
An artistic depiction of Malphas, a major biblical demon similar to RPC-514 in appearance.

Registered Phenomena Code: 514
Object Class: Gamma-Red
Hazard Types: Grouped Hazard, Sapient Hazard, Organic Hazard
Containment Protocols: Although it is currently impossible to contain all instances of RPC-514, cooperation between religious organizations1 in the New York area and theistic personnel from Site-286 has rendered RPC-514 isolated to the island of Manhattan. Local religious authorities have agreed to continue efforts to definitively isolate RPC-514 to a smaller area, however this process is currently unsuccessful following the destruction of Site-313.
If RPC-514 ever attempts to stage any form of coordinated attack on the local churches and/or mosques, MST Papa-1 "Berserkers" is tasked with assisting in recontainment efforts. Authority personnel are to be equipped with armaments specifically outfitted with religious symbolism in order to abuse RPC-514's sensitivity towards said symbolism.
Description: RPC-514 is a species of avian humanoids bearing great resemblance to the biblical entity "Malphas", depicted in Pseudomonarchia Daemonum2 as a humanoid bird that assisted in construction of supposedly unholy buildings. Although not inherently anomalous, RPC-514 instances show great sensitivity towards religious symbolism, and bear physical resemblance towards the aforementioned biblical demons. RPC-514 instances are specifically susceptible to symbolism originating from the major Abrahamic religions, such as Christian and/or Muslim symbolism.
All instances of RPC-514 have been generally observed grouping in the island of Manhattan, specifically on numerous skyscrapers. Extraction of RPC-514 from these areas3 is currently impossible, as the shareholders in these buildings have refused to allow Authority agents to remove RPC-514. This is assumedly non-anomalous, however investigation is ongoing into these shareholders' relations with RPC-514 instances.
Although RPC-514 instances partake in the building of nests like their non-anomalous counterparts, their "nests" consist of large concrete brick structures, generally built to resemble the building that they are nesting on. For instance, if RPC-514 instances are nesting on a traditional clay brick structure, they will gather materials that resemble those of the exterior walls, and continue building upon the roof of the structure. It is unknown at this time how RPC-514 do such actions that would be required to add to a building such as rewiring rooftop electronics, connecting air ventilation systems, and/or rerouting of water pipes. When RPC-514 instances finish the nesting process, they will usually construct a faux version of whatever transport system is used to access the higher portions of the building, and block all entrances to the nesting area.

Authority personnel deconstructing RPC-514 nesting grounds
When this process is fully completed, the building will appear non-anomalous from the exterior, yet will have a noticeable lack of any interior infrastructure in the areas that were added by RPC-514 instances. It is unknown at this time how many buildings in the Manhattan area have been affected by this process, as conducting an extensive search of all buildings in the area has been deemed too resource-intensive. Five RPC-514 nesting grounds have been deconstructed since their discovery, an effort which generally consists of adding interior infrastructure to the buildings.
Full investigation of RPC-514 nesting grounds is hereby postponed, due to their tendency to attack any and all personnel who attempt to access the areas of the buildings used for mating and/or roosting purposes. This is assumedly to protect their young, however all RPC-514 instances encountered have been mature adults. Only one nest has been fully explored prior to renovation, as most nests are abandoned at the time of Authority discovery.
Addendum: Prior to the event on 09/11/01, RPC-514 instances showed a significant spike in activity, and became openly hostile towards religious persons in the Manhattan area. A request was made to begin termination of significantly aggressive RPC-514 instances.
This request was later denied by Site Director ████████ 13 days later, after RPC-514 ceased extensive hostilities. The reason for this is unknown, and Site Director ████████ has yet to be recovered after denying the request.