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A night-time CCTV image of RPC-486 roaming through a civillian residency in Takachiho. Note that the fourth tail is concealed by the viewing angle.
Registered Phenomena Code: 486
Object Class: Gamma-Yellow
Hazards: Aggression Hazard (Potential), Contact Hazard, Sapient Hazard, Transmutable Hazard (Shapeshifter), Tychokinetic Hazard
Containment Protocols: The current containment plan for RPC-486 involves forcibly ejecting it from Site-089's premises and barring it from reentering as an act of reverse psychology. This is in consideration of its rapid adaptation against capture attempts, balanced against its unwillingness to leave RPC-886. A sign has been erected facing RPC-486's residence, displaying a regularly-changed statement to further taunt RPC-486 to keep attempting to break in.
RPC-486 is provided a food supply of tinned cat food at its habitation outside of Site-089. The sheltered foxhole was bugged during renovations to exploit RPC-486's habit of monologuing, with attention paid to any potential plans to infiltrate Site-089. A janitor is to visit RPC-486's dwelling once a week, collecting and returning all litter for standard garbage disposal. Upon returning, the janitor is to be assessed to confirm that RPC-486 has not kidnapped and impersonated said janitor.
Patrols around Site-089's exterior must be searched for any RPC-486-2s sneaked into their inventory. Staff leaving and entering Site-089 are to remain within transportation at all times. Entries into Site-089 are equipped with thermal imaging cameras.
RPC-486 is to be flushed out of its illusory disguise or hiding spot and escorted/driven out of Site-089 by site security. An investigation should be conducted towards its latest method of entry, with security measures updated accordingly. Hostile actions should not be attempted, especially in consideration of RPC-486's proportionate retaliation against any perceived attempt to harm it.
Personnel approached by RPC-486 are advised not to communicate with it, avoid eye contact, and pay no attention to its threats, demands and coercing. Personnel in close proximity with RPC-486 should be strip-searched for RPC-486-2s, and those afflicted by RPC-486's detrimental anomalous effects should see RPC-886 for examination and removal. Personnel are not required to interrupt their work routines when RPC-486 has been detected within Site-089, though it is strongly recommended to not be in the way of security-led ejection attempts.
Any "gifts" of RPC-486-1 are to be treated with suspicion, inspected for RPC-486-2 and attached to a CSD personnel for determination of function. RPC-486-1s that inflict negative probabilistic effects upon their wearer are to be handled with tongs, stored in a warded and locked security locker in Senior Researcher Junichiro's office. Functional and non-compromised RPC-486-1s that grant beneficial offensive effects are to be kept in a secure locker in the armory of Site-089.
Description: RPC-486 is a polymorphic entity whose base form is that of a female Vulpes Vulpes Japonica. RPC-486 displays unusual physical properties such as dark-brown fur colouration and the base of its tail splitting to form 4 independent tails. It is also larger and presumed to be heavier than ordinary Vulpes Vulpes Japonica, although exact measurements remain unavailable due to RPC-486's highly uncooperative nature.
RPC-486 typically exerts its polymorphic effect to simulate a brown-haired Japanese woman. RPC-486's humanoid appearance matches RPC-886's, but with minor differences such as slightly lower height and a more youthful appearance. Like RPC-886, injuries and conditions acquired in its vulpine form translate on to this form.
RPC-486 is the twin sister of RPC-886, but can be considered the opposite in terms of personality and skillset. Where RPC-886 is amicable, approachable, altruistic, cooperative, professional and not fully acclimatized to modern amenities, RPC-486 is unfriendly, aloof, misanthropic, untrusting and juvenile while rapidly adapting to modern technology and terminology. Unlike RPC-886 who cannot act out its disguises, RPC-486 is a flawless impersonator that can mimic personnel after a brief period of intense observation, down to behavioral tics.
While RPC-886's specialty lies in its pyrokinesis and defensive probabilistic manipulations (employed to assist in the protection of site personnel), RPC-486's specialty is inverted towards illusions and offensive probabilistic manipulations in the form of jinxes and curses. RPC-486 demonstrates precise control over its afflictions, typically inflicting negative effects upon enemies in a manner that simultaneously grants it a tactical advantage. RPC-486 is capable of conveying offensive probabilistic manipulations in a beneficial manner to enhance a recipient's combat prowess/accuracy, but typically refuses to cooperate until a lengthy list of demands have been met.
Similar to RPC-886-1s, RPC-486 is capable of creating miniature objects constructed of paper, wood or cloth infused with these effects. RPC-486-1s may either inflict detrimental effects upon its wearer or the wearer's adversaries, or enhance the wearer's offensive capabilities. Due to RPC-486's uncooperative attitude, however, it is more likely to craft RPC-486-2s. These are paper talismans whose function is similar to surveillance devices, allowing it to extend its senses (typically hearing) through. RPC-486 tends to create many RPC-486-2s and putpockets them into personnel whom it encounters in attempts to surveil Site-089 from a safe distance.
RPC-486 is hostile to all attempts at containment and reacts proportionately towards attempts at capturing it, inflicting detrimental effects that range from light misfortune to debilitating injuries. Furthermore, RPC-486 is a talented escape artist and breaches containment shortly after capture. The only factor stopping RPC-486 from leaving the area entirely is the presence of RPC-886; RPC-486 is deeply attached and protective towards its sibling, compounded with guilt for self-perceivedly abandoning RPC-886. This compels it to stay within the vicinity of Site-089. RPC-486 will frequently attempt to infiltrate Site-089 in a bid to reach and contact RPC-886; Once found, RPC-486 usually attempts to convince RPC-886 to leave with it. RPC-886 has so far rejected and refused RPC-486's requests, having developed a sense of attachment, protectiveness and loyalty towards the personnel of Site-089.
RPC-486 has repeatedly insisted to be the older sister between itself and RPC-886. Temporal suspension within RPC-257 for the past two centuries has caused it to retain its youthful and immature adolescent personality, in contrast to RPC-886's matured and experienced outlook. Taking pride as the protective "older sister", RPC-486 sometimes displays shock, dismay and difficulties in accepting RPC-886's drastic and sudden (in its perspective) changes. Confusing RPC-486 as "the younger sister" will most likely provoke a hostile response from it.
Update: Despite RPC-486's defiant and belligerent personality that allows it to override its innate cynophobia, it is revealed to harbour uncontrollable and severe herpephobia. This was witnessed in its first cross-encounter with RPC-702, who now has taken a liking towards RPC-486 and actively pursues it whenever sighted for affection, much to RPC-486's horror. However, this disadvantage is not readily exploitable as RPC-702 freely translocates across the Site and attaches to various personnel on a random basis.
On a related note, personnel are reminded that gambling (particularly during work hours) is not approved in the Authority's Professional Code of Conduct guidelines. Personnel placing bets on how quickly RPC-486 can evacuate Site-089 when pursued by RPC-702 are liable to disciplinary review.
Discovery log: It is confirmed that RPC-486 is an escapee of RPC-257, having fled during RPC-257's own discovery event. RPC-486 was sighted and photographed a few days later by the civilians of Takachiho town, West of RPC-257. RPC-486 is suspected to have caused multiple motor-vehicular accidents and a chickenpox outbreak in the local school. RPC-486 would go on to selectively trade RPC-486-1s and inflict effects upon requested targets in exchange for food and information, causing the townspeople to develop a negative reception towards the resident "fox witch". This escalated to the point where said townspeople recruited the aid of local Shinto priests to drive out RPC-486, ending in failure with said priests experiencing mishaps shortly after.
A photograph of Takachiho's streets, close to RPC-486's first public sighting.
RPC-486 was approached and successfully persuaded by Agents Okuda Watanabe and Hikage Aoshi to be taken to Site-089 on the condition of being properly updated towards all the changes that had occurred up to the modern age. However, upon overhearing conversation between the agents mid-transit and deducing that "the other fox" in Site-089 is in fact its twin sister, RPC-486 became hostile and caused the transport to crash before impersonating Okuda and infiltrating Site-089. When the impersonation was discovered, RPC-486 went on to cause major site disruptions totaling ¥8M in infrastructural damage and medical bills in order to reach RPC-886.
RPC-486 successfully reached RPC-886's cell and pleaded with RPC-886 to leave the site with it. RPC-486 was rebuffed and forced to flee Site-089 alone, with RPC-886 breaking down and becoming inconsolable from the sudden shock of unexpectedly reencountering its sibling.
RPC-486 has not deserted Site-089's grounds ever since.
Interviewed: RPC-486
Interviewer: Doctor Kawada Ippei
Foreword: Conversation takes place at the forest perimeter, the following day after RPC-486's aforementioned initial breach into Site-089. Initially seated and crying, RPC-486 moved to half-conceal behind a tree upon sighting Dr. Ippei's approach, alternating between wiping its face and angrily chewing the tip of its thumb.
Ippei: Wait-wait! Don't leave. <Dr. Ippei pants from jogging.> I just want to talk. As you can see, I am alone and unarmed.
RPC-486: You… you filthy humans… <Sniffles> All you want to do is talk! <Hiccups, continues sniffling> …What the hell do you want, fat old man?!
Ippei: For you to understand we are not your enemies!
RPC-486: You lie! I know your kind! You want to lock me away just like you've done to my sister!
Ippei: I understand that you've met Junichiro! He is harsh because of events in his past, but please understand that his heart is in the right place for everyone, as strange as it sounds. We have not met any Yōkai until now, excepting your sister.
RPC-486: My sister… <Sniffs> that you have locked up!
Ippei: She is not our prisoner! This site is not a prison. It is a home for her as much as it is for us.
RPC-486: And you would not let her even see of the sky nor the grass, would you?
Ippei: It is for her protection. Times have changed and become more dangerous, Mishio-No-Sae. Those two agents who were bringing you here, they truly intended to bring you in peacefully for your own good!
RPC-486: You lie. And don't use my name!
Ippei: Then should I address you by your new number, RPC-486?
RPC-486: Tch…!
Ippei: We're not going to give up Shiomi. She is a protector of our site, and has taken it upon herself to watch over us who walk under its roof. We saved her life and have given her a new sense of purpose, and she in turn has chosen to repay us as best as she can.
RPC-486: Saved…? Saved from who? Don't bullshit me!
Ippei: You could ask her what happened if you reach her once more, once she has recovered. In fact, feel free to catch up with her on everything that happened in the past two centuries once she feels better to talk. However, we're not going to let you simply walk into the site… But you're welcome to try.
RPC-486: What…? What's that supposed to… hic! …mean?
Ippei: If you seek to enter our halls as its latest resident and behave, we will do our best to accommodate you. However, if you intend to come and raise havoc just like before and attempt to forcefully remove your sister, you will find that we'll be preparing ourselves better and better with each visit. We… especially… will not take kindly to any use of dangerous force or extensive damage caused by you, but otherwise… you are welcome to try.
RPC-486: Fine… Snf, fine! You're on, old man!
<End Log>
Closing Statement: Within 28 hours of this interview, RPC-486 began actively observing the site perimeter from a distance. Within the next 36 hours, RPC-486 breached external security and re-infiltrated the site.
During RPC-486's initial intrusions into Site-089, it was decided to attempt capture of RPC-486 for proper containment. However, RPC-486 quickly proved its proficiency at evasion, escape and retaliation. Despite RPC-486's acknowleging Dr. Ippei's request to not assault personnel it quickly established itself to be belligerent and challenging, with escalated attempts to capture it resulting in proportionate escalation of personnel injuries.
It was during these early incidents where it was found out that RPC-486's juvenile and overly wary nature could be turned against it, allowing it to be repelled from the Site with minimum risk.
It has come to my attention that staff have begun adopting peculiar response measures in the wake of RPC-486's retaliatory nature - playing off of its distrustful, superstitious and paranoid personality, this… "missing the forest for the trees" aspect, to repel it with what are ultimately harmless gestures.
I have observed this phenomena for myself, and I am less than impressed.
We are employees of the RPC Authority, and must adhere to a high set of standards, professionalism and code of conduct.
So to witness security guards experimenting with flicking water or salt or beans or performing this "T-posing" action whilst chasing RPC-486 out of the site is the ultimate insult to our organization's principles!
Are we a top-secret clandestine shadow organization, or are we a childish playground of preschoolers?! Get back to acting like adults!
Henceforth, RPC-486 is to be confronted with the proper protocols for capture and containment. Suitable plans have been drafted and will be carried out accordingly.
S.R. Junichiro
Interviewed: RPC-486
Interviewer: Dr. Yoshizawa Hinako
Notes: As RPC-486 chooses to vanish within the treeline when approached by more than two personnel, it was suggested to approach RPC-486 with just one personnel, based on Dr. Ippei's successful conversation. This is the first of Dr. Yoshizawa's interactions with RPC-486, setting the tone for the enmity in their future interactions.
Yoshizawa: Hello? Good morning, 486. My name is Yoshizawa Hinako, I come in peace. I would like to just-
RPC-486: <Low volume> Don't call me that number.
Yoshizawa: Excuse me?
RPC-486: Don't. Call. Me. That. Number! First a fat old man comes running up to me, now it's a shriveled old hag! What next, that angry bald short old man? What the hell do you want, old woman?
Yoshizawa: Why I never- <Flustered, adjusts coat> I mean, I would like to conduct a brief interview with you regarding… All the recent events that happened. If possible we wish to get to know you better-
RPC-486: Bite me.
Yoshizawa: Excuse me?!
RPC-486: Why in hell should I be blabbering my life story out to some random human crawling out from that anthill in the distance?
Yoshizawa: Ant hill- You are referring to our site?
RPC-486: I don't see any other big hole in the ground where idiotic creatures march in and out of everyday, do you?
Yoshizawa: I-that is besides the point! I just wished to see if there was anything we could do to change your mind about these recent events.
RPC-486: <Rolls over, waves dismissively> Well, you're obviously not doing a good job. Come back with someone that has more spine! And make myself more comfortable how, by getting me into a nice little prison cell next to my sister's?
Yoshizawa: Your sister is no prisoner-
RPC-486: Yeah yeah, fat old man told me already. <Mimicking Dr. Ippei's voice> 'We're treating Shiomi like a princess even though we're never going to let her out,' heard it all already.
Yoshizawa: <Loses composure> Your sister warned us you could be quite uncouth, but this is outright juvenile!
RPC-486: <Turns around> Yeah, and what about - say… What's that on your coat?
Yoshizawa: My site pass?
RPC-486: Give me one.
Yoshizawa: After all you've done to us and this little immature outburst, do you really think we're going to give you any clearance to just walk around the site? You must be joking!
RPC-486: <Grinning> Are you sure about that?
<End Log>
Post-interview Notes: Dr. Yoshizawa terminated the interview and returned to Site-089. Upon reaching Site grounds she was immediately trapped and detained by security, CSU and containment specialists. Supposedly, RPC-486 somehow pickpocketed her during and after the interview, taking her site pass, stationary, ID and other belongings on hand while substituting them with anomalously-disguised leaves and sticks. RPC-486 next impersonated her, warning security that "RPC-486" (in fact the real Dr. Yoshizawa) was now impersonating her and trying to access the site.
RPC-486 was found in the cafeteria haranguing RPC-886 to leave with it. RPC-486 successfully evicted with use of a "blessed" portable vacuum cleaner.
Dr. Yoshizawa has been assigned as RPC-486's primary observer and handler by Sr. Rsc. Junichiro.
Interviewer: Researcher Tomatsu Yujiro
Interviewed: RPC-486
Notes: Rsc. Yujiro was selected to interview RPC-486 for his past demonstration of firm composure (See: RPC-886 interview log 6).
Yujiro: Hello.
RPC-486: Another one of you filthy humans! Haven't learned your lesson yet? Get lost before I make you sneeze your brains out!
Yujiro: Can you actually do that, RPC-486?
RPC-486: Shut up! Don't call me that number! Final warning!
Yujiro: I asked: Can you actually do that?
RPC-486: What the hell are you talking about? Do you seriously want to die?
[ Silence. Yujiro remains unmoved. ]
Yujiro: …This is all bluster from you, isn't it?
RPC-486: How the hell would you know?
Yujiro: Your sister has been telling us a lot about you.
RPC-486: <Punching tree> Shiomi-nee-san! How could you betray my trust-
Yujiro: She's been saying all this long before you came back, RPC-486.
RPC-486: Shut up! And stop calling me that number!
Yujiro: Don't bother trying to pickpocket me, by the way. I deposited everything of worth back at the site before leaving to see you. I don't have anything worth taking aside from what's in this bag.
RPC-486: Tch! And what's in there that would get me so interested?
Yujiro: Oh, nothing too special. Here, let me show you.
[ Yujiro sets the bag down, opening it up and introducing each item. ]
Yujiro: This is a lighter, you've probably seen humans use these to start small fires to light up cigarettes or whatever else. A small tin of lighter fluid, just need a little…
RPC-486: Filthy human! You intend to burn down this forest to drive me out, is that what it is?!
Yujiro: Please wait, I am not finished. Next are a few thick branches of Prunus persica, or the peach tree as it is more commonly known. Some sharp toothpicks, a small plate…
RPC-486: FILTHY HUMAN! Now you seek to litter my dwelling!
Yujiro: From what I can see, you already do a pretty good job of that on your own. No wonder the janitors have to come here and clean the area.
[ RPC-486 hisses. Yujiro chooses to ignore it. ]
Yujiro: And now we have two small dipping containers of soba sauce and honey…
RPC-486: FILTHY HUMAN! Just what are you getting at!?
Yujiro: …and a packet of fresh baby mice, free of fur.
RPC-486: <Prominent tone shift> I. I. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-
Yujiro: Your sister told us this is quite the delicacy among Kitsune. <Lights fire> Especially, with honey. Very strange food by normal human standards… but food is food, no?
[ RPC-486 watches silently as Yujiro begins roasting skewered mice over burning peachwood. ]
Yujiro: Am I doing this right?
RPC-486: Turnitfasteryou'reburningtheside.
Yujiro: Would you like some?
Yujiro: Suit yourself. <Yujiro takes a bite.> This is crunchy. Is that a main point of appeal in this treat for your kind?
RPC-486: I-I-I- <Drooling>
Yujiro: I don't mind sharing, but if possible I'd appreciate it that in exchange, you could give your word in answering a few quest-
RPC-486: ABSOLUTELY FILTHIEST HUMAN! You planned this all along, didn't you?! Thinking you can bribe me with such… such…
[ Yujiro presents a honey-coated mouse to RPC-486. ]
RPC-486: GET THAT AWAY FROM-I mean-give it to me…
Yujiro: Questions and answers?
RPC-486: FINE!
[ Yujiro passes the plate over to RPC-486, who seizes it and begins gorging out of hunger. RPC-486 gradually slows and stops, looking down on the nearly-emptied plate. ]
Yujiro: Did I roast them too much?
RPC-486: No, but this was supposed to be a treat for special occasions. Me and Shiomi, neither of us would start eating without waiting for the other.
Yujiro: You were close to each other?
RPC-486: We were born together and watched over each other all our lives, human. We were compared to hands, even: Similar yet opposing, covering for the other's flaws with our own strengths. I was the rebellious kid who fought and chased after anyone who would give me or Shiomi trouble. Shiomi was the shy and polite one who readied all the meals and helped kept our family home tidy… Especially my spot. Does it get any closer than that?
Yujiro: Fair enough.
RPC-486: We promised… we promised we'd grow up together, keep the same number of tails together, and never leave each other's side. I promised Shiomi that I wouldn't leave her side… Back when we were the only two left.
RPC-486: <Increasingly emotional> And here I am, all alone after two hundred years. I fell asleep in one moment and woke up next in a pitch black cave. One night's sleep for me was two centuries of suffering for my sister. Now she is this older fox with seven tails and a haunted look in her eyes she still won't explain to me! And I'm this aggressive young four-tailed punk who's no longer the older sister! What am I supposed to do, human? How am I supposed to look after her like this? Am I to fight time itself to go back and undo all of this?
Yujiro: Do you actually have the means to time travel?
RPC-486: NO! And that's right! It was you humans! You did this to us! All of us! All our family is still locked away in that cave! Why?! Why would you do this to us? What did we do to deserve this?
Yujiro: I am sorry, but I cannot explain the motivations of the humans responsible for the cave-
RPC-486: Shut up! Two centuries have passed and the whole world's gone mad! Humans now stick their eyes into glowing glass panels while their buildings stab high into the sky! Shiomi isn't the sweet innocent little sister that she once was, because I was gone while she was forced to fend for herself all along! So tell me human, what am I supposed to do?!
Yujiro: I can only advise you that-
[ RPC-486 seizes Yujiro by the sleeves. ]
RPC-486: GIVE ME MY- <Breaking down> Give my younger sister back…
[ RPC-486 curled up on the floor and became unresponsive towards further questions. Q&A rescheduled. ]
<End Log>
Post-Interview Notes: Peace offerings for subsequent interactions should be something else than peach-smoked mice. - Yujiro
Interviewer: Researcher Shouta
Interviewed: Janitor Yasujiro
Notes: Yasujiro had just returned from cleaning RPC-486's abode and requested to be interviewed, once he had been verified to be himself and not RPC-486 masquerading as him.
Shouta: You said you had some findings to share with us?
Yasujiro: Yes! I thought it might be worth knowing before I forget.
Shouta: Let's start from the beginning, then. Did you encounter any strange phenomena on the way to RPC-486's dwelling?
Yasujiro: No, it was a normal sunny day. Grass was rippling from the wind. It was a nice walk! I think the RPC was only watching me from the trees while I was making my way up.
Shouta: I see. What was its reaction to your approach?
Yasujiro: Oh, the usual. Threats of violence, insults, 'filthy human', shaking her fist, demanding to know just what exactly I'm doing at each new spot I'm standing at, accusations of sabotage…
Shouta: And you answered its questions, I presume?
Yasujiro: Why not? There's nothing to be afraid of if I've got nothing to hide. She's not scary at all once you get used it.
Shouta: So it did not actually do anything to you at all?
Yasujiro: <Concerned tone> …Did she disguise my underwear as my hat? <Takes off janitorial cap and inspects it>
Shouta: <Sighs> It appears not… Please do not inspect the insides of your pants during an interview.
Yasujiro: Okay! She hasn't. <Relieved breath> I still don't quite understand how she did that to the young lady sent to interview her the other day. Coming back with her panties strapped to her head instead of her facemask? How embarassing!
Shouta: Focus on the subject.
Yasujiro: Oh, yes. So I just did the standard tasks; keep my distance, pick up the trash, sweep the leaves, check behind the bushes, check for any ashes, retrieve any stolen tools, ignore the threats and insults and accusations…
Shouta: When did the deviation occur?
Yasujiro: Us janitors have noticed that once we answer enough questions and don't react to her actions she calms down. In my case, she just lounged around while watching me, scratch an itch, get up to stretch, walk in circles. Seemed a bit restless. Then, she started asking me questions: who I am, how long I've worked here, who I was before I started working for the RPCA, how I find living in this time and age, what her sister's doing at the moment…
Shouta: We trust you did not divulge any confidential information? Whatever you told it can be used against us. It's a master impersonator, remember?
Yasujiro: Oh! Do not worry. For instance, when she asked how many grandkids I have I told her she's welcome to visit my family home and see for herself!
Shouta: <Writing, speaking to self> Calms down around personnel whom it bears amicable familiarity with, coupled with lack of reciprocal stimulus to its cajoling… Okay. Is there anything else?
Yasujiro: Well, she then admitted she doesn't mind us janitors too much, and that she really does appreciate us cleaning up after her. She got a bit disgusted with her thought that 'little sister Shiomi' is cleaning up after our own mess! I laughed and told her that we make sure we clean up more than Shiomi-chan does, anyway. We are the janitors, after all.
Shouta: 486 was talking about 886? Did it say anything further?
Yasujiro: Hm… Well, she got a bit upset again thinking about her sister living with us, then got more upset that she abandoned her sister for such a long time. So I went and told her: "She still loves you, Mishio. Not once among us did she ever say a bad thing about you. It was all fond reminiscences of better times, and it was also what kept her going in her darkest years. You were still with her, in a sense."
Shouta: What happened next?
Yasujiro: She became really quiet, then she sort of… got a bit happy? She doesn't seem to like showing that she's happy. I think I heard sniffles, she was looking away.
Shouta: Does this mean that 486 might have become more cooperative with the idea of moving into Site-089?
Yasujiro: Oh, no! But it's better to be on friendly terms with her, right? I'm glad she doesn't target us janitors for pranks, for one!
Shouta: Hmmm. <Writing, muttering under breath> Doesn't-target-janitors…
<End Log>
To the research department:
In light of the information acquired from the this interview, any available research personnel is hereby tasked to masquerade as a member of the Janitorial Department in order to discreetly converse with and ascertain further details from RPC-486.
Any researcher who is available for this task is to report to my desk for immediate assignment for this task, then to the Janitorial Department for a matching jumpsuit and equipment to complete the charade, followed by security for a radio earpiece and microphone.
Senior Researcher Junichiro
Victim Interviewer: Juniour Researcher Kaito
Interviewed: RPC-486
Notes: Jr. Rsc. Kaito was personally selected to interview RPC-486 by Sr. Rsc. Junichiro; This was in part due to a sudden unexplained absence of researchers being available for the task citing numerous excuses, extensive workloads or sudden requests to go on medical/emergency leave. Kaito was found idling with no major ongoing projects, hence his selection.
RPC-486: …Who the hell are you? It's the short old lady who's supposed to be here today!
Kaito: I'm… the Janitor for today instead? Mrs. Sarada is sick.
RPC-486: Just for today, you mean?
Kaito: Oh, oh…
RPC-486: You look very new for a Janitor. <Sniffs> You smell very new, too, if you get what I mean.
Kaito: <Nervous laughter> Hey! Everyone's got to start somewhere, right?
RPC-486: True. A great start would be holding the tongs by the handle, right?
Kaito: Oh! Oh, sorry! Just took it out of the bag, you see, just a bit nervous… I mean, it's not everyday that someone gets to clean for a fox spirit on their first day of work, right?
Junichiro: <Through Kaito's earpiece> RPC-486 reacts further to your own reactions and emotions, cease the blubbering and conduct yourself properly!
Kaito: Okay, I am calm, I am calm… I am calm. Okay!
RPC-486: And who are you babbling to now? A ghost?
Kaito: Oh! Sorry, myself! Just preparing myself mentally for another day of honest, hard work!
RPC-486: You just said earlier that this is your first day of work.
[ Kaito emits a squeal. ]
Junichiro: Stop the small talk before you give yourself away and focus on cleaning for now! Attempt the interview prompt once the RPC has calmed down.
[ Kaito spends the following minutes gathering trash and raking leaves, flustering whenever RPC-486 mocks him for missing a piece or spot. ]
RPC-486: You know, I've been sensing lecherous adulation coming from you for a while now. Are you by chance one of those 'otaku' creatures?
Kaito: <Stuttering, nervous laughter> C-creatures is a bit much-
RPC-486: Fantasizing and stereotyping us all as nine-tailed beauties, what do you take us for? Seriously, nine tails? Do you even know how hard it is to get past five tails to begin with? Oh wait. You're a dumb human. Of course you wouldn't.
Kaito: I, I mean, it's not as if we knew the truth-
RPC-486: And if I have to roll my eyes harder at yet another portrayal of a kitsune as some sort of nine-tailed evil creature or god of destruction, like that 'Kyuubi' thing in… What's it called? Haruto?
Kaito: Actually it is pronounced Narut-
RPC-486: Shut up! I wasn't asking! And what's this thing in your ear? Looks like a disgusting worm! I hate it! You like worms or something?
Kaito: N-no-
RPC-486: Then why are you wearing it? <RPC-486 pulls off the earpiece and tosses it away, inadvertently denying Kaito further instructions from HQ. Expletives by Junichiro omitted. Kaito's wire remains intact within his clothing and continues to pick up transmissions of RPC-486 berating Kaito as he whimpers and cleans.>
RPC-486: -and seven tails, seriously! I couldn't believe it myself! My own sister, seven tails! Why, I'd feel nothing but proudness towards her if it weren't for the fact that she most likely earned those last 3 tails cleaning up after all the mess you humans make!
Kaito: We-we take good care of her, I swear!
RPC-486: And were you taking care of her for all these centuries while she suffered?
Kaito: We didn't know she existed back then! Otherwise, we would have done it sooner!
RPC-486: Eh, fair point. <Huffs> Has she told any of you how she got her fifth, sixth and seventh tails?
Kaito: Actually, she hasn't. But I could try and… ask her on your behalf?
RPC-486: <Rubs chin, hmms loudly> But you'd want something from me in exchange… wouldn't you?
Kaito: Oh, oh yes, that would be great!
RPC-486: But what… I wonder? My detainment and imprisonment? Several of my cursed charms? Go on, don't be shy…
Kaito: Well, I mean, all I'd like is if you could just tell us-I mean me, a little bit about yourself!
RPC-486: <Scowls> What's there I haven't already told that stone-faced Yujiro-idiot?
Kaito: Actually he is not stupid, he is very smart, even if he is a bit bad on reading cues-
RPC-486: How would a janitor know about how smart a particular researcher is?
Kaito: We uh… we chat time to time? In the cafeteria?
RPC-486: …Eh. Now, about your request… Hmmm… I mean, if you so insist, I could answer a few questions just to get you out of my sight sooner…
Kaito: Oh! OH! Okay, let me just get out my notepad and pen-
RPC-486: And why would a Janitor need a notepad and pen in the middle of the forest?
[ Awkward silence ]
RPC-486: Hey. Hey.
[ Kaito begins to breathe faster. ]
RPC-486: You're not actually a Janitor…
[ Kaito hyperventilates in panic. ]
RPC-486: …are you?
[ Kaito screams. ]
<End Log>
Results: Kaito would later be found stripped down to his underwear, suspended upside down from a tree branch via a combination of stolen rope and makeshift rope made from Kaito's shredded clothing. Painted on his stomach in mud is the following message, presumably made out to Sr. Rsc. Junichiro:
Notes: How did RPC-486 know how to tie those kinds of knots? Did it come across a ████ magazine?
Preface from RPC-486
Ugh. I'm only doing this because I gave my word, okay? Hope you're not going to do that thing with the mice again.
…"Peace offering"? Hmph! For all I know, those mice were to provoke me! I better be getting something other than cat food out of this…
Q1: Why is giving your word so important? Is it a personal code of yours, or is it culturally ingrained?
If we make our word to anyone, it's supposed to be the same principle as if we're giving our word to that Nine-tailed Geezer, or so it goes.
Q2: Who is this 'Nine-tailed Geezer' and why is he so important to you?
You seriously had to ask? [REDACTED]! Who else?! Mr. God-of-all-foxes, you humans still worship him in a lot of shrines to this day! Even if he seems to have clammed up for Gods-know-what-reason.
How am bringing myself to even answer such a question?
Q3: Does that include foxes outside of Japan?
…God-of-all-JAPANESE-foxes. Don't ever mention those filthy outsiders in any positive light. They deserve every bad thing coming their way. <Spits>
Q4: Why is that?
The Kumiho clans? Huli-something packrats? Don't get me started on them. The ones that ran away to China were a bunch of whiny vagrants that wanted to continue their life of cheating, stealing, murdering, THEN playing the victim once they get persecuted. Absolutely no spine or dignity. But the ones that went to Korea? Worst of the worst. Bunch of complete [EXPLETIVE]-demons. Boasted about making the desecration of humans into an 'art' form, not to mention the other unspeakable things they'd do to destroy a human's sanity… Or corpse.
You think that's bad? Wait till you hear what they do to the human children. "Save the best for last", they like to say. <Spits>
Wait a moment. Why am I even answering this? You're this super secret big organization that locks us all up! Shouldn't you have caught or killed a whole bunch of those [EXPLETIVE]s by now?
…You've never encountered one? Isn't there a cave like ours in Korea? No? No secretive clans of weirdo mystics? Only hunter clans, you say…? Huh. Interesting.
…You don't think they're all gone and dead? Hunted to extinction? I hope they are. World's better off without them.
Q5: So none of you kitsune are nothing like those outsider foxes?
Because I can tell that you're just a literal-minded idiot, I'm going to overlook that grave insult you just spoke.
We're the ones with principles, okay?! We're the ones who stayed in, or moved to Japan when [REDACTED] came knocking! We are NOTHING like those outsiders. Never was, never will be.
…But seriously. If I ever find out you were intentionally mocking me, I'm heading straight back down that cave and dragging out a Tanuki to suffocate you in his massive [EXPLETIVE]!
Q6: What about fox spirits who live beyond East Asia? The ones who live in the Americas, Africa, Europe, Russia, do you know about those?
How in hell am I supposed to know about those sorts? I know there's weird tiny folk to the far West, 'fa-erees' or 'lepuri-kons' or something, but who really bothers to travel that far on a regular basis? Come to think of it, I wonder how those weirdoes are doing.
Q7: What is the 'Nightlands'?
Nothing you need to know about, human.
Q7.5: Your sister is cooperating with us on what she knows of this dimension, and we know where you've been heading to on a regular basis. Please tell us what you know of the 'Nightlands' from your perspective. We are capable of blocking off this seemingly normal patch of ground you've suddenly become so interested in.
Ugh! It's the homeland of the Yōkai, okay?! It's where most of us live inside of if we're not already living on your own lands, and it's nothing you humans should ever be concerned over, let alone be in!
Q8: How can we enter the 'Nightlands'?
I just SAID that you're not ever supposed to be in there! No human can ever see the entry points or access them! Only a Yōkai can see or interact with them, and the only humans ever brought in are the ones dragged in by the worse Yōkai who'll either make them into servants or turn them into food! Or both, even!
Q9: Will you help us enter the 'Nightlands'?
[ RPC-486 physically assaults Jr. Rsc. Yujiro while issuing expletives and threats. Q&A session terminated. Yujiro treated for physical bruising and bloodied nose. ]
<End Log>
Notes 1: I really should have known better than to keep pushing on that. ~ Yujiro
Notes 2: The Yōkai cavorted and danced across our homeland as they terrified our ancestors with absolute impunity, and yet we are to continue bowing our heads and cowering before the thought of entering their own? Ridiculous! We aren't the superstitious primitives our fearful ancestors once were, cowering at a dark they knew nothing of - We WILL enter these gates and find for ourselves what secrets their world hides, with OR without RPC-486's assistance! ~ Junichiro
-RPC-886 (Denied)
-Full site access (Denied)
-Good food (Denied on account of not being cooperatively contained)
-Any food at all because "I'm starving and there's nothing worth eating around here" (Granted: RPC-486 provided tins of cat food, much to its displeasure. On top of reaching RPC-886, RPC-486 now also breaks into Site-089 in order to steal/eat from the cafeteria.)
-Demand to be allowed to see RPC-886 (Denied upon refusal to be contained)
-A house (Denied, told to dig a hole under a tree like any other fox.)
-A shelter (Granted, roofed shelter constructed over foxhole while installing wiretaps.)
-A toolkit of high-quality materials to make RPC-486-1 instances (Denied on suspicion of prioritizing the production of RPC-486-2s.)
-A toolkit of common materials to make RPC-486-1 instances (Granted. RPC-486 immediately prioritizes producing RPC-486-2s.)
-RPC-886's release (Provided a voice recorder from RPC-886 saying "No.". Denied.)
-A history book (Granted, secondary-grade Japanese history textbook given.)
-To know "what happened at Hiroshima" (Told to personally ask RPC-886, which is possible only if it volunteers for containment. Denied, indirectly.)
-A smartphone (Denied, informed that it has nowhere to charge it anyway.)
-A power outlet to charge said denied smartphone (Denied)
-A site pass (Denied, RPC-486 pickpockets the pass from interviewer shortly after.)
-A TV (Denied, reminded it has no power mains to plug it in anyway.)
-RPC-886's unconditional release (Denied)
-Sr. Researcher Junichiro's hair (RPC-486 looked away and whistled when queried if the hair was intended to be used as a component of a Wara ningyō. Denied)
-Access to RPC-886 in exchange for a high amount of RPC-486-1s (Careful inspection revealed that RPC-486-1s have RPC-486-2s slipped between them. RPC-486 counter-pranked with a jumping trick snake hidden in one of its food tins. Ensuing scream could be heard all the way from Site-089's guard towers. Denied.)
-Snake repellent to keep RPC-702 away (Denied. RPC-486 would then go on at length over its dislike of RPC-702, causing RPC-702 to manifest from one of the researcher's pockets and pursue RPC-486 in excitement. This results in RPC-486 producing another 95+ decibel scream while accusing the researcher of having planned this all along. Researcher's temporary deafness ruled to be non-anomalous in nature.)
<Full interview history, breach logs and audio recordings - access limited to Security Department>
Addendum: With the accidental release of RPC-494, it is confirmed that RPC-486 occasionally leaves Site-089's grounds and roams civilian territory for various reasons through a poorly-understood mechanism involving LoI-089. Attempts to prevent this by patrolling LoI-089 has been met with failure, and proposals to deforest the area and install an outpost is ongoing.
RPC-486 has been strongly warned to refrain from attempting to breach RPC-257 once more. It claims to have no interest in a repeat incident.
Update: A month after beginning the usage of LoI-089 RPC-486 began displaying signs of psychological trauma: Sombreness, listlessness, restlessness and a withdrawn mood, alongside a reduced appetite (as evidenced by several unopened tins of cat food) and has not attempted any infiltration of Site-089. Most alarmingly is that it provided an unused and still-living Malthusian Bio-Modification injector to a visiting janitor, strongly implying an encounter with the hostile GoI "The Church of Malthus". It refuses to comment on how it acquired said item nor what it had experienced with the GoI, beyond vague comments on humanity's changes.
Attempts to query RPC-486 on events have been met with silence or requests to be left alone. Attempts to persuade RPC-486 to seek counseling has failed.
Due to the significance of the Church of Malthus' local activities, a vote decision has been passed to temporarily release RPC-886 out of Site-089 in order to approach and interview RPC-486.
Interviewed: RPC-486
Interviewer: RPC-886
Foreword: Dr. Kawada Ippei has followed RPC-886 as its primary supervisor. He waits 20 meters from the meeting. RPC-886 was made to carry a recorder that was also transmitting to Ippei's earpiece as well as other personnel listening in.
RPC-886: It's a beautiful day, isn't it? It's nice to feel the sun, the wind and the grass once more.
[ RPC-486 does not react to RPC-886. It appears focused on its thoughts. ]
RPC-886: Hey… Is everything alright, Mishio?
[ RPC-486 finally shifts its head towards its sibling. ]
RPC-486: …Huh. They let you out. That's nice.
RPC-886: Come now. The Mishio I know would be jumping for joy at this point, pulling my sleeves and badgering me to help free everybody else.
RPC-486: Yes, but… I'm not so sure now anymore.
RPC-886: Please tell me what happened. Please. What happened? This isn't like you. We are all worried for you.
RPC-486: You know how I'd keep saying that with our skills combined, we could probably free everyone while not releasing the worse yōkai in that cave?
RPC-886: I do.
RPC-486: I… don't think it's a good idea now. All the times you told me that it's too risky, that it shouldn't be done so hastily… I think I see what you mean by it. If everyone comes out so quickly… Many of them will want go back to fooling around with the humans in the heat of the moment. And it won't end well. There are humans like the ones here, who do their own things in secret from behind the scenes…
RPC-886: Who did you meet?
RPC-486: It started with a gang of punks. They were looking for trouble, so I followed them to watch what they were up to, and… And then they just slaughtered a group of adults. On their own. They turned into monsters, but they were not yōkai! They were human, but they twisted their limbs and opened up their bodies and-
RPC-886: Calm down Mishio. What were they there for?
RPC-486: Some prisoners! Those criminals? Kabuki-Kawaii or whatever they're called, they kidnap human kids - their own kind - twist their flesh to make them into half-animals and sell them off as… as pets and slaves!
RPC-886: And despite their monstrous appearances, those youths aimed to save the captives?
RPC-486: Yes, but no! They didn't want to just release the prisoners, they wanted the prisoners to join them in destroying human civilization! Something about joining a 'Church' and 'wiping the slate clean'! The leader of that gang, she was twisted by those same Kawaii-somethings to mimic one of us! Fox ears, and a tail she had cut off long ago! She… wanted me in as well, gave me that thing to join them…
RPC-886: Did you do anything to interfere in their recruitment plans?
RPC-486: No! I couldn't! They were killed! I was supposed to die in there!
RPC-886: …You were what?
RPC-486: Another group of humans raided the place at the same time! They just charged in and-and killed everything that raised a hand against them! The gang leader, she, she-
RPC-886: These assailants, what can you recall about these assailants? What did they all look like?
RPC-486: Their suits were all black except for three giant brutes and a dancing mad scientist. There were bright blue streaks, they all spoke in the same fake voice… I think I saw a fox head over the world as their icon-
[ RPC-886 seizes RPC-486 by the shoulders. ]
RPC-486: Sh-Shiomi? Hey, don't grip me so tight-
RPC-886: Mishio! Promise, promise me you will do everything to avoid ever crossing paths again with those blue butchers! Death comes to all who attract their attention!
RPC-486: Shiomi, were they the ones who-
RPC-886: Promise me!
Dr. Ippei: <Running from his waiting spot> Shiomi! That is enough, please do not put further distress upon your sister.
RPC-486: I cannot.
RPC-886: …What do you mean, you cannot?
RPC-486: That leader… if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be here. She still lives, I think. They have her, most likely.
RPC-886: You would go into the butchers' dwellings to rescue her? No! You will be at greater threat than the human will ever be in!
RPC-486: After what she did for me? I am owing!
Dr. Ippei: Your sister's concerns are valid, Mishio. Project Blue Book will not tolerate your prescence. Step anywhere close to their operations and you will be marked for death the moment you are spotted… <Ippei listens to a query coming from his walkie-talkie.> You mentioned a 'dancing mad scientist'?
RPC-486: There was. He was really excited.
Sr. Rsc. Junichiro: <Speaking through Ippei's walkie-talkie> I don't need to ask for the name to know it was Mamoru who took the Malthusian. You would do well to never cross paths with my brother, 486. Were it I who remained in Blue Book and kept to my old ways, I would have merely killed you and left it at that. Mamoru, however, is another thing completely. He will make sure you never die even as he carves you open and sews you back, over and over.
RPC-486: But I can't just abandon-
Sr. Rsc. Junichiro: Give it up! For associating with a violent organization harbouring goals inimical towards human civilization, your so-called 'friend' is classified as "Enemy of Mankind" under Blue Book's protocols. She will fare little better than you under my brother's scalpels.
RPC-886: That act of selflessness proves there is still some good in her; She is worth saving, Mishio. But you cannot do such a thing on your own. And you are on your own, here. Please, listen to the doctors for my sake as well as yours.
RPC-486: I… I… Fine… I get it. Can I please be left alone for now? I need some quiet.
RPC-886: <Hugging RPC-486 tightly> No matter what, please keep safe.
RPC-486: Easy for you to say…
<End Log>
Notes: RPC-486 has somewhat recovered its old personality and regained its appetite, but remains restless and contemplative of these recent events.
The injectable has been transported to Site-279 for study and research into the Church of Malthus' insights on symbiotic bioweapon creation, usage and regulation practices.