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Registered Phenomena Code: 513 Containment Class: Beta Lethality Rating: Orange |
Containment Protocols: RPC-513 must be kept within a Faraday cage1 locked within a reinforced containment room at Site-002 only accessible by personnel with level 3 security clearance or higher. No electronics possessing speakers are permitted to be near RPC-513. RPC-513 must not be played under any circumstances and the containment area of RPC-513 must be equipped with incinerators.
In the event that RPC-513 breaches containment, all intercom speakers and other electronic speakers within the site must be shut off immediately and armed personnel will be tasked with locating and re-containing RPC-513. Once re-containment is completed, all electronic speakers can be reactivated.
All RPC-513-1 instances should be retained for research and testing purposes. If neutralized, the RPC-513-1 corpse must be disposed of via incineration. Surgical procedures performed on RPC-513-1 instances have been discontinued, all tests on RPC-513 have been restricted, and all testing requests are to be denied.
Description: RPC-513 is a vintage vinyl record estimated to originate from the late 1940s - 1950s with a diameter of 30.48cm and weighing approximately 149.9g and is not visibly anomalous. RPC-513 bears no paper label, and its ventral surface is severely scratched.2
RPC-513 emits radio waves and connects to any device with a speaker, regardless if it is designed for a UHF connection or not. The device must be in a range of 2.2m or less from RPC-513 to properly connect. If RPC-513 has no speaker in its range, 8 insectile, leg-like appendages similar that of an arachnid will grow from the edges of RPC-513 in order to search for the nearest speaker to connect to and will remain non-hostile towards any form of life. The appendages are 15.24cm in length and are constructed of PVC.3
When RPC-513 connects to a speaker, it will begin to play jazz music. The music is heavily distorted and its music appears to have been executed by poorly skilled musicians. Multiple instruments4 can be heard, some of which do not belong in an ordinary jazz band. RPC-513 is capable of connecting to any type of speaker regardless of its original use.5
Any subject who is able to hear the music produced from RPC-513 is designated RPC-513-1. RPC-513-1 instances are humanoid entities who do not have any considerable physical changes in appearance, although, once the music has ended or has been paused in any way, the RPC-513-1 instances will begin to grow objects, identified as records, in multiple vital areas such as the cranial, abdominal, and chest cavity. All veins and arteries have been identified as being able to pass through each disc, although these discs are capable of causing the RPC-513-1 instance severe pain, discomfort, and after a long period of time,6 fatal aneurysms.7
Recent tests have shown that once the RPC-513-1 instance has passed away, it is much easier to remove the record-shaped growths within the body. Extracted records are labeled with, and contain music from, a variety of different artists and songs both historical and modern. The following are multiple songs recovered from RPC-513-1 instances.
- Fur Elise composed by Ludwig van Beethoven (1867)
- Angel Child by Al Jolson (1922)
- Sweet Dreams by Annie Lennox (1983)
- Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley (1987)
- Blue by Eiffel 65 (1999)
- Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes (2003)
- Photograph by Nickelback (2005)
- Lass uns laufen by Tokio Hotel (2009)
- New Divide by Linkin Park. (2009)
When each record was played, it would play the specified song labeled on the disc, although will have slight distortion along with out-of-tune music with vocals from the original artist if any.
Discovery: RPC-513 first came to the attention of the Authority after a report of 7 men and 3 women that had grown odd disc-shaped tumors after listening to what was described by a patient as "Awful music" during an office staff meeting at the One World Trade Center in New York City, New York. Once word had gotten out, the Authority took custody of the patients and were kept for special treatment and questioning.
After questioning had been completed, Mobile Specialized Team Echo-21 ("Sleeping Sirens") had been dispatched to search for and safely contain RPC-513. This mission resulted in the death of 2 MST members due to RPC-513's auditory effects. Medical staff from the Tisch Hospital in Manhattan involved with the discovery were all administered Class A-3 amnestics. Media coverage of the incident was successfully suppressed. The victims passed away a week after being taken into custody and standard cover stories for the cause of death were given to the families of each subject.
Addendum 513.1: As of today there is no safe way of removing these discs from an RPC-513-1 instance. Removal of the discs will cause the vital organs involved to become severely damaged and will often cause severe internal bleeding as well as a much more painful death. The Head Researcher for RPC-513 has recommended that these surgeries should no longer be attempted for this reason.
Addendum 513.2: On 3/28/2018, a record removed from an RPC-513-1 instance was labeled Old Town Road, by an artist identified as "Lil Nas X. [sic]" No artist or song of this title is known to exist. A vinyl copy of the song in question was released in 2019, indicating that RPC-513 is capable of generating recordings of songs that do not yet exist.