Addendum 511-1: Information concerning RPC-511-1.
RPC-511-1 appear to resemble Homo sapiens (Humans), instances are notable in that they appear to be the most heavily genetically modified species of RPC-511. RPC-511-1 instances have 3 eyes, and appear to be tripedal. Also of note is that RPC-511-1 instances appear to be intelligent, having been seen creating tools, forming complex tribal societies, and conversating in both English and an unknown language seemingly of their own design. RPC-511-1 was initially ignorant of their true size and nature, but have since learned of their stature and have made attempts to change it.
Information gathered from RPC-511-1 can be found in Interviews 511-1 and -2.
Addendum: Interview 511-1, Dated 08/27/200█.
Interviewed: An instance of RPC-511-1, designated RPC-511-1-1. Subject appears to be male, tan skin, dark hair, two eyes appear to be brown in coloration, while one is yellow.
Interviewer: Doctor ██████.
Foreword: Amnestics were deposited into the terrarium holding RPC-511, afterwards, an instance of RPC-511-1 was carefully removed from the terrarium. Subject was placed inside a small box with a one way mirror so as to observe the entity and to hide the true nature of the interviewer from it. A miniature microphone and speaker was placed into the box to allow for communication.
<Begin Log>
RPC-511-1-1: My, what is this which I am placed within? Does The Goddess ██████1 find Me, such a mundane being, to be worthy of such direct observation?
Dr. ██████: Hello? Can you understand me?
RPC-511-1-1: What is this? This is not The Goddess which conversates with Me? Is this an Other? Ah, I see, so We must have been accepted by The Goddess' peers, (Unintelligible.)2.
Dr. ██████: Er- yes, Ms. ██████ showed you to us, it's nice to meet you, we have a lot of questions.
RPC-511-1-1: "Miis" ██████? Is this the true name of The Goddess?
Dr. ██████: No, Ms. is a specific title for women. but listen, we have many questions and we can explain many things. I will explain first and if you feel it is possible, I would like to ask some questions.
RPC-511-1-1: (Unintelligible.),3 Oh how blessed am I to learn first of the Others, please, tell me about Your world.
Dr. ██████: Right, so, uh- one moment, I must converse with my peers on how best to present you information which you can quantify and perceive.
RPC-511-1-1: Of course, I am content to wait for the sake of Gods.
at this point, Doctor ██████ temporarily halts the interview to consult with the supervising personnel in the observation room adjacent to the interview room on how best to explain RPC-511's current status.
Dr. ██████: Alright, first, let us introduce each-other, I'm Dr. ██████.
RPC-511-1-1: Greetings Doktor ██████, My name is Zechariah, it is a blessing to meet You.
Dr. ██████: Very nice to meet you Zechariah, now, let me explain. you, well, all of the beings and animals you know, have been brought to our attention by Ms. ██████, after She gave us a lengthy presentation about your creation,4 and we are very intrigued, so much so that we'd like to study you more closely.
RPC-511-1-1: (Unintelligible.)!5 Praise be unto The Goddess! So, this means We may enact The Growing, correct?
Dr. ██████: The "growing"? I'm sorry I do not know what you mean?
RPC-511-1-1: Oh wait, You said You still wanted to study Us, The Growing shall wait then.
Dr. ██████: Just a minute now, can you define what you mean by "the growing"?
RPC-511-1-1: The Goddess has not explained this to You? She said that if You accept Us We may enact The Growing so that We may be of Your world.6 Where is The Goddess now?
Dr. ██████: (stuttering.) uh- well-
RPC-511-1-1: Aren't You The Dee-an, He who will Judge Us7, so that We may be worthy of Your world?
Doctor ██████ receives a visual cue from the supervising personnel to terminate the interview.
Dr. ██████: I'm very sorry Zechariah, but I cannot tell you anything more.
RPC-511-1-1: No, wait, if You are not The Dee-an, who are You?
Dr. ██████: I cannot say, believe me, in time we will explain to you about ourselves and your true nature.
RPC-511-1-1: (stammering.) But, The Growing?
Amnestics are deposited into the box containing RPC-511-1-1, rendering the entity unconscious.
<End Log>
Closing Notes:
1 7 This is the name of that woman whose house we found the terrarium in, these entities appear to worship her as a divine figure. It also appears that the Dean of Science was also perceived as a divine figure, though this is unclear.
2 3 5 Here is an example of the language utilized by the entities, research is ongoing to decipher the language as a whole.
4 This sequence of events is actually what happened just before Ms.██████ went missing, she had presented the terrarium and RPC-511 to the Dean of Science, who was wholly opposed to the experiment, thus leading to her falling out at the University.
6 The event described by RPC-511-1-1 is still being investigated as of this writing, whether this event requires Ms.██████ to enact it, or if RPC-511-1 are capable of enacting it themselves is unknown.
Well, this is a predicament. I suppose EaR will be very keenly reviewing this RPC to see what we can do, if we can do anything for these "people"(?). We must learn what this "growing" they keep describing is, and I'm calling for an investigation into the disappearance of Ms.██████, she must be detained and answer for this.
-Dr. ██████
Addendum 511-2: Observation of RPC-511-1's progression while in initial containment.
Below is a log of the development experienced by RPC-511-1 while in containment within the terrarium.
Date: |
Notes: |
08/16/200█. |
The terrarium containing RPC-511 has been brought to Site-029 for study, population of RPC-511-1 noted to be roughly 120. RPC-511-1's civilization noted to be analogous to neolithic tribal societies, in that RPC-511-1 appears to be capable of farming crops, of which none appear to be anomalous, and of keeping several other species as livestock and even as pets. Instances also appear to utilize the wheel, and tools are notably constructed of stone. |
08/27/200█. |
RPC-511-1-1 interviewed, afterwards instance was placed back into the terrarium after amnestics were applied. Curiously, RPC-511-1-1 is noted to speak with a great deal of other RPC-511-1 instances over the next few days. |
09/07/200█. |
The whole population of RPC-511-1 assemble in the middle of the terrarium, RPC-511-1-1 can be seen standing before the crowd, speaking in presumably the native language of the entities. Several reactions are observed in the population of RPC-511-1, including shock, confusion, and some instances shouting back at RPC-511-1-1. |
09/13/200█. |
A split within the population of RPC-511-1 has occurred, roughly 40 instances have joined with RPC-511-1-1, who has taken on the role of a leader, in apparently digging out a section of the terrarium, while the remaining 80 instances attempt to hinder this group. |
10/01/200█. |
The group led by RPC-511-1-1 has unearthed a structure in a corner of the terrarium, there appears to be a doorway into the structure through which RPC-511-1-1 and several other instances enter. Nothing else can be seen within the structure from the vantage point of researchers observing the terrarium. |
10/02/200█. |
The instances opposed to RPC-511-1-1's group's efforts launch an attack on the structure, casualties are sustained on both sides. At approximately 1547 hours, two distinct airborne chemical agents begin dispersing from the structure all throughout the terrarium. Containment area was evacuated and sealed off from rest of the Site as a precaution. |
10/03/200█. |
A Security team of three personnel equipped with biological protection gear are sent into the area of RPC-511 to assess the situation, security teams arrived at the terrarium housing RPC-511 to find it heavily covered in overgrowth. The two airborne chemical agents which were released from the structure did not appear to mix or dissipate. All RPC-511 species were found to be undergoing a process of rapid mutation, which resulted in all instances experiencing near instantaneous growth. |
Incident report 511-1: Loss of Site-029.
On 10/03/200█, at approximately 1115 hours at Site-029, 3 Security personnel first encountered RPC-511 after two unknown airborne chemical agents were released by unknown means into the terrarium housing the anomaly. The personnel noted that there was something ticking down, they then realized that the ticking was coming from something within the terrarium. The personnel did not have time to assess what the ticking was before it suddenly stopped, and the terrarium housing RPC-511 came apart, releasing the airborne agents to the surrounding area.
It appears that the atmosphere within the terrarium was slightly different than the outside, as while the gasses did not mix while within the terrarium, they began to do so once released from it. The compound made by the two agents, dubbed Compound-511, appears to cause near instant transmutation of any and all material it comes into contact with into plants or plant like growths, as the personnel who were directly next to the terrarium as it came apart were later found to have various plant-like growths on their clothing, skin, and even internal organs, with plant growth in their lungs and airways being the most likely cause of death. These plant like growths appear to be similar to [REDACTED]. No RPC-511 instance was effected by the compound in this way.
It was previously stated that the surrounding area of RPC-511 was in fact sealed, and facility records attest to this fact. However, RPC-511-1 instances were now stepping out into the surrounding area, instances were measured at 7.62 cm (3 in), and appeared to be brandishing various weapons coated in what was apparently a liquid form of the compound. The instances began to attack the the surrounding area, spreading the compound all throughout the wing of the facility, as the entities did this, the walls and equipment within the wing began to transmutate into plant matter, causing the seal of the wing to fail. A full evacuation order was launched, as the facility possessed no countermeasures to the compound, an order to destroy the facility, so as to prevent the spread of Compound-511 to the surrounding area, was rescinded, as personnel did not want to risk the loss of the anomaly. 7 personnel casualties were sustained.
After this incident, Site-029 underwent modification to act as a containment area of RPC-511.
Addendum 511-3: Observation of RPC-511-1's progression while in current containment.
After the conversion of Site-029 into the containment area for RPC-511, drones were utilized to monitor the state of the anomaly and the determine Compound-511's effect on different types of matter. Below is a log of the development experienced by RPC-511-1 while in containment at Site-029.
Date: |
Notes: |
11/05/200█. |
First drone observation to assess the affects of the compound on Site-029 as a whole, the facility is found to be covered in large amounts of flora, seemingly sprouting out of all types of materials. The drone is directed to the area where the terrarium was housed, RPC-511-1 instances are encountered, and begin to attack the drone, which ceased operation after the liquefied compound made contact with it. Average height of RPC-511-1 noted to be 12.7 cm (5 in) in height. |
12/02/200█. |
Drone with upgraded outer armor sent in to assess the terrarium RPC-511 was initially contained in, RPC-511-1 and RPC-511-4 instances are encountered, but are avoided. The drone arrives at the terrarium to find that it is still dispensing the chemical agents which make up Compound-511 affecting the facility. Containment protocols revised to counteract this discovery. |
01/07/200█. |
One ASF unit is sent in to attempt to stop the terrarium from producing Compound-511, RPC-511-1 seen to have utilized the compound to produce plant growths to block access to the room where the terrarium is. Personnel are unable to gain access to the terrarium, and retreat after being attacked by RPC-511-1, unit sustained one casualty. RPC-511-1 average height measured at 15.24 cm (6 in). A sample of the compound was collected for study to determine if a possible deterrent can be created. |
At this point, Compound-511 was extensively researched, and it was found that after the compound converted materials into plant matter, most defoliants seemed to revert this change, it is unclear how this process happens. With this in mind, ASF units are to be equipped with commercial grade plant defoliants when traversing Site-029.
02/01/200█. |
RPC-511-1 appears to be causing destruction to Site-029 via spreading of Compound-511 on the walls in an attempt to release it to the surrounding area, ASF units are authorized to enter the facility and successfully stop the spread of the compound with defoliants. ASF teams are then ordered to head towards the terrarium to stop it from producing Compound-511. They are also successful in this task, however, 3 personnel casualties are sustained. Terrarium is removed for study and disassembly. |
The method by which the terrarium released Compound-511 appears to be an automatic release mechanism of the 2 chemical agents into the air via aerosol dispensing devices. Research is ongoing to determine the makeup of the 2 agents used within Compound-511.
02/17/200█. |
It would appear that removing the terrarium was of little consequence, as the plant life within Site-029 appears to naturally generate the compound overtime. Containment protocols revised to counteract this. |
02/28/200█. |
Drone sent into Site-029 is tasked with gathering general information on RPC-511-1, instance population noted to be at around 300, instances appear to be roughly 22.86 cm (9 in) in height. No apparent change is observed in societal development, though instances do utilize various materials recovered from the facility. A large statue seemingly made of plants is observed to stand in the place of where the terrarium once was, statue bears a resemblance to Ms. ██████. |
04/04/200█. |
An escape attempt is made by RPC-511-1 instances utilizing RPC-511-3 to dig under and away from the facility, ASF units are able to halt this attempt and fill in holes made by the entities with concrete. |
06/07/200█. |
RPC-511-1 instances appear to have built a "trebuchet" like device which is used to launch projectiles coated with Compound-511 to attack and attempt to destroy the northern entrance. ASF units successfully disable this device, afterwards one instance of RPC-511-1 was captured for interrogation, instance noted to be 30 cm (~1 ft.) in height. |
Addendum: Interview 511-2, Dated 06/07/200█.
Interviewed: An instance of RPC-511-1, designated RPC-511-1-147. Subject appears to be male, white skin, brown hair, all three of the Subject's eyes appear to be hazel in coloration.
Interviewer: Researcher ███.
Foreward: After multiple attempts were made by RPC-511-1 to escape Site-029 and release the plant producing compound to the surrounding area, an instance of RPC-511-1 was captured and interviewed in an attempt to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict between The Authority and the anomaly. Subject was placed in restraints as entity repeatedly made attempts to escape capture.
<Begin Log>
Researcher ███: Hello, may I please ask, your name?
RPC-511-1-147 is silent, looking away from Researcher ███.
Researcher ███: Listen, we know you can understand English, we want to talk with you and your people to try and end the hostilities.
RPC-511-1-147: How are You hindering The Growing?
Researcher ███: I'm sorry?
RPC-511-1-147: We should have been Your size by now, The Goddess said so, so how have You bastardized Her plans?
Researcher ███: We have done nothing to stop "the growing" as you so call it, we merely want to study you more carefully.
RPC-511-1-147: (Unintelligible.)! Lies! You do know! Firstly, You do not accept Us in Your world, holding Us in this (Unintelligible.), and secondly, Saint Zechariah, may He rest eternally, was able to enact The Goddesses true plan while You made an attempt to stop Him by possessing My people and trying to destroy The Growing. I curse You eternally for this!
Researcher ███: I do not understand? what happened to this "Zechariah"?
RPC-511-1-147: (laughs.) Of course You wouldn't remember The Great Zechariah, He who saw beyond Your veil that You attempted to hide behind, and He who resisted the poison which You used to cloud My peoples recollections. He overcame these sinister actions, but there was one that not even He could resist, You made it so that He could not partake of The Growing! And now, You make it so that We are the same! (Subject violently attempts to rend itself free of the restraints.) HOW!? HOW DO YOU DO THIS?! TELL ME THE CRUEL METHODS ARE YOU USING SO THAT I MAY ENACT THEM ON YOU!
Researcher ███: Please calm down! We are sorry, we had no idea we were doing this to your people.
RPC-511-1-147: (tearing up.) Are You so ignorant? So as to not even realize how cruel You are? (Subject remains silent for several seconds.) But it is no matter, if You wish to be so malicious, the only thing I can do is reciprocate the feeling.
Researcher ███: Listen, as I've said, we were unaware of causing you unnecessary harm and we are very so-
at this point, RPC-511-1-147 begins retching, apparently spitting up a liquefied form of Compound-511, which quickly begins converting the surrounding area into plant like growths. Researcher ███ recoils but is unable to escape the room before the compound makes contact with his skin, causing plant like growths to form on his arm.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: It would appear that the "hindering" we are causing is actually due to the amnestics we gave these beings, some ingredient of it appears to nullify their rapid cellular growth to a degree. I hereby put forth an order to use a regular dose of airborne amnestics as a temporary way of stopping their growth until we find out which ingredient we can use to potentially completely cancel out Compound-511. I am also ordering that no other RPC-511-1 instance is to be interviewed, and a general termination order for all instances found attempting to leave Site-029, My entire forearm had to be amputated because of that instance. We cannot risk losing any other personnel who unnecessarily interact with RPC-511-1, these beings are very much frustrated with their current situation and want to change it through any means necessary, for our own safety and even theirs, we must find a way to make them accept their fate.
-Researcher ███.
After this revelation and further testing, regular release of amnestics were found to halt the growth of RPC-511 significantly, as most instances have remained at 30 cm (~1ft.) in height to the present day. Population of RPC-511-1 still continues to grow however, and is noted to be approximately 600 as of ██/██/201█.