaceae family: 15-20°C, well-drained soil with a pH range of 4.8-5.8, and a salinity threshold of 1.7dS/m. RPC-603 samples are only to be removed for experimentation and research purposes, and any staff caught attempting to smuggle RPC-603 out of Site-008 will be punished accordingly.
Female personnel volunteering to make use of RPC-603-1 (becoming RPC-603-2) must provide documented proof of their reproductive infertility as either produced by an outside physician or Site-008's own medical personnel. Both volunteer and conceiving partner are required to submit a clean bill of health declaring the absence of all STDs, submit to genetic screening, then sign a contract and non-disclosure agreement.
Post-implantation, conception is to take place only within Site-008. As of Incident 603-1, conception is to strictly occur between both partners, with no genetic material of any third party involved.
As agreed-upon via contract, RPC-603-2s are barred from leaving Site-008's premises for the duration of their pregnancies until delivery, barring extenuating circumstances. This includes NDA-restricted communication access with outside parties(families, etc.). Personnel who are partners/family members of RPC-603-2s may be granted limited visitation/long-distance communication rights, dependent upon their clearance levels and off-site assignments. No photographs may be taken of RPC-603-2 with exposure of the RPC-603-1-presenting abdomen, except by medical personnel strictly for clinical monitoring purposes.
RPC-603-2s are scheduled for standard antenatal checkups, ultrasound screening, biweekly blood tests as well as regular access to sunlight via glass-ceiling habitation. The implanted RPC-603-1 and the gestating child (RPC-603-3) are to be routinely examined via visual inspection and ultrasound. Despite reassurances by the "Descendants of Yggdrassil" Group of Interest (RPC-603's creators), successfully delivered non-anomalous RPC-603-3s are to be strictly raised and observed within Authority facilities for the potential development of any anomalous traits. The expiring RPC-603-1 is to be extracted from the volunteer and incinerated once RPC-603-3 has been completely weaned.
RPC-603-1s, with a non-anomalous S. Tuberosum tuber for comparison.
Description: RPC-603 is a root vegetable derived from the Solanaceae family, featuring perennial leaves and several small tubers about its roots. Without usage of its anomalous property, RPC-603 passes off as a non-anomalous instance of Solanum Tuberosum featuring microtubers of average 1cm3 volume.
RPC-603's anomalous functions manifest when an extracted tuber of RPC-603 (hereby referred as RPC-603-1) is inserted into a woman's navel and watered. The tuber will adhere to the navel epithelium, germinating and inserting a probing root into the navel of its human host. RPC-603-1's growth continues only if sufficient amounts of female hormones are detected. Itchiness, tenderness or other irritant sensations are commonly reported until the root travels an average of 3cm into the abdomen, by which the sensations subside; it is at this point that RPC-603-1 begins secreting localized antihistamines to suppress these effects, as well as unknown mechanism to signal the immune system not to attack the foreign growth. The RPC-603-1 sprout eventually extends its roots around the ovaries and the womb, and grows a single large leaf that spreads across the lower abdominal region and adheres to surrounding skin.
Through this root system, RPC-603 "diagnoses" the womb for defects and attempts to repair any detected flaws, replacing missing organic matter with a starchy-tuber-like matter. Once 'repairs' are complete, RPC-603 jumpstarts the activity of unchanged/repaired ovaries by excreting a mixture of phytoestrogens bearing a 90% efficacy of conventional female hormones. The host(RPC-603-2)'s hormonal cycle proceeds as normal and ovulates without fail at day 14 of the menstrual cycle.
Should RPC-603-2 be impregnated soon after, a secondary growth in RPC-603-1 is triggered: The leaf grows broader and covers the entirety of RPC-603-2's abdominal region as the pregnancy progresses. Both the Palisade Mesophyll and Stoma of the implanted RPC-603 are located on the outer side, allowing the plant to respire and photosynthesize through the same layer. As such, it is recommended for RPC-603-2s to expose their gravid abdomens towards direct sunlight for a minimum of 1hr per day. RPC-603-1's root network also grows to entirely cover the womb, acting as an additional layer of physical protection.
In an absence of sunlight, RPC-603-1 will begin drawing nutrients directly from RPC-603-2's bloodstream via its roots, causing adverse effects such as fatigue and accelerated hunger. Conversely, observations under satisfactory conditions detect a reverse-transportation mechanism of fluids across the root network towards the womb and the placenta. Samplings of this fluid reveals a nutritional composition similar to amniotic fluid, maintaining a nutrient-rich environment optimal for foetal health and growth.
Upon birth of the child (RPC-603-3), RPC-603-1 rapidly ages and withers. The leaf turns brown and peels off to expose the mother's abdomen, the stem slowly slides out the navel, and any remaining micro-root structure is either removed with the placenta or consumed by the body. Gynaecological examinations of former RPC-603-1s reveal traces of micro-fissures surrounding the womb and the ovaries. This abdominal remodeling leads to faster implantation times and reduced discomfort within RPC-603-2 for successive uses of RPC-603-1.
While most RPC-603-3 present as typical newborn infants, the usage of RPC-603 is not without potential anomalous consequence. RPC-603-1 may directly influence the growth of the foetus, hypothesized to be "filling in the blanks" with its own genetic material in order to guarantee a viable human life. Should this happen, the resultant RPC-603-3 will possess anomalous botanical effects and features drawn from random plant species that may or may not be easily detectable. This risk scales linearly with the extent of damage presented by the female reproductive system, and includes any health conditions that the male partner may also present.
RPC-603 was fore-sighted when an increased influx of upper-end wealthy civilians were noted to be traveling to a specific region within the Bahamas. Prior to traveling, these civilians were noted to have performed cash transactions towards bank accounts situated within the Nordic regions of Europe tied to the Descendants of Yggdrassil. Investigators filed this observation as low-priority and left it as-is to pursue higher-priority leads.
Four months later, an influx of social media posts (see below) tagged and posted under "Belleaf" and "Belleaves" erupted across social media, when the aforementioned civilian RPC-603-2s began uploading pictures and messages of their anomalous physical appearances for clout/praise/publicity.
A redacted tweet (now deleted) produced by an RPC-603-2's spouse. Similar posts have been truncated into text entries below.
1. Mother Nature knows what's best for us mothers, #pregnantatlast #belleaf
2. Me @ 9 weeks, feeling cute, might delete later #itsaboy #belleaf
3. Secret to fertility restoration found, doctors hate these guys #belleaf
4. Roots don't get in way of ultrasound, watching my daughter grow it's a miracle #belleaver
While initially expressing praise over this "revolutionary all-natural fertility aid", social media posters quickly soured over numerous complaints of inadequate facilities and treatment provided by their caretakers. It is believed that most of these complaints stem from RPC-603-2s being used to higher living standards and hailing from high-income residencies. Regardless, investigations reveal that any complaints by clients claiming their treatment being equivalent to the "Fyre Festival" controversy of 2017 appear to be exaggerations.
Authority agents visiting the involved Shrubbery witnessed overcrowded conditions with complaining visitors frantically tended to by overstretched Descendants of Yggdrassil medical personnel and volunteers. When agents were finally noticed after having inspected half the premises, massive amounts of relief were expressed by said staff.
Having planned to trial RPC-603 in private, the SoY experimenters did not anticipate several of their clients breaching their NDAs and revealing their RPC-603-2 status to the web. This followed by a miscommunication error in booking caused too many clients to pay then arrive simultaneously for their treatment. This logistical error inflated the burden to house RPC-603-2s (and accompanying spouses/children) for all 3 trimesters, forcing the SoY to divert personnel from nearby locations towards caring for increasingly dissatisfied clients, and were all too happy to surrender RPC-603s and existing data to the agents provided that the clients were also removed.
RPC-603-2s and accompanying family members were subsequently remanded into custody, with the latter being administered amnestics and deported to their country of origin soon after. RPC-603-2s were confined, observed until birth and amnescitized upon release. RPC-603-2s who birthed anomalously-presenting RPC-603-3s were manipulated during amnescitization to believe that the neonate died in childbirth complications before being released. A small number of volunteers who displayed exceptional cooperation, assistance and aptitude for handling anomalous-presenting children were offered the option to remain on-site as trial personnel, to continue tending to RPC-603-3s as well as the OAA/RMA dormitories. Conversely, a few exceptional belligerents who either repeatedly threatened litigation and/or regularly assaulted personnel were converted into CSDs.
Lastly, the online trend was spun as a viral hoax. Without giving them evidence of RPC-603 actually existing, civilian doctors and gynaecologists were commissioned through Authority front companies to publish articles rubbishing RPC-603 as a fictional and nonviable cure for infertility. All social media accounts who had been promoting and uploading pictures of RPC-603 either had their posts deleted or accounts suspended.
Interviewed: Håvard Brevic, in charge of the Shrubbery
Interviewers: Agents Smith and Kester
Foreword: Mr. Brevic initially fainted upon sighting the agents, before shortly regaining consciousness and crawling frantically towards the agents.
Brevic: OH! OH, GOD! FINALLY! SWEET BABY - contextual pun notwithstanding… - JESUS! WHAT TOOK YOU GUYS SO LONG?!
[ Brevic reaches the agents, latching onto Agent Smith's leg and refusing to let go. ]
Kester: Hey! Let go of him! What the heck is wrong with you?
Brevic: What's wrong with us? You wanna know what's wrong with us? None of us have snapped just yet from the clients' insane demands, that's what's wrong with us!!!
Smith: What are the clients doing to you?
Brevic: <Trembling> Have you ever heard of a threatened class-action lawsuit over having avocados and bread… BUT NOT HAVING A TOASTER TO MAKE AVOCADO TOAST???
[ Both agents look incredulously towards each other, then back to Brevic. ]
Kester: …Really? You're serious?
Brevic: YEAH! And if I have to hear ONE more complaint about why the furniture isn't luxury designer goods made of bocote or ebony and flown in straight from Beverley Hills or Hollywood… CAN YOU BELIEVE THE NERVE OF THESE RICH FOLK?! I personally grew most of those reclining chairs that they won't touch because IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEIR SELFIE ANGLES OR WHATEVER, <Pulling hair> HRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH-
Kester: …You okay there?
Brevic: Next they're going to ask for mineral water made from the snow on Mount Everest's peak filtered through diamonds I just know it - NO! NO I'M NOT!
Smith: <Gives up on attempting to shake Brevic off> Y-yeah. We can see that. Well, we're here now, so um… We'll be confiscating the plants?
Brevic: <Gets up quickly and seizes Smith by the vest, intensely staring into his eyes> Will you be taking the clients away too?
Smith: …Yes?
Brevic: OH! OH GOD! THANK YOU! <Breaks down and cries into Smith's vest>
Smith: <Patting Brevic's back in sympathy, speaking into walkie-talkie> Chris here. Gonna need more of the local hands to surround this area. Lock it all down nice and tight, make sure absolutely none of the tourists leave.
<End Log>
Interviewed: Håvard Brevic
Interviewer: Agents Smith and Kester
Foreword: Agents have been spending the past few hours going over the Shrubbery's notes and client register while other agents have formed a quarantine perimeter surrounding the shrubbery. Mr. Brevic took that time to nap and was feeling significantly better.
Smith: So this is everything on your notes? You're literally spoon-feeding us here, you know that? Never had an assignment this easy… Not that I'm complaining, of course.
Brevic: Yes! You get everything we can give to you, no strings attached! Just give those babies… the plants that is… some TLC, and care for the moms until they deliver and just get back to us on how the newborns are!
Smith: Wait… Hang on. Let me get this straight. You're going to willingly surrender everything to us, because unlike you guys we have the budget, scope and manpower to simultaneously take care of all these clients as well as the plants, and to process all the data you've given us. And the cojones and clout to ignore their ridiculous requests. That's your plan, isn't it?
Brevic: Well I mostly just want to never hear again about being sued for whatever ridiculous reason but now that you mention it… Why don't we go with that?
Kester: If you guys weren't so obviously desperate I'd almost call this a smart tactic!
[ Smith and Kester laugh. Brevic half-heartedly joins in. ]
Brevic: Hahaha… Ha… You're welcome. Share your findings with us! Please? Pretty please?
Smith: Yeah, sure, maybe. All right, time to inspect the clients.
[ A few minutes later… ]
Smith: Hey! You wrote here that there are no apparent harmful effects?
Brevic: To the best of our understanding!
[ Smith presents a clearly anomalous baby, concealing makeup wiped off its skin. ]
Smith: This baby is green.
[ Awkward silence ]
RPC-603-3: Goo!
Brevic: …It's a health benefit? <Gestures frantically> Like, um, like, like, free bonus photosynthesis feature that presents additional supplemental nutritional benefits that only requires sunlight and CO2 and cuts down on daily physical dietary requirements and, like, totally reduces the global carbon emissions, man, and-
Kester: But it's NOT intentional, is it?
Brevic: …………..No.
Kester: We're confiscating everything.
Brevic: Send feedback pretty please cherry on top?
Smith: Maybe. Also, let go of my leg.
<End Log>
Interviewed: Phineas Dalton
Interviewer: Dr. Nathan, son of Murugesan
Foreword: Phineas vaguely alluded to RPC-603 on his twitter handle 'DadAtLast'. A screenshot of his tweet is included in the Discovery Log.
Nathan: You are Twitter handle "Dad At Last", yes?
Dalton: Yeah, what about it?
Nathan: Can you tell us why you broke an NDA with the Descendants of Yggdrassil to not publicly talk about this?
Dalton: The others broke it first and them Descents fellas didn't seem too bothered by that point… Mostly because they were at their wits end caring for the really entitled ones. It was just a short message anyway, no pictures.
Nathan: I see! All right. Now… We noticed that compared to most of the others you are from a middle-to-low-class background? I'm actually surprised, considering-
Dalton: Don't be stereotyping me, son! Black man running away at a pregnancy, fleeing responsibility? [EXPLETIVE] bullshit stereotype is what it is!
Nathan: I never said we were, sir. I apologize for making the wrong impression.
Dalton: Good good. Nothing funny about it… It ain't funny, you hear? Lots of young black boys growing up, being told that 'tappin' dat ass', getting rich only by rapping, being some violent 'gangsta-ass-thug' and filling each other up with lead is all that matters in life… It's sick, you know that? Our culture's gone sick.
[ Dalton sighs, sniffles and rests his hand against his face, wiping away a few tears. ]
Dalton: Look… I swore whatever it takes I'd get me and my wife a kid. I swore I'd do right by us all. I raked my ass to find out about this place! And can you believe it? My Lanisha… She's finally pregnant. Our own baby girl, can you imagine? It's a [EXPLETIVE] miracle is what it is! And these Descendants of Yiggdruss… Whatever. They listened. They gave us a chance. I raked up my life earnings to be here today and they'd only accept a quarter of it and told us to keep the rest for the kid! I'm really… I'm grateful, you know what I'm saying?
Nathan: We're glad for you, sir. Really, we are. Tissue?
Dalton: Thanks. Appreciate it. <Wipes eyes and blows nose> Now where was I… You guys, you're gonna run tests, right?
Nathan: We are. What your wife is going through is an unheard-of unresearched attempt and cure at infertility. There have been… unintended effects.
Dalton: Oh shit, son, I know. I heard. The screams when one of the babies came out weird a while back. Accusing the Descendants fellas of painting the baby green… It's natural, but not natural, you get what I mean?
Nathan: We get you, sir.
Dalton: My daughter… Is she going to be like that, too? Sprout leaves or grow bark skin, turn green?
Nathan: We can't give you a definitive answer, but the ultrasound scans so far have indicated that your daughter is perfectly human in appearance.
Dalton: Oh thank God.
Nathan: On the other hand, we don't know if she's going to come out green.
Dalton: Shit, son, you don't have to remind me. That's what's keeping me up at night now.
Nathan: We'll figure something out, sir. Don't worry.
Dalton: Thanks. You're all good folk, you know that? <Dalton gets up to offer his hand for a shake, which Nathan reciprocates.>
Nathan: Thank you, sir. Just doing what we've got to do.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: The RPC-603-3 born to the Daltons bears no anomalous traits. The Daltons have been amnescitized and returned home with their daughter.
Interviewed: Lane Mallory
Interviewer: Dr. Nathan, son of Murugesan
Foreword: Mr. Brevic has provided a warning in advance that the Mallories are among the most problematic couples.
Mallory: I want to talk to my lawyer.
Nathan: You will not be getting access to your lawyer at this time, sir.
Mallory: What is the meaning of this? Moving me and my wife out of that wood-filled shithole and into this shithole building that's barely any better? Do you have any idea who you're [EXPLETIVE] with?
Nathan: No, sir, care to enlighten us, sir?
Mallory: All you need to know is that I'm going to be rubbing shoulders with the Bilderbergs in a month's time! My wife only has to shake her [EXPLETIVE] once on Instagram and she'll make more money from that alone than what you'll make in your entire [EXPLETIVE] life! Have you gotten it through your thick skulls? A single hair on either of our heads is worth more than ten of you!
Nathan: That's nice, sir.
Mallory: And who are you? FBI? CIA? Where's your name tag, huh? Hiding it? Why, that's illegal. You're going to hear from me in court!
Nathan: We're not obligated to inform you, sir.
Mallory: Oh… Men in black, huh? Secret international group, huh? Heard rumours about your kind skulking about like rats. You're still nothing to me. I don't care how much you rats hide and run once this is all over, I'll have your asses in Interpol, the Supreme court and the International courts, you hear? <Seizes Nathan by the collar> YOU HEAR?!
Nathan: Mr. Jenkins, if you would so kindly?
Mallory: -IIIIIEEEEGGGHH… Y-you [EXPLETIVE]! This is breaking the Geneva Convention, I'm gonna-
Nathan: <Gets back up from the floor, raising fingers sequentially> Name, ID, purpose of this visit, health issues of wife, money spent in this transaction.
Mallory: Mallories! Lane and Jo Mallory! My ID's I███████, ask Jo for hers! Get a kid, what else? She snorts meth time to time so we're getting this to make sure she spits out a normal kid, eight hundred grand! You happy?!
Nathan: <Adjusts labcoat and glasses> Had you cooperated with us from the start, this would not have been necessary. Thank you for your time.
Mallory: This isn't over, you sons of [EXPLETIVE]s.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Post-amnescitization, Lane Mallory bears no memory of his detainment. He also displays a lack of concern for his wife's unexplained disappearance, and has begun dating other women.
Interviewed: Melanie Brooks
Interviewer: Nathan, son of Murugesan (Followed by an impromptu takeover by Security Officer Wilbert Jenkins)
Foreword: Mrs. Brooks was a trial volunteer and one of the first few women implanted with RPC-603 months before the programme officially began. Her infant, the "green baby" found by Agents Smith and Kester, is also the first RPC-603-3 to present with anomalous plant features.
Nathan: Tell us how you came in contact with this "miracle group".
Brooks: Friend of a friend heard something about it in the fertility clinic. Can I have my baby back?
Nathan: What do you plan to do with the R… the infant?
Brooks: What are you talking about? I'm going to take him back and raise him as my son!
Nathan: You do realize he is as green as an avocado. Right?
Brooks: So what? Are you calling my baby a freak?
Nathan: No, no! That's not what I meant. What I'm trying to tell you is-
Jenkins: Move over, I'll handle this.
[ Jenkins moves Nathan off the chair and sits upon it. He lifts his visor and exposes his face towards Mrs. Brooks. ]
Jenkins: No, ma'am. I apologize for being so blunt about all this, but we are going to confiscate your child. We are not going to let your child out into the public view.
Brooks: No! Please! You can't do this! I finally gave birth to a living baby, you can't do this to me, not after all these years of trying-all the failures!
Jenkins: And what would you do with this clearly green baby? Whoever heard of a green human who photosynthesizes? What do you think your child's growing environment will be like under the perpetual glare of the media and the parparazzi and the internet? Do you think it's going to be sunshine and rainbows? Are you aware how much this one child is going to become a magnet for unwanted fame, attention and stigmatization?
Brooks: I-I can still home-tutor him and raise him from home…
Jenkins: And what next when you become old and your child is forced to fend for its own as a green-hued adult human? In your desperate desire to become a mother, you have brought into this world a life that is only going to live an ostracized life.
[ Mr. Brevic walks past the doorway, performs a doubletake, then enters the interview room. ]
Brevic: Hey man that's not cool, lay off, she just wanted to have a child. <Mr. Brevic attempts to grab Jenkins' shoulder. Dr. Nathan moves in the way.>
Jenkins: Tell me which state you're from.
Brooks: Chicago…
Jenkins: So you weren't there to experience that one winter earlier in 201█? The one where it went down to minus-thirty-F? How much of your green child is human and how much of it is plant? How well would it survive the winters? Do you think you have what it takes to find out safely, the trial-and-error to figure out what's best for it and the budget to maintain its restricted lifestyle, or are you going to uproot your entire life and move to the tropics? Hell, what if he's allergic to fruits and veggies? And furthermore, who are you going to take your kid to if a bully sprays weedkiller on it: The docs at the general hospital, or the local botanist?
Brooks: I… I just wanted to have a child! Please!
Brevic: <Looking over Dr. Nathan's shoulder> Yeah man, lay off of her. C'mon, it's not her fault…
Jenkins: <Ignores Brevic> We aren't taking your baby away because we think it's a threat to the public or because we're soulless bastards or anything like that. It's because we need to find out how to care for it and what next that it could be capable of as it grows up. What if your kid one day out of the blue gets solar-powered laser beam eyes? <Mr. Brevic attempts to call the statement "Overblown", is cut off by Dr. Nathan> Are you just gonna buy a pair of shades for it and call it a day? Now listen. You keep your kid with us, we will give it a home and an education and raise it in a safe environment. It was never going to live a normal life, but we can damn well give it the next best thing. You really don't have much of a choice here, unfortunately.
Brooks: Okay, I… I understand… But on one condition: keep me with him.
Jenkins: Hm. We'll discuss it over.
Nathan: Yes, yes! We ah, we will be doing that.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Brooks has agreed to sign on the Authority as a trial staff to tend to her RPC-603-3 as well as others, while also taking on additional duties working for the RMA/OAA dormitories.
Interviewed: Josephine Mallory
Interviewer: Nathan, son of Murugesan
Foreword: Interviewed is in the middle of blood sampling, and prior to this has been causing numerous commotions, claiming any handling to be bruising and injuring her and threatening various lawsuits through her husband (interviewed above).
Mallory: Who the-who the [EXPLETIVE] are all of you?! Do you have any idea who you're [EXPLETIVE] with?!
Nathan: <Sighs, mumbling to self> Why does that phrase sound familiar… Jo Mallory, I presume?
Mallory: What? How? You're not supposed to know my real name! I'm DiamondPrincess69 on Instagram… With two-hundred-k followers!
Nathan: So you want us to refer to you as… that?
Mallory: Yes! Or I'm not going to talk!
Nathan: Well… Okay. Mrs. Diamond Princess, I understand you approached the D.O.Y. for fertility treatment. And from witness accounts, I also understand that you have been spending the last few months partaking in substance abuse…
Mallory: My stash… My stash? How'd you know about - WHERE THE [EXPLETIVE] IS MY STASH? Did you [EXPLETIVE]faces throw it away?
Nathan: Ma'am, we wish to remind you that you are pregnant, and that any use of methamphetamine will significantly harm the growth of your baby…
Mallory: Shut up… SHUT UP! You liars, if it's got me feeling good it's got to be fine for the baby as well! And even then this magic plant is supposed to filter out the [EXPLETIVE] toxins or whatever from my body and fix the baby anyway! That's how it's going to work!
Nathan: Ma'am, that's not how the plant was supposed to work - Hey, please don't - stay still ma'am!
[ Medical attendants reflexively withdraw from Mallory upon hearing her alleged condition, before moving in to swiftly restrain her.]
Nathan: What? Security, get this bi- get her off of me-
[ Mallory manages to free an arm and shoulder, grabs a used syringe and stabs Nathan with it. ]
Nathan: Ow! Shit!
Mallory: <Forcibly separated from interviewer. Laughter followed by singalong tone> You have AI-DS~, you have AI-DS~!
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Mr. Brevic supplied a statement of reassurance that all potential clients were screened prior to implantation of RPC-603-1, which corroborating with blood tests revealed Mallory's threats of hosting infectious diseases to be a deliberate lie.
Mallory would later give birth to an RPC-603-3 on 5th October 201█. As predicted, the abuse of methamphetamines led to severe mental issues in the RPC-603-3 which the implanted RPC-603-1 was unable to repair. Mallory has accused the RPC Authority of being responsible for her child's prominent defects, vehemently denying any link to her history of substance abuse.
Due to Mallory's numerous attempts at assaulting RPC personnel and intentionally deceptive threats to infect personnel with disease-contaminated bodily fluids, she has been forcibly conscripted into the RPC Authority as CSD-████.
Date born |
Pre-existing health conditions of parents (XX/+XY) |
Anomalous traits |
July 3 |
(XX) Type-1 Diabetes |
Skin uniformly pigmented green with chloroplasts. |
October 1 |
(XX) Vitiligo |
Skin is irregularly mottled with green patches. |
October 5 |
(XX) Methamphetamine abuse |
Persistent vegetative state. Parts of brain replaced with plant material. |
October 19 |
(XX) Trichorrhexis Invaginata |
Green segmented hair similar in appearance to pine needles. |
November 2 |
(XY) Alopecia in mid-20s |
Hair that grows for an average of 2cm length before terminating in small leaves at the tips. |
January 12 |
(XX) Primary Amenorrhoea |
Water-absorbent feet, ankles and lower legs. Notably raised humidity in exhaled breaths, suggesting transpiration. |
January 28 |
(XX) Secondary Amenorrhoea |
Ultrahydrophobic skin patterning derived from the genus Nelumbo. |
January 29 |
(XY+XX) Both parents carry the recessive allele for cystic fibrosis |
Resin for phlegm. Expired due to complications. |
February 4 |
(XX) Double Ovariectomy |
Completely plant-based humanoid (RPC-355-2) caused by RPC-603-1 generating a 100% plant-based substitute ovary. |
February 7 |
(XX) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome |
Neonate possesses a jointed sapling for a right arm that terminates in sinuous leafy fingers belonging to the genus Mangifera. |
February 21 |
(XY) Osteogenesis Imperfecta |
Neonate's bone matrix is replaced with a cellulose-calcium complex. Blood is replaced by an off-white sap. Further observation of growth and bone strength required. |
Following a conventional RPC-603-enhanced pregnancy, Dr. ████ gave birth to fraternal twins, one which did not bear traits shared between Dr. ████ and her spouse (Dr. █████). This prompted calls for extensive clinical investigations to determine if RPC-603 could possibly alter the baseline genetics of developing foetuses without the addition of anomalous botanical features.
However, a conventional investigation by HR revealed that Dr. ████ was in fact conducting an extramartial affair with Agent ████; Dr. ████ had sex with Agent ████ shortly before RPC-603-1 implantation, followed by post-implantation coitus with Dr. █████. It is suspected that Dr. ████ initially became pregnant with Agent ████'s child, only for implantation to have triggered a superfecund release of a second egg cell that became fertilized with Dr. █████'s spermatozoons shortly after.
This revelation caused a verbal altercation to break out in HR between Drs. ████ and █████, each accusing the other of being responsible for various failures in their marriage. In addition, Agent ████ had to be extradited back to Site-008 to provide fresh genetic material to prove the RPC-603-3 in question was fathered by him. When his appeals to postpone returning to Site-008 were denied, other agents were required to forcibly restrain him from his subsequent attempts to flee.
Upon reaching Site-008, Agent ████ became confronted by █████ and a short physical altercation between █████, ████ and ████ broke out. Numerous witnesses report hearing Agent ████ frantically claim that Dr. ████ initiated the tryst, causing ████ to assault him on top of attacking █████ until sufficient personnel intervened to suppress the brawl.
It was later confirmed that the RPC-603-3s are indeed half-siblings, with the one in question bearing numerous DNA profile matches with Agent ████.
While the RPC Authority generally prefers to wash its hands clean of inter-personnel drama, the highly immature display by all 3 parties does not meet the Authority's required standards of professionalism. Both doctors have been scheduled for mandatory counseling and Agent ████ has been put on probation for his attempts at going AWOL. Both RPC-603-3s fathered by █████ and ████ have been placed into the OAA/RMA as none of the 3 parties have been judged mature or responsible enough to raise them, and guidelines for the usage of RPC-603 has been updated to minimize the possibility of such incidents occurring once more.
CSD-7146, an RPC-603-2 5 months into her pregnancy, dies due to preeclampsia. The RPC-603-1 leaf was observed to prematurely detach from her abdomen within an hour of post-mortem. Life signs were observed to persist within CSD-7146's abdomen, and as such her body was placed under observation. Over the next few hours, the RPC-603-1 leaf was observed to grow further above the navel, while its roots began growing outwards across CSD-7146's body.
The consensus between researchers was that the RPC-603-1 was undergoing a new growth pattern triggered by host death. A motion was passed to bury CSD-7146 in a shallow grave within Site-008's greenhouse under soil, temperature and humidity conditions favourable towards RPC-603 growth, placed under daily observation. The RPC-603-1 was observed to continue growing, sprouting smaller leaves along its primary stem. Within weeks, researchers noticed a fluid-filled membrane sac slowly rising out of the ground, with RPC-603-1 performing thermogenesis to raise its heat above the ambient room temperature. The sac appears to function as an artificial womb to continue housing and nourishing the infant, and its membrane was sufficiently translucent in allowing researchers to visually inspect the RPC-603-3's growth. To assist in this, the area surrounding the sac was maintained to simulate a human's core body temperature of 36.5–37.5 °C.
Upon full term the membrane ruptures to effortlessly "deliver" the RPC-603-3. Inspection of the sac and umbilical cord shows extensive conversion of CSD-7146's reproductive organs into plant material, while retaining traces of her DNA. The RPC-603-3 does not display any anomalous features so far, as CSD-7146 had displayed excellent health prior to her death. The RPC-603-3 is to be raised under the OAA/RMA dormitory. Unlike conventional instances who self-terminate post-delivery, the former RPC-603-1 continues to live on as an independent organism while growing new RPC-603-1 microtubers.