
Schwert meiner Liebe und Königreiche




The following file describes a mentally possessive medieval instrument of war, and is Level 4/586 Classified
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Registered Phenomena Code: 586 Level 4/586
Object Class: Theta-Orange Classified

Hazard Types: h-animated.png Animated Hazard h-incorporeal.png Incorporeal Hazard Psychotronic.png Psychotronic Hazard h-sapient.png Sapient Hazard h-contact.png Contact Hazard h-extra-dimensional.png Extra-dimensional Hazard h-mind-control.png Mind-Control Hazard h-ontological.png Ontological Hazard h-sensory.png Sensory Hazard

Containment Protocols: RPC-586 is stored in a sword display case featuring a level 3 security bio-metric fingerprint scanner on Site-007. When not in use the blade of RPC-586 is to be kept in good condition. Maintenance will be conducted by an on-Site ASF Armorer trained in classic grinding/sharpening techniques. The designated area is to be supervised by Mobile Specialized Team Hotel-01 ("Highlanders"). In the event of an unexpected on-site containment breach, personnel assigned to the task force are to lend support to RPC-586-1.

For testing and re-containment of an anomaly, a damage resistant humanoid mannequin composed of titanium and assorted alloys is to hold RPC-586. An explosive device is to be installed inside the arms of the mannequin in the event of RPC-586-1 attempting a non-violent containment breach or deviating from its assigned task.

After all affairs are done, RPC-586-1 will be rewarded with interactive media related to history and/or religion at the discretion of the lead Research personnel. Afterwards, the blade will be treated, cleaned, and returned to its containment chamber.

For interviews and live tissue destructive testing, only CSD-class females are authorized to hold RPC-586 to fulfill the need for an organic instance of RPC-586-1. To achieve a permanent stay, the CSD will be required to cause a minor laceration in their dominant hand using RPC-586. After the cut is done, the CSD then is require to drop blood in the blade while speaking the following phrase: "Per meum sacrificium offero corpus meum et animam in auxilium sancta ecclesia".1

After a task is completed and RPC-586-1 demonstrates good behavior, RPC-586-1 is to be rewarded with coitus from an infertile CSD2 psychological therapy; should RPC-586 refuse the therapy as the reward, she can choose practising marksmanship at the on-site range facilities or to be to be taught lessons in their chosen topic.

In the event of an external re-containment emergency, RPC-586-1 is to be authorized a Level 3 clearance relating to its task with the INTAKE (IB-400) security team taking partial leash of RPC-586-1. Should the subject who came into contact with RPC-586 or RPC-586-1 expire while on duty, RPC-586 is to be recovered as soon as possible.

Because of the mentally possessive nature of RPC-586-1, the designated possessed entity is not to be terminated and will instead be stored in a standard humanoid containment cell with limited roaming access to on-Site ASF barracks and cafeteria while escorted by three security guards.



Description: RPC-586 is a medieval one-handed castillon sword dating from 1520 A.C. made from steel, silver and gold3. The sword has been engraved with catholic religious iconography along its length, the pommel has been inlaid in gold with the symbol of The Ashfahl Union.4

RPC-586 shows a great resistance to any type of damage that should be capable of physical damage and immunity to temperatures that can cause the materials of RPC-586 to melt5 or shatter. The condition of RPC-586's blade has never been observed to rust, crack, or suffer damage under use.

If RPC-586 is held by any living humanoid entity, the consciousness and thoughts of said entity will be temporally blocked and RPC-586-1 will appear inside the now host of RPC-586-1. If said person drops RPC-586, the effects of RPC-586-1 will stop manifesting. The only way to archive a permanant manifestation is to cause any type of laceration in their main hand using RPC-586 and reciting the following phrase: "Per meum sacrificium offero corpus meum et animam in auxilium sancta ecclesia".

RPC-586-1 is a psionic entity living inside the sword. The entity is a female of Spanish origin, identifying itself as "Andrea", who by interviews and research, was proven to be a Spanish conquistador of the new world and an ex-custodian of the ruins of Mount Vesuvius.

RPC-586-1 only speaks in European Spanish; RPC-586-1 does not know English, while possessing some understanding of the proto-German language. Interviews made with RPC-586-1 revealed a strong hatred towards the Catholic Church, but at the same time a strong sense of religious doctrines such as “God vs. Satan” and “the protection of God by praying and war”, actively takes part in prayers and communion around the site.

While very friendly towards any authority agents and personnel, RPC-586-1 displays an exceptionally inquisitorial and judgmental attitude while performing missions involving the re-containment and acquisition of anomalies. Because of the great time-lapse from the Spanish conquest over Latin America and modern times, RPC-586-1 often confuses the names of countries; like for example calling Mexico the “New Spain” and Germany “the land of the pope”.

When RPC-586-1 gets involved in a confrontation, RPC-586 will start to combust with blue and orange flames while creating a type of plate amour and shield composed of flames of the same colors covering from feet to neck6. If RPC-586-1 is accompanied by Catholic people and/or people who believe in Christian teachings, the flames of RPC-586-1 will start to manifest outside of the sword and shield, covering a ring of non-anomalous fire surrounding RPC-586-1 and the people around her.

In the event that the physical body of RPC-586-1 expires on combat, the armor and sword will stop emitting fire and the corpse will start combusting to the point of spreading white flames to the surroundings, burning everything in a radius of 13 meters7. After the flames subdue, the scorched skeleton of RPC-586-1 can be found alongside with RPC-586; RPC-586 can be safely retrieved and even handle after the event. RPC-586-1 will comment about the event and question about the cause of death.


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