




Registered Phenomena Code: 511

Object Class: Beta-Red

Hazard Types: Aggression Hazard, Grouped Hazard, Sapient Hazard, Ballistic Hazard, Bio Hazard, Toxic Hazard, Ecological Hazard, Transmutation Hazard.

Containment Protocols: RPC-511 is currently contained within the former Site-029. All windows and entrances of the Site have been sealed, with the exception of the northern entrance, which has been modified into a dual airlock access port. Air filtration systems are to be checked on once a week and undergo maintenance once a month. A 3 m high fence encompasses a 100 m perimeter of Site-029, a security force of two (2) personnel is to patrol the fence at 1 hour intervals.

Site-029-2 is to monitor the area around the former Site-029 for any signs of damage to or directly near the facility. If any damage is sighted directly on or within a 250 m radius of the Site, a containment breach is to be declared and ASF units are to be sent in to assess and neutralize the threat. If any instances of RPC-511-1 are encountered by ASF teams, they are to be captured alive and transported to Site-029-2 for study and release back into Site-029. they are to be terminated on sight and held at Site-029-2 for study and disposal (see Addendum: Interview 511-2 for more details). All damage is to be repaired and Class G amnestics are to be deposited into the Site via the air filtration systems. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed to enter Site-029, explorations into the Site to assess the development of RPC-511-1 will take place via drone observation, significant developments are to be reported to the Site-029-2 Director immediately. If the development is judged to be a threat to the continued containment of RPC-511, ASF units, wearing full body HAZMAT gear, are authorized to directly enter Site-029 to neutralize the threat.

Description: RPC-511 is the collective designation for a group of various species of fauna and flora that have spread throughout Site-029. The fauna were initially contained within a terrarium, measuring 6 m x 5 m x 5 m1(19 ft. x 16 ft. x 16 ft.). As such, the species are very small in stature, most entities measured no larger than 3 cm (~1in) during initial containment. The various species that make up RPC-511 appear to be genetically modified, and resemble various other well known species with one noticeable difference. Below is an abridged list of various species which were initially observed when RPC-511 was contained within the terrarium.2 A full list of all species which are part of RPC-511 can be found in Document 511-B7. No Plant species within the terrarium were found to be anomalous or unusual.

Species Physical Description Notes
RPC-511-1 [REDACTED] Personnel with security clearance level 3 may view Addendum: 511-1 for details. [REDACTED]
RPC-511-2 Species resembles Giraffa camelopardalis (Common Giraffe), with the exception that instances have two fully functioning necks and heads, each able to act independent from the other. Instances appear to utilize their two necks to simultaneously eat and drink at the same time.
RPC-511-3 Species resembles Ursus arctos (Brown Bear), though instances appear to be hexapedal. Instances have shown an extraordinary digging ability, being able to create very large and elaborate burrows.
RPC-511-4 Species resembles Panthera leo (African Lion), instances appear to have a multitude of prehensile tails, each one terminating in a large, bone-like protrusion. Instances appear to utilize their tails as a whip when fighting.
RPC-511-5 Species resembles Alces alces (American Moose), instances have antler-like protrusions extending outward from all areas of their torso, not just the head. Instances are immune to most other species attacks due to this fact.
RPC-511-6 Species resembles Canis lupus (Grey Wolf), instances appear to have two mouths, one on top of the other, the upper set of teeth appears to only be incisors and canines, while the lower appears to only be premolars and molars. Instances utilize each set of teeth for various purposes, using the upper jaw to initially attack prey and using the molars when encountering tough flesh or bone.
RPC-511-7 Species resembles Struthio camelus (Common Ostrich), instances appear to be capable of flight, as their wings appear to be significantly larger than typical Ostriches, speculated to be 4 m (13ft.) if instance was normal size. Instances utilize their flight and naturally large fore toes to "dive bomb" potential prey to attempt to neutralize it.

Discovery: The terrarium which initially housed RPC-511 was found in the home of ████████ ██████, a biology professor at the University of ████████████, within a personal laboratory located within the establishment. Ms.██████ went missing after she was last seen hastily leaving campus,3 apparently disgruntled with a decision made by the Dean of Science concerning her work. The Dean made a call to local law enforcement, claiming that Ms.██████ was "committing unethical genetic experiments on living organisms." Police raided the home of Ms.██████, where they found the terrarium and RPC-511 within a hidden room of the building. Embedded Authority personnel within the police were able to secure the terrarium and amnestitize all witnesses of RPC-511. The Dean of Science was interrogated and was found to have no part in the creation of RPC-511, he had only learned of it after Ms. ██████ presented the anomaly to him and begged for it to be shared with the University and the world as a whole.

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