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Registered Phenomena Code: 552
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow
Hazard Types: Organic Hazard, Visual Hazard, Sentient Hazard
Figure 12-5: Image of Soldier instance of RPC-552.
Containment Protocols: RPC-552 is to be contained in an 8m x 4m x 1m terrarium. The enclosure is to have no less than 3 hides at various points throughout the tank and is to be placed on top of a 3cm layer of topsoil. The heating apparatuses are to be situated at the west side of the enclosure to create a heat gradient from the west (30°C) to the east (23ºC) side of the terrarium. RPC-552 is to have its water replaced every day and be fed a meal of live crickets coated with calcium supplements every two days. The tank should be cleaned on a bi-weekly basis.
Authority staff assigned to care for RPC-552 must take extreme caution while near RPC-552's enclosure to ensure RPC-552 does not in any way feel threatened. This includes slow, methodical movement, and a calm demeanor. Authority staff who manage to provoke or alarm RPC-552 are to be immediately re-assigned to another task.
In the event that RPC-552 becomes panicked, Authority staff are to immediately take the inhaler of RPC-925 which has been provided in the containment room. Should there be insufficient time to access RPC-925, staff are to go prone preferably at a 1m distance from RPC-552's terrarium in order to avoid damaging the tank.
Description: RPC-552 is a species of desert-dwelling reptiles closely resembling that of Eublepharis macularius. While RPC-552's temperament is normally docile, when threatened it has displayed an array of anomalous abilities. Manifestations of these abilities include subjects experiencing seizures, temporary blindness, disorientation, and loss of consciousness.
It is hypothesized that RPC-552 channels its anomalous effects through its tail. It has been observed that prior to any attack, RPC-552 slowly wags its tail in the air in an 'S' shape. Instances of RPC-552 which have lost their tails have not been observed to utilize their anomalous abilities until the tail has been regrown.
There are multiple recorded instances of RPC-552 exhibiting eusocial behavior in much the same manner as Heterocephalus glaber. The social structure consists of one breeding female and one or more breeding males, with the rest of the colony being relegated to worker or soldier roles. The average colony of RPC-552 numbers approximately 10-25 instances. RPC-552 has displayed the ability to non-verbally communicate and has shown rudimentary organizational skills.
RPC-552 has exhibited higher brain functionality compared to a non-anomalous instance of Eublepharis macularius, proving capable of recognizing individual humans as well as individual instances of RPC-552. Depending on whether the experience was benign or malevolent, RPC-552's reaction will range from apathy to outright hostility.
Addendum: Discovery:
RPC-552 was brought to the attention of the Authority when reports of mass hysteria suddenly began coming out of [REDACTED]; a small village in northern Afghanistan. Interviews with the locals allowed for the creation of a vague chronology of events.
Events began initially when a group of the local children returned to [REDACTED] carrying one of their own who was convulsing uncontrollably. This individual had no prior history of epilepsy. The children explained that they were throwing stones at a lizard on the outskirts of town when one of them collapsed on the ground, convulsing uncontrollably. After 30 minutes, the convulsions subsided and the child returned to normal.
Approximately two days following the initial event, another two individuals became afflicted with seizures. The couple were in their 30s and had reportedly been walking around the outskirts of town. When the first individual succumbed to seizures, the second individual offered her assistance before shortly thereafter collapsing herself. Neither individual reported seeing any humans in their immediate surroundings at the time of the event.
In the following weeks, anybody from the village who strayed too close to the northeastern outskirts became overcome by seizures. Soon thereafter, a group of 4-5 lizards were spotted within approximately 50 meters of the village proper by one of the village elders. The sightings would persist and increase in frequency until a large group of them descended upon the town en masse.
The lizards would reportedly approach within 10 meters of a villager and slowly wave their tail in the air. Shortly thereafter the individual would collapse on the ground and begin convulsing. Others reportedly experienced temporary blindness which would last approximately 24 hours.
These "raids" persisted up until recovery team [REDACTED] managed to secure RPC-552 and relocate them to Site-009.
Addendum 2: Recovery:
Due to the apparent anomalous abilities RPC-552 possesses, each member of the recovery team is was outfitted with one inhaler of RPC-925, three carrying containers for transport of RPC-552, and one canister of low concentration tranquilizer gas.
Recovery teams were sent into the area after inhaling RPC-925. RPC-552's anomalous properties were successfully nullified by RPC-925, and recovery teams were able to operate uninterrupted. The failure of RPC-552's abilities seemed to confuse the colony, allowing for recovery teams to move in and contain the "queen" of RPC-552's colony.
Once RPC-552's "queen" was extracted, the remaining colony became extremely agitated and attacked Authority personnel. This attack seemed to have been an act of desperation, however, and the subsequent containment of the rest of RPC-552's colony was reported as "surprisingly easy."
Addendum 3: Colony Functionality
Following the successful recovery and relocation of RPC-552, senior Herpetologist Dr. Gray was assigned to the observation and research of the RPC-552 colony. He reported testing and research could not begin for approximately 2 weeks as the colony established itself in the new terrarium. Regardless, observations during this period were relatively productive.
There are three observable roles in an RPC-552 colony: soldiers, workers, and the queen. The average worker/soldier is approximately 25cm, while the 'queen' measures up to 40cm. Workers primarily collect insects to return to the colony as well as groom the queen. Soldiers defend the colony from predators as well as harass nearby entities perceived to be threats to the colony. The Queen lays an average of 2 eggs a month and coordinates the colony.
Addendum 4: Applications:
it has been discovered that RPC-552 has the ability to sort individuals into groups and recognize members of these groups even if no prior contact with that individual has been made. This discovery was made through strenuous testing with CSD-class personnel.
In experiment-1, CSD personnel wearing an orange jumpsuit was ordered to antagonize the colony of RPC-552. After 30 seconds of antagonistic behavior, the CSD subject was overcome with seizures. This experiment was repeated an additional 10 times with different personnel in the same style uniform. Following the 7th test, RPC-552 would become hostile to test subjects without provocation.
When CSD personnel wearing a black and white striped jumpsuit, RPC-552's reaction was one of ambivalence. Additional testing showed that RPC-552 would actively seek out and engage CSD subjects in orange uniforms within a 1km radius of the colony.
RPC-552 can be "trained" to engage with targets of interest to the Authority. Be it crowd control of rioting CSD-class, or the incapacitation of members of GoIs. RPC-552 is an ideal means for non-lethally and covertly neutralizing people of interest to the Authority