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fig. 1 Collection of RPC-483 instances at Site-089.

Registered Phenomena Code: 483

Object Class: Alpha-Red

Hazard Types: Grouped Hazard, Organic Hazard, Contact Hazard, Ideological Hazard, Memory Alteration Hazard, possible Sentient Hazard1

Containment Protocols: Instances of RPC-483 are contained in a separate locker compartment, each stored within the Alpha Containment Wing of Site-089. Direct human contact with any RPC-483 instance(s), although nonlethal, is forbidden on grounds of standard breach prevention protocol.

Description: RPC-483 collectively denominates 85 organic Nuo opera masks (see fig. 1). Instances are composed of a synthetic chitin formed through the deconstruction of surrounding elements via an unknown process. It is assumed that RPC-483 specimens were either created by an external entity or are descendants of RPC-483/1 (see fig. 2). Said chitin appears to have been reconstructed from various man-made composites such as reinforced concrete and steel. These materials are presumed to have originated from a Shanghai.


fig. 2 RPC-483/1

Of note is that RPC-483/1 does not resemble a standard Nuo opera mask, instead bearing a structure similar to that of a Bivalvia, in which two equally-sized valves are attached at the end by a flexible ligament. The object's valves bear patterns resembling the face of a Chinese guardian lion or lion-dog. RPC-483/1 is capable of opening its mouth to an extent where a human head would be able to fit inside, at which point RPC-483/1 would close and tighten itself, often hooking itself onto the host's neck via an array of 6000 microscopic teeth situated along the edge of each jaw, similar in structure to a contemporary hook-and-loop fastener.

Every other known RPC-483 instance is open-ended, comprising of only 1 valve with a long muscle connecting each side2. Microscopic hooks cover the strap, and protrude from the muscle's folds when the respective instance is worn by a human. The muscle also tenses, securing itself around the skull.

When fully attached, a fleshy proboscis will emerge from a hole on the top edge of the instance and bore itself into one of the host's tear ducts or nostrils, after which a separate appendage will split from the proboscis and attach itself to the brain, paralyzing the victim via an organic tranquilizer. Once the host is paralyzed the initial proboscis will burrow into the stomach and pump nutrients into its body. From this point forward the instance will parasitically sustain itself on the victim's stomach contents, consuming an estimated 23% of nutrients ingested daily. The host's nervous system is numbed after this procedure has been executed, whereas cognitive functions will shift dramatically and paralysis will end. This procedure, on average, lasts between 4-7 hours.

Immediately following attachment, hosts will presume a set personality differing from the former, exhibiting erratic and often hysterical behavior. Subjects believe their respective RPC-483 to be a magical device which grants them insight into an overarching conspiracy in which the planet Earth is an elaborate theatrical performance created by a powerful group of people and/or foreign entities as a means of deceiving the general population. As result, the subject will presume a generally eccentric and greatly exaggerated conduct with the goal of aligning with said conspiracy for reasons unknown3.

When not attached to a host, RPC-483 effectively hibernate until contact with the head is made. Metabolic activity in instances has not been detected when not being worn, making extended sentience debatable, as specimens do not possess basic homeostatic mechanisms such as blood flow and oxygen intake.

Discovery: Objects were seized by the Authority throughout the 20th century. Details are readily available in attached Addenda.





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