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An instance of RPC-588, deceased after administering a dose of RPC-588-A.

Registered Phenomena Code: 588
Object Class: Beta-White
Secondary Class: Utility
Hazard Types: N/A
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Containment Protocols: Instances of RPC-588 are to be kept inside a bio-dome at Site-███. The dome is to be populated with flowers and herbs of various types and maintain a day-night cycle. The plants are to be watered at nighttime via overhead spray irrigation. Due to wild instances of RPC-588 being nearly impossible to detect, containment of RPC-588 requires constant monitoring of local news. Any reports of suspect RPC-588 instances are to be investigated immediately, with instances of RPC-588 being contained. Contained populations of RPC-588 are to be scanned for any non-anomalous honey bees, which are to be released. Due to continued use, no upper limit on RPC-588 population is in place and a minimum population of seven hundred is to be maintained. Any personnel wishing to engage in testing of RPC-588 outside of medical needs must submit to a medical evaluation for verification as free of any physical ailments. Personnel wishing to make use of RPC-588-A for personal medical purposes must submit an application (See Addendum-588-01).
Honey produced by RPC-588, referred to as RPC-588-B, is to be divided and stored in clearly labeled 1 L glass jars. Jars containing RPC-588-B are to be stored within the storage wing of Site-███ inside a medium sized security locker. RPC-588-B is to be collected once every two weeks by designated containment personnel. Requests for access to RPC-588-B for research purposes are to be submitted to the on-site research department head. Access requests for medical purposes are to be submitted to the on-site medical department head. Personnel wishing to make use of RPC-588-B for personal medical purposes must submit an application (See Addendum-588-01).
Description: RPC-588 refers to any member of an anomalous subspecies of the common Honey Bee (Apis). The natural behavior of RPC-588, as well as its appearance are indistinguishable from its non-anomalous biological sibling. Instances of RPC-588 are non-aggressive and will generally avoid subjects who are not suffering from any disease or sickness. Subjects who possess any form of physical or psychological illness will produce an apparently aggressive response from instances of RPC-588, regardless of whether or not the subject in question has engaged in disruptive activity. Currently, approximately three thousand instances of RPC-588 are in containment, including four queens. Each RPC-588 queen produces between five and fifteen RPC-588 eggs in a single day.
Upon stinging a subject RPC-588 will release RPC-588-A into the subject's bloodstream. Stingers from RPC-588 are comprised of a honey-like substance with relatively weak chemical bonds. When left inside a subject's skin a stinger will slowly insert itself into the subject's body, quickly breaking itself down into amino-acids upon entry. Despite being a subspecies of Anthophila, RPC-588 produces no allergic reaction upon stinging a subject with an allergy to Bees.
RPC-588-A is a chemical agent of unknown composition. Study or recreation of the base chemical form of RPC-588-A is currently impossible, due to the compound immediately dematerializing upon contact with the atmosphere, as well as quickly changing its behavior upon entering a body. When injected into a subject RPC-588-A immediately begins seeking out and counteracting a single affliction, leading to a subject being cured of the targeted affliction within a maximum of two days. Once RPC-588-A targets an affliction, it will begin changing its behavior within the body in order to specialize in combating the ailment. Behavioral changes include, but are not limited to, specialization in focusing on repairing damaged cells, rewriting of subject’s DNA, and combating viral strains. RPC-588-A does not appear to be able to cure physical injuries, as RPC-588 instances are not attracted to any such afflictions. Currently, no negative side effects of RPC-588-A have been discovered. RPC-588-A are not guaranteed to target any specific affliction.
RPC-588 produces non-anomalous honey at a similar rate to non-anomalous honey bees. Following an incident in the Site-███ cafeteria on ██/██/201█, Honey produced by RPC-588 is to be designated as RPC-588-B. Testing of RPC-588-B has revealed that, although chemically similar to honey, it is comprised of mutated omnipotent stem cells. When applied to exposed wounds RPC-588-B will begin a slow process of repairing the damaged tissue or bone, using itself as a replacement for the damaged area. RPC-588-B will not change its appearance once this process has been completed despite mimicking and replacing the damaged/lost cells on a molecular level, fully integrating itself as a part of a subject's body with minimal to no resistance. RPC-588-B will only target the closest injury to where the substance was applied on the subject's body and will show no activity if applied more than approximately 30 cm away from an injury. Due to the limited quantity and production of RPC-588-B, the upper limits of what RPC-588-B can replace is currently unknown.
RPC-588 has been approved for medical use in Site-███, along with open applications for receiving a dose of RPC-588-A/-B. Due to the limited population and reproductive cycle, as well as limited RPC-588-B production, applications are accepted on a need basis (See Addendum-588-01). Doses of RPC-588-A administered annually must not exceed half the population at the beginning of the previous December.
The following is an application for doses of RPC-588-A or RPC-588-B. Should any personnel wish to make use of RPC-588-A/-B for personal reasons, they are to fill out the following application and request contact details from their respective department head.
The following is a log of the results from various tests of RPC-588-A/-B. This log has been shortened to the results of one per unique affliction among afflictions chosen for demonstration purposes, for the sake of brevity.