Travelling Artist's Toolbox
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{$translationblock} |
An opened and emptied RPC-490 in an inactive state.
Registered Phenomena Code: 490
Object Class: Alpha-White
Hazards: Animated Hazard, Emotional Hazard, Extra-dimensional Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Visual Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-490 is kept locked in a standard item containment locker kept adjacent to the bedside of PoI-490. Any noise coming from RPC-490's locker is to be investigated for any further letters or documentation from GoI "L'Academia Della Vera Arte".
Researchers requesting to use RPC-490's tools are to submit the appropriate documentation to Dr. Roberts. As of incident 490-3, testing with CSD personnel harbouring escape desires is not recommended. Testers must have background experience and/or training in artistry to be able to fully bring out anomalous effects from the tools and materials within RPC-490. The creation of negative imagery with RPC-490's paint modifying materials is not recommended.
Description: RPC-490 is the designation given to the hand-carry toolbox of PoI-490, containing an array of tools commonly used in artistry. While several of its tools are non-anomalous, various others are and have subsequently received their own sub-classifications.
RPC-490 is constructed of mahogany wood and contains an ornate ivory handle inscribed with the name "Jean-Henri Gasteau" (PoI-490's name). It weighs approximately 2kg without its tools, increasing to 5.5kg once fully filled. When not observed, RPC-490 will animate itself by projecting 4 wooden legs from each bottom corner and one wooden arm that emerges out of the box's lid (RPC-490 is also capable of opening its lid clasp). The styling of these anomalous limbs are highly reminiscent of miniature ball-jointed mannequins commonly used by artists for posing. How it does this remains unknown, as inspection of the box in its inactive state does not reveal any hidden compartments for these limbs to stow into.
After a period of inactivity and unobservance, RPC-490 "awakens" and deploys its appendages to move about its surroundings to perform basic actions. In order of priority: seeking and reclaiming tools removed from it, rearranging/tidying its insides, then moving towards close proximity of PoI-490 and remaining nearby. RPC-490 will not animate or retrieve its tools while they are being actively used by Authority artists for the purpose of creating new works of art, even if said personnel leaves the room for extended periods of time.
An analysis of RPC-490's contents include the following anomalous tools:
Note: With the exception of RPC-490-7, all anomalous tools within RPC-490 bear the logo of GoI "L'Acadamia Della vera Arte" printed, embossed or engraved upon their bodies.
Sub-designation |
Item |
Anomalous traits |
Additional notes |
RPC-490-1 |
Sculpting hammer and chisel |
Softens and warps stone and metals where struck into a putty-like consistency. Affected material gradually hardens, but can be easily moulded by hand or tools in the meanwhile. |
Must be used together to exert anomalous effect. |
RPC-490-2 |
An assortment of nine (9) LADVA-branded painting brushes with hollowed handles that double as paint reservoirs. |
Each brush features a programmable "autopilot" feature. Brushes are "programmed" by repetitive motions, and when activated will levitate and paint the canvas along predisposed paths. |
Painting persists until area is fully painted or paint reserves run out, causing the brush to freeze mid-air. Also noted are several non-anomalous brushes. |
RPC-490-3 |
A jar of colourless granules, labeled "Pour la profondeur" |
When mixed with paint, the resultant scenery of the painting acquires an anomalous 3-dimensional property that shifts based on viewers' viewing angles. |
Effect is purely visual and otherwise harmless, to be used in conjunction with other powders. |
RPC-490-4 |
A jar of dark glitter, labeled "Pour les émotions" |
When mixed with paint, resultant paintings exert an anomalously exaggerated emotional effect within viewers. |
See creation log below for a list of Authority-commissioned paintings utilizing this anomalous reagent. |
RPC-490-5 |
A tin of iridescent varnish, labeled "Pour ouvrir des images" |
When applied to completed paintings, RPC-490-5 produces an extraspatial dimension within applicable areas of the painting (hollows, crevices, windows) that allows the insertion and removal of foreign objects. Objects will change in appearance to match the art style of the painting. |
Discussions are underway to utilize these paintings to hide valuable items, or even serve as temporary/emergency/permanent containment of certain RPC objects/entities. |
RPC-490-6 |
An opaque paint palette with a swivel cover. |
When a well is filled with ink, said ink becomes limitless in supply. Closing the palette causes all inkwells to anomalously empty, revealing a clean palette when next opened. |
Works with paint anomalously enhanced with RPC-490-3 and 4. Also works with RPC-490-5. |
RPC-490-7 |
A seemingly ordinary glass jar, Dolmio-branded cover included. |
When filled with water, wet paintbrushes dipped into it are observed to have their paint slowly "whirlpooled" away into the center of the jar before vanishing, completely cleaning the brush. |
Lacks LADVA branding. It appears that PoI-490 repurposed a jar of retail pasta sauce through unknown means. Cover is non-anomalous. |
RPC-490-8 |
Painting trowel, notably aged although well-cared for. |
Highly random in function: Where it rubs/scrapes across results in various combinations of the following: colour change, texture change, paint viscosity change, depth change, disintegration of paint or reformation of paint into different shapes or even materials. |
The words "Petit Coquin!" are etched into its handle. On the other side, in english and in a handwriting style that does not match PoI-490's, "Chaos is the bedrock of creativity, Jean. Remember this well. R.G." |
RPC-490-9 |
Geometric Compass |
Both 10cm arms can be anomalously extended to 1m in length. When used to plot, this tool generates a line that hovers above the picture, and can be used to easily plot and chart drawings. When opened up in a swiveling manner across the canvas, will generate a curved line. While closed, can be used to "pick up" and move objects drawn in the painting. |
Objects "flung" beyond the canvas' borders will vanish out of sight and become irretrievable, unless the canvas has been "walled off" in advance with border lines, which causes the object to strike the border and react accordingly depending on its contextual form. |
Following approval, several paintings utilizing RPC-490-4 have been created with the aid of local/visiting personnel versed in painting. Below is a log of various RPC-490-4s, containing sub-designations that are coded by emotion: [B]ravery, [T]error, [C]alm, [S]erious, and [O]ther.
Sub-designation |
Depiction |
Reported Emotions |
Additional notes |
490-4-B1 |
A battle taking place in a seaside town, in a sci-fi setting. Futuristic bombers strafe a row of battleships whose mounted turrets are returning fire. |
Increased "fight response" including raised alertness, increased combative urges and suggestiveness towards following combat-oriented orders. |
Painting donated to MST briefing room. |
490-4-B2 |
Two knights fighting a massive dragon. One knight struggles to hold a tower shield against the dragon's fire breath, shielding the other knight who readies a glowing spear in a thrusting motion towards the dragon's throat. |
A marked reduction and inhibition of fear, with an inversely-proportionate increase in morale. Observers describe a willingness to coordinate with comrades in the midst of life-threatening actions. |
Painting donated to MST briefing room. |
490-4-T1 |
RPC-042 in a dark corridor directly facing the viewer, claws reaching out and jaws unhinged in the middle of a scream. |
Panic and terror to the point of becoming unresponsive to orders and questions. Observers prioritize fleeing from the painting above all else while covering their ears. |
Testing terminated after Dr. ██████ experienced arrythmia from glancing at the painting. Dr. ██████ admitted to site ward. RPC-490-4-T1 incinerated. |
490-4-T2 |
A dark and decrepit village of rotting houses under a red moon bearing a skull silhouette. Blood is trailing from each door alongside a set of bloody footprints. |
Increased "flight response" and nervousness, and a desire to avoid maintaining eye contact with painting. Subjects gradually attempt to distance selves from painting. |
Painting donated to interrogation department for usage in isolation chamber. |
490-4-C1 |
An occupied hammock under a silver moon and a very starry night. Heavy usage of blue and dark tones. |
Calming effect that lowers strong emotions. Raised awareness of fatigue and tiredness within subjects who have not recently slept. |
Painting proposed to undergo experimentation with personnel suffering from insomnia. |
490-4-C2 |
A bright meadow of warm colours and vibrant flowers, and a seated woman in a yellow dress staring into the distant fields with her back to the picture. |
Cessation of extreme emotions, followed by sensations of calmness and serenity. Several subjects express a desire to be in such a scene. |
Painting donated to therapy office. |
490-4-C3 |
RPC-886 seated upon a floor cushion within its cell, smiling and inviting the viewer to sit together with it on an adjacent floor pillow. |
A marked decrease in intense and negative emotions, followed by a yearning to accept the depicted RPC-886's offer. |
Artist from Site-089 questioned for any unprofessional feelings towards RPC-886. After determining that to not be the case, painting has been confiscated. |
490-4-S1 |
An overhead view of a meeting in progress. Formal gestures made between attendants speaking to each other, with documents depicting charts and diagrams neatly arranged on the table. |
Seriousness, alertness, increased trend of thoughts towards planning, proposing and suggesting. A conscious effort towards professional corporate behaviour and conduct. |
Painting donated to site boardroom. |
490-4-S2 |
A chained and padlocked convict standing under a single spotlight with innumerable eyes glaring down from atop. |
CSD-class describe experiencing nervousness, guilt and submissiveness. Prison security personnel report increased sensations of duty and vigilance. |
Painting to be hung in thoroughfare commonly walked by troublesome CSD-class and wardens, protected by a damage-proof covering. |
490-4-O1 |
A diverse range of food on a platter. Includes caesar salad, spaghetti bolognese, a medium steak with asparagus and potatoes, a bowl of soba noodles in soup lined with seaweed and bacon, topped with 2 softboiled eggs. |
Increased hunger and salivation in observers who have not recently eaten. Conscious desire to consume food. One outlier incident of a personnel vomiting at the sight of the picture, claiming a strong sense of revulsion at the idea of combining egg with noodles. |
Interviewing revealed that personnel inserted a finger down own throat in order to vomit rather than be affected by picture. Personnel made to clean mess. Picture donated to site cafeteria. Site personnel to be observed for any trend of weight gain. |
490-4-O2 |
A stainless steel tray filled to the brim with tablets, capsules, gels and ampoules set by a stethoscope and pulse monitor, all upon a clean white table. |
Increased awareness and mindfulness of personal health. Conscious self-inspection of one's body within view of the painting. |
Donated to site clinic. Medical staff report increased questions from patients as well as a raised willingness to submit for body examinations. |
Discovery Log
Prior to his hospitalization PoI-490 was observed traveling across Europe and the United States, setting up private art demonstrations with invites selectively given to prospective candidates of GoI "L'Academia della Vera Arte". It is assumed that this GoI kept PoI-490 appraised of candidates and their addresses through anomalous means.
I know that this invitation has reached your hands, Mons./Mdms. <NAME>.
This invitation has fallen unto your hands, and the hands of a few select others, and not by chance. Not by coincidence. But then for what purpose, you wonder? You, and each of all of you share a common trait: a little spark, a small ember, a dormant seed, waiting to blaze and blossom magnificently, but weighed down by the banality of this mundane world's limitations!
Do you not wish to truly express the wonders tucked away within your mind and soul, hands twitching, aching to TRULY apply these heart-wrought feelings to stone and wood and canvas?
Come to <LOCATION>, at the times of <TIME PERIOD AVERAGING 2.5 HOURS>. Attend, and bear witness to what can be truly possible beyond the limitations of the ordinary. And perhaps, fate willing, that wonder can be yours to craft, too.
L'Academia… awaits.
Upon 4th June 201█ at San Francisco, California, MST Alpha-21 "Wolf Pack" was in position to detain PoI-490 for repeated exhibitions of anomalous activity, when GoI "Project Blue Book" pre-emptively ambushed the theater in order to terminate PoI-490.
Foreword: Recording takes place from Agent Fox's concealed video recorder.
[ PoI-490 inserts a statuette he anomalously sculpted within seconds via RPC-490's tools, into an anomalously-altered painting. ]
PoI-490: And here… My latest piece, its very making witnessed live with your much-appreciated attendance. As the respectable Bob Ross said, art rest his soul: no mistakes, only happy accidents. Ah, we were so close to contacting him too… but, circumstances. Still, might you believe me that a family (member) of his is a member of our faculty? It is a privilege!
Agent Fox: Show is concluding, detainment to initiate within next 10 minutes. Team, prep yourselves.
Agent Roule: Acknowledged.
[ Slamming sound echoes through the theater as the audience doors are violently kicked open. Agent Fox's camera swivels towards the theater entry as three armed Project Blue Book operatives storm the premises. ]
PBB-1: FREEZE, all of you! Heads down, hands up, no funny ideas or magic parlour tricks!
PoI-490: <Loses composure, waving hammer and chisel in air> W-What is the meaning of this!? Who are you and what are you doing!? This is a place of learning and peace-
PBB-1: <Interrupts PoI-490, reading from a document> Mister… ah, Mister Jean-Henri Gasteau?
PoI-490: Mon Dieu, this had better be a bad prank! Oui, 'tis I, what do you want?
PBB-1: For consorting with a hazardous organization found guilty of reckless utilization of reality distorters and active corruption of the Established Perception of Normalcy, you are hereby wanted dead or alive. I'm picking dead. <Speaks into comms> Interloper displaying signs of unusuality-based resistance. Permission to open fire…
PoI-490: Wha-
PBB-1: …Granted.
[ All three Project Blue Book operatives concentrate automatic fire on PoI-490 until he collapses, sustaining 18 bullet wounds. Audience screams and scrambles for cover. ]
PBB-2: Interloper down! Repeat, interloper down! <Cautiously moves up to PoI-490, before relaxing and waving a scanning device over him>
Agent Roule: Fox, we detect gunfire. Please report.
Agent Fox: <Whispering hoarsely into mic, voice barely audible above screaming, yelling and sobbing> Re…(Inaudible)…ing s… re…. port…
PBB-1: CIVILIANS, CEASE ALL ACTIVITY AT ONCE! <Audience hysteria dies down, occasional faint sobbing can be heard. PBB-1 walks to PBB-2.> Analysis report?
PBB-2: ACS monitor detects no anomaly shifts… Interloper possesses no anomalous powers! Unless… <PBB-2 looks around and notices RPC-490. PBB-2 waves the scanner over RPC-490 and recoils at the readings.> It's the damn toolbox! Prepping C4, we need to erase that thing STAT!
PBB-3: Permission to screen normals, sir?
PBB-1: Granted. You see any unusuality coming from any one of them… you know what to do. <PBB-3 salutes and takes out his own scanning device, waving it across audience members one-by-one.>
Agent Roule: Agent Fox?
Agent Fox: <Exasperatedly raises voice> Requesting immediate intervention! I repeat, immediate intervention! GoI "Project Blue Book" has attacked PoI-490! I repeat, immediate intervention!
PBB-3: OI! YOU! HOW DO YOU KNOW OUR NAME!? YOU ANOTHER INTERLOPER!? IDENTIFY YOURSELF! <Kicks Agent Fox down, before seizing and lifting her up by her hair, waving the scanner in her face. >
[ Both theater doors burst open as MST Alpha-21 enters the theater, guns trained on PBB-1 to 3. ]
A standoff intitiated with PBB-3 initially taking hostage of Fox and demands for the destruction of RPC-490. Once the minimum guarantee of their safety was met, Fox was released and all three Blue Book operatives fled through the stage exit without destroying RPC-490. Audience subjected to amnestics and local news spun into depicting a botched gang robbery attempt. PoI-490 airlifted to Site-002 and placed in a medically-induced coma. While patient is stabilized, his condition remains critical due to bullet perforations of several vital organs.
Toolbox was initially assumed to be non-anomalous, and hence preliminary inspection of its tools were performed in a low-security examination room. When the attending researcher left for 15 minutes and returned both toolbox and contents were found to be missing. The toolbox was rediscovered in PoI-490's room at his bedside, all contents meticulously reclaimed and organized. Following speculation that the toolbox possesses anomalous transportation properties, a remote observation camera was affixed to top of the toolbox.
Researchers observed through remote video feed as the toolbox was set before its removed tools, and the room vacated. Approximately 3 minutes post-vacation the lid was observed to lift as a wooden appendage emerges out to inspect and tap at the camera. Apparently satisfied that the attachment will not interfere with its duties, the toolbox fully animates and is observed in first-person view to scuttle across the room, reclaiming and sorting tools. Following this, the toolbox leaves the room, hiding and avoiding discovery by site personnel while returning to PoI-490's room. Toolbox removes a paintbrush and slides it into PoI-490's hand. Receiving no response, toolbox began to gently nudge RPC-490's hand. Experimenters conclude observation and enter room. Toolbox retracts arm and legs and reenters an inactive state. Toolbox officially designated RPC-490 and moved to a low-security locker.
Addendum 1:
After numerous reports of banging sounds coming from RPC-490's locker and various escape attempts by utilizing its tools, it was proposed to move RPC-490's locker to PoI-490's room; Barring that, the next logical containment protocol update would otherwise necessitate the removal and separation of RPC-490 and its tools. Apparently placated, RPC-490 has not since made any further noises or escape attempts.
CSD-2852 is tasked to experiment with RPC-490-1, before promptly using it to escape Site-002 by opening the walls and floors. CSD-2852 manages to escape through three reinforced walls and cause approximately $2355 in structural damage before being tasered and tackled by security, one wall short of causing a containment breach. Testing protocols updated to discourage experimentation of RPC-490's contents by CSD-class harbouring escape desires. CSD-2852 penalized by being made to wear a shock collar for the following 6 months during testing procedures.
Addendum 2:
During a ward round by Dr. Stiles in PoI-490's room, various sounds of paper shuffling could be heard coming from RPC-490's locker. Opening the locker revealed RPC-490 to have opened itself and leaned its lid against the wall of the locker, with a velvet letter directly addressing PoI-490 placed atop its contents.
Monsieur Gasteau,
It breaks our hearts to learn of your predicament. A passionate and inspirational soul such as yours deserves a better fate than to be gunned down by churlish savages unappreciative of life's higher calling.
Long did I argue against the risks of the journey you chose to undertake; the pilgrimage, as you so loved to call it. To walk the world of the inexperienced and the uninitiated, to show those of potential what they too could craft with their minds and hands through the powers of your own… A noble sentiment that has admittedly blessed us with new students, yes, but to ultimately end in a manner as disastrous as this… Most undeserving for someone such as you.
We, your friends and family at the Academy, pray for your eventual recovery and waking. Until then, may your dreams be tranquil, accompanied by brush-strokes towards your next masterpiece.
Professor of Landscape Artistry
L'Academia della Vera Arte
P.S. To the Authority fellows most undoubtedly reading this letter, please continue taking care of our dearest friend. We are of utmost confidence that there is no safer place for his rest and recovery than where you would choose to place him. We shall begin negotiations for his transfer once he recovers.
Addendum 3:
PoI-490 has been brought out of his medically-induced coma.
Interviewer: Dr. Roberts
Interviewed: PoI-490
Foreword: Interview takes place 24 hours after the reversal of PoI-490's medically-induced coma.
Roberts: Mr. Jean-Henri? Welcome back to the waking world.
PoI-490: Où est… Où est mon petit ami?
Roberts: English please, just for the record.
PoI-490: Where is my little friend? My, my-
Roberts: Do you mean the toolbox? Wooden, ivory handle? Sprouts 4 legs and scuttles about when no one is watching it? Retrieves all your tools and sorts them out?
[ PoI-490 nods. Roberts gestures towards the cabinet containing RPC-490. PoI-490 clicks his tongue towards the locker, which begins emitting tapping sounds. He visibly relaxes. ]
Roberts: Nice trick. Now… how are you feeling? The anesthetics should be wearing off along with the relaxants.
PoI-490: Comme L'enfer… Like Hell. Everything is starting to hurt… It's going to get worse, isn't it? <Laughs weakly> How many cars ran over me?
Roberts: Yes, it's going to. And no, not cars. Bullets. You were shot 18 times. Frankly? It's a miracle you survived. We've kept your lights out for nearly a year.
PoI-490: The guns… Non, non! Where are, where are the students-to-be?
Roberts: Don't worry, nobody was hurt besides you…
PoI-490: Dieu merci.
Roberts: …But we did take the time to make those invitees forget about everything that happened. Including about you. We would really like to voice our unamusement that you not only put their lives at risk, but also that of our agents who were chasing after you. We know you've been traveling the world and showcasing the anomalous to countless normal civilians.
[ Roberts presents one of PoI-490's promotional flyers. PoI-490 smiles sheepishly. ]
PoI-490: Ah… Those goons were… an unforeseen disaster. But nevertheless, I am a man of passion. Is it not natural to desire igniting such flames among those of such potential?
Roberts: You're not making our jobs easier, Mr. Gasteau. Normally we'd happily lock up someone like you for the headache you've caused us, but luckily for you, you've got friends in high places.
[ Dr. Roberts hands over the letter from Addendum 2. PoI-490 fumbles the letter. ]
PoI-490: My hands, they feel so stiff… Awww, so she cares after all.
Roberts: We will be summoning her for the negotiations for your release once you regain full function of your body.
PoI-490: Then it will be back to the painting!
Roberts: Please don't make us regret going ahead with this.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: PoI-490 has been scheduled for physiotherapy sessions and a prescription of oral analgesics.